You’d think that living in one of the nation’s reddest states, Oklahoma, might make you think twice about trying to break into a man’s house while threatening his daughter. But that idea didn’t make its way through the skull of a 20-something-year-old man in Tulsa, who was shot twice in the chest by his ex-girlfriend’s father on Wednesday. 

According to Police Sgt. Kurt Dodd, the daughter didn’t live with her parents but was at their home during the incident, along with several east coast family friends who were staying there to wait out Hurricane Florence.

Around 4:30pm, the ex-boyfriend showed up and started pounding on the front door. After being refused entry, he went around the back and banged on the back door. Finally, he broke the latch on the garage door, forcibly entered the home, and confronted the people inside. That’s when the father shot him.

The Tulsa police are taking a cautious approach to the incident.

“Obviously the law is probably on your side if you’re threatened and in your own home,” said (Tulsa Police Sgt. Kurt) Dodd. “However, the circumstances of this, I don’t know if that law is going to apply or what law is going to apply. Until we have all the evidence, until we have all the information, we can’t make that determination.”

The father was taken to the police station but wasn’t placed under arrest. The ex-boyfriend was taken to the hospital with serious, life-threatening injuries.

Is anyone surprised?

Here’s a brief news segment on the incident via NewsOn6: – Tulsa, OK – News, Weather, Video and Sports – |


    • ^-this.

      If someone so out of their mind over my daughters (or someday granddaughters) broke into my home when it is full of people, I can’t imagine it wouldn’t quickly become a deadly force scenario. Hoping the local Law Enforcement sees it that way.

  1. In California, there is a presumption affecting the burden of proof that someone who breaks into your home intends to inflict great bodily injury or death. Daddy would be good to go here, at least in most counties. (There was an infamous case where the Napa DA prosecuted an elderly man–twice–for shooting a rod rager who had plowed his car into the old man’s garage after following him home. The man was shot after he entered the garage and continued his tirade. The jury just wasn’t buying the DA’s story, at least most of them. I think the first jury was hung at 11-1 for acquittal, and the second was pretty much the same. )

    • The voters were justified in removing this corrupt DA from office, period! I’m
      tired of deceitful crooked lawyers, politicians, legislators, members of Congress, criminal defense lawyers, judges etc! They are all scum!

    • Agreed, obviously as the officer said they will have to gather and review all the evidence but as a father I have to say this guy showed great restraint in using the minimal amount of force necessary to stop the threat concerning one of his children.

      • Well said.
        Were I in that that dad’s shoes, I’d struggle to use the minimal amount of force, which is probably the right call. He did well.

    • I guess he stopped the threat and therefore did well. Pumping extra rounds into the ‘jilted lover’ could have landed the dad in serious trouble if forensics deemed he had shot (for example) the perp while he was on the ground.

      Speculation of course but at face value, the dad seemed to act appropriately and without excessive force.

    • This is a dark situation for the daughter and her dad. The ex-boyfriend was not only stalking the daughter (how else would the ex-boyfriend know the daughter was at a home where she did not live?), the ex-boyfriend also breached a home full of people to get to the daughter. This strongly suggests that the ex-boyfriend will stop at nothing to do whatever he intends to do to the daughter. And the ex-boyfriend may now consider the dad to be a mortal enemy for stopping his attack on the daughter — and may be determined to murder the dad.

      I would consider the ex-boyfriend to be a serious threat to the lives of the dad and daughter as long as he is alive. Sadly, this self-defense event may have only delayed the inevitable, final confrontation. Unfortunately, that is not legal justification to use additional force after stopping the threat with two shots to the chest.

      • You are absolutely right on…..should this “perp” make a near full recovery there will always be a retaliation factor to be concerned about… may need to grow eyeballs in the back of the head……no one rides off into the sunset with their favorite girl (or guy) after a defensive gun use.

      • Yet another reason why the shotgun is the king of home defense. Rare indeed is the perp who gets back up after even one charge of buckshot in center mass.

  2. “You’d think that living in one of the nation’s reddest states, Oklahoma, might make you think twice about trying to break into a man’s house while threatening his daughter. But that idea didn’t make its way through the skull of a 20-something-year-old man in Tulsa”

    Well if it was a head shot, SOMETHING made it through his skull.

  3. I can’t believe there is any question about this. Oklahoma is about as 2A friendly as it gets. They’ve even got SYG, I understand.

    Here in Ohio we’ve got everything except SYG; we do have Castle Doctrine. From what the instructor told us during my CCW class, in a situation like this, it would be a clear cut case of justifiable use of deadly force. The perp doesn’t even have to be armed. If someone breaks into your home (or tries to violently force their way into your car with you in it, or your hotel room), you can lawfully act on the presumption that the perp is making a mortal threat or a threat to do grievous bodily harm. End of story.

    • Of course there’s a question. A man has been shot and may yet die. It’s only open an shut for you because that’s how the story reads. That’s not necessarily the truth. There is such a phenomena as fake news, after all. What we don’t want is someone getting shot and the only account we have is the shooter’s and gtthat of his obliging family. Let’s gather the forensics and conduct a real investigation. Otherwise, things can get whitewashed.

      • I think you should reread the story. Some things you missed:
        1. “Tulsa Police Sgt. Kurt Dodd said…”.
        This is what reporters are SUPPOSED to do. Report. Not proselytize. This is something the national press should take lessons from small papers on. The only way this could be “fake news” is if Sgt. Dodd doesn’t even exist, or wasn’t even the officer on the scene. This doesn’t make Dodd correct, but if he said it, the reporting is accurate.
        2. “were hosting friends from the East Coast”
        FRIENDS. Not “obliging family”. You really should learn to get your facts straight, and not so “spun” by your personal biases. Don’t worry. I will keep attempting to show you the differences. But I can only show you to the water, I can’t make you drink it.

  4. Once the shooting was over and on the phone to the police. I would develop a bad stuttering problem due to stress of a the situation. Maybe that couple extra minutes will be enough for the little punk to bleed out.

    • Serious question:

      We have a right to remain silent and not provide evidence against ourselves. And yet calling police to report the event requires breaking our silence and providing evidence against ourselves. Does that mean we have no obligation to call police until we have an attorney present? Does that mean we have no obligation to call police at all after such an event.

      • You call 911 and tell the dispatcher that someone has a gunshot wound and needs medical attention ASAP.

        That is all.

    • Weapons Education,

      It depends on the health and fitness of the ex-boyfriend versus the health and fitness of the dad. If the ex-boyfriend was a buff 220 pound 22 year-old and the dad was a pudgy/soft 180 pound 50 year-old, the dad could easily argue that disparity of force excused him from having to engage in hand-to-hand combat.

    • A lunatic has just broke into your house. Do you wait to see if he has a knife or gun hidden before you fire?

      In waiting you may give the advantage to the bad guy. Not to mention he might be able to take your own weapon and use it against you.

      Did the folks in the house order or beg the bad guy to go away and not continue his attack before he broke in? After?

      I’ve made a citizens arrest or two. It only works if the bad guy complies.

    • You say that despite the thousands of videos on YouTube showing cops getting their ass kicked when trying to arrest the suspect.

      The only thing the dad did wrong was forget the “….and one to the head” part.

    • Not in Oklahoma. If you force your way into someone’s house you are fair game. They’ll investigate this, as they should, but if the facts are even close to what was presented here no charges will be filed.

  5. Shotgun. Classic weapon for Dads defending daughters’ honor. Highly credible.

    “It’s better to have a dead body than a live hurt one that talks” – Bill Jordan in “No Second Place Winner”


  6. to many of the commenters, please do one or more of the following:

    Join Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network – not terribly expensive and you get a bunch of educational DVDs on legal aspects of self defense and use of deadly force

    Go to a MAG 20 or MAG 40 course sponsored by Massad Ayoob Group on what used to be called the “Judicious Use of Deadly Force”

    Take a course on line or in person from Andrew Branca on the Law of Self Defense

    Any of the above will be useful in furthering your education on use of deadly force, what to say to the police, etc. It may not be as straight forward as you think

  7. Tom,
    You win the internet for today!
    I am a member of USCCA and have their carry insurance.
    I also love Andrew Branca and he has a free episode of his podcast every Thursday.
    Andrew Branca explains when it is not so clear cut.

  8. Glad the dad was able to protect his daughter, hopefully the boyfriend will do a get a few years in the slammer for this.

  9. I guess Dad needs a little more training if the intruder is going to the hospital & not the morgue.

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