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Kimber Gun Rights Bulletin: Ohio Concealed Carry Permits Up 59 Percent. Winning?

“A record 25,474 concealed-carry gun permits were issued in Ohio during the third quarter this year,” reports, “a 59 percent jump over the same period in 2015. In addition to making it likely the state will set a new record for the year, the quarterly statistics released Wednesday by Attorney General Mike DeWine mean that about 1 in 16 adults in the state has a concealed-carry permit.” [Click here for the official report.]

According to The Buckeye Firearms Association, Ohio is home to 574,000 active permit holders. While that’s more people than you can fit in TTAG’s secret above ground bunker, the half-million-plus state-sanctioned concealed carriers account for just eight percent of the adult population. A stat that raises an interesting question: at what point is gun ownership secure?

Gun ownership is “becoming mainstream,” said Jim Irvine, president of the Firearms Association,and concealed-carry instructors are “swamped with demand for their classes.”

“Concealed carry used to be mostly hard-core shooters, but it has become increasingly popular with soccer moms and others who just want to be safe in their everyday life,” he said.

Soccer Moms are liberty’s safest place? Who knew? Meanwhile, it’s become increasingly clear that concealed carry liberalization — don’t you just love that expression? — leads to larger numbers of Americans exercising their right to bear arms. Which leads to more liberalization.

Ohio legislators have approved several laws in recent years reducing restrictions on concealed-carry permits and increasing locations where guns can be carried.

Senate Bill 199, which is awaiting Gov. John Kasich’s signature, will allow permit holders tobring guns on college campuses, day-care centers and some unsecured government properties. However, college and university trustees, city councils and county commissioners would have to authorize carrying concealed handguns.

The bill also says employers won’t be able to prohibit workers from storing guns in theirvehicles on workplace parking lots ” a provision opposed by business groups including the Ohio Chamber of Commerce. Also, active military personnel who have weapons training can carry concealed handguns without a permit.

If only this were California. Or Hawaii. Or New Jersey. Etc.


13 thoughts on “Kimber Gun Rights Bulletin: Ohio Concealed Carry Permits Up 59 Percent. Winning?”

  1. “1 in 16 adults in the state has a concealed-carry permit.”
    “eight percent of the total population.”

    Those two numbers don’t reconcile, especially when you factor in the underage population. Somebody need to go over the math again.

    The headline is misleading, at best. Permits are not “up 59%.” They’re being issued at a 59% faster rate.

    It’s still good news, in a couple different ways. It adds to the mountain of data that indicates more guns don’t cause more crime, and it adds to the number of voters who are less likely to elect a gun-grabbing liberal.

  2. In addition, I think firearm ownership and people willing to exercise their rights is a real political bellwether. As more people exercise their rights, they will obviously resent any political movement that tries to restrict those rights. Ohio might start leaning right more consistently.

  3. Nope, a loss. As Tom Gresham says, “a permit is a ‘Mother may I’ situation. It isn’t a right if you have to ask the government for permission.”

    Yes, it’s nice to see people jumping through the hoops, but that doesn’t alter the fact that they are hoops. And those hoops can be changed.

    • I think we can agree that any permitting process is an infringement. That doesn’t negate the fact that when more people own and carry guns it’s a win, even if we abide by an unconstitutional law in the process.

    • Yeah. I would think people would have learned by now that politics don’t change over night. As long as progress is moving in the right direction, which it has been in Ohio, then we’re still winning. The most stable political change happens gradually, if it changed too quickly, I would be more worried because then it could quite easily change back and probably would from the shock it would cause among the less gun friendly people. I never liked this all or nothing mentality. Take what victories you can.

      I can tell you, since concealed carry was passed in the state, the training requirement was reduced from 12 hours to 8 hours, there was a law passed to make sure the laws were uniform across the state, the requirement to have your gun uncovered when you get into a vehicle was removed… We still need to remove that duty to inform condition but… Anyway, all going in the right direction.

  4. ” at what point is gun ownership secure?”

    When there’s 40 million members of the NRA, then gun ownership will be as secure as Social Security is.

    When there’s a paltry 5 million members, the left feels emboldened enough to label the NRA a “domestic terrorist organization”. When there’s 40 million members, they wouldn’t dare.

    • I don’t think NRA membership is the key. Rather I think it’s carry rules and laws that normalize firearms in daily life.
      When half the adult own guns the issue of gun control fades away. This election probably included gun rights voters among the crowd and if you can frame opponents of other causes gun grabbers as well you can achieve your goals.

  5. “Soccer Moms are liberty’s safest place?”

    Probably not. Middle class suburban moms who spend too much time driving their kids to soccer practice are likely to drop gun rights when they discover that there are no Prada holsters.

    The moms that will stick with gun rights are just plain moms and they’ll be driving their kids to shooting practice.

  6. You have a right of self defense and the right to have the items for that right given to you by your Creator. You do not need governments permission (permit) to exercise that right. Wake the frell up sheeple, what government gives can be taken away. Get a permit, they know who has the weapons.

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