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Nation’s Largest Suicide Prevention Organization and the Firearms Industry Trade Association Join Forces, Launch New Education Program to Potentially Save Thousands of Lives

This Unprecedented Program Supports the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Project 2025 Goal to Reduce the Annual Suicide Rate 20 Percent by 2025

LAS VEGAS — Of all firearms-related deaths in the U.S. in 2015, almost two-thirds were suicide deaths, according to the 2015 Fatal Injury Report, Center for Disease Control and Prevention. To help stem this tragic loss of life, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) and the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) today announced at the Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show in Las Vegas a partnership to launch a new firearms and suicide prevention education program nationwide in 2017.

The program brings together AFSP community-based Chapters and NSSF-member organizations, including firearms retailers and range owners across the country, to educate the gun-owning community about suicide, warning signs, risk factors and the importance of securely storing firearms to help prevent access in times of distress. A pilot of this program has been ongoing in four states since August 2016.

“Of all suicide deaths in our nation, nearly 50 percent are by firearm. By increasing public education of firearms and suicide prevention, and by encouraging the use of safe storage options and thus reducing access to lethal means, we give suicidal individuals something they desperately need: time. Time for the intense suicidal risk to diminish and time for someone to intervene with mental health support and resources,” said Dr. Christine Moutier, AFSP’s Chief Medical Officer at a press conference today at the SHOT Show in Las Vegas, the largest trade show in the world for professionals involved with the shooting sports, hunting and law enforcement industries. “Research has shown that separating suicidal individuals from a variety of lethal means can prevent suicide.”

Firearms retailers and range owners are in a unique position to help disseminate mental health and suicide prevention education materials, and safe storage options to those who frequent their stores. With these public education resources, the firearms-owning community can help spread the word to those who may be concerned about a friend or family member who may be at risk, and who may have access to a firearm.

“Our partnership with AFSP allows us to expand our decades-long firearms safety efforts to include suicide prevention education,” said Steve Sanetti, NSSF’s President and CEO. “As the industry’s trade association with more than 12,000 members, we want to help. By making gun owners and the public more aware of suicide and responsible firearm storage, we are confident that we will help save lives.”

The firearms and suicide prevention program is an expansion of a pilot that began last August, in four states including Alabama, Kentucky, Missouri, and New Mexico. In these four states, relationships between AFSP Chapter volunteers and local shooting range owners, firearms retail stores and gun show vendors shared resources on recognizing the risks and warning signs of suicide and ways of reaching out to those who may be struggling, including:

Talk Saves Lives: Firearms and Suicide Prevention, a community-based presentation that provides an overview and understanding of mental health and suicide, and the benefits of connecting with those who may be struggling.

Firearms and Suicide Prevention, a new brochure which includes sections on safe storage options, statistics about suicide, how to recognize the risks and warning signs of suicide, how to reach out to someone when you’re worried about them, and where to go for further resources.
Firearms and Suicide Prevention: Facilitator’s Guide for AFSP volunteers involved in the program who need instructional information on leading community-based programs.

A new webpage which will showcase an overview of the firearms and suicide prevention program and the latest news. The organizations are currently creating a short training video on how to have a caring conversation with someone who may be suicidal, which will be featured on the webpage, and is due to be released in spring 2017.

“When I first heard about this partnership I was really encouraged. Working with experts in the field, we have been trying to teach gun owners about suicide prevention on a local level for a while – and so far it’s been a bootstrap effort, recruiting one firearms retailer at a time. But by expanding the education and suicide prevention program nationally, we will have a much easier time convincing retailers to get involved because NSSF is a name they trust,” said Dick Abramson, President and CEO of the Centennial Gun Club in Colorado. “At a weekly ladies’ night we hold at the Centennial Gun Club, we have already brought in a suicide prevention expert to speak on this topic. The questions asked were insightful and the audience was extremely interested. So we know there is a real thirst in the community for this kind of education.”


About Project 2025
Launched in October 2015, Project 2025 is a high-impact, collaborative initiative developed by AFSP, aimed at achieving the organization’s bold goal of reducing the annual suicide rate 20 percent by 2025. Using a dynamic systems model approach based on what the evidence tells us about suicide, AFSP has determined a series of actions and critical areas to help us reach our goal. With this approach we reach across all demographic and sociological groups to have the greatest impact for suicide prevention and the potential to save thousands of lives within the next 10 years. If we work collectively to expand the above interventions in key area (Firearms, Emergency Departments, and in Large Healthcare Systems) – cumulatively, we can expect to save nearly 20,000 lives through 2025.

About NSSF
The National Shooting Sports Foundation is the trade association for the firearms industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of more than 12,000 manufacturers, distributors, firearms retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen’s organizations and publishers. Through its Project ChildSafe program, “Own It? Respect It. Secure It.” campaign and other initiatives, NSSF promotes the safe and responsible use and storage of firearms and makes available many firearm safety resources at

About AFSP
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is dedicated to saving lives and bringing hope to those affected by suicide. AFSP creates a culture that’s smart about mental health through education and community programs, develops suicide prevention through research and advocacy, and provides support for those affected by suicide. Led by CEO Robert Gebbia and headquartered in New York, and with a public policy office in Washington, D.C., AFSP has local chapters in all 50 states with programs and events nationwide. AFSP celebrates 30 years of service to the suicide prevention movement. Learn more about AFSP in its latest Annual Report, and join the conversation on suicide prevention by following AFSP on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

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  1. It’s a noble gesture which should resonate with the general public but as long as firearms remain among the most efficient and effective means of suicide, the suicidal are going to avail themselves of the method. As a shooting hobbyist, I hate it as much as I hate those who perpetrate mass shootings and/or “suicide by cop”, but those who consider suicide as the “easy way out” as a permanent solution to temporary problems, the firearm is going to figure. We can perhaps mitigate the numbers, but we’re never going to eliminate it entirely, so let’s just do the best we can in the face of Human Nature.

  2. I think it’s good window dressing. Yes, suicide with guns will always be a figure, but by working with suicide prevention groups, the people of the gun get one up on all those whose only solution is to remove guns from the equation.

    • I think its terrific window dressing! We need more of this kind of thinking. Pro-active fact based solution hunting; great stuff.

      • Much agreed. I have been writing gun groups for the last couple years asking them to jump on board something like this. The timing is perfect too. Think about it, even if they are only half successful you will have a period of time that gun rights are expanding and “gun deaths” decreased by 3,000+ a year, it would pretty much dismantle the anti gun groups. They can’t make up 3,000 saves the whole time they have been in existence but the NSSF could do it each and every year, if even half right.

  3. “Please dont kill yourself. But if you do, use a noose, drugs, train, or bridge. These are just as effecfive as guns, and don’t leave a mess. Mostly. Also, dont be a dick and invite yourself over to a friend’s house and leave a mess.”

    • Sheesh, someone dying in their sleep of natural causes will cause a “mess” if no one finds them in a timely manner…. ?

  4. I have read (can’t remember where) that this program has already shown positive results. At the very least, it’s good public relations.

    • The ammo companies are pushing the gun companies out of the way because of greed. The ammo companies are only pushing for this because if people stay alive they will end up spending thousands in ammo at the gun range. If they commit suicide the only need one bullet. Greedy B@$t@rds

  5. Funny how the NSSF wants to do something about suicide but MDA and other assorted grabbers… not so much.

    • Same groups are against Project Childsafe. It’s almost like MDA needs bodies to justify an existence…..hmmmm.

  6. After people started renting guns to point them at their heads and fire, a couple of ranges here in the Chicago area now do not allow people visiting the range alone to rent guns. They must have or find a range buddy to share a lane. All this suicide prevention partnering to me means the firearms industry will be accepting more range buddy policies, waiting periods for purchases for gun sales, ending private transfers, and preventing the loaning of guns to friends. At some point, the education will turn to action and this is what action looks like.

  7. All this sounds like a terrific way to justify meddling (ever more) in private lives. Just as with all the do-gooder puritans who demand to monitor and sensor all the possible choices of others, this encourages totally unqualified people to psychoanalyze their customers, friends and family. How great is that!

    If people want help, they’ll go look for it. If they don’t, I can’t see that as anyone else’s business. The tool they use is not relevant any more than the cliff they jump off of.

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