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Business Insider‘s Julie Bort’s got her knickers in a twist about college students showing off their guns on the Yeti – Campus Stories app. She starts her article College students are using this app to show off their loaded guns and other weapons – loaded I tell you! – with three stories of college-related incident of “gun violence.” For context, dontcha know. From there, we learn that . . .

“The weapons students have shown off on Yeti range from hand guns to assault rifles. One even showed off a grenade. These photos will make people wonder if October’s shootings are anomalies or a precursor of things to come. They should spur authorities to look more deeply at this part of college life.”

And “allow” legal gun owners to keep and bear arms on college campuses.

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    • I blame the Taurus on poor parenting. No young adult should leave the house thinking anything positive about the Brazilian bovines.

    • Taurus: the natty light of handguns: good for poor college students and little else. Written with tongue firmly in cheek…

      • I own two Tauri…well, I have one and my wife has one. I bought mine fresh out of being a poor grad student, and she hers while being a poor college student.

        So, nothing in my experience negates your comment…just want to add that I’ve always been happen with the performance of both revolvers.

        And I’ve never been a fan of Natty Light. Olympia and Meister Brau maybe, but never Natty Light. (I WAS poor in grad school).

      • Yep, the student acquires a Taurus, it looks legit, goes “clank” and “bang” mostly when desired. At that stage life the world is opening up, they expect to be pleased with the gun and they probably will be. I’m not knocking it.

    • My PT111 G2 was my weekday EDC for almost a year. I carried it at work IWB under my work shirt. Functioned flawlessly and ran Mecgar Sig P226 mags. Only sold recently to fund my first AR build.

      • My daughter’s 9mm has run without hiccup since new, the only issue being the tight mag springs. And she shoots ambi, again with no problem. She was shooting up the HPs sent her, so I sent her a care package of 250 rounds of 115gr RNs.

    • Didn’t take long for the Taurus haters to come out. One of my 9mm pistols is a Taurus (24/7 G2 full size) and it’s been nothing but reliable with more than 1000 rounds through it.

  1. As a college student, and a regular user of Yeti Campus Stories, this gives me even more motivation to “like” every single firearms post I see. Heck, one of my friends got interested in 3 gun after seeing some of the posts on that app.

    Also, if anyone feels like checking out the app, just know that some images in the different “stories” are of user submitted nudity and drug use. Definitely not an app for kids.

  2. Apparently it has not occurred to the author that none of this is new, the people posting pictures have always had these firearms, and yet we don’t see students shooting each other or their professors every week. With the exception of the guy slamming Jack with a snubby in his pocket, they probably all know right from wrong.

  3. College administrators have already stuck their noses into students’ sex lives. Please stay out of their gun safes.

  4. Excessive drug use, binge drinking, and rape are A-OK on social media, but god forbid a gun gets shown.

  5. Hey the hammer fired 809,840 and 845’s run pretty well- lighten up…my 4 Taurus’ ran perfectly(it helps if you know what you’re doing)…

  6. And you can TELL they’re loaded because the pictures are all from the perspective of INSIDE the barrel looking at the live round!

  7. Yeah, it’s not armed college students (who are apparently the only intelligent people attending these schools) using guns to harm people. It’s the ghetto-dwelling gangbangers who always live near college campuses who are preying on people, and the only way to put a stop to that is to either overtly run the school like a prison (you know, with metal-detectors, HIGH WALLS, and guards armed with semi-automatic snipuh rofls and salt rofls, etc) or to allow students to carry their guns like responsible adults. Unfortunately Ivory Tower libtards and their SJW lackeys would rather treat everyone like children and allow them to be victimized, and then constantly use their victimization as “justification” to victimize them further.

  8. “One even showed off a grenade.”

    Normally wingmen don’t show off the grenades they dive on at college parties…

  9. So much Taurus hate…
    I would rather see EVERY college student armed with a Taurus than tolerate gun free zones for another second.

  10. Gun culture on campus is real

    Rape culture on campus is not.

    Feminists remain completely clueless.

  11. If some random anti can tell from a picture the gun is loaded, Taurus must have a very intuitive loaded chamber indicator.

  12. We need more “Bort” license plates. I repeat, we need more “Bort” license plates.

    Were you talking to me?

    No, my son’s also named “Bort.”

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