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Obscure Object of Desire: Kel-Tec KSG with Mesa Tactical Shotshell Carrier

The SureShell carrier system comprises a replacement anodized aluminum Picatinny optics rail which supports one or two machined shell carrier yokes,” Mesa Tactical informs us. “Small aluminum flanges on either side of the main rail can accept additional lengths of Picatinny rail to support weapon lights or targeting lasers. A pair of unique steel recoil blocks featuring angled set screws ensure the rail assembly is securely mounted to the shotgun.” Ace gun pornographer Oleg Volk has snapped the hook-up between the 12-round shotshell schlepper and Kel-Tec’s 15 round (14 + 1) KSG scattergun. Twenty-seven rounds enough? Or too many? How do you combat reload this bad boy? Wouldn’t you be better off with a Saiga 12 and two 10-round magazines? Maybe, but I reckon this bullpup will hunt, provided its front leg doesn’t fall off. [Make the jump to see Adam combat fed the pre-carrier KSG.]


36 thoughts on “Obscure Object of Desire: Kel-Tec KSG with Mesa Tactical Shotshell Carrier”

  1. Sucker is gonna be heavy with all that ammo stuck on it. I hope and pray that none of us ever end up in a situation where we need this shotgun, because if 27 rounds are needed, that means a LOT of bad guys.

    • Also raises the rail up more… not great for keep a decent cheek weld. I appreciate what Mesa is trying to do here, but I’m just not feeling it.

    • Not to worry. In most cases, the chance of anyone using 27 rds to shoot multiple threats, without getting seriously wounded or killed in the process, is slim anyway. That kind of thing works in movies and home fortress fantasies, but not so much IRL when multi-threats move and shoot back.

      • Really? What about the North Hollywood shoot out?

        Cops were engaging two bad guys in full body armor who had them out gunned.

        There is no such thing as too much ammo.

        Trust this from a man who has been in firefights that consumed 400+ rounds of 5.56mm ammo.

        • Again, i’m referring to real life home or self defense scenarios, not the most violent bank robbery in the 20th century, and not combat. They are not merely apples and oranges; they’re apples and aardvarks.

          • It doesnt pay to prepare for the best case scenario.

            I used to live right next door to a bank.

  2. I think this is a nifty and possibly revolutionary system, but I like speed reloads after my tube mag is fully expended. After you use your initially loaded rounds, a regular pump action is much easier to reload.

    • You may be right. I think they are bogged with the popularity of their P2000 carbines. You can’t get a 9mm anywhere and the .40s are rare. My local gun shop says they recently introduced the .45 p2000 carbine but are on back order for at least eight months. So…. yeah…

  3. I literally am not going to forward the friggin photo to a friend of mine who has some type of gun buying addiction fetish. He would place an order for this thing asap. I think, by now, that he has about forty-five guns. He foresees a SHTF scenario and plans on giving out his guns to friends and allies: I’m like “whatever dude; how about doing diverse SHTF prepping and buying some survival gear and a bug-out bag too?” He can’t see the need for the extras. I suspect that when he was in the Marine Corp someone hit him in the head too hard with a pugil stick.

    • Bingo.
      And while he’s at it, buying 2 sets of all-terrain run-flat tires for a two-vehicle caravan consisting of two large 4wd vehicles, having welding gear and training to reinforce those vehicles with field-expedient armor. Just for starters.
      Every time I see pics of home fortress collections of black guns and ammo, i wonder how that guy plans on carrying it. Once your home becomes a target, outsiders will be working on that 24 hrs/day. The realistic options for hardening and defending a residence against determined assault are almost nil, especially given human factors of training, will, stress, fatigue, etc. Most collapse-scenarios which last over 30 days will realistically require relocating. And if the scenario lasts only one week, 99 percent of that stockpiled ammo and guns won’t be reqd anyway.

      • Well said. Eventually, most or many well-prepped places will be found out and targeted in one form or another. A large trained and equipped force is needed for long term resiliency if the SHTF ever happens. I like minimalism.

        A lot of guys are planning on hunting deer with their .308 for sustenance. In many populated states the big game will be gone sooner than later. Me: I’m planning on going more to ground level (and staying humbly in the shadows) and to using my slingshot (or a .22 that I need to buy) for small game like rabbit and squirrel. I’m also looking into buying a throw or gill net for fishing and snaring small game. I hope I won’t have to eat rat since it is risky. Currently, I’m researching a camp stove (heavier yet good for when the power is gone and I don’t yet have to bug out) and a lightweight survival stove (for bugging out) that is lightweight and reliable, and burns wood/biomass materials since I don’t want to rely upon gas or alcohol. Gas can run out and it is very unhealthy to cook with.

        • Sound plan. IMO proper disaster planning depends heavily on your area and specific situation. I might carry heavier weapons in a vehicle, but as soon as I’m forced to go on foot, it’s .22 only. Ideally, light scoped semi-rifle like 10-22, PLUS .22 handgun. If concealment or lightness is paramount (water is far more critical than firepower), then it’s .22 handgun only. In perfect world, one with quick-detach low power scope or non-battery optic. There’s so many, many ways to skin the disaster-scenario cat that it’s almost silly to explain on internet posts, cuz the devil is in the details, every option has pros and cons. Quick example — if anyone sees you carrying a rifle or shotgun, you instantly become the guy to attack, in order to get the rifle. Or, people will attack you because they perceive you as a threat. Are you going to shoot at everyone within 30 feet? In a real-life disaster scene, most people will not be threats. But one sight of an armed person, and they could feel threatened by the gun carrier. If you’re driving and encounter a regional citizen roadblock, you are unlikely to blast your way past them without being crippled or killed. Bottomline — just like IRL, it will be your brain and mouth that get you out of most problems, not your gun. And unless you’re a member of the baddest gang in the land, that one black gun will not keep you alive for long.

          • You have a couple good points, but you’re missing a few points.

            Some people who perceive threats will react by attacking them. But theres also the ‘flight’ part of the fight and flight reaction.

            Long guns have a deterrent factor to them.

            This was proved in Katrina. There were plenty of people out and about, and most were unarmed. Long guns in the right hands kept several peoples stores from being looted.

            Some people might attack some one who is obviously armed, but most people wont.

            • I didn’t clarify sufficiently, but I was referring to a more out of control disaster scenario than katrina, which as hypothetical SHTF scenarios go, was controlled, due to lots of police and military presence throughout.

          • The devil is in the details. We all have a different potential SHTF to individually assess yet we do share over-lapping concerns and goals. Water is #1 to consider for survival (in most cases). I live in Portland Oregon. It usually rains in PNW and there is access to places of water. Still, I need to be able to purify that water. Eastern Oregon is high desert a very different environment than the one I live in now. It is always possible that I could end up there. If I get stopped at a local civilian roadblock, I hope that my presence along with only carrying a .357 magnum 4” revolver and some sort of .22 rifle/handgun will hint to the locals that I’m not a threat sort of person, yet one never knows. Most Americans and most people in the PNW have guns so they are accepted here though obviously if a person comes equipped and behaves like a ninja commando that might concern others. I like to spend lots of time up on the prepping/survival sites. I find the ideas fascinating.

            • Of course, when I said “you” i wasn’t referring to YOU specifically. I think your roadblock theory is a smart one. And I know a bit about eastern oregon. People who haven’t been there can’t conceive what a vast lonely dry windblown wasteland parts of eastern oregon appear to be.

              • Sure, I realize what you meant. One (animal) thing that does concern me with heading out into the wilds are mountain lions. There are lots of them in Oregon and the PNW. Interestingly, after Florida and the SouthWest, Oregon has the largest number (or is it variety?) of snakes. Seriously. An area a couple hours +/- south of Portland has everything from rattlers to boas. Yeah even boas. People have released their exotic pets they no longer want. Those pets have survived the mild winters, bred, and multiplied.

              • I’m guessing in Oregon it’s VARIETY of snakes, not sheer numbers. I’m inclined to believe texas has more numbers than most states. Just riffing here, but I’d be more concerned with wild dogs in SHTF scenarios than mtn lions. When things break down in natural disasters and conflict zones, it seems that dogs form in packs and start turning predatory fairly quick when their alpha male masters stop feeding them. There’s enough mtn lions in my area to worry about, and we get attacks on joggers/hikers about 2-3 times yearly in a relatively small suburban area. My main fear with lions is that you don’t see them coming until they’re on you from behind, and unlike many predators, they seem to stay on you even after you start fighting them off.

        • Look at light weight alcohol stoves. They have zero moving parts, fuel is dirt cheap and easy to scavange (For example, your camping store might run out of denatured alchohol, but whos going to clean every automotive store out of the yellow bottles of HEET de-icer? Or hand sanitizer? Or anything else that burns?).

          I made my own out of beer cans. Google “Pepsi Can Stove”.

          Mine has been up and running for years. I JB welded the seems and the sides for added stability, and it weighs less than my wallet does.

          • Thank you. I did look it up. It is something to consider. There are also stoves that are designed to burn wood & biomass, and alcohol. Eventually in a SHTF scenario and if a person is away from an urban area it might be difficult to find alcohol.

            • It sure will be. And then it will be hard to find food and clean water, too.

              And if you’re far enough away from civilization, there will almost always be enough wood to start a fire with.

              I do it all the time here in the pacific north west. Ever tried to look for dry wood during winter in North West washington state? Its hard to find, but its there.

              Good cookwear is important, too. Look at snowpeaks titanium stuff. Its really good quality, but like everything good, it costs a lot.

              • I have never tried seeking wood during the rainy winter season in the PNW. I’ve been told to look under the lower tree branches or cut open and apart a wet branch if there isn’t any dry wood to be found.

                Snowpeaks has nice gear (cool snowminer headlamp/lantern) and I’ve bookmarked the site. I like the cookware.

              • I second the vote for snow peak, and titanium cookware in general. Like dave said, pricey, but lightweight as all f*ck.
                Aharon, have you watched dave canterbury’s youtube vids before he was a tv star? He’s eccentric and grungy, but an excellent guide to outdoor survival on a shoestring. I like his Five C’s of Survival.

  4. I read too many stories of Kel Tec’s cheap black plastic stuff falling apart to consider Kel Tec. They need Oleg’s photography badly.

  5. Sorry I prefer a regular 12 gauge shotgun that does not need to be reloaded each time I fire it. (Until I run out).

  6. I’ve defended positions in real life before. If you have a clear field of fire, good cover (As in, bullet resistant, at least.), and know how to use your long gun, it will take a LOT of people to dig you out.

    You may not keep them out, but if i’m out of options and have nowhere else to go, I’ll go to Valhalla before I give up my home.

    Tell me a situation where NOT having 15 long guns will be to your advantage. If it comes down to it, you can just leave ’em. You can trade them, you can arm frendlies, etc.

    Guns and ammo will be barter item number 1 when SHTF.

    That being said, food, water, shelter, fire, are much, much more important to worry about. Guns are usefull tools, but tools wont keep you warm and well fed.

    • “Guns and ammo will be barter item number 1 when SHTF.”

      I think there can be many different types of SHTF scenarios. Guns and ammo will be good for barter yet so too will health, medical, and personal care products, etc. It all really just depends. I’d rather have three (vs. fifteen) guns, and yet have food, medical supplies, etc. A bottle of the pain killer Vicadin (and Codine Cough Syrup) will probably be a great barter item in any SHTF scenario. If a person has two guns and is in terrible pain I can see one of those guns given over in exchange for medicinal pain relief.

      Guns can also be loud. Therefore using them to hunt might bring the BG or authorities looking for you to relieve you of your guns, gear, and life. An animal snare or bow and arrow is (mostly?) silent to hunt with. That $30 fishing throw or gill net can also be used to catch a rabbit for the pot and keep the BG from knowing about you.

      What if government is still somewhat in control and demands the turning in of all guns with lawbreakers facing 20 years in prison, and awards out to bust gun owners making gun barter very risky? Primitive hunting/fishing tools are probably going to be good barter tools and a way to eat.

      I love discussing this stuff.

      • I”m inclined to agree that some of the most desired barter items will be non-firearms related like meds, first aid stuff, water purification pills and filters, hygiene products like soaps, rubbing alcohol, lotions, BUG SPRAY, fire starting tools, sewing needles, thread, cordage, fuel, and especially those perennial faves — booze, recreational drugs like pot, meth, sedatives. If I was stuck in the boonies in mosquito-infested areas, i’d give away my gun in exchange for bug repellent. Smoke, mud smears and rubbing medicinal leaves only go so far. Mosquitos have driven hardened men to madness. That’s just one example of when having guns is almost meaningless.

  7. Past reviews had this Keltec falling apart, so I will pass.
    I dunno what to really recommend to people.
    Randy Wakeman Outdoors had people liking the Ithaca 37.
    I own a 37 and I love it.
    I have an older 870 Wingmaster, and it is a great gun.

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