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Good news for gun-owning singles using dating apps to find their mates. Or a hookup.  Dating app OKCupid reports that a survey of their users shows gun ownership isn’t the biggest dealbreaker among prospective daters. In fact, guns apparently didn’t even come close. Instead, 90% of that company’s open-minded (cough) users view those who are skeptical about “climate change” as those most unsuitable for communication, much less dating.

Diversity and inclusion is our strength. Or so say a lot of bigots so long as the diversity and inclusion don’t run afoul of their particular prejudices and predilections.

Support for “gun control reform” — whatever that means — made an appearance on OkCupid’s radar last year, and they indicated their numbers from this year’s survey look a lot like last year’s, with the exception of the “climate change” issue climbing in importance from 83% to 90% support of users.

Guns ranked low enough in importance to OKCupid’s users that it didn’t get any mention in the OkCupid survey reporting other than this gem from 2021 at the dating app’s blog . . .

Daters on OkCupid have long been vocal about finding matches who share their beliefs and values, particularly when it comes to the causes they care about. In 2020, we found that people on OkCupid were passionate about matching with fellow daters who were registered to vote, and support the BLM movement. And so far in 2021, our data shows that OkCupid daters are hot for climate change advocates… 

[W]hen it comes to gun control reform, women are 18% more likely than men to believe the US needs stricter laws and there’s a 15% difference between genders on willingness to date someone who doesn’t support gender equality, with women being significantly less likely. 

The relevant factor here is that guns are far from the biggest dealbreaker among the cohort of young people urban lefties looking for love (or sex) on OkCupid.

Here’s the story from the sophisticates at The New Republic . . .

Climate denial is not hot, according to new data offering some conditional hope for the species. Data from online dating site OkCupid, recently shared with The Hill, found that climate denial was the biggest deal-breaker for users on the popular dating app, surpassing differences on gun control, abortion, and other issues. Over the past year, the app has asked 250,000 people if it was important that a potential paramour care about the planet, and 90 percent said it was. This reinforces data that OkCupid made public last year reporting similar results. In early 2020, journalist Emily Atkin reported a 240 percent increase in mentions of climate change on OkCupid profiles over the 2018–9 period; Tinder released similar findings in 2019.

And also according to The New Republic, women looking for love aren’t the only ones who won’t date so-called climate deniers. Men too. Really.

Men don’t want to date climate deniers, either: Climate is the top issue for male respondents, too. 

Good to know.

Oleg Volk image. Used with permission.

We suppose it’s not surprising that guns and gun ownership aren’t an overwhelming dealbreaker — even among the demographic of those using OKCupid — given the millions of new gun owners in the past two years. Buying a gun to defend one’s home and one’s person from violent criminal attack tends to reshape opinions when it comes to advocacy for gun control reform.

After all, gun control might sound peachy to naïve people unfamiliar with how the world actually works. But after their first time cowering in fear as a potentially defenseless victim, particularly when police are tied up with civil disorder not so far away, tends to drive those who formerly eschewed armed self-defense to join the gun ownership family.

And frankly, we welcome all of them.

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    • RE: “After all, gun control might sound peachy to naive people unfamiliar with how the world actually works. But after their first time cowering in fear as a potentially defenseless victim, particularly when police are tied up with civil disorder not so far away, tends to drive those who formerly eschewed armed self-defense to join the gun ownership family.”

      It is indeed futile waiting for naive people to one by one cower in fear and realize the rot inherent with Gun Control. Once one sees the light two more will pop up to take their place.

      Of course Gun Control always sounds peachy to politically inept history illiterates because they are politically inept history illiterates. Naive people falling for Gun Control is a senseless sight when lots of history confirms Gun Control is any shape, matter or form is a sick, sick, sick agenda rooted in racism and genocide.

      Perhaps the larger cause of the problem may be because far too many Gun Owners themselves cannot properly define Gun Control by its history if their lives depended on it. So if that is the case it’s no f-ing wonder Gun Control gets away with sounding, “peachy.”

      • geoff, below, responded to possums comment.
        you just need to be second; maybe you think what you have to say is ultra important?
        nothing wrong with repetitive ad nauseum. take your place.

    • “You can welcome them onboard .
      I’m not.”

      I welcome portraits by Oleg Volk anytime.

      Where does he get his stunning models? 🙂

      • I notice that many of your posts on this particular thread are much more coherent and witty than usual. Good for you 👍!

        • Aside from not having wet my bed last night, your praise is making this a great day.

        • “I notice that many of your posts on this particular thread are much more coherent and witty than usual.”


          Your impersonation of me directly above proves your desperation, little boy.

          Very little, you are, if you know what I mean! 😉

      • “…cupid dont know what the hell his arrows are sticking in anymore”

        His arrows?

        Cupid is obviously a gender-fluid social construct… 🙂

    • Or a business deal. When women use the term, “deal breaker”, they are looking at a relationship as a business deal.

  1. Good to know that woke individuals identifying as women would want as little to do with me as I do with them, whether they have a penis or a vagina.

  2. G00d to know that woke individuals that identify as w0men would want as little to do with me as I do with them, whether they have a pen!s or a vagin@.

    Moderation n0t needed!

    • It is easier when you except the reality that you ARE going to die. Human mortality is 100%. In fact, only one person has ever managed to get around that and an entire world wide religion developed as a result.

      Combine that with the reality that the Earth WILL be destroyed. There is no way around that. None of us will be alive to see that day and the event will have NOTHING to do with what humans do either way. THAT is about what the sun, the moon, the Earth, and other celestial bodies do.

      Anyone that bases their relationships on these things is a fool.

      • “It is easier when you except the reality…”

        Uh, you mean “accept”? To except reality infers you are not going to die, at least in the Earthly sense.

  3. I wouldn’t want start a relationship with somebody who thinks we’re all going to be dead in 10-20 years. She’s going to turn out being one of those “drive the car into a lake with the kids strapped in the back” types.

  4. Who in their right mind wants anything to do with a climate change, global warming, global cooling make up your damned scatterbrain mind imbecile cultist that stands for nothing and falls for such crap? Not I says I.

  5. “Men don’t want to date climate deniers, either: Climate is the top issue for male respondents, too. ”
    We’re doomed…

      • Who ever did that brainwashing to that poor child needs to be punished and I can’t think of a punishment that fits!

        • I can. Make them sit and listen to her for 24 hours straight. If that’s not punishment, nothing is.

        • quote——————Who ever did that brainwashing to that poor child needs to be punished and I can’t think of a punishment that fits!——————quote

          The majority of the world’s scientists since the1940’s have been warning us this was coming only it came sooner than even the scientists were predicting. The polar caps this year are now melting at a rate far faster than anyone thought was possible.

          I remember in 1973 seeing the movie with Charlton Heston called Soylent Green and much of what was predicted in that movie has now come true.

          In the 1960’s I spoke to Bill Best who worked at Wright Patterson Air force Base in Dayton, Ohio. Bill told me that during WWII they would send up Weather balloons with cameras mounted on them to observe the weather and they could see the tremendous amounts of pollution hanging above the clouds and therefore above the weather. This they realized was trapping heat which they knew would raise the earths temperature creating a greenhouse effect.

          The government decided it was too expensive to fix so they would leave it for the next generation to deal with. Now some scientists are beginning to believe after observing what happened at the polar caps this year and the super rapid melting of the ice that we may have already gone beyond the point of no return and it may now be too late to save life on the planet.

          One would think that even the retarded Morons and Blind Greed Mongers of the Far Right would realize that when you are pouring billions of tons of pollution into the air that it would not destroy the planet but blind greed and ignorance are the hallmark of the Far Right.

        • “The majority of the world’s scientists since the1940’s…”[sic]

          That’s funny. I remember a lot of talk about global cooling and a coming ice age, during the ’60s and ’70s. They must flip their theories every couple decades, eh?

        • Dacian, thanks for the reference to a 1960’s sci-fi movie, it was one of my all time favorites. But, it was a MOVIE. Have you ever heard the phrase ‘predictive programming’?

        • Before mankind the earths climate changed. After mankind the earths climate will change. We are just a small blip in the earths timeline and barely noticeable in the universe’s timeline.

          Ask a climate scientist about the Suns temperature change over the last 100 years and last 1000 years. What effect does the Sun have on Earths climate?

          I cannot dismiss man’s contribution to the climate since the industrial revolution, but I do believe it is over estimated by a large degree.

        • Say it with me: “NUCLEAR”

          I’ll start believing the leftist green lobby and their doomsday prophecies when they start talking seriously about expanding nuclear energy production in this country.

        • Dacian, the earth has been pouring pollutants into it’s own atmosphere for at least 3 billion years via volcanic activity, and if you are familiar with the scientific theories about how life started on this planet, and the environments that life can exist in, you would know that we couldn’t end it all if we tried. We probably couldn’t even end the cockroaches, let alone the bacteria. Evolution will march on with or without us. If humanity survives, even in smaller numbers, we may well be terraforming other planets before this millennium is over.

        • @ dacian.

          That’s all bullshit.

          I remember in 1973 seeing the movie…

          Exactly. They make great doomsday narratives and stories for the movies.

          Bill told me that during WWII they would send up Weather balloons with cameras mounted on them to observe the weather and they could see the tremendous amounts of pollution hanging above the clouds and therefore above the weather.

          Sounds like bullshit. Smog hangs out below the clouds not above them.

          The government decided it was too expensive to fix so they would leave it for the next generation to deal with.

          More bullshit.

          Now some scientists are beginning to believe after observing what happened at the polar caps this year and the super rapid melting of the ice that we may have already gone beyond the point of no return and it may now be too late to save life on the planet.

          Yep. the “Mother earth” planet loving types have been saying the same thing decades ago. They will be saying the same thing decades from now.

          One would think that even the retarded Morons and Blind Greed Mongers of the Far Right would realize that when you are pouring billions of tons of pollution into the air that it would not destroy the planet but blind greed and ignorance are the hallmark of the Far Right.

          You are going to have to justify Biden’s bad polling some other way buddy. He isn’t taking one for the climate team here. He is just doing a bad job because he is grossly incompetent.

      • I can’t wait for her first love to release their sex tape.

        “Like a jack-hammer…” 🙂

        • avatar Geoff "A day without an obsessed, obviously brain-damaged and mentally-ill demented troll (who deserves to live in New Jersey) PR

          It’s also how I like to be pegged.

        • avatar Geoff "A day without an obsessed, obviously brain-damaged and mentally-ill demented troll (who deserves to live in New Jersey) PR


    • The current youth of the US, with a few exceptions, are of the lowest quality in history. Do not expect them to support you in old age. Do not expect any great things from them. When the time comes for them to fight….they won’t. They are glued to their cellphones 24/7 and naive to an extreme. They also hate real work.

    • Climate exists, no denying it. What we deny is that humans have a significant impact,
      Also, 99% of scientists don’t agree on jack shit.

  6. Like the COVID Karens, this is a mental disease that is being encouraged as a way to control the population. “We need to save you by making your lives miserable”

    • “We have to make you poor and miserable so that people 80 years from now…”

      Wait. Remind me what would happen if we don’t prevent that extra half a degree of warming in 80 years? Because that’s the goal. I’m sure it’s a coincidence that a small segment of the population will become wealthy and more powerful as a result of “climate action.”

      You thought there was a massive transfer of wealth as a result of (govt policy) the 08 crash or the Covid insanity? You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

        • Boy, have you got some catching up to do! How’s that rock you’ve been living under? I suggest you start here:

          They have calculated that global temperatures are going to rise by 2 degrees relative to pre-industrial levels by the year 2100. The proposal is that they will only “allow it” (lol) to rise by 1.5 degrees in about 80 years. Why not have a goal in 10 or 20 years you ask? Sorry, but you still might be around to check on their work and wonder why you have to be poor, less free, and miserable while the elite are cashing in and using more energy in a year than your extended family does in ten years.

          How are “we” going to accomplish these goals? Easy-peasy. With money. LOTS of it. In addition to new taxes and new national debt, your energy expenses will increase exponentially. Never fear! Green energy will receive government subsidies to hide their expensive inefficiency. Who pays for government subsidies? You do!

          It has already begun. Government officials have cautioned that we shouldn’t provide a long term solution to the current high price of fuel because how else are we going to wean the population off of it? Yes, that actually happened. The media yawned. Have you noticed how much of our recent extravagant spending bills are geared toward “green” energy? This is only the beginning. Have you noticed that our lawmakers want to fund “green” energy IN OTHER FRIGGIN COUNTRIES?(!) Who’s paying for that again? YOU ARE! Are you still confused about this “dark conspiracy” you ignorant fool?

      • Dude, all I’m hearing is that polluting energy is cheaper than clean energy. That doesn’t mean it’s a conspiracy. It was also very expensive to stop acid rain and to slow the ripping hole in the ozone layer. It’s also expensive to limit logging, manage fisheries and generally limit consumption and exploitation of natural resources. Again not seeing how it is anything more than responsible management.

        • fppf,
          It isn’t responsible because they’re implementing their plan to the detriment of society. Every single decision made by the government should carefully consider all of the pros and cons. The end goal should always be to preserve life and well-being. See my above comment to understand that they’re doing the opposite of that with their current policies and trajectory. That doesn’t mean clean energy plans can’t be implemented. It means the realistic alternative to fossil fuels that will not harm society has to be online and affordable before they force fossil fuel limitations on the population. What good is a cleaner planet with a poorer, dying and miserable lower and middle class (most of society)? These policies won’t negatively impact the upper class who is pushing it. They’ll hide some of the negative consequences by offering more welfare which will push us deeper into the downward spiral we’re already in.

          You’re mentioning environmental concerns. Notice that they aren’t really pushing that to implement their plan. No, they’re pushing a mass extinction theory if they don’t implement their plan immediately. They’re lying to you. They’ve been caught in lies. There is no scientific basis for what they’re preaching. Why are they desperate? Is there any power to gain from controlling energy? Is there any money to be made? Which people have been investing in green energy and who has been lobbied? Why did Hillary Clinton’s campaign advisor invest in an environmental group only to abandon it after she lost the 2016 election? Are private ventures that can only exist with the help of the government ethical ventures? Question everything.

          I haven’t even touched on the national security angle. We’re currently burning through our strategic reserves in order to help hide the high price of fuel.

      • Dude, thanks for the reply. You clearly have some strong views on all this and have thought it through. I’m not sure the policies they are pushing are for the detriment of society, but fair enough; maybe they are.

  7. Proof, once again, that it is how you ask a question:

    “Over the past year, the app has asked 250,000 people if it was important that a potential paramour care about the planet, and 90 percent said it was.”

    Yeah, I don’t want dirty air or water, but I don’t buy the “climate change is going to kill us all if we don’t ….” bullshirt. Just like, ” Do you think we should do something to curb ‘gun violence?'” Getting a “Yes,” answer does not mean people really support “universal background checks,” or gun registries! Stop reading and following the 24/7 MSM idiocy!

    • Same with many polls out there. They word the question to get a predetermined result. Then they can say “look at this!”

    • Scientists have documented the heat trapping effect of human created greenhouse gas since the early 80s. Happy to post many links to info on that if folks really want to read it again.

      • Will you post the links the fraudulent data that was used to push the green agenda? Will you post the climate change model that actually correctly predicted climate patterns? Will you post the financial situations of the scientists on record pushing the human caused climate change agenda?

      • It ain’t about whether the earth goes through cycles or whether people can/do impact those cycles. It’s about whether you think a government policy is going to make things better or worse.

        My understanding is that globally the human race increases greenhouse gases output by 4% annually and the USA contributes about 8% total… That means for all of you math whizzes out there…. if the USA cut 100% of our greenhouse gas emissions today and never polluted another iota ever, we would only set back the man made portion of climate change by 2 years.

        If we set the US back to the stone age, we still would do basically nothing for the earth. That’s the max. You think giving that 500M to Solindra did anything for the earth? I’m not skeptical about climate change. I just don’t believe anyone when they say our government has the answer.

    • Hey the climate changes. I don’t believe it’s all manmade. Like the Maunder Minimum or Vikings hanging out in Greenland 1000 years ago things change. Why was our world warmer then??? Al Gore wasn’t around to fly on a jet. Glad I never had to deal with climate wacko gals. At lot them had “other” issues🙄

      • we contribute.
        but “they” say it’s ending every twelve years.
        i remember this talk when i was in grade school. keeps popping up.

      • sorry; but unfortunately it doesn’t matter what you or i “believe.” humans are causing the climate to change.

  8. I do not date & if I did, I would not use an app.
    I know what kind of woman I want, so I would look for her in places that kind of woman would be. It is not on a app or waiting for a phone call.
    My woman baled hay, made her own clothes’, cooks, out shot all the men in JROTC.
    Graduated with honors from three different schools.
    Can change a tire, if I am not around.

  9. Notice that the “Climate Change” idiots are usually living in a city and have little or no actual knowledge of climate other than what is spoon fed to them by CNN or facebook. Have they ever driven across continental America, Alaska or Canada, I guess not. They believe that cows farting in Montana are somehow effecting climate. They ignore that the biggest polluters are China, India, Pakistan and others, Not America. Even so, This has very little to do with Climate. Climate changes throughout history are cyclic. They should be worried about the Democrats philosophy of Spending us into prosperity. It doesn’t work in each of our private finances and it does not work on a government level. Gov’t debt is the biggest problem we face. This massive debt will effect everyone, yet they just keep spending more. It’s easy to spout off ridiculous claims about Climate, with mouths full from farmers who are struggling to develop land because of inflation and gov’t regulation. Their tune will change when there is no food and their bellies are empty.

    • That is true. Virtually 100% of the climate change crowd is urban. And the more urban they are, the more isolated they are from the rest of the world.

      • Sometimes climate change affects my bowels. It’s hard to explain.

    • Food appears from the back room of the supermarket (of “bodega”) and electricity magically appears from those plates on the wall (for your silly battery Edison).

  10. Climate change is the new religion, baby! Al Gore is the high priest, and Greta Numbnuts is the new vestal virgin.

  11. Wait! Are you telling me that instead of buying dinner, drinks, flowers, candy and jewelry; not to mention having to pretend I’m having fun at an endless string of Spring/Fall festivals, etc., all I had to say is, “It’s hot today.” to get laid?

    • my pal jp, rip, had a tshirt that read, “give me your answer now and save me the twenty dollars.”

    • avatar Geoff "A day without an obsessed, obviously brain-damaged and mentally-ill demented troll (who deserves to live in New Jersey) PR

      “… all I had to say is, “It’s hot today.” to get laid?”

      As an experiment on the old usenet in the late 1990s, I tried that on a particular .alt forum, and holy crap, 3 of the 5 that I asked straight out “Wanna fvck?” messaged back with a *yes*.

      2 of those 3 I sealed the deal with. One of them spent her own money to fly out for a weekend.

      Seriously, it pleasantly shocked the hell out of me… 😉

      • avatar Geoff "A day without an obsessed, obviously brain-damaged and mentally-ill demented troll (who deserves to live in New Jersey) PR

        But what really pleasantly shocked me was when he pulled a “Crying Game”. 😉

        Dude was hung, he smashed me all weekend, and flew home. 😉

        I go online every week trying to re-create that experience. 😉


  12. Saw a documentary awhile back in which they were in far northern Canada and came across petrified tree trunks one thousand miles away from the nearest living tree. Also fossils of deciduous trees in Antarctica, and fossils of palmettos in Alaska. Someone must have been burning fossil fuels way back then as well, right?

      • Huck Finn, while floating around in a hot air balloon with Tom Sawyer, didn’t believe they were going over other states, because the colors on the ground didn’t match the colors on the map that Tom was holding. We do indeed live on a weird world.

  13. China, India, Russia, Vietnam, Burma and other Asian nations are committed to building mass numbers of new coal fired power plants that will utterly dwarf anything the USA does to reduce greenhouse gasses. They are working to super-industrialize and don’t care about us and our feelings. Our green efforts will be on a par with a fart in a hurricane.

      • Rising temperatures would benefit their agriculture industry. Why would they fight that? Russia, China, et al. are laughing at us. They’re going to supply us with the rope to hang ourselves.

        • dude, correct: russia would dominate global agriculture thanks to human-caused global warming, which melts their arctic regions and makes their land arable. they want to pollute as much as possible to force this global warming to occur as quickly as possible.

        • By your own admission, Russia isn’t down with the anti-fossil fuels plan. I’m sure you understand that China isn’t either, despite them promising to adopt the plan at some point in the future after the West has crippled themselves with it (d’oh!). The only way to achieve the dream of half a degree of less warming is with the entire planet focused on the anti-fossil fuels plan. Think this through and see if you can predict how this ends. Are you familiar with the phrase fighting a losing battle?

  14. I think that big yellowish star in the sky called the sun has a say in all of this. Whenever I ask a climate cultist or young person about this they get a strange deer like look on their face.

    • Ask them why they discount the Milankovitch cycles contribution to climate change. That should be good for a laugh.

      • Ask them “what do you propose YOU and I do specifically to impact climate change?”

        If they aren’t willing to live basically like the Amish, dismiss them as hypocrite or an idiot – unsuitable to date. I’ve never met a single girl EVER that is willing to give up air conditioning (among many other things). I grew up without AC, I know I can live without it. I also know I have no wish to do so.

        • This is really THE Cmmon denominator in the whole climate change frenzy. I take a bit of delight when some tells me we need to save the planet by coming back with the planet does not need to be saved. This always gets a look of righteous indignation, so I have to explain — the planet was here millions of years before humans showed, and it will be here for millions of years after the humans have killed each other off. Just for good meansure I finish up with they’re not saving the planet. What they are trying to save is the bourgeois lifestyles that got us into this mess. It all really screws up their heads. Lots of fun.

    • It’s many of those same people that will tell us to follow the science. Meanwhile, not one thought about the sun moves our climate.

      • And then you have flat-earthers.

        Even the ancient Greeks figured out the earth was a globe and calculated its size to a remarkable degree of accuracy.

        • How can you qualify that statement? Really? How do you know their calculations were accurate?

        • Haz 2,

          In a few days look up to the sky and locate the moon. Notice the shadow on the moon. Some questions to think about: What would create such a shadow and what shape is it?

        • That’s not an answer to the question. Answering a question with a question is a logical fallacy.

        • Saying it like that makes people think about things for themselves. Let me rephrase that: you can tell the earth is round(ish) by observing it’s shadow on the moon. This would be obvious for any thinking person thousands of years ago.

          As for the calculations, that actually brings up a very good point. We take many things for granted, just believing that it’s true. I’m sure I could spend some time and run down those calculations, and make them myself. If people were able to calculate it without sophisticated equipment, then I’m sure I could do it. HOWEVER, how do I verify things like global temperature? I don’t control satellites or observation stations across the globe. There’s no way for me to verify that. We also know that scientists have previously monkeyed with the data in order to get their desired result. Why wouldn’t they continue to do that? This is a major concern for multiple topics, not just global temperatures.

      • Haz check out Eratosthenes. He was the first to make calculations about the Earths size and even the tilt.

  15. OKCupid made a concerted push to denigrate and shame conservatives away from its platform several years ago, featuring anti-gun propaganda, bizarre lifestyle choices, and social justice activism in its advertising and messaging to users. It’s no surprise that the (presumably diminished) user base would now skew hard left.

    • “bizarre lifestyle choices, and social justice activism”

      Apparently they’re still all about that. Follow the link in the article and look at their list and pictures. It’s an ad campaign for Progressive ideology.

  16. 1) Plants grow faster, produce more food and require less water with more CO2 in the atmosphere.

    2) The earth has been sequestering carbon that used to be in the atmosphere for 650 million years (where do you think all that oil and coal came from?). Before man came along earth was running dangerously low.

    3) We’re living in an ice age and in a few thousand years the glaciers will be coming back and they’ll like wipe out most of the human race. 12k years ago Des Moines was buried under a mile thick sheet of ice. What do you suppose that would do for agricultural production? The glaciers advance, stick around for 100k years or so then melt off for 15k-25k years. Last melt (interglacial period) 125k years ago, most of the Greenland Ice Sheet disappeared. There is no evidence that human activity has had even an insignificant effect on climate.

    Any questions?
    PM me if you’re interested in dating a ‘climate sceptic. Also keep it quiet, I don’t want my wife to know I’m dating.

      • avatar Geoff "A day without an obsessed, obviously brain-damaged and mentally-ill demented troll (who deserves to live in New Jersey) PR

        That’s what your wife told me jwm. 🙂

        She’s worried if you roll over, you will squash her dead. 🙂

        • Obviously fake geoff. Many of this damaged trolls comments under geoffs handle in this thread.

          Sad, sad, little loser.

        • @jwm Right? Imagine spending your free time here looking for valuation and approval from other posters……

    • Correct. A New Ice age would be far more destructive than and prospective Global Warming. Going back down the time line and in Europe there was a WARMING periuod of some 200 years in the period from 1100 AD to around 1400. Duringb the ROMAN OCCUPATION the BRitish Isles grew some of the finest grapes inn the Roman Empire especially on SOUTHERN VECTIS now better known as the ISLE of WIGHT Conversely nearer our own time there have been to Mini-Ice ages> During those mid-millenia warm periods it is recorded that ‘ the River Thames ran dry’ and for certain the Somerset Flats [ where King Alfred hid his Saxon Army] dried out annually. During the 19 Century Mini-Ice Age it became traditional to hold an OX ROAST ON THE RIVER THAMES and it was the origin of the Wintery Scene Christmas Card.
      Duke William of Normandy sailed his invasion flee up to SIX miles further inland to SENLAC HILL [ my own territory by the way and just down the road from where I’m writing] that is to day possible, That my friends is called REAL HISTORY.
      The fields behind my house are still known as the SLAUGHTERS and traditionally the place where Duke Williams men caught the fleeing remnants of HARALD’S Army and put them to the sword.

  17. “Instead, 90% of that company’s open-minded (cough) users…”

    They’re so open-minded that their brains leaked out.

    My daughter is working on a minor in Environmental Resources and Sustainability along with her major in Landscape Architecture. Some of the crap they tell her is laughable, absolutely ludicrous. I tell her, “I know , child. Practice your critical thinking skills. Learn it for the test, and forget it for the rest.”

  18. I’d bet my meteorology degree that nobody else commenting has one.

    And what moron wants some bimbot from some place called OK Cupid?

    • avatar Geoff "A day without an obsessed, obviously brain-damaged and mentally-ill demented troll (who deserves to live in New Jersey) PR

      No surprised my demented troll would be familiar with gender-fluidity… 😉

        • You are the expert in being a world-class fuckwit that nobody likes.

          What’s it like to look down when you take a leak and realize that embarrassment will be with you for the rest of your life? 🙂

          Kill yourself, it’s not too late! 🙂

        • avatar Geoff "A day without an obsessed, obviously brain-damaged and mentally-ill demented troll (who deserves to live in New Jersey) PR

          I know personally, even without my gut, I would never be able to see my little “pinky”.

  19. Climate change is irrefutable and has been going on since the very formation of planet Earth and certainly well before man or human activity could have had anything to do with it Tbhink on this! The Icelandic volcanin eruptions that stopped all European Air movement put MORE green house gas in the shape of CO2 into the atmostphere that the whole of the motor transport system of Europe did in FIVE DECADES Bush fires in Australia, Southern Europe and California et al ditto and that is NOTHING compared to the amount of CO2 being released into the oceans from the mid-Ocean movement of techtonic plates. Think of this! during the ages of the truly gigantic dinosaurs [some weighing in at over FOURTY TONS like the ARGENTOSAURIANS] the CO2 content of the Earths atmospheres was five to ten times that of today and the Oxygen 2 content maybe 35%. That’s how those giants were able to survive. ‘ Indee so high was the OXYGEN content of the Earths atmosphere [a corollary of high CO2] that it damned near wiped out ALL non-fauna life [ known as the Great OXYGEN catastrophe!].
    I well remember back in the 40’s 50’s and 60’s the talk was of a New Ice Age and believe me a Nedrw Ice Age would be far far more destructive than a general warming Evolution -wise humans are HOT adapted NOT cold adapted.
    Plant life sees Co2 as a fertiliser and a factor iin the lessening of WATER STRESS and there is ample evidence that the rate of, for instance, tree growth is accelerating.
    I several parts of the world incluiding most of the USA and Europe FORESTRATION is increasing not lessening and the land under agriculture is lessening at the same time as production is rising In the UK there is more forestation now that at any time in the last half millenia.

  20. The morons who worship at the alter if Anthropogenic Global Warming Theology are a bunch of Darwinian failures who don’t even know how to fornicate much less procreate. They are a waste of precious bodily essence.

  21. The Covid shutdowns and vaccine passports were just a precursor to the next act in the ongoing globalist’s play for total control over the induvial. Climate change will be the next act on the way to the owning nothing and being happy social credit system.

    • avatar Geoff "A day without an obsessed, obviously brain-damaged and mentally-ill demented troll (who deserves to live in New Jersey) PR

      Awww. the widdle troll misses Haz!

      He’ll be back, don’t you worry… 🙂

      (Somehow, I bet what you have at home smells like putrid rotted fish ‘down there’… 🙂 )

      • avatar Geoff "A day without an obsessed, obviously brain-damaged and mentally-ill demented troll (who deserves to live in New Jersey) PR

        And I would like a deep wiff. 🙂


  22. There are pros and cons to everything. How is it that there is no upside to half a degree of global warming 80 years from now? Cold weather kills far more people than hot weather. It isn’t even close. Fewer people, per capita, have been dying from weather-related events in this country for decades now. Where’s the data that says that trend will reverse? The “solution” that our brilliant leaders have come up with involves making the CURRENT population more poor and more vulnerable, which will lead to more death and misery. Why would you do that if the goal is to save lives? Oh, I almost forgot. The “upside” is that a small segment of our population will become much more powerful and wealthy at the expense of the rest of the population.

    What do the modern robber baron tyrants call me when I say this? They call me a denier. What am I denying exactly? How could anyone not notice what is going on here?

  23. 10 to 15 thousand years ago glaciers covered much of Europe and North America. So, was it Mammoth and Mastodon flatulence the caused the melting of those glaciers? Or was it the burning of Neanderthal camp/cook fires? And those worrying about polar bears, or other species going extinct, ever hear of the saber-toothed cats and the North American Lions? How about the short faced bear? Horses went extinct in the Americas and were re-introduced by Europeans.
    While we have had some effect on climate through the pollution we have dumped carelessly, humans do not and can not control the Earth’s Climate. Next is the idiotic insistence that Western Europe, and the US should destroy what we have built and ruin our economies, while China, Russia, India, and several smaller countries continue to scour Africa and SW Asia for resources, robbing those parts of the world and enriching terrorists and local warlords. All the while pumping out more CO2, and other harmful and toxic pollutants in ever increasing amounts.
    Well, at least the idiots aren’t fixated on disarmament of the populace in the name of false safety.
    What I find amusing is people are so attached to their electronic devices, and insistence on being catered to and provided for, that they can’t actually go out and meet people to date, or mate with on their own. Funny how humans managed to find mates and procreate for thousands of generations without dating apps.

  24. So, “climate denial” is the top concern of losers who need a dating app to find someone because they’re such utter crap at interpersonal reaction that drunks at a bar are too difficult for them?

    I’m not really thinking this is a problem. It’s a symptom of mental illness that manifests in a very small and quite specific subset of people who’s general issue is an inability to deal with reality in any way, shape or form.

    Such a group isn’t new, it’s just the way we discuss them is.

    Time was, you just let them buy adult toys and house cats and left them to their own devices. Why do we need in depth surveys on their opinions now?

    And if we’re going to survey dating app users can’t we survey people who might have interesting things to say? At least the BDSM app users don’t have problems with real people. In fact, they love real people, who else are they going to tie up or get tied up by?


  26. I don’t deny that climate change is a real thing. In my 70 years on this earth I’ve seen first hand and up close that it is happening.

    Where I part company is with the notion that it is being caused by human activity. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. Point is, that part of the science is far from settled, but it is this belief that human activity is the driving factor that is driving policy, and that makes it dangerous.

    Where I really part company is when they start making predictions. If we are in fact looking at an ecological catastrophe, we are going to have only one shot at developing a response (if even that much). Once we commit, there will be neither the time nor the resources to change course. If we make the wrong predictions — and the probability is we will — it could end up being a needless calamity much worse than if we do nothing (gun control is an excellent model for this). There is also the possibility that we have reached some kind of tipping point where any response would be futile.

    So, OK, the climate is changing. I’m not so in love with the human race that I’m going to get my knickers in a twist about it, nor am I going to invest my time or energy in trying to stop it. I certainly have no intentions of raising my personal misery index until I see the people who are telling me I need to do that lower their standards of luxury.

  27. Got kicked off Bumble for stating facts. Marriage rate is 6 per 1,000 people. There are many reasons why starting with divorce and child custody laws. Everyone hates the truth, we are fully living in clown world.

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  29. Global cooling couldn’t be proven. Then…
    Global warming couldn’t be proven. So now…

    The morons have settled on saying the big scary sun monster will kill us because of “climate change”. Are these people not aware that there are and have been Seasons of weather patterns every year. While any sane person shouldn’t believe AOC’s farting cow prediction that we’re all going to die “in 12 years” (spoken in 2016 I believe), no one can call me a climate change denier. I am certainly aware that temperatures fluctuate daily, so yes you have to be a bone head to believe that temperature should be constant all the time. Settling on calling their stupidity “climate change” is bizarre and somewhat confusing for those of us who have a couple brain cells left.

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  31. ” if it was important that a potential paramour care about the planet” Was that the wording of the ?. I care very much so about the planet but Definitely think This climate change B.S. is a money and power grab scam!

  32. The impending climate crisis and the chaos coming with it has won several liberals I know over regarding the importance of their gun rights. It’s gonna hit the fan. Best be armed.

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