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Oh look! It’s America’s gun industry promoting gun safety. Yet again. With this being the holiday season, unlike the gun-grabbing scolds in the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex, the National Shooting Sports Foundation is reminding Americans about the importance of safely handling and storing firearms.

Don’t hold your breath waiting for head hoplophobic harridans Shannon Watts and Kris Brown to issue anything like what follows . . .

With the holiday season upon us, the National Shooting Sports Foundation® (NSSF®) reminds Americans to practice responsible safety measures at home, including safe and responsible firearm handling and storage.

“It’s important to remember that the holidays can be a challenging time of year for many, and that may be especially true this year—particularly for those who are unable to see loved ones due to the pandemic, or who may be feeling isolated or alone for other reasons,” said Joe Bartozzi, NSSF President and CEO. “We want to ensure families are practicing safe firearm storage habits to reduce the chance of a firearm accident this holiday season.”

Recognizing this, NSSF has launched its Project ChildSafe 2020 Holiday Safety campaign to remind Americans of the importance of firearm safety and secure storage, and provide tools to help keep families safe this holiday season. This includes safe and responsible firearm handling and storage information for current and new gun owners, home safety tips and guides on mental health and suicide prevention.

NSSF and Project ChildSafe have a variety of educational materials and resources available, including:

“Even though the holidays may be different this year, we want to encourage Americans to take the necessary steps to keep themselves and their families safe by continuing to prioritize safe firearm handling and secure storage,” said Bartozzi.

For more information and additional resources, visit



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  1. My son the fudd (a war veteran)protects my grandkids by banning guns from his home…duh. Marked as “safe” by fakebook😖

  2. Hope a bunch of kids get some gunms for Christmas this year. Sure was sweet opening that long box to pull out a wish. Times change though, here lately it ain’t been for the better.,,, Probably in the future it will be the rebellious kids who want a gunm, the non conformist.

    • Last several Christmases one or more of my (school-age) kids recieved a firearm. This year one of them wanted to try his hand at bow shooting so there will be a compound bow under the tree.
      Its practically become a tradition that some form of lethal weapon has to be there on Christmas morning. 🤣

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