
“Like Europeans, Americans are tribal. Positions on issues like gun control are shibboleths of some of our tribes. As a result, it’s hard to get rational discussion on the issues that divide those tribes. Outsiders are, in these circumstances, indeed likely to be regarded as meddlesome. Some people will think you simply want your company to take sides with your tribe. (The sensible Europeans?)” – Kwame Anthony Appiah in Can I Make My Company Take a Stand on Guns? [via]


  1. Yes.. sensible. Have fun with the next World War being fought primarily on your continent, again.

    • All people are tribal and have been since the dawn of time. The Europeans, and to a great extent Americans of European descent, have dismissed this reality in favor of an ‘all-inclusive’, multicultural pipe dream that a nation can prosper with several disparate and competing tribes because all people ‘want the same thing’. This Utopian belief flies in the face of human nature, the law of nature and history. And will eventually lead to the destruction of the nattion ad tribes compete for supremacy on the basis of race and ethnicity.

      • If multiculturalism is a “pipe dream”, then certainly Switzerland (German, French, and Italian together for centuries) and Singapore (Chinese, Malay, and Indian together since inception, the English since the colonial times, and now any high-skill expat from anywhere) clearly must be failed states, right?

        • The difference between us and them is that they don’t take in the poor miserable dregs of society, and so by only accepting the best and brightest, they shine, while we drown in our own filth.

        • Dave, multiculturalism doesn’t garuntee a failed state or civil war, but it does make it far more likely. The United States is the largest multicultural empire in history, and has in fact handled that aspect fairly well, considering other states. However it has indeed caused a great deal of conflict within our society, and could still cause our empire to collapse in the future. Europe is just now learning how hard that is, as the influx of Islam continues.

        • Switzerland’s population is almost completely homogeneous – white, Christian European. Perhaps the island state of Singapore can be the exception to the rule. As I look at the unrest and division in this country, much of it built along racial and ‘tribal’ lines, I doubt that we will be…although I hope I’m wrong for the sake of my children.

        • to Constipated Wannabe in Hitlers Army

          Quote——————————-Dave, multiculturalism doesn’t garuntee a failed state or civil war, but it does make it far more likely. The United States is the largest multicultural empire in history, and has in fact handled that aspect fairly well, considering other states. However it has indeed caused a great deal of conflict within our society, and could still cause our empire to collapse in the future. Europe is just now learning how hard that is, as the influx of Islam continues.—————————-quote

          Read my above post and take your racism and shove it where the sun don’t shine Herr Hauptman. You missed your century you should have been born in Nazi Germany, your great hero Adolf was shouting the same racial garbage almost a century ago.

        • Crisco kid is just mad I call him out on everything he says, because everything he says is made up. From his made up democrat gun club, to his made up 1952 NRA membership, to his made up claims about 9mm having the ability to blow up Jupiter. And as for him calling me a Nazi, that’s rich, coming from someone who’s repeatedly called the US military “Neanderthals” who were “incompotent fools” compared to the Wehrmacht, simply because the US used .45 and the Wehrmacht used 9mm.

      • What’s really important for cohesion are shared values, philosophy, and culture. That has often coincided with race/ethnicity, but it certainly doesn’t have to. I know immigrants from more than one country and of various races who are far more American than some people who can trace their ancestry to before the American revolution. People from socialist, communist, and other totalitarian systems are often much more appreciative and supportive of the Constitution than many who grew up here.

        I don’t argue that we should let people in who have ideologies antithetical our Constitutional government. We certainly shouldn’t. But we should judge people as individuals.

      • To Naitive Son (translation: White Supremacist Nazi Moron)

        Quote————————–All people are tribal and have been since the dawn of time. The Europeans, and to a great extent Americans of European descent, have dismissed this reality in favor of an ‘all-inclusive’, multicultural pipe dream that a nation can prosper with several disparate and competing tribes because all people ‘want the same thing’. This Utopian belief flies in the face of human nature, the law of nature and history. And will eventually lead to the destruction of the nattion ad tribes compete for supremacy on the basis of race and ethnic———————————–quote————–

        Flunked history didn’t you Jethro, its obvious. The White Europeans have been massacring themselves for centuries and for centuries they were largely independent homogeneous countries until they immigrated to America. There they did indeed assimilate and many white Americans are now a mixture of so many European cultures they have lost track of who they are and what country they came from because in reality they came from many European countries due to interbreeding.

        When you consider it was due to multiculturalism that between the years 1900 and 1960 just a scant 60 years the U.S. became the dominate manufacturing country in the world your “ranting racism” is shouting to the world you were born and raised in an out house on the side of some mountain.

        If we go back 2,500 years ago one of the greatest empires of them all was Rome and if you were not retarded in regards to History you would have known Rome was a multicultural society that lasted 1,000 years which was way longer than the now defunct U.S. Empire that has largely disintegrated in just over a bare 60 years.

        One of Romes primary causes of failure after being successful for 1,000 years was that due to greed, graft and corruption the ruling elite which controlled all the land and all the money blamed the downturn in the economy, lack of jobs, and the multitudes of people on welfare on the “immigrants” who were actually the ones responsible for Romes economic success. SOUND FAMILIAR. IT SHOULD. WE HAVE MADE THE EXACT SAME MISTAKES ROME DID.

        • That’s funny…

          “When you consider it was due to multiculturalism that between the years 1900 and 1960…”

          You mean the preeminent years of the Jim Crow South?

          “Rome was a multicultural society that lasted 1,000 years…”

          Rome was multicultural in the same way that the colonial British empire was, which is to say they traveled the known world and where they found foreign cultures they conquered and enslaved them.

          For someone that espouses such a broad historical understanding, well…

          P.S. the ad hominem really enhances your arguments.

        • Jason. comrade cisco argues like a 13 yo. A slightly backwards 13yo. So I assume that he’s a graduate of the public school system in his early 20’s. He blames the US for his personal failures and lack of achievement.

          If he understood any history at all he would realize that his love of socialism simply makes him a bedfellow of the communist and the fascist. All 3 are the same in reality.

        • Crisco I don’t know who gave you an education but I suggest you return to them and demand a refund.

        • I love how cisco tries to call everyone else uneducated and then screws up basic facts. Like claiming Rome was the major power 2500 years ago when in fact that date precedes the beginning of the Punic Wars period when Rome began its rise to dominance by a couple of centuries.

        • Fish swims, dogs run around on all four, goose shit on everything and crisco kid spews nonsense while calling everybody else uneducated hillbilly Moron [sic]. It is just natural thing to do for each of them. None of them can help themselves.

    • Sounds like Europe is the right place for Kwame Anthony Appiahz. I don’t know why he keeps hanging around here.

  2. If you want a rational discussion start with ‘we want to repeal the 2nd Amendment so we can infringe on your right to keep and bear arms’ and we’ll respond with ‘good luck with that’ and be on our way. Short but rational. Otherwise you start your end of the conversation with lies and rational discussion is pointless.

    • Exactly. When Mr. Appiah mentioned “rational discussion”, I immediately thought of the cartoon character Yosemite Sam’s raucous laughter.

  3. Well, Kwame, if you like Europe that much, you’ll be pleased to know they have pretty liberal immigration policies, and the USA isn’t Cuba or North Korea, we’ll let anybody leave if they aren’t behind bars or under indictment.

  4. The Europeans, puhleese. If it were not for American guns (and lives) the “sensible Europeans” would still be goosestepping their way to work while belting out a few bars of “Deutschland Deutschland uber alles”!

    • To PAUL

      QUOTE——————–The Europeans, puhleese. If it were not for American guns (and lives) the “sensible Europeans” would still be goosestepping their way to work while belting out a few bars of “Deutschland Deutschland uber alles”!———————-QUOTE

      Sorry Jethro you flunked history. The real facts are that Russia beat Germany in WWII and no they did not need our help to do it and would have don it without us it just might have taken them a few weeks longer. The aid we sent them amounted to a drop in the bucket compared to the war material that they themselves produced. Britain’s and America’s bombing actually did little to stop the German war mfg. because it simply went underground and the Germans actually produced more fighter planes in the last year of the war then they did from the beginning of the war proving the air war was largely a failure just as it was to be in Vietnam only in the Nam war they won. Proving that yes there is a God.

      • Cisco kid,

        I am not convinced that Russia could have defeated Germany if the U.S. had stayed out of World War II. The United States pressing from the West and South forced Germany to send a LOT of resources to those regions — which means they were not available for the eastern front.

        And I am having a hard time seeing how the English would have stopped Germany from promptly overrunning English population centers in the south.

        • Cisco,
          No doubt the Americans would not have been as successful in WWII w/o the Soviets…and no doubt the Soviets would have been successful without the Americans. One hand tended to wash the other. Without American participation in the war, the Japanese would have had a free hand in the Far East, where they would have conquered many British colonial holdings, vastly weakening a Great Britain that was already on the ropes (and which, in the event of the home island falling, planned on continuing the war from their colonial possessions). Furthermore, w/o our participation in the war, had Japan decided to let a sleeping dog lie, they most likely would have ended up opening a 2nd front for the USSR by attacking Vladivostok. Then it would have been the Soviets fighting a 2 front war instead of Nazi Germany…would they have prevailed? Who knows, as history is full of such questions, however given the way history turned out, it was a much easier time for the USSR than it could have been. Regarding Nazi manufacturing, very little of it was actually done underground…sure there were major works like Mittelwerk, that produced V2 rockets, but those did not offer much ROI all things considered. Many other facilities were merely for assembly and not necessarily production/manufacturing, and many more were located in train tunnels, which isn’t exactly underground. And there is much more to wartime manufacturing than mere armament manufacturing, there is a wealth of information available on the web and the library if you want to learn more, as I won’t go into it here. My point being that neither us, nor the Soviets could’ve definitively won the war w/o the other. Perhaps if you educated yourself further on the subject…

      • Oh god. Yeah. Demand a refund. You’ve clearly been beyond brainwashed going on with that “Russia did all the fighting” line of communist BS. I suggest you actually read a book about the Russian front in WW2, and not just what your liberal professor told you.

      • comrade cisco. “Drop in the bucket?’ German tanks were rolling thru the wheatfields that fed Russia. Without American food and vehicles the Red army would have starved long before it could have beaten the Germans.

        Communism is such a corrupt system that it can barely feed it’s population without the pressure of an invasion. Stalin murdered more of his own people than the Germans did.

        The second most important thing the US did was supply vehicles. hundreds of thousands of trucks made the red army mobile when it needed mobility.

        Had germany had a one front war, against Russia alone, the germans would have won that war. The stalinist simply were not up to being anything but ‘yes’ men and murdering their own.

        Your lack of a valid education is showing. Again. Still.

      • Dear Crisco:

        Whomever is chiefly responsible for your genetic makeup, you should find them and slap them for making you stupid.

        The rest of the planet

      • Cisco Kid. You argue like a progressive. You yell “racist!”, “Nazi!”at anybody who disagrees with you.

        Sorry Cisco, we aren’t The Huff Post. Most people on this site respect facts and logic. Not insults. So try your counter arguments without all your Alinsky “Rules for Radicals”adhominens. You would get farther with more respect, cuz like Rodney Dangerfield used to say, right now, you don’t get no respect.

  5. Sensible? How does that word fit?

    About 400 people are murdered every year with rifles. A smaller number are killed with “assault rifles.” Yet somehow banning assault rifles has become the leading discussion in our nation. There is really little that is “sensible” about that setting of priorities.

      • Semi auto rifles are not used much for crime, so why are they the main target of progressive gun grabbers, right?
        Maybe because they are best suited for service in militias? Most useful for protecting the free state from enemies foreign and especially domestic?

  6. Europeans? Last I checked Europe was a continent, not a nation, and certainly not a people.

    NYT supports the anti-democratic EU. Surprise? Not.

    There “European” approach to firearms differs from country to country. This NYT muckraker has no clue what he’s talking about.

  7. From Mr. Appiah’s Wikipedia page: Kwame Akroma-Ampim Kusi Anthony Appiah (/ˈæpɪɑː/ AP-ee-ah; born May 8, 1954) is a British-born Ghanaian-American[1] philosopher, cultural theorist, and novelist whose interests include political and moral theory, the philosophy of language and mind, and African intellectual history.

      • Well “African intellectual history” wouldn’t take up much of his time. Leaves him free to advise us silly rebellious colonists.

  8. Europe went from kings / feudalism in the 18th century to socialism/socialist democracy in the 20th century and today. Despite revolutions, most revolutionary movements installed communist/socialist/totalitarian government.
    Europe was the birthplace of free thinkers like Locke or Rousseau but their philosophy never changed millennia of culture.

    • To Surfer on LSD.

      Quote————————-Europe went from kings / feudalism in the 18th century to socialism/socialist democracy in the 20th century and today. Despite revolutions, most revolutionary movements installed communist/socialist/totalitarian government.
      Europe was the birthplace of free thinkers like Locke or Rousseau but their philosophy never changed millennia of culture.———————————-quote

      After you get out of drug rehab you might want to brush up on your Fractured Fairy Tails of History. Europe today is largely Democratic and in surveys taken many states give their citizens more freedom’s than we do especially when it comes to the true democratic election by the people of their leaders as well as more freedom of the press.

      In France they do not have “two classes” of citizens like we do here in the U.S. as all French Citizens have the same Constitutional Rights. Not so here in the U.S. Gays are still discriminated against as well as immigrant citizens that are not allowed to become president of the U.S. What kind of horseshit is this anyway. AND GUESS WHAT GENIUS MOST EUROPEAN STATES ARE SOCIALISTIC.

        • To Rms (retro moron)

          quote—————————————Then move to Europe.
          Your problem will be solved.——————–quote

          Just one problem with that there is a 10 year waiting list in many European Countries for citizenship including France, Germany, Austria, Belgium etc, etc.. I am sure you get the picture and many of those people are American College Graduates fed up with the fact that they know if they stay it does not matter how much money they would make (usually minimum wage anyway) that when they become ill they would go bankrupt due to the fact that we have no National Health Care like the entire rest of the industrialized world has had for decades. It was reported just today THAT PEOPLE 30 YEARS OLD HAVE ONLY A 50 PER CENT CHANCE OF MANKING AS MUCH AS THEIR PARENTS DID IN THE U.S. IN THE PREVIOUS GENERATION. NOW IF YOU WERE 30 YEARS OLD WHY WOULD YOU NOT WANT TO GET THE HELL OUT OF THE U.S.

          A recent study done on Canada shows that if you are on the bottom of the economic ladder and wish to move up THE U.S. IS NO LONGER THE COUNTRY YOU WANT TO LIVE IN. As education is cheaper and better, health care is more affordable, becoming a citizen is not as restrictive, and there are better job opportunities now in Canada than in the U.S. Canada is now taking in way more refugees and history has shown that refugees and immigrants invigorate the economy of their host country and they have been doing it as long ago as 2,500 years ago during the Roman Empire. Strange the ignorant Hill Jacks with Her Drumpf as their pied piper of ignorance and insanity never bothered to study history in any way. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN IMPEACH HERR DRUMPF AND DEPORT HIS HILL JACK FOLLOWERS.

        • comrade cisco. You saying your socialists paradise in the EU restricts immigration? They set high standards to enter? We should follow their example and set high standards for immigration to the US.

          Funny, I was set to buy a vacation cottage in France before the .gov went nuts after the Paris attacks. I must meet a higher standard that you don’t.

  9. Lets see them do the European stance on abortion now and see how much they agree with it.

  10. Where he’s not wrong is about the fact there’s “tribes” (ie : group of persons who share a common view on the society) that can not understand each others.

    The idea of Nation lays on this principle, where the People share the same culture and values. But with the globalization and the multi-cultural trend that our leaders have tried and still tries to accomplish, the People and their Nation starts to gradually split in different groups that slowly starts to hate each others.

    In my opinion, a “multi-cultural” Nation is not possible, that’s just trying to rip off the whole human nature.

    And please, American friends, don’t think all Europeans (which, like said El Bearsidente before, are not a whole Nation, but a gathering of diverse Nations) are blind. We’re seeing this happening and we are prepared to stand for our values.

    BTW, I hope you, Americans, will be able to keep your culture untouched as long as the “liberals” will let you.

    • Sieg Heil ! LP gas on the brain.

      Where he’s not wrong is about the fact there’s “tribes” (ie : group of persons who share a common view on the society) that can not understand each others.

      The idea of Nation lays on this principle, where the People share the same culture and values. But with the globalization and the multi-cultural trend that our leaders have tried and still tries to accomplish, the People and their Nation starts to gradually split in different groups that slowly starts to hate each others.

      In my opinion, a “multi-cultural” Nation is not possible, that’s just trying to rip off the whole human nature.

      And please, American friends, don’t think all Europeans (which, like said El Bearsidente before, are not a whole Nation, but a gathering of diverse Nations) are blind. We’re seeing this happening and we are prepared to stand for our values.

      BTW, I hope you, Americans, will be able to keep your culture untouched as long as the “liberals” will let you.

      Please take your Nazi racial garbage and shove it. The U.S. has proved your racist horseshit wrong for over a century

      And I am not your American Friend my Father shot Nazi’s like you in WWII. Say did your grandfather run the gas chambers at Treblinka? If the human race ever destroys itself it will be because of racist scum like you. I am glad you do not live here we already have enough Nazi’s here as they love to march for Trump in candle light parades. Its just that the majority of Americans know how dangerous they are to civilized society and they gave the North Carolina Nazi’s one hell of a rough time.

      • He hasn’t started call us “Hitlerites”, yet for today.

        I haven’t heard that term in use since 1940s Soviet propaganda.

      • Wipe the spittle off your chin Cisco. Your anger is reflective of your socialist (political) upbringing.
        You will not mind us taking a blood sample to see what drugs are driving your delusions.

        • To Unrepentant Nazi Storm Trooper

          quote————————————————————————Wipe the spittle off your chin Cisco. Your anger is reflective of your socialist (political) upbringing.
          You will not mind us taking a blood sample to see what drugs are driving your delusions.—————————————-quote

          Yes and next you will be ranting that the Trump Nazi’s in the torchlight parade in North Carolina were Liberal Actors promoting fake news. I think its obvious it is you that are on drugs not me.

  11. F the NYT.

    It’s good to monitor, like ISIS, the Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah, and the POS MFn (D)NC, but there’s more than one reason you wouldn’t wipe your ass with it. So

    F the NYT.

  12. If your nation’s flag is on the moon raise your hand:)

    . . . Europeans and Americans are tribal like the rest of the human race is not. Pan chode pleaze!

  13. The Muslim invaders will make stern masters of your continent and your disarmed populace will cower at their feet.

  14. Sensible here is obviously a euphemism for “agrees with me.”

    I do wonder what it will take for this “all-inclusive” nonsense to be recognized by its purveyors as the bankrupt pipe dream it truly is. I suspect they are trapped in their own heads.

  15. The European “tribe” will soon be fully replaced by the middle eastern “tribe”.

    • As the US will become a Latino tribe. Only Israel is allowed to keep her ethnic and religious identity intact.

      • “Only Israel is allowed to keep her ethnic and religious identity intact.”

        Actually it won’t. If you had been paying attention to recent events and not so recent events the Globalists are trying to demand Israel take overwhelming numbers of fast breeding R.O.P.ers(Right of Return propaganda) and demanding Israel keep African “refugees”.

  16. Oy vey fella…land of the free and home of the brave. My tribe. Out of many one. And that pesky second amendment is part of the framework. Don’t “get” it? Leave…

  17. Europe. That bastion of all things ‘civilized’, eh?

    Well, we have *this* :

    “If it is considered ‘objectionable’ in the West to talk about the factual consequences of migration, in Sweden it is now viewed as a crime.”

    “It increasingly appears, therefore, that it will be Sweden that integrates into Islamic culture. Recently, a Swedish court ruled in accordance with principles aligned with sharia law, when the jury — which had two Muslim members — found that a woman who had been violently abused by her husband could not be trusted because she came from a ‘lesser family’ than her husband and that it was “common” for women to lie about abuse. The jury also berated her for having involved the police, instead of solving the issue by consulting her abusive husband’s family. The case caused a scandal in Sweden and the two jury members were subsequently dismissed.”

  18. Sensible? Ha! Then tell me why there’s still an uninhabitable wasteland in Eastern France and Belgium, where farmers still dig up munition shells fired a century ago.

    • quote——————————Sensible? Ha! Then tell me why there’s still an uninhabitable wasteland in Eastern France and Belgium, where farmers still dig up munition shells fired a century ago.——————————quote

      Much ordinance was buried very deeply in the earth and over time the constantly heating and thawing of the earth forces the ordinance to the surface. One farmer even found a complete intact tank that had been buried for decades. To try and run metal detectors over battle fields and then dig the battle fields up to certain depths would cost billions.

      • There’s a difference between ordnance and an ordinance, comrade cisco. You would know that if you didn’t have a sub par education.

  19. There’s a new tribe taking over Western Europe, and they’re not all that “sensible”, and rarely open for discussion, either.

  20. Okay, I’m going to be the outlier here and say how the hell does this make for news. Is it just because somebody in Europe mentioned guns while the blog contributor offers no context whatsoever to what was quoted? I mean seriously, let’s break this down–

    He’s saying that there are disagreements within tribes (countries) concerning gun control and that outside commentary is usually looked down upon. Some people will think you simply want your company to go along with the popular (tribal) customs.

    …And that’s it. Zero context to why this article even exists on TTAGs. I mean, I can guess being a NYT submission about guns policy at the corporate level, but this contribution is so lazy it absolutely depends on the reader making the assumption that [if] European [then] gun control a$$faggery without any supporting context. Granted, it’s an easy assumption to make, but goddamn, this lazy turd masquerading as blog content is not only a waste of time and bandwidth, but a disgrace to the people you depend upon as advertisers.

    • “…And that’s it. Zero context to why this article even exists on TTAGs.”


      TTAG exists for all things about guns, including *culture*.

      This article is covered under the ‘Know the enemy’ principle…

  21. Huge fail. The only people that openly call themselves tribal and their actions often reflect this are Jewish.

  22. I for one would like to see some of the tribalism preserved here in Europe. I’m from the Czech tribe and I am quite happy that our gun rights are closer to those of the American tribe than to those of most of European tribes 🙂

  23. .Every dog is a dog. Some do things better then other dogs. Keep mixing them up, doctoring them up, keep the week ones breeding. Eventually you wind up with not much of a dog

    • to Iron Brain

      Quote————————————–.Every dog is a dog. Some do things better then other dogs. Keep mixing them up, doctoring them up, keep the week ones breeding. Eventually you wind up with not much of a dog——————————quote—————-

      This racist rant gave me a good laugh because of its total ignorance. When I went over livestock records made in the Middle Ages I was astonished to find that the average weight of a sheep was only 30 lbs. When animal husbandry later took over by breeding only the best and largest and healthiest sheep and feeding them properly an entirely new breed of sheep emerged. And no they did not do it with just one breed of sheep rather they cross bred as well which proves your racist rant is totally wrong.

      Another fact refuting your racist rant. Studies in human eugenics proved that when two races interbreed the offspring take on THE BEST CHARACTERISTICS OF BOTH PARENTS. So therefore if the child is half oriental and they have eyes with the extra fold of skin or if one of the parents were black and the child was black again this is nature’s way of proving black skin or eyes with the extra fold of skin are superior to the other parent that did not have these traits. NOW THAT IS SCIENCE PROVING WHAT A RACIST MORON YOU REALLY ARE.

      • You were diagnosed as an autistic, weren’t you comrade cisco.

      • So therefore if the child is half oriental and they have eyes with the extra fold of skin or if one of the parents were black and the child was black again this is nature’s way of proving black skin or eyes with the extra fold of skin are superior to the other parent that did not have these traits.
        Yeah, being black and being lactose intolerant are fantastic traits to have in Norway.

  24. Europeans Are the Sensible Tribe –
    Yes, Nazism and Communism were totally reasonable and sensible.
    Current immigration policies are most sensible as well.

  25. This POS has never worked a real day’s work in his life. He has no business advising real businessmen, no less advising on our second amendment rights. He’s not a real American. He needs to go back to the UK or Ghana where I’m sure they do things more “sensibly” than us.

  26. Europeans are subjects to authoritarian governments that do pretty much whatever they decide amongst themselves with little to no public redress. They may be benevolent for now, we’ll see how long that lasts. No government, benevolent or malevolent deserves a monopoly on the use of force.

  27. Having been born in Germany, and coming here at 10 years of age, I also have a perspective on this. There is NO European tribalism. There is German, Polish, Russian, French, English etc. tribalism. The roots go deep, with many people whose ancestries go back 1000+ years in the same region. Even in little tiny Belgium, it was split in half tribally between the French and Flemish. Of course, now it’s well on the way to surrendering to the Moslem culture and tribe, as is the rest of western Europe.

    Multiculturalism is in essence a melting pot, which will bring us all DOWN to the lowest common denominator. The problem is that most people equate anti-multiculturalism to racism, and the people who believe that, have most likely already come from the lowest common denominator, which indicates their level on the bottom rung of the idiocy ladder……

    Since this is about guns, let me just say that some people require cranial re-organization via a speedy lead delivery system……..

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