One More Time: Beware of Cheap Chinese Knockoff Gear

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You’ve heard it all your life. If it seems like it’s too good to be true, it probably is. If you actually think you can get an EOTECH holographic sight for $33, you’re probably still wearing an N95 mask as you drive around in your car.

We’ve covered this before, people. Maybe you’re not dumb enough to buy a GLOCK switch or a suppressor that could result in a knock on your door by an actual ATF agent and wind up with you doing a stretch in jail. But lots of you apparently think buying a “holographic sight” that ships from Guangzhou is a good idea.


Where should we start? First and most obviously, the Chinese POS pictured in the listing above isn’t an EOTECH 558. This is . . .

The 558 runs on AA batteries, hence the longer housing. EOTECHs that run on CR123 batteries are their XPS or EXPS sights. The copyright pirates in the Middle Kingdom couldn’t even be bothered to name their tarted-up red dot — hint: it’s not actually a holographic sight — correctly.

The EOTECH 558 is a real-deal holographic sight that’s made here in America. It’s built like a tank, stands up to all kinds of weather and abuse, and backed by a 10-year warranty. That’s why you’re going to pay over $600 for one. A real one, that is.

Companies like EOTECH are forced to spend a lot of time, energy, and money chasing down copyright thieves who crank out (probably using slave labor) garbage like that thing above and then sell it on sites like and others.

The companies also produce videos like this one to keep you from buying one from someone over here who buys them and then tries to pass off Chineseum as the real deal . . .

First, just don’t buy sh!tty Chinese knockoffs like this stuff. It should be very obvious what this is. It’s slapped-together crap made by criminals who are literally taking money out of the pockets of legitimate American (and other) companies and their employees.

Second, if some guy sidles up to you at the range and tells you he’s strapped for cash and needs to unload his EOTECH HWS (or Leupold or Zeiss scope or whatever) for $150, do yourself a favor…do a quick web search. And then use your head. You know…that’s the lump that’s three feet above your ass, mkay?

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      • Working from domestic, I win $100 each hour. The truth that my closest companion makes $16,000 a month working from a portable workstation is fantastically astounding to me, so she prompted me to deliver it a attempt. I had no thought it was bvf truly conceivable.
        Presently is the time for everybody to undertake this work by utilizing this site.

  1. I think people are still falling for the Nigerian Prince scam… .
    Some people just won’t listen.

  2. I have a cheap garbage Chinese scope on my kids 10/22. Then again I didn’t buy it branded as a “nightfierce” or a “tasko” or a “Nicon” or a “kheles” or a “trujicon” something like that. I really do need to replace it with something better though, mostly because the turrets are crap. I spent under 40 bucks shipped on it, and it was interesting just to kind of see where it was okay and not. The turret adjustments are shit for instance, which is the real reason I want something else. For him to plink with, I wouldn’t really care otherwise right now.

    • Proceed to commit via a Made in China device. Or try to dance around the aforementioned like the Pearl Harbor history illiterate jr. and use a Made in Japan device like his.

      On the other side of the coin was an American company selling 45 degree offset Backup Iron Sight sets for over $200.00. Other than a logo they were the exact sights as the $27.00 Made in China sets on eBay, Amazon, etc.

      Bottom line IMO…you bought it, you own its problems.

      • “Bottom line IMO…you bought it, you own its problems.”

        Remember that when your crap guns made in Turkey lock up on you when you need one the most… 🙂

        • Not all countries exclusively manufacture crap guns, unfortunately, which is why this is just an uninformed kneejerk statement.

          Canik – owned by an aerospace company who manufactures Boeing and Airbus sanctioned parts – makes a 9mm which is NATO certified for use – and is carried by some nations. On the other hand, a well known 1911 Brand who has their frames marked Made in the USA is largely manufactured in a former Iron Curtain country. Most would never know or even suspect it was, yet US law allows it – like buying a Ford truck with Canadian motor and Mexican transmission yet it’s Proudly Made in the USA. Like mine.
          Industrialization has improved the manufacturing capability of so many nations to this time that Americans can’t even buy Made in the USA. Most choices simply do not include it. Those days, whether we like it or not, are GONE. At the age of 70 at least I recognize it, and I make my purchasing decisions on whether a product is made well by the corporate structure who designed it, not by it’s country of national origin.

          It’s why we wear Japanese quartz – which killed the Swiss industry that actually invented the movement – drive European or Australian designed motor cars – Ford, GM import designs now – and use mostly Chinese or Indian manufactured electronics.

          Of late, most of the backpacker stuff bearing major US or Euro branding is Chinese – NORTH FACE – and the gas canisters that fuel the stoves are either Korean, with Coleman being FRENCH. Less than 50% of cars sold in America now are US branded, with the Japanese making up the bulk of the market.

          I won’t even get into power tools, most of which are Chinese. I don’t want to sound rude, but try and keep up. The reality is most of what any average American uses in a daily basis, from his underwear to his computer, is not American made, and he’d be hard pressed to find a supplier that is.

        • “I don’t want to sound rude, but try and keep up.”

          tirod, *you* please keep up.

          My comment was a jab in the ribs towards a specific individual… 🙂

        • Well I guess of your cheap Turkish gun craps out then the cheap Chinese sight is probably irrelevant.

    • Chinesium is fine for low precision sights and I have used it for 22llr and 12gauge for fun that was cheap and let me figure out what style and shape of sights worked best for my eyes/face/firearms. Do I tend to get higher quality stuff for anything intended for precision or heavy use, absolutely. For a lot of people it can make for a functional (varies by manufacturer) placeholder until better optics are in the budget. The chans on/k/ used to have a great breakdown of functional knockoffs on what worked vs was garbage but the constant Ukraine threads on autobot do make things harder to find.

    • First, no…it isn’t. Companies like EOTECH, Leupold, Trijicon, SIG Electro Optics, Nightforce, and lots of others build their products here in America. Aimpoint is made in Sweden.

      Reputable brands (i.e. Holosun) that are made in China do so to their specs, turning out some very good products. It’s not pirated garbage designed to deceive buyers.

      • There are no brands where American would buy “made in china”. In 1943 would you have purchased Zeiss (Germany), Toyota (Japan), Beretta (Italy)? NO the direct enemies of the US and the West. Same as chicomland today

        Any Chicom (PLA) firearms/outdoor products should have a 200% tariff. Remove “Most Favored Nation” trade status. The USA is funding the R&D and production base of the PLA. AND we’re loaning the SOBs the funds to build it.

        • Remember that many of the quality products(lenses, tight tolerance pieces, and the like that people bought from Germany were manufactured in East Germany, and much of the profits went to the Soviets. My father worked on the atom bomb and was villified for buying a Contax camera with a Ziess lens for his hobby.
          Many people were dressed down at work for buying VWs and Mercedes in the 50s and early 60s.

      • “Reputable brands (i.e. Holosun) that are made in China do so to their specs, turning out some very good products.”

        One problem over there is known as a ‘Ghost Shift’.

        The way it works is, once the real product production run for the day is finished and folks go home, an unauthorized crew reports to the factory and cranks out a batch ‘off the books’. They can appear identical, since the original molds are used to make the fakes.

        There was an article a few years back by an ethnically-Chinese American guy who set up a factory over there for his product, but had a massive failure rate on the micro SD cards his product used. He dug into it and discovered the problem came from the flash memory foundry’s scrap pile of defective chips. The scammers were using those rejects on a ghost shift, going so far as to even use the retail packaging of the real part for their counterfeits.

        Years back when I was in the pawn biz, the Hong Kong fake Rolexes were getting so good, they were fooling those who supposedly knew what to look for. My boss was so spooked he stopped taking Rolexes entirely, except for a few of his very old customers who would occasionally hock their Rolex to make the weekly payroll, for example…

      • Glass too? Not trying to be an ass but outside of a few armor plate manufacturers I can’t think of too many companies that are entirely domestic in their manufacturing process.

      • Dan, the majority of the electronic components are made by Pac Rim Companies (China is the world’s largest supplier).
        Very little of those components are made in the US anymore, and haven’t been for quite a long time.
        China produces about 70% of the World’s supply of Semiconductors, Resistors, Capacitors, and more than 90% of the Lower Logic Microchips used today.
        So the manufacturers you mention, assembly their products here, but they are using components sourced from China.
        As for glass, while some is still produced in the US, the lens blanks are probably coming from Japan or Germany. A lens blank comes in either a single surfaced blank or a raw blank (rarer, as most surfacing equipment is designed for single sided surfacing, and far more commonly used). the anterior curves are generated, then the surfacing (polishing) steps begin.
        There are small laboratories scattered across the country, but the Big Boys, Bausch & Lomb, American Optical, Continental, and others got out of blank manufacturing nearly 40 years ago.
        I question whether the small concerns are even still casting crown and hi index glass.
        This is the end result of Globalization, the fact that we’ve lost the ability to produce domestically because its all been outsourced, primarily due to Labor Costs.

    • Well, that’s true.. even for EOTech. its just a matter of how much of it was made in China. Some partial (e.g. components to some extent) and some all (e.g. completely, for example, Primary Arms and Swampfox). All red dot type optics, and all firearms optics, on the market, even the EOTech’s, use components that originated from OEM manufacturers in China.

      but when it comes to China knockoffs, its a different thing as those most definitely were made 100% in China.

      • the is a difference between ‘made’ in the sense of assembled in US and 100% made in US from components that were all made in the US – but both can claim ‘made’ in US because ‘assembling’ is considered making.

        • “In particular glass.”

          Or semiconductors… 🙁

        • not correct

          First, companies will tell you where their glass comes from. All you need to do is press them on it.

          Second, there is not even one diode assembly used in any red dot sight on the market that does not originate at an OEM manufacturer in China. The semi-conductor diodes come from Japan, then are placed in the China OEM assembly at the OEM in China where they are rebranded and then exported or used in red dots made by the OEM under contract to another company. However, in the last few years the semi-conductor industry in China has picked up and they have started turning out their own semi-conductor diodes for this purpose.

          Third, most if not all the manufacturers will reveal where certain components are supplied from and tracing those components back reveals their origination with an OEM in China who made it and rebranded it for a company so it could be imported.

          Fourth, almost 90% of the ‘click’ or ‘constant turn’ W/E adjustment mechanisms found in firearm optics costing under ~$1,200 originated either from an OEM in China or are based on a China OEM design.

          Fifth, there are 8 (major) OEM’s in China that supply components or assemblies that are used in every (including holographic) firearm optic on the market from cheap knockoff to budget to high dollar name brand. The two biggest ‘suppliers/manufacturers’ are Shanghai Changhong Optoelectric and Shenzhen Aimbond which combined turn out either complete firearms optics or assemblies for firearm optics under contract either directly to U.S. companies that claim their products are ‘Made In USA’ or to a re-branded supplier of a company claiming ‘Made In USA’ – one of these is EOTech (assemblies). They also supply assemblies (or contract manufacturing) that are used in products from other companies, for example, Burris, Vortex, Bushnell, Primary Arms, Leupold, Riton, Sig Sauer (yes, some sig products claim made in USA), Swampfox, AMG. The biggest OEM in this area is Shanghai Changhong Optoelectric who under contract manufactures either complete firearms optics or sub-assemblies that are rebranded for the company or for a parts suppler of the company for different name brand companies, one of these using the rebranded sub-assemblies is Aimpoint who assemblies it into their products in Sweden.

          The rest of these (major) OEM’s are:
          San’an Optoelectronics, Zhongji Innolight, HGTECH, Accelink Technologies, Broadex Technologies, Suzhou TFC Optical.

          Some examples:

          Ya know those screw on turret covers that cover the W/E adjustments on scopes and other sights? 90% of those originate from San’an Optoelectronics in China and are re-branded then exported.

          Ya ever wonder why some red dot type sights from different companies seem to look similar in some ways? Its because they were made by the same OEM in China who simply changed the looks a little from a base design used in both of the products. And although the products may claim ‘different’ features, internally they are the same things with maybe one or two things turned on/of or change slightly. For example, the reason a certain Vortex LPVO is very similar to a certain Riton LPVO is because they are both made by the same OEM in China using the same components with just small differences in looks based upon the base design the OEM uses. Another example, the critics of a certain Sig optic complain about the glass but rave about a certain Leopold optic glass – in reality both use the same exact components and glass with the only difference being the housing’s for both look different and the branding, and both are made by the same OEM in China.

          All together, these China OEM’s supply either components, or sub-assemblies, found in every firearm optic on the market at any price level from any manufacturer.

        • The China influence even extends into the non-electroptic area for firearms. For example, Debbie mentioned further up in the comments an American company selling 45 degree offset Backup Iron Sight sets for over $200.00 and other than a logo they were the exact sights as the $27.00 Made in China sets on eBay, Amazon, etc.

          Well, there was a reason for things like that and that reason is they are the same sights made by the same OEM in China. The only difference was the ones sold for, say, $100.00 by the American company were branded with the logo of that American company.

          Another firearms ‘optics thing’. A budget China (SHENZHEN JIAWO INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD) company brand called Votatu (on Amazon) makes rifle and pistol lasers. They use the same laser module found in Crimson Trace and Laser Max. Those components originate from Shanghai Changhong Optoelectric an OEM in China.

        • Then there are the associations of private China companies. For example, Huanic is a private China OEM manufacturer of optics and parts/assemblies for Holosun and lots of other companies.

          For example, the Holosun HS503GU is similar in looks and features to the Sig Romeo and some Primary Arms series of rifle red dots. That’s because they were actually made by the same private OEM Huanic in China using a base design with minor changes for each company. (note: Sig Sauer divorced its self from Huanic and now their Romeo series of rifle red dots, most of them, are made in the USA but use parts from other OEM’s in China, PA still uses Huanic as does Holosun either directly or indirectly through another China OEM).

          For example, the Sig Romeo MSR used the same internal components and glass as the Holosun HS503GU because they used the same China OEM – the main difference in dot related functionality being that the Holosun HS503GU had the ‘shake awake’ feature enabled and the Sig Romeo MSR didn’t.

        • @.40 Cal
          Like I said…it’s all made in China.

          I’m sorry if the way I say it makes me sound like I’m on a high horse but you can write a book and say the very same thing. It’s amazing to me that the left wants so badly to be upset at the FFL’s calling them “Merchants of Death” but in the end it’s more about their need to protect the China connection. Which is all part of why they are so afraid of any action takin by Trump to make them pay for what they did to the world with Covid.

        • Note: The parent company of Holosun is Surpass Technology Inc. which is owned by Huanic Corporation, a private OEM company in China. Huanic is funded by the ‘China Investment Corp’ who is funded by ‘Central Huijin’ which is owned by the Peoples Republic of China.

          The largest market for Huanic Corporation for firearms optics stuff (collectively, components/assemblies/full-products) are U.S. companies that claim ‘Made in U.S.A’, and the US market overall (civilian and military) is their largest market for firearms optics for them with an over 60% market share under other brand names that use them.

          Every single one of you that has a firearm optic, no matter if rifle or pistol, ‘Made in U.S.A.’ or not, has some of ‘China made’ in it or on it no matter the cost.

    • With Amazon being what it is, i’m just about at that point of not buying anything at all from them.

      • Buying from Amazon depends where you live, Every tool item on my reloading bench came purchased from Amazon, many were drop ship from Midway, others were from Amazon warehouses. Why you may ask, because when you live in rural America, the local Home Depot or Lowes is 60 miles away and there is no Cabelas or Bass Pro for a few hundred miles. Most local gun stores only carry components, almost no dies, scales, presses, etc. Amazon has been a blessing, click click and it’s at your door tomorrow or the next day. BTW, when Midway or Mid-south didn’t have it, Amazon did, that’s why I purchased it from Amazon Amazon is the Sears Roebuck & Co. of the 21st Century for rural Americans.

        • @Prndll Can’t buy from Midway when is shows up not available but Amazon lists it and ships it drop ship from Midway. Strange but it’s happens a couple of time for dies , and although the initial price is a little more from Amazon, Midway charges shipping, Amazon doesn’t. So same price or cheaper, but not a whole lot of difference either way. I just don’t have to drive 200 miles to find out a store sold the last one yesterday….

        • @MB
          That kinda thing is why I might order from RCBS or Hornady. Even Brownells.

          Use what you like. I just don’t see much need to go to Amazon for most things.

        • I live in hicksville too and I have to do the miles because I refuse to use credit cards(iits getting harder). I’m a telling you all, this use of plastic money is going to be the end of our freedoms.
          Nobody seems to get it.
          Kitty Clover potato chips , Town Talk bread , made from the tators and wheat grown locally, processed locally, sold locally. And the community thrived.
          The can I found of mushrooms in the dumpster had Made in China written on the bottom. I said to my buddy possums and them gawddamn cats, ” Hey guys , check this out.” And they’re like ” Who gives a fck we’re eating.”
          And then one day someone owns the trash dumpsters that we didnt want owning the trash dumpster. And all the possums and cats are all ate up and the only things eating out of the dumpsters is humans.

        • I agree. Whether you personally like Jeff Bezos or not, his company has revolutionized the consumer marketplace. Some of us for whatever reason cannot spend hours shopping only to find out that the store is out of stock on the item. “But we can order it for you. It should be here in 10 days.”
          Yeah but in a couple of minutes I can order it on line at Amazon and it will be here tomorrow. Didn’t have to leave my invalid wife home alone for several hours while I drove to 3 different stores to hear the same sad tale. Didn’t waste expensive gas, didn’t waste time trying to find a clerk who knew anything about what was stocked. But on line knew in an instant that it was available. Recently I was in Home Depot asking about the location of kerosene in that giant warehouse. Three clerks claimed to not even know what kerosene was. These are the folks that Home Depot claims have real life experience in the departments where they work. The fourth clerk knew where it was but misdirected me to its location. I finally found it on my own but they didn’t carry K-1 kerosene. More than an hour wasted for nothing. OF course, Amazon had it. Might have been a tad more expensive, but considering the price of gas and that the state of CA considers the minimum wage for a doofus employee is $15.00 an hour the extra cost to Amazon was worth it.

  3. This article is funny. When my son was very young my mother would often buy him inexpensive toys that didn’t last long. This was usually incidental to baby sitting/shopping. The toys would break right away. My son was a toddler. His refrain became, “It was made in China.”

    • An aquatenance I know well quiped, “One of these days our landfills are going to be full of Chinese junk, nothing but Chinese junk.”
      But he rides a Goldwing soooo?

  4. When I had my shop open back 15 years ago (07/02 FFL/SOT) a couple of individuals brought me rifles with “Leupold Mark 4” scopes from mounted on decent enough rifles. Scopes that they paid $1500.00 for and looked passable….until I found that they had the same serial numbers. Called Leupold and they verified that they were indeed 100% fake. Life is hard for people who insist on buying things at a no e discount. Chinese knock offs are out there by the scores…caveat emptor!

    • Greed gets them. The con men work on the mark’s greed.

      The price they paid probably had them believing they were getting a really good deal, but in reality, they were the ones screwed, as they found out out later…

    • Not all stuff made in China is crap. A lot is, but they are now building to whatever quality level their customer wants.

      They’re kinda like where Japan was in the early 70’s, but they haven’t taken engineer Ed Deming’s ‘gestalt’ of quality control yet, (if ever)…

        • It must appear that way to someone sitting on their high horse…

      • @Geoff
        There is no horse at all (or was that a spoon…)

        Just an acceptance of what is, and a few choices made accordingly.

      • There are some who would purchase from the devil himself if they could save a dime on every plastic piece of jimcrack garbage they bought

      • Sad to say some of the stuff I’ve bought marked Made in USA was of less quality then the china sht.
        Farmland turns to landfills. Who invented Chess?
        Some armies plan their conquests in months, some in years and some in centuries.

      • I am no Chinologist, but it is my experience the Chinese still operate on the “Buyer Beware” philosophy of doing business. I spent 10 months in Taiwan while in the military service which in no way made me an expert in Chinese thought but did expose me to dealings with Chinese merchants. It left me with the impression that the Chinese consider it good business practice to cheat their customers. They consider a customer who does not check the rice to insure that it is not full of rocks to be a fool. A couple of books by Lisa See who is of Chinese descent about business practices in China have only reinforced my impression.

    • Ahhh ohhh .40 cal.
      LMAO. I saw Biden doesn’t even know what country he’s in, and just started laughing.
      But anyway. you better get with the program buddy and quit bashing our President Biden. Me n Minor49, dacian, yup, we’re safe. You anti-theBiden guys are going to be sorry.
      DebW’s a sweetheart, come on Deb.
      President Biden is the greatest president America has or ever will have.
      President Biden is the greatest president America has or ever will have.
      President Biden is the greatest president America has or ever will have.

  5. I buy them to make an Airsoft clone of my real firearm, it doesn’t matter if it won’t take abuse so long as it is close and allows me to practice more often.

  6. I have a knock off Eotech 552 that I picked up for like $30 like 10 years ago. For awhile it lived on my 15-22 until I put my real 552 on there. Now the knock off lives on a airsoft rifle I use to knock squirrels off my bird feeders. Hate giving them money but as long as they are sold like how I bought it….knowing it’s fake and not scammed for $600….well capitalism is capitalism.

    • Uh yeah I got some lesser optics. My Tru-Glo AR red dot flew apart after a mere 50 rounds. Since I paid $50 at Cabelas on sale(expired guarantee) I was SOL. Sending back to Tru-Glo was a nightmare. My LPVO is really good for the $. A predominate brand in Europe. Good QC especially the glass. That’s 2 good Sightmark products with my 3X magnifier🙄

  7. It’s trademark infringement, not copyright.

    Generally, copyrights protect creative works such as articles on this blog.

    Trademarks generally apply to logos, product design, etc.

  8. Red dot sights have little cameras in them so any red dot sight that is sold in the USA must be Sea Eye A approved.
    I see those Chinese knock offs have to use a little wire to transmit the signal.

    • And that’s why I still wear a tinfoil hat when shooting a gun wearing anything electronic…. it disrupts the signal before the spy satellites can pick it up.

  9. Beware of anything from China. Their metals are loaded with impurities. It’s all junk, and you support the Communists every time you buy a product made there. I realize that our greedy corporations have sold us out, and there are some products that just are not made here anymore, so I use the ABC rule, “Anywhere but China”.

  10. Never forget. This should be played every day on the news until people understand. He’s telling us they use Wall Street to control our government. Then he says that power didn’t work with the Trump administration.

    “My friends on the US side told me that they tried to help, but they couldn’t do much. But now we’re seeing Biden was elected (audience laughter). The traditional elite, the political elite, the establishment, they’re very close to Wall Street, so you see that, right?”

    “Who helped him (Biden’s son) build the foundations? Got it (China)? There are a lot of deals in all these.” (audience claps)

  11. sent a full auto to benchmade for repair. last time had to sign a form so as it can be shipped back across state lines, fed law. this time i also had to sign a counterfeit form stating if it wasn’t a real benchmade they keep it to pursue the counterfeiters.

  12. I’ve tried over and over again to alert evilBay (eBay) to the listings for counterfeit optics like Eotech and Trijicon RMR, but evilBay seems to have no interest at all in removing them.
    (Which is odd, considering evilBay is very quick to remove my listings for Nikon riflescopes that evilBay falsely claims are “assault weapons parts” just because the scopes have “AR” in the name of the scope).

    When flagging the counterfeits to evilBay didn’t work, I then tried sending messages to the people selling these counterfeit “Trijicon RMR” optics for $49.99, and the reaction from the crooks was to reply angrily, “I’m selling them for only $49.99, which is hundreds less than the real thing, so why the hell do you care that they’re counterfeit? No, I’m not going to stop selling them!”
    And then I try to reply, “Because someone is trusting their life to the product that’s going to fail when they need it most, and because you’re a crook, and you’re breaking the law by printing counterfeit Trijicon RMR trademarks on Chineseum junk,” but these scammers don’t care that they’re breaking the law. They know evilBay doesn’t enforce the rules against high-volume Chinese sellers (only against low-volume American sellers like me).

  13. As me Grandfather told me long ago, “If a Deal’s Too Good To Be True, Then It’s Not True.” In my 63 years on this mudball, his advice hasn’t been wrong.
    I’ve bought a couple of knock offs, and they were junk. One of them, you could adjust windage and elevation all day, and the dot/reticle never moved at all. You get what you pay for. I’ve a set of MagPul knock offs that function just as well as the Mag Puls do. Time will tell whether they hold up as well, but so far, I’m happy with them on a second rifle.
    I like the SIG ROMEO MSR. Yes, it’s made in China, for SIG, but SIG does test/inspect the units before they hit the shelves. For the price +/-$90, they do everything I want them to do. Dot’s not quite as crisp as the Vortex Venom dot, but it’s certainly not the blob I’ve found really cheap sights produce. SIG’s Customer Service are a joy to deal with, in my one and only experience with a defective product.
    Generally though, I run only cheap glass on .22s I have set up for the Grandkids when we go shooting, with one exception, a Barska, 3-9 x 40, I run on my 6.5 Creedmore. I bought that scope at a going out of business sale, and It’s been a great performer, holds its zero, and 1/4 MOA adjustment . The only issue I have with it, is it eats batteries, even when turned off. So I just remove the battery between sessions.
    I think I paid $50 or 60 for it. it’s msrp was around $180, but by the time I bought it, the owner was practically giving stuff away, Got a bunch of Reloading Components at a fraction of their cost too.

    Being retired and on a fixed income, the high dollar Optics are out of my reach. It would take me many months to save up for an EOTech, so lower tier is what I must settle with

  14. does anyone remember the ‘North American Trade Agreement’ the was pushed thru in the 80’s? which led to manufacturing overseas. seems like is kind of difficult to reverse it now. a friend bought a remy shotgun, made you know where….turns out that manufacturer is owned by remy, with the only difference being barrels not interchangeable.

    • NAFTA was part of why so many people in Washington had a problem with Trumps idea of making Mexico pay for the border wall. It was all about tariffs.

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