The FBI has released its National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) stats for December 2010 [above]. The National Shooting Sports Foundation’s (NSSF) crack number crunchers have adjusted the figures to come up with total firearms sales for the month: 1,133,371 units. That’s a 9.9 percent increase over NSSF-adjusted figures for December 2009 (1,031,344). Year-on-year for the entire year, the NSSF-adjusted NICS figure of 9,436,182 represents a decrease of one percent over the NSSF-adjusted figure of 9,534,131 in calendar year 2009. Not bad for a country in recession. Still. But wait! There’s more!

More concealed carry weapons [CCW] permits. We know this because theĀ unadjusted NICS figure for calendar year 2010 (14,320,489) shows an increase of 2.4 percent over the unadjusted NICS figure (13,984,953) for calendar year 2009.

“The adjusted NICS data were derived by NSSF by subtracting out NICS purpose-code permit checks used by several states such as Kentucky and Utah for CCW permit application checks as well as checks on active CCW permit databases.”

In other words, CCW apps are up, 2010 ended strong for firearms sales but overall firearms sales remain static.


  1. To have a robust market, consumers need new and innovative products (think flat screen and 3-D TVs, smarter phones and iPads). I would guess that subcompact semi-autos (.380 and 9mm) are keeping the handgun market afloat, and AR variants are supporting the rifle market. Both market segments may be fairly saturated, and there doesn’t seem to much that’s new and truly innovative. Firearms manufacturers are hidebound traditionalists. It’s not surprising then that the market is flat. When Glock entered the pistol market with its innovative polymer models, the company turned the firearms world upside down and grabbed 60% of the market share for pistols. Since Glock no longer innovates, I have to ask: where is the next Glock?

      • I don’t see anything new there, either, just variations on the theme. Making it smaller or lighter doesn’t make it different, just smaller or lighter. The cartridges and firing systems of a hundred years past are still in use today. The pace of firearms evolution is glacial, at best. To get a taste of real innovation, check MetalStorm for example. A gun with no moving parts!

  2. The Ruger LCP and LCR lines have taken off like crazy. I have seen more and more of them in my Florida concealed weapons classes.

    I think the AR market is a bit over-saturated and is slowing down because I tried to sell one at a big gun show in Tampa in December and noticed that the exact same rifle I had bought at the same show from the same vendor was $200 cheaper.

  3. Love my little Ruger LCP.Get the holster,finger hold leather case with it,perfect in the back pocket.!

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