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Joseph D Vilardo III, a security officer from St. George, UT sends his “Updated Every Day” from Everyday Carry.

First up, Joseph writes of his set up:

My work belt always has my flashlight and handcuffs for work, so the transition from work to off duty is adding the firearm and extra mag.

Sucks that he can’t carry his Smith & Wesson M&P 9C at work.

Check out that WUBEN LED Tactical Flashlight 1300 Lumens Rechargeable flashlight.  $38.99.  Almost too good to be true or the price on decent tactical flashlights is falling faster than the prices on flat screen TVs.

Likewise, he also carries a weapon light I’ve never heard of:  InForce APLc Compact WML Weapon Mounted White Light For Glock Auto Pistol 200 Lumens.  Interesting.

So, as a security officer, he carries handcuffs off duty?  Is this perhaps a dual purpose behind this?  Maybe he uses them for work by day and for fun at night?  I’ve only done the ‘handcuffing for fun’ thing (cuffing, not receiving) a couple times and it didn’t do anything for me.  Maybe I was doing it wrong.  Folks can offer their two cents on the handcuffing aspect of this in comments.

No, the last thing I want to do is do some handcuffing dance with a bad guy.  More often than not I might just tell the bad guy to run like the wind.  Even over holding him or her at gunpoint.  No, I want distance and obstacles (ideally cover) between me and an evildoer.  Not a pair of cuffs.





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  1. A security officer that carries handcuffs “off duty” is a wannabe cop. He’s probably one of those guys that thinks flashing his work badge gives him LEO powers just because his client site may allow him to detain someone.

    • His profile on that site has a picture of the same pistol with the caption “not every day, but often”

      Which is it?

      • “Sometime I am a tool, and am going to die, or go to prison for trying to be a cop when I should just mind my own fucking business instead of trying to be a hero”

        ….is all his profile should say.

        • Someone below said “unarmed security jobs suck” but all low-paying security jobs suck. Im sure they also attract the wannabe cop types

    • I am a retired reserve deputy. After seeing that video of the plain clothes HPD officer trying to get a male suspect in custody, yelling for help and a security officer video recording the incident, I have placed my cuffs in my car door side pocket. I will make every attempt to assist if I come up on something similar. I almost did, I was driving down a residential street in Humble when I saw a police officer bending over doing something. It looked like a big dog at his feet. As I get closer, it was a guy at his feet and the officer was finishing up the handcuffing. The officer had it under control but I stayed there ready to help if necessary, then several police units arrived and I proceeded with my business.

  2. Unarmed security jobs would suck.

    “Here, have these handcuffs in case someone tries to break in or do something stupid.”

    “Uh, if I need handcuffs to restrain some criminal how do I get them into the cuffs? I mean, if I need the cuffs they’re probably going to resist me putting them on in the first place…”

    “Oh, here we have that covered…”

    “So I can carry a gun and like a baton or something just in case and maybe get some basic level training for dealing with someone physically?”

    “Hahahaha, no. But we do have this manual of procedures that lists numbers you can call for the real police and a voucher for a free Krav Ma… oh, wait we changed that policy… Zoomba class! So you can get all fit and stuff and run away from the bad guy while calling the police! Also, we have a meeting once a week for hot yoga!”

    “This pays what again?”

    • Strych9, you really shouldn’t ridicule someone for how they earn their living or how much they make. Just a wild guess, but I bet there are a couple of people out there that make a couple of dollars more than you. Do you think they have earned the right to make derisive remarks about your profession and income. More than once I was glad a private security guard was there when the closest deputy was ten miles away.

      • How exactly does saying “Wow, that job would suck” equal ridiculing someone?

        Oh, that’s right It doesn’t ridicule the person at all. It’s a statement that the job sucks and is empathizing with the person who has to put up with that bullshit for a paycheck that they need.

      • I don’t think he’s ridiculing them.

        I have had people sometimes ask me if, on the path to being a LEO, they should do security. I tell them no. Best case scenario, they do a good job and are known as an able worker. They could get that same benefit by working at a deli. But the downsides are severe. Low training and significant legal liability are the norm. If you’re just watching a video camera and calling the police, fine… but if you’re expected to take any enforcement action? It’s a minefield. How much training do they provide on how to handcuff someone who doesn’t want you to? What about the legal implications? RAS versus PC? What if you don’t double-lock the cuffs?

        And while some security guys are good, there are a hell of a lot of them that do things like this dude, like carrying around cuffs “off duty” (lol), and ruin the reputation for the lot of them.

    • that zoomba line is priceless.
      my daughter mentioned goat yoga. not knowing it’s a thing i asked, “where the heck do they get the goats?” without a trace of irony, but with an audible eye roll she said, “it’s iowa, dad.”

  3. If you shoot someone well enough to put them down, it does not mean that they are out of the fight. Should you routinely cuff anyone you shoot. No, it depends on the circumstances. Handcuffs are no different than parachutes. You may never need them, but if you do, and are without, you may never need anything again…30…

    • I carry a lot of stuff. About 10 pounds counting the weight of clothes. I can honestly say I’m not worried that I may someday need cuffs. If someone is that violently inclined, I’ll restrain them through better ballistics if they still want to dance after I show them the business end of my pistol.

    • Do you carry a parachute when you get on a plane? I doubt it. In fact, there are precious few planes that have even a single parachute on them.

      As to handcuffs, if you’re going in the ‘what if you need it’ category they would be far behind things like a kevlar vest… and a helmet to wear in case you accidentally trip or get in a car accident.

  4. I’ve used the InForce lights on both pistol and rifle platforms. Reliable and good to go seems like.

  5. Some of the best professional L.E.O.s I have ever worked with started out as private security. Nothing wrong with stepping on the bottom rung of the ladder. Most of those guys are out there with a target on their chest and nothing shoot back with. You tell me what’s more brave. And they have made a difference. No, I never was private security.

  6. What a goober. Hopefully he just has them around to play make-believe because I’d bet dollars to donuts he has no idea how to use them or the legal implications of even trying to put them on someone.

  7. As someone who enjoys security work, just stop with that “duty” bs an lose the handcuffs unless its required by the contract. Having witnessed a coworker being arrested for unlawful detention an kidnapping just stop while you are ahead.

  8. Ahhhh, St. George Utah, home of retirees. Think Florida but prettier.
    Clicked on the link and the comment he gave was that basically all he needed was a light and cuffs because where he was isn’t that dangerous.
    Crime is everywhere but St. George is probably low on the list for Utah.

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