Eric Adams
Eric Adams, Brooklyn Borough President and a Democratic mayoral candidate(AP Photo/John Minchillo, File)
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By Larry Keane

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is in denial about the city’s crime. His time as the accidental mayor of Gotham is winding down just as crime has risen, leaving residents scared to walk the streets. Even Times Square is unsafe.

That’s not a standard that’s good enough for mayoral candidate and former cop Eric Adams. In one of the most strict gun control cities in America that’s in one of the most strict gun control states, Adams said he will carry a firearm if elected mayor.

It’s something to pay attention to with polling showing him in the lead. Big Apple residents seem to care more about safety in the city and a mayor who will walk the walk for them instead of pushing more gun control and cutting safety budgets.

Safety has always been a key issue in New York City. Last year, the city saw riots, destroyed buildings, burned businesses and rising criminal violence. Mayor de Blasio twiddled his thumbs and caved to the “defund the police” mob. In June, he announced a $1 billion cut to NYC law enforcement.

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio (AP Photo/Frank Franklin II)

Mayor de Blasio also approved a so-called compassionate release of violent criminals from Rikers Island even as crime escalated. He got it wrong again and even complained as the U.S. Supreme Court announced it would hear a gun rights case originating in New York.

The real problem is Mayor de Blasio chooses to limit the rights of law-abiding New City residents and blame them for gun violence instead of criminals breaking the law.

A Gotham Mayor Carrying?

Brooklyn borough president Eric Adams is a former police officer and saw enough to announce his candidacy for mayor. During an NYC podcast interview, Adams was asked if he’d carry a firearm in office should he win.

“Yes I will, number one. And number two, I won’t have a security detail,” Adams said. “If the city is safe, the mayor shouldn’t have a security detail with him. He should be walking the street by himself.”

The second comment was a dig at Mayor de Blasio, who uses a taxpayer-funded armed security detail. He has no issue with protecting himself by those who are paid to carry firearms, but he can’t fathom that New Yorkers would keep and bear firearms to protect themselves. Adams sees right through the hypocrisy.

Adams’ bluntness and focus on the city’s security problem earned him voter attention. A new poll of the mayoral race was released showing Adams with the lead over previous longtime frontrunner and failed 2020 presidential candidate Andrew Yang, who embraces a wide range of gun control notions.

There are still concerns. Adams railed against standard capacity magazines in 2011 while he was a state senator and backed budget cuts to the city’s police department in 2020 only to reverse himself this year.

No Soft Targets

Adams also advocated that off-duty police officers be allowed to carry their firearms while attending religious services and encouraged them to remain armed.

“If we have police officers standing in front of churches, then we can’t say it’s wrong for a police officer who’s off duty to be inside churches with a gun,” he said. “If they’re leaving those firearms home, I now say to them: Stop leaving your firearm home. Do as I do. Bring your firearm to church.”

Those comments came in the wake of the horrific murders at a Pittsburgh synagogue where 11 people lost their lives. The comments also resonate in the aftermath when Jack Wilson, a concealed carry permit holder and volunteer security guard, used his concealed firearm to stop a murderer from attempting to inflict horror at West Freeway Church of Christ in White Settlement, Texas.

Adams isn’t the only candidate talking about New York City gun rights. Fernando Mateo is a Republican candidate for mayor and said he would reverse the trend of city officials slow-walking concealed carry permits to reduce crime. On this point, he and Adams agree.

“It’s very hypocritical for Democrats that are currently running for mayor and carry guns or have bodyguards with guns to tell others they can’t,” Mateo said according to Breitbart. “Why don’t they give up their armed security. Why don’t the bureaucrats that are so anti-gun fire their armed security or surrender their guns?”

The city’s primary is weeks away and the general election isn’t until November. Some candidates are willing to buck the gun control mindset and take a stand for law-abiding citizens protecting themselves with firearms.


Larry Keane is SVP for Government and Public Affairs, Assistant Secretary and General Counsel of the National Shooting Sports Foundation.


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  1. Eric Adams made the statement about carrying if elected a year ago. That’s a long time in a political year. And, he never said anything about allowing anyone else to carry. Just himself.

  2. “If the city is safe.”
    Uh yup, pretty good double speak, he’ll make a fine mayor.

    • “He’s a politician so he’s 100% full of s***.”


      Just another “firearms for government employees and the citizens can gfo.” no matter if he wants to carry a weapon himself or not.

      • Yep, he is just another politician who believes in “firearms for me, but not for thee.”

        It’s the same old story; only the politically connected can carry guns in New York and New Jersey, and being mayor of New York is as politically connected as one can possibly be.
        Wait, on second thought, being mayor of New York and also a former police officer is as politically connected as one can possibly be! Eric Adams is the elite of the elite, in terms of his ability to carry guns wherever the hell he pleases while denying that same right to everybody else.

  3. So? He is a democrat, so he will continue to make it impossible for anyone but him to carry a gun. The first priority to protect our freedom, and our gun Rights? Vote out every single democrat from office. It doesn’t matter what they say, it is how they will actually vote when they have power, and they all vote to ban and confiscate guns…some more openly than others….this guy is a democrat…..that means he is a gun banner…….

  4. Great – guns for me and not for thee.
    Us “normals” don’t have the option of applying for a carry permit in NYC.

    My friend applied for one TWICE, they lost his application and made him pay the app fee TWICE.

    He got a job working private security and within 24 hours he magically had his concealed carry permit in NYC.

  5. “Even Times Square is unsafe”

    F$%k Yea!!! Now we are talking about the good ol’ days of muggings, porno, blow and hookers!!!

    I’d renew my annual Disney pass if they made that a ride at Magic Kingdom.

  6. This is B.S. news instead of fake news. This hypocritical turd brags about how he’ll carry a gun all while advocating that everyone else not be allowed to. Like most democrats, he obviously doesn’t understand or care what hypocrisy actually means. I don’t give a rat’s @ss what he thinks.

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