Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine discusses a law that gives school districts the option of arming trained school employees, on Monday, June 13, 2022, in Columbus, Ohio. (AP Photo/Andrew Welsh-Huggins)
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By Andrew Welsh-Huggins and Mark Gillispie, AP

Ohio school districts could begin arming employees as soon as this fall under a bill signed into law Monday by GOP Gov. Mike DeWine.

The law, as enacted, requires up to 24 hours of training before an employee can go armed, and up to eight hours of annual training. The training programs must be approved by the Ohio School Safety Center, and DeWine announced he’s ordering the center to require the maximum 24 hours and the maximum eight hours.

Schools can provide additional training if they wish, DeWine said.

Before announcing the bill signing, the governor outlined several other school safety measures he and lawmakers have promoted, including $100 million for school security upgrades in schools and $5 million for upgrades at colleges.

The state is also adding 28 employees to the school safety center to work with districts on safety issues and to provide training under the new law. Ohio has also provided $1.2 billion in wellness funding for schools to address mental health and other issues, the governor said.

The new law “is giving schools an option, based on their particular circumstances, to make the best decision they can make with the best information they have,” DeWine said.

The governor said his preference remains that school districts hire armed school resource officers, but said the law is another tool for districts that want to protect children. He emphasized that it’s optional, not a requirement.

Several big-city Ohio mayors — all Democrats — joined together Monday afternoon to criticize the measure and failure of Republican lawmakers to consider any gun control proposals. The mayors are seeking universal background checks, red flag laws to take firearms away from anyone who is perceived a threat, raising the legal age for gun purchases to 21, and a ban on assault rifles like the kind used in the Uvalde, Texas, school shooting that killed 19 elementary students and two teachers.

“All of these things are common sense,” said Toledo Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz. “We’re in a situation where we can’t pass legislation that 95% of our citizens support.”

Also Monday, former Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley, DeWine’s Democratic opponent for governor, criticized DeWine for signing the armed school employees bill, saying he had failed to make good on his promise to address gun violence after a mass shooting in Dayton killed nine people and wounded more than two dozen in August 2019.

Teacher Training Shootings
Cindy Bullock, Timpanogos Academy secretary, participates in shooting drills at the Utah County Sheriff’s Office shooting range during the teacher’s academy training, in Spanish Fork Canyon, Utah. (AP Photo/ Rick Bowmer)

Whaley also criticized DeWine for previously signing bills that eliminated Ohioans’ duty to retreat before using force — the so-called “stand your ground” bill — and made a concealed weapons permit optional for those legally allowed to carry a weapon. The concealed weapons change took effect Monday.

“The politics got hard and Mike DeWine folded,” Whaley said. “Nine people in Dayton was worth the political risk.”

In the wake of the Dayton massacre, DeWine announced his “STRONG Ohio” plan to address gun violence. His proposals include higher penalties for violent felons caught with guns and ensure that mentally ill people don’t have guns if a court deems them dangerous to themselves and others.

Cracking down on violent felons is also a way to protect children, the governor said. “We’re seeing a lot of children who are killed not in school, but in their own homes, on their own streets,” DeWine said. “And they’re killed by violent offenders, and they’re usually repeat violent offenders, who are shooting randomly, or shooting at somebody and the kid gets in the way.”


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  1. How about you just let people exercise their F’ing rights! No training, no permission slip, no bull$hit!

    • I can’t fault the training. I can picture a town hundreds of years ago, telling the new hire, “We would like for you to keep a pistol or rifle at hand, in case the school is attacked. We would also like you to demonstrate that you’re competent to handle a weapon. Let’s go out back of the school house, and see your marksmanship.” If the new hire can’t hit a 5 gallon bucket at 20 paces, he doesn’t get hired.

      Training. Unless it’s overdone beauracracy, training is almost always a good thing.

      • if you think some teachers don’t carry guns you’re incredibly naive…but it’s usually for personal protection…not to defend the whole school

    • Pirate, with all due respect, I don’t think what I read was a 2A issue. What I understood is that these people will be armed and paid employees. If you take the King’s coin you accept his terms. In this case mandatory training. Wheather you take the job or not, it it still has no bearing on your personal 2A rights.

      • Gadsden Flag,

        Good points. I tip my hat to you fine sir.

        Having said that, I believe there is a valid argument to make that employers generally cannot require you to give up your right to life (which necessarily includes effective self-defense) to work for them. Then it all boils down to whether or not an educational staff member can claim that a training requirement negates effective self-defense. Clearly, being unarmed until you complete training means you cannot employ effective self-defense during the interim. Is that egregious enough to claim that your employer is infringing on your inalienable right?

        I don’t have an immediate opinion on that last question. I suppose it would boil down to how long until you could complete the training. If your training does not start for two weeks, I could live with that. If your training does not start for six months, I would definitely object to that as an undue infringement.

        • uncommon_sense, The teachers and staff in Ohio’s schools have been living and functioning in “good free zones” for years. The governor emphasized, “He emphasized that it’s optional, not a requirement.” Therefore no person is required to take on this responsibility. However, those who do will be required to take the training as instructed by their employer. This is no different that a teacher being required to have college a degree to teach in their chosen field. This is an employer employee agreement while they are on the employer’s premises and has nothing to do with any 2nd amendment violations. “Gun Free Zones” are 2nd amendment violations.

      • correct, and well stated.
        I’ve followed the FASTER Saves Lives programme, developed bo Ohio’s Buckeye Firearms Association, a private non-profit club, that rose up out of the Sandy Hook school incident a dacade or two back.

        They carefully developed the training programme, mandated for any volunteers who wanted to carry at the schools where they already worked, to cover a veriety of isses specific to the school environment. Things like classroom security, effective responses to various threats, managing injured, including EMT level first response medical care, identifying and containing threts, communication during an active event (which TOTALY collapsed in the recent Uvalde incident), etc. SInce volunteers for the programe already had their Ohio Mother MayI Cards to carry their own weapon concealed everywhere ese, they HAD to already be marksmen of acceptable skill, as Ihio back then mandated 12 hours professional training and a rether rigourous live fire handgun skills test target to qualify. So anyone with an Ohio Mother May I Card was already far more skilled/trained than the vast majoirty of folks out there My state requires NO formal training (we all get it, though. gu clubs and ranges, non-oroifit classes, friends/family that are sikilled, etc) but nothing is mandated, Next state away, three hours of classroom trianing only no live fire, on safety rules and the law, with a ilttle bit tossed in about gun handling recommendations, but no firearms demonstrations. Few states requre any formal training, and I’m fine with this. How do we learn to ride a bike when we’re a kid? Two ways.. someone assists yuo till you’ve got enough to figure the rest out, or you try and fall, developeing a few acres of road rash.Either way, yuo learn. Some schools had a half hour “class” on roadway safety issues, which put most of us to sleep.

        FASTER is a very well developed and soiphissticated programme, and has been “exported” to a nubmer of oter states. It WORKS,, with a 100% successful track record so far. NOT ONE gun relateed incident in any of the 2000+ districts where it is in place, in the years it has been running.

        I think DeWine has taken a strong stand, made a law that is clear and eassy to implement, stepos on NO ONE”S toes, and will be successful at continuing the strong track record in Ohio of no shootings in Ohio schools awhere this programme has been in place.

        Texas, on the other hand, has a siilar law already, allowing each district to decide whether their adult staff can be armed at school. Dont know for sure, but I think each district has to approve of this, then establish the requriements/training before it goes live. Uvalde had specifically decided NOT to adopt any such programme. Their schools would be “rotected” by speciai LE officers.. who did not do such a hot job recently when it mattered.

        Part ofOhio’s programme included sich tings as Mike added to the :teachers can carry legally now) part.. issues relating to security issues. WHY were no keys availble to gain access into the classrooms where the killer was active at Uvalde? Ohip’s programme dealt wit such issues. And ALL the trainees for FASTER learned, and were to specificallyl learn the sisut=ation at their own school. DeWine has carefully considerd all this, the legislature worked hard to build a compreheneisve programme that should help.

      • armed security guards usually get about that much training…so sounds about right with some in-house training factored in…

    • OK with no training or permit as long as they accept full responsibility if they foul up legally or tactically. The purpose of training is to reduce the likelihood that they will foul up. To be fair, training needs to be readily available at modest cost.

      When I got my concealed carry permit, the trainer was a private citizen licensed by the state. The day long class, which finished with an easy marksmanship test, was held on a Saturday. Cost was $85. I had to provide my own handgun and ammunition. I’d have taken the class even if it wasn’t required. Since then, I’ve spent good money on Mas Ayoob’s MAG40 and Andrew Branca’s legal DVDs. Anything to avoid ruining my life due to ignorance.

    • “The law, as enacted, requires up to 24 hours of training before an employee can go armed, and up to eight hours of annual training.“

      Wow, a whole 24 hours of training?

      So how does that compare with other training requirements in Ohio?

      “The state of Ohio requires 1,200 hours of cosmetology school. Pass the practical and theory tests, then take 8 hours of continuing education credit every 2 years to keep your license“

      Interesting, 1200 hours training for a hairstylist, as opposed to 24 hours training to carry a deadly weapon eight hours a day in a classroom of 30 to 40 adolescents.

      And no mention of theory or practical testing for carrying a lethal weapon in a school full of kids, as opposed to both theory and practical skills testing for hairstylists.


      • “And no mention of theory or practical testing for carrying a lethal weapon in a school full of kids, as opposed to both theory and practical skills testing for hairstylists.”

        I love how you leftist types come up with terms and things and invent stuff stuff, like its always someone else that screwed up.

        And just what is the “theory or practical testing for carrying a lethal weapon in a school full of kids”? Is there a text book or something? Or is it maybe that its no different from what happens every day thousands of times daily with people that carry around thousands of others, nationwide, with no problems at all … or maybe, you know, its included in the 24 hours of training from which a person can easily extrapolate and receive the same information in the basic skills set training. Its not different because there are kids in the school.

        • They want to come up with a set of rules that have more penalties than benefits and training requirements that are either unrealistic in order to deter people from exercising their right to self defense.

          They tried the same when Ohio first passed the CCW permit process. I was against the permit process back then because it disenfranchises those that need to protect themselves by forcing them to pay for the right. They would have to pay for the firearm, the ammo, then pay for CCW training course, then pay for a permit. Thankfully, the requirements for the CCW permitting process were not too bad…but it did take a lot of money away from the purchase of a better firearm, ammo.

        • “every day thousands of times daily with people that carry around thousands of others, nationwide, with no problems at all“

          So you are claiming that there are “no problems at all” with people who carry firearms nationwide.

          Wow, that is quite the claim.

          “The National Safety Council reports that about 1% of all gun deaths are preventable, unintentional discharges. That figure may sound small, but it amounts to about 535 accidental gun deaths a year, as well as many more injuries. That means more than one person dies from an unintentional firearm discharge every day.“

          It seems your assertion is, as Attorney General Bill Barr says, “bullshit”.

          “And just what is the “theory or practical testing for carrying a lethal weapon in a school full of kids”? Is there a text book or something?“

          Well yes, actually there are several textbooks regarding the safe carriage and employment of lethal weapons around fragile populations in public areas.

          “Its not different because there are kids in the school“

          Do you think the dynamic of having 30 or 40 inquisitive and impulsive adolescents in the room with the CCW teacher, fully occupied in teaching those kids for 6 hours, doesn’t change the situation?

          But what are the training requirements, I’m sure the Republican legislature took the time to carefully and specifically outline the necessary training.

          “What would be the minimum training if HB 99 becomes law?
          This is a complicated question. The bill says “at least four hours of training in scenario-based or simulated training exercises” is required.
          But beyond that, there’s a debate between Republicans and Democrats about what else would be mandatory.

          The bill says initial training could be no more than 24 hours, but it would also have to follow the authorization process for armed security guards and private investigators. That rule requires 20 hours of handgun training and five hours on any other weapon.
          And just to make things more complicated, that piece of law allows certain exemptions to those hours.”


          “at least four hours of training in scenario-based or simulated training exercises”

          “simulated training exercises” WTF?

          It’s not really clear that there is any sort of live-fire proficiency testing, here’s the Ohio manual regarding the basic certification course:


        • MINOR MIner49er. You are reaching again. First overall there are VERY few problems with people carrying their firearms. Most negligent discharges occur at home while a person is clearing a gun or on the range. They don’t occur while a gun is in a holster on your hip. You see a gun can’t shoot itself?
          The proposed course for teachers who elect to carry is sufficient. Although I don’t think you could pass.
          The basic certification course, you refer to is for Ohio, and it their manual. Each state has a similar qualification for ARMED SECURITY GUARDS. These manuals are NOT for individuals who choose to carry. For your further edification, the NRA has two courses which are for civilians. One is Personal Protection in the Home, which is the prerequisite for the second, Personal Protection Outside the Home.
          Again, but for you open your mouth be sure your brain is engaged?

      • Hey mister minor… check out the case, Ithink it was in Mentucky maybe ten years back. A Grandmother had raised six girls of her own, did their hair as they were groing up. Her granddaughters loved to come visit and Grannie would do their hair as well. Friends came, she did their hair, however they wanted, or she’d try new things, They loved it, it was good time spent with a wise and seasoned woman Some whingey karen type caught wind of it, that she was doing hair for those NOT related to her., She got busted, fined, courts went hard on her…. demanded she take the 3000 hours of school before she could touch another girl’s hair. She said NUTS. .. I’ve been doing hair like this for fifty years or more, could probably teach the schools a tning or two. She got mad, talked t her state Rep, who agreed, they went to work and researched HOW that three thousand hours got spent… proved to the legislature it was way over the top, conter productive, restraing/barrier to entry in the trades, and got the state law change. Now the only requirement for anyone to mess with someone else’s hair was a simple week or so long class involving health, sanitation, diseases/infestations that might be seen, and how to deal with not spreading them. The 3000 hours got tossed, The “industry” was apopleptcic, as it was now busted wide upen s the barrier to entry was now reduced to matters of lublic health and safety, a berrier easily surmounted by anyone.

        So YOUR indicating that Ohio requires 1200 hours training to do someone else’s hair is what is rediculous. Way out or proportion for any purpose other than restraining of trade, and raising a berrier to entry high enough only a few can afford it. It also serves to keep the price of such services artificially high. With that much training and retraining in place, anyone working that industry MUST charge a lot more to pay for the class work ANd the lost/non-productive time to take the training.
        A valid conclusion from your rant is that the requirement for hair work is outrageous, and should be reduced to the practical necessity to prevent safety issues from harmning the public.

        You should go and learn specifically WHAT information will be passed along in that training now required to prepare adult staff to be able to carry their own guns at school, something theyve mostly been doing for decades or more.

        This is a GREAT step toward hardening Ohio’s schools against with dirtbags as the killers at Sandy Hook, Parklend, Columbine, Uvalde. VERY low cost, and by far the most effecgive plan ever.
        Just think.. if ONE of the two teachers who had been trapped in that classrom with the dirtbag had been armed and skilled, the incident would have been over in less than three minutes, we’d have one, maybe two, students dead on the floor, and one perp dead on the floor.
        Go find the video of the church shooting happened at the West Freeway Baptist Church near Dallas a bit more than a year ago. Two dead victims, one dead perp. Three armed men were moving against the perp, and six seconds from when the first victim got hit, perp was dead on the floor. THAT”S good protection for the few hundred in the buidling, and good deterrent for any other dirtbags comtemplating taking up a similar endeavour.

        No idea how much training the guy who hit the perep and killed him had to prepare him for this event. I know plenty of folks even in their teens, who can shoot at least as well and quickly and accurately as that man did One young man I know was in the Police Explorers, and when they had oppprtuniy to live fire at the Police Academy range, this kid outshot every cop that also shot that day to requalify as required. The seasoned coppers had to pick up their jaws from the floor after watching this 16 year old clean the target AND their clocks.

        • “Ithink it was in Mentucky maybe ten years back. A Grandmother… “

          “got the state law change. Now the only requirement for anyone to mess with someone else’s hair was a simple week or so long class involving health, sanitation, diseases/infestations“

          Tingle, I realize American is a second language for you, but I think someone may be pulling your leg.

          “KRS 317A.060(1)(h) requires the board to promulgate administrative reg- ulations governing the hours and courses of instruction at schools of cosmetology, esthetic practices, and nail technology KRS 317A.090 establishes licensing requirements for schools of cosmetology, es- thetic practices, and nail technology. This administrative regulation establishes requirements for the hours and courses of instruction, reporting, education requirements, and administrative functions re- quired for students and faculty for schools of cosmetology, esthetic practices, and nail technology.“

          “Section 3. Instructional Hours.
          (1) A cosmetology student shall receive not less than 1,500 hours in clinical class work and scientific lectures with a minimum of:
          (a) 375 lecture hours for science and theory;
          (b) 1,085 clinic and practice hours; and
          (c) Forty (40) hours on the subject of applicable Kentucky stat-
          utes and administrative regulations.
          (2) A cosmetology student shall not perform chemical services
          on the public until the student has completed a minimum of 250 hours of instruction.“


          If y’all think 1200 hrs of instruction required by Ohio for hairdressers is ridiculous, I bet you’re really upset by Kentucky’s requirement for 1500 hrs.

          Again, as opposed to requiring a grand total of no more than 24 hours of instruction for a teacher who is full-time occupied with the task of educating the students, to be perfectly qualified to possess and employ a lethal weapon in the classroom of 30-40 youngsters.

      • It’s 1,500 hours miner. You should revisit your personal copy/paste policy again.

        ORC §4713.28 (A), in part:

        “(6) In the case of an applicant for an initial cosmetologist license, has successfully completed at least one thousand five hundred hours of board-approved cosmetology training in a school of cosmetology licensed in this state…”

        This is for state recognized professional licensure, similar to that for architects, physicians, attorneys, sanitarians, etc. It isn’t for approval to enjoy the benefits of a constitutionally recognized right. Of course, you know that, but I thought you should know that we know that you know better yet persist in presenting your specious arguments.

      • “Interesting, 1200 hours training for a hairstylist, as opposed to 24 hours training to carry a deadly weapon eight hours a day in a classroom of 30 to 40 adolescents.

        And no mention of theory or practical testing for carrying a lethal weapon in a school full of kids, as opposed to both theory and practical skills testing for hairstylists.


        Teachers volunteering to be armed are not cosmetologists, the requirements for a cosmetologist has no logical comparison. If you have an issue with the licensing requirements if a cosmetologists lobby for lessening the hours required.

        If the teacher is a CCW, how would the children know the firearm is present? Do you think it takes more hours to learn the applicable law required for the use of force or to secure the firearm properly? How many hours do you suggest?

        Consider those who will volunteer are likely to have a familiarization with firearm use already. What more training should they have and how many hours?

        • “Consider those who will volunteer are likely to have a familiarization with firearm use already. What more training should they have and how many hours?“

          So you believe “familiarization with firearm use” is all one needs to successfully employ a lethal weapon in a classroom/school full of adolescents, possibly in a hostage situation?


          And just a few additional questions, if there is a negligent discharge who pays for the damage/injuries/wrongful death suit?

          Will the cow teachers be bonded?

          Who is responsible legally/financially, if a student or other individual gains possession of a teacher’s firearm and causes damage/injuries/wrongful death?

      • Miner49er
        Training time you say! Well, how many months, weeks, days and hours have you spent on this website and still have not learned the simple truths relative to the 2nd Amendment? After all that time, you still spout the same nonsensical foolishness while showing no respect for the lives of “We the People”.

      • PA police certification is something over 400 hrs…for an act 120 certification but only about 40 for an armed security guard (Act 235)…

    • Ohio just became a Constitutional Carry State, (6/13/2022) no license, no training, just common sense. The additional training is for school employees to carry in the school. I did not like my governors response to covid, or mask mandates, but these two recent constitutional carry and school employee decisions are good ones.

  2. Lets see pisses off the teachers union, democrat appointed police chiefs, and numerous freedom hating politicians…….. probably a good call.

    • two-edged sword…fellow teacher of mine…who was also a part-time cop…made the mistake of leaving his gun in his jacket hung on a hook…some kid found it and we were lucky to get it back…dodged a bullet on that one…true story…

  3. Just as a precaution. Great to arm responsible folks. But!!!!make sure they are also trained. Taken the life of anyone comes with conseqences. The mental side as well as the shooting side should be reviewed.

    • While true that is kind of a after the asshole trying to murder kids is stopped kind of issue and not within the immediate scope of the task at hand.

      • Ohio already has approved a volunteer privatley finded programme to arm adult staff at Ohio schools, it has had a perfect record since it ws begun, right after Sandy Hook. this bill merely establishes the programme statewide. The FASTER programme included a full week of hands on training in many issues that are specific to school settings, and included emergengy medical training as well. So you got the perp neutralised, now you’ve got kids leaking red stuff, NOW WHT? The training dealt with that, too.
        Ohio’s former requirements to qualify for yuor Mother MayI Card included 12 hours hands on formal training in the beginning. Way overkill, but mandated. Reduced later, I believe.

        Someone above compared this programme to the training requried to bcoem a hair stylist. 3000 hours!!! The writer above got the whole thing backwards. I can learn everything I NEED to know to begin handling other people’s hair for money in about ten hours hands on with a skilled treacher. The irony is he proved the trainign requriementso for hair are way over the top..most of these kinds of requriements are secial interest groups raising the bar to keep out unwanted competition, to protect an exising trade aginst new tentry, diluting the competition and keeping the trade a closed ‘good ol’ boys Club”.

        wht’s ridiculous is not the 12 hours additional training to carry a gun in the school (rememger, these folks already carry a gun everywher eelse they go, and prbably have for decades) but that to mess with someone else’s hair for money requires three THOUSAND hours…..

    • Life is filled with trauma. Probably the first trauma for most kids, is the loss of grandparents. Later, the loss of parents. There are auto accidents, natural disasters, man made disasters, simple home accidents, even the loss of a child. People get over their traumas, or they don’t. MOST people get over their traumas, and carry on. You can’t bar people from defending themselves based on some silly argument about self defense being traumatic. The real trauma is being attacked by some freak who wants to hurt you, and to hurt the children.

  4. O MY GOSH! I almost fell over when I read this! Somebody finally has got it! We do still have people out there with some brains. Maybe the rest of the country will follow suite. AMEN.

  5. Works for me! A real live solution that doesn’t repeat the same old tired ideas that don’t work.

  6. Correlation is not causation, BUT, we didn’t have boatloads of school shootings until we first had ‘gun free zones’.

    Prohibiting guns certainly isn’t the primary cause of school shootings, but it appears that it is a strong contributor. Any crazed arsehole who wants to punish society at large is going wherever he thinks he can hurt the most people, in a short period of time. That is almost always in a gun free zone. The easiest gun free zone to find, is a school, or a hospital.

    Put armed personnel in all of them. The crazies will look for softer targets. When churches are training armed guards, it’s obviously time for the schools to be hardened!

    • multiple exits…but only one [hardened] entrance…simple rule, but it works..urban schools do this all the time…

  7. Ohio resident here.

    My personal opinion is that the training hours are too short, but it is better than not allowing people to protect themselves in those areas.

    I would much rather have purpose trained staff for duty as well. We have plenty of veterans and non active duty military in the area that I’m sure would more than qualify.

  8. Frankly I’m glad such a bill was signed.

    Over 33,000 students and school staff nationwide annually are violently attacked with knives, blunt objects, or hands and feet and ~9,000 of those die or are permanently disabled annually as a result but you rarely hear about it on the news, and they are swept under the table by use of quiet ‘settlements’ with the victims and families who must agree not to reveal the incident to get the settlements so they don’t reveal it. In other words over the last 30 years, annually, ~99.3% more students and school staff are injured or killed by use of knives, blunt objects, or hands and feet than were shot in all actual school shootings over the last 30 years. In 2021, there were over 3000 teachers/staff subjected to outright rape or other sexual assault in the nations classrooms during school hours – quiet ‘settlements’ happened and no one talks about it and only ~120 made the news.

    There are more than 120 ‘school shooting’ related incidents each year across the U.S. that are stopped before they begin (where a student had planned to use a firearm to shoot students/staff) by a school faculty member (not school resource officers) with a gun or by physical means such as engaging the would be shooter hands on. They are not classed as school or mass shootings because the shooting did not actually start. They sometimes make the news in the guise of something like “a student was found with a gun in his backpack” or other wording. The schools, overall, don’t report it to the media …. and try to suppress the news getting out (at which they are surprisingly successful) by handing it as a “troubled kid” mental health incident in which details are not released due to various laws because its then medically related and involves a minor so school staff involved are ‘warned’ against talking about it so they don’t.

    If all the school shooting related incidents each year are aggregated, including the ones that were stopped before they began (where the student had planned to shoot students/staff), we find the MSR complained about was involved in less than 1% of all school shooting related incidents over the last 30 years but the incidents that make the news in such grand fashion are the ones in which an AR is used when the AR is overall the least likely subject firearm in school shooting related incidents. In almost 80% of active school shootings, the shooter was seen before they went active by a member of school staff (not school resource officers) who had no means to engage the shooter to stop or delay them.

    School staff is not only in the most advantageous position to detect a potential or about-to-begin school shooting, or behaviors of a troubled kid which may lead to such violence, they are also more likely to be ‘on scene’ in an immediate/imminent sense to intervene to stop it before it begins. School staff members are more plentiful in a school than ‘school resource officers’, school staff members are spread through the school thus cover more area than a ‘school resource officer’ can – and thus are in better positions to engage an active shooter in force thus raising the likely hood of stopping an active shooter if the school staff members are armed.

    The majority of those killed or injured in school shootings are killed or injured within 30 feet of a lock down safe area they can not get into because its already locked down and lock down procedures dictate that once locked its not opened until the police come for them, its for this reason that school lock down areas are favorite hunting spots for school shooters. Teams of school staff can form armed resistance points to help steer shooters away from their favorite hunting spots which is school lock down areas, or delay shooters while students clear the area and run away.

    No one is asking school staff to be soldiers or police, but as we have seen many times the shooter has been encountered and shot and killed or injured school staff and the students with them despite being in a lock down area or sometimes caught in the open. School staff need to be able to at least have a chance on their side that they control to defend themselves and their students and as it largely is now they are at the mercy of the shooters decisions which overall decides what their chances are when they encounter their victims.

    Sure, there are a lot of unknowns. Will school shooters be stopped or thwarted or deterred by armed school staff? Yeah, a good chance they could be. Its certainly better to have a chance than no chance at all, and its certainly better to have multiple armed school staff over the entire school area rather than relying on just one or two school resource officers to be where the shooter is at the time. But, there are also a lot of “what if’s”

    Its about time that school staff were not made defenseless simply by going to work.

  9. This is great news for Ohio!!

    Meanwhile the democrats have no solution other than more useless gun laws and bans to infringe upon law abiding citizens.

    It is almost like they really don’t want to address the real problems because they prefer the status quo so they can use school shootings as reasons to disarm us.

    I am sure there are enough teachers and staff that don’t want to be sitting ducks at work to make a difference. From the looks of the requirements they will get more training and range time than law enforcement officers around here.

  10. I am a law student, and I read a lot of essay examples by the expert writers of the StudyHippo service about the employment law. Therefore, it is awkward to arm the workers, but if the pupils’ and students’ security demands it, I see no obstacles. https://studyhippo.com/essay-examples/employment-law/ is the most reliable source I could use for my essay homework on the employment topic and others. Therefore, I can say indeed, after reading its papers, that the hiring contract can enable such exceptions as arms for teachers and other labor forces.

  11. another way to skirt liability is to hire a private security company…then make armed staff an employee of that company…legally safer but probably too expensive….

  12. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) looked at the 1978 STCW Convention and changed it in 1993 to “provide a good way to make sure that rules are followed and give more freedom in deciding who does what on board ship.” The changes to the International Convention and Standard Training, Certification, and Watch Keeping (STCW 95) focused on competency-based training for people in charge of running ships. One example is criminology essay writer USA parties had to keep a database of documents and compliance reports, which acted as an international watchdog to make sure the standard was being followed. The STCW 95 convention is made up of many different parts that work together: “The text of the convention, its annex, parts A and B of the STCW code, and the eleven resolutions. Except for one, all of the resolutions must be done. By reg. 1/14 and A-1/14 of the STCW (1995) convention, the ship-owner has a direct duty to make sure that “Each person they put on a ship must have at least the minimum amount of training required by law.

  13. Sounds like leftist red tape to me. I think applying a little common sense and wisdom goes a lot further.

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