NSSF Congressional Scorecard

There are just 14 days until the midterm elections. Early voting has already started in a number of states around the country. If you’re looking for House and Senate candidates who support the Second Amendment and Americans’ right to keep and bear arms, the National Shooting Sports Association is out with a helpful Congressional scorecard based on how each candidate voted on a number of gun-related issues.

Here’s their press release and a link to the scorecard . . .

NEWTOWN, Conn – The National Shooting Sports Foundation® (NSSF®), the trade association for the firearms, ammunition, hunting and shooting sports industries, released its 2018 Congressional Scorecard in advance of the upcoming midterm elections to assist voters when deciding which incumbent candidates, based on their voting records, are most likely to support their ability to purchase firearms and to exercise their Constitutional rights.

The scorecard is an assessment of several years of voting records on 10 key issues affecting firearms, ammunition, hunting and the shooting sports. It can be found by visiting www.nssf.org, then clicking the tabs for Government Relations and then Legislative Action Center. The voting records include such issues as concealed carry reciprocity, expanding access to public hunting lands and votes on Supreme Court nominees. The score reflects the voting record and is not an endorsement of a particular candidate.

“The National Shooting Sports Foundation is following a practice similar to that of other trade associations that report on how candidates voted on issues impacting their ability to conduct the lawful commerce in arms and encouraging participation in hunting and the shooting sports,” said Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF Senior Vice President and General Counsel for Government and Public Affairs. “It was clear in the last presidential election that the ability to freely exercise Second Amendment rights and fully participate in the shooting sports was a deciding factor for many voters. Members of our industry, gun owners and sportsmen and sportswomen are strongly urged to participate in this election and should be fully informed of how their prospective Members of Congress vote on the issues impacting their livelihood and recreational activities.”

The scorecard is an extension of NSSF’s #GUNVOTE® voter education campaign. #GUNVOTE allows voters to enter their information and find out who their candidates are, where they stand on firearms-related issues and steps to cast a ballot. NSSF urges all voters, “Don’t Risk Your Rights” and visit www.gunvote.org.


  1. In Texas, my senators and representatives are all 100%.

    I looked up Joe Manchin, he’s actually at like 68%.

    Kamalah Harris, Bernie Sanders, all the usual suspects are 0%.

    Beto thinks he’s going to win Texas? His voting record tells the story: 0%. Same as his chances of winning.

    I spent some time in more rural areas of Texas the last week, and Cruz signs have started popping up everywhere. Three weeks ago it was all-Beto, everywhere I looked. But Cruz has apparently decided not to bother actually campaigning until mid-October, but he’s for sure out there now. Trumpstock 2018 was outrageously successful.

  2. I can’t find the “SCORECARD” button either and, for that matter, I can’t find a “Press Release” section. I even turned off Ad Blocker and reloaded the site. No dice. All I get is bio information, just like Rick the Bear reported.

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