John Cornyn
U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)
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Recently, I sent a message to my sellout Texas Senator, John Cornyn. Inter alia, I pointed out that while I have supported him for decades (going back to his Texas Supreme Court races), his caving to the Democrats on gun rights meant I will never do so again.

Here is the canned response I received yesterday (apparently sent after he’s starting to realize that the blowback is real) . . .

Dear Louis:

Thank you for contacting me regarding federal firearms policy. I appreciate your comments on this important matter.

On May 24, 2022, a gunman maliciously took the lives of 21 innocent people, including 19 children at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. My heart goes out to the families who lost loved ones. As you know, this is an incredibly difficult time for the Uvalde community, Texas, and our Nation. We are committed to coordinating with federal, state, and local officials to assist the Uvalde community as they navigate the aftermath of this tragedy.

Students and teachers deserve to feel safe inside of their schools, and parents deserve peace of mind when they send their children to school. To that end, my Senate colleagues and I have engaged in bipartisan discussions to draft mental health and school safety legislation to identify and prevent violence in our communities. It is imperative for Congress to improve the availability and accessibility of mental health services across the country, particularly within our schools, to address the root causes of mass violence. In addition, school safety measures must be bolstered to ensure schools have effective violence prevention mechanisms in place.

To be clear, we are not talking about restricting or limiting the rights of current law-abiding gun owners. We need targeted reforms to ensure existing laws keep guns out of the hands of criminals and those who have been adjudicated as mentally ill. The Constitution guarantees the right to keep and bear arms, and I strongly oppose any effort to infringe on that right.

As this legislation begins to take shape, my goal is to reach an agreement that can earn broad bipartisan support. In the wake of the 2017 Sutherland Springs shooting, we learned that the existing background check system-the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS)-did not identify that the shooter was prohibited from purchasing and possessing a firearm under federal law. As a result, I reached across the aisle and worked with my Republican colleagues to pass the bipartisan Fix NICS Act (S. 2135; 115th Congress), which was signed into law as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2018 (P. L. 115-141). This law improves the uploading of records from local, state, and federal agencies to better identify those who are already disqualified under current law from purchasing a firearm. States and federal agencies have uploaded more than eleven million records since the bill’s passage. I’m convinced that this legislation has saved lives.

Like you, I am outraged by mass shootings and the violence inflicted upon our communities. As your Senator, I am committed to focusing on the root causes of mass violence, improving the enforcement of current law, and addressing improvements to mental health care in America. I will continue to push for effective solutions that protect communities while preserving the protections and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution.

I appreciate having the opportunity to represent Texas in the United States Senate. I recognize we may have differing opinions on this important matter, but I hope you will continue to share your views with me. Thank you for taking the time to contact me.


United States Senator
517 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Tel: (202) 224-2934
Fax: (202) 228-2856

Note that he claims his support of the Second Amendment is purportedly adamant, and he would never, ever to anything to jeopardize the rights of law-abiding citizens.

However, when I actually read and analyzed the text of the bill that was released yesterday (see especially section 12003), it’s clear that his idea of “protecting” our rights is merely mouthing platitudes rather that insisting on actual, concrete protection of due process and preventing abuse of red flag laws, such as guaranteed legal counsel and mandatory compensation for those whose rights are infringed.

In short, his “support” for the rights of law abiding gun owners is illusory.

I sent him the following reply.  I don’t expect a response.

Senator Cornyn:

I’ve now read the bill, especially the Red Flag provisions.  It’s clear you have sold us out. (Who wrote section 12003, a ten year old? It has so many holes any first year law student could drive a truck through them!)

If you were actually serious about protecting the constitutional rights of law-abiding gun owners, you could have insisted on some actual teeth in the law to punish those who abuse Red Flag laws (and/or to compensate those people who are wrongfully deprived of their rights, or heaven forbid ensure that they have legal representation before being deprived of them). But no, doing that might offend the tender sensibilities of the Georgetown smart set whose affection you so desperately crave.

And, of course, you cravenly surrendered to the left without getting (or apparently even seeking) ANYTHING for our side in return. National reciprocity? Nope. Requiring states like New York, Illinois, and California to actually obey FOPA? Nope. Maybe even ask why DOJ isn’t prosecuting Hunter Biden for firearm law violations that us peasants would be locked up over, or demanding answers about why those involved in Fast and Furious are still drawing government paychecks? Of course not — that might cause the Washington Post to say unkind things about you, which apparently matters more to you than representing the rights of your constituents.

We need leaders like Gov. DeSantis who don’t live in fear of the Beltway media and aren’t too cowardly to fight. Instead, you’ve become another John McCain — or Lindsay Graham.

What you encountered at the recent Texas GOP convention is just the tip of the iceberg. You’re permanently losing the support of your base, who now will crawl over broken glass to support your primary opponent. And just as Ted Cruz sent the RINO David Dewhurst into retirement, I be looking to support a candidate who can do the same to you.

Austin, Texas

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        • Debbie they really don’t care and do what they want its amazing people still think after 2020 votes matter and non representing representatives care about the people.

      • The People who encourage others to not vote are setting up the only option left that free people have. And that is to take up arms.

        And if you don’t think that will happen? Then I say you are a fool. Because in the Year 2020, when a million or so Americans came to believe they had no option left. So they burned American cities to the ground. And many people were killed in those riots.

        And the cops did nothing to stop it.

        If you think that people will not take up guns when they believe there is no option left. Then you’re on absolute fool. And you are part of the problem we have to this day.

        I have not forgotten the empty holster protests in Texas of many years ago. Those thousands of empty holster protesters led to Texas getting constitutional carry. Senator John Cornyn should be made to fear losing his job. The next time Cornyn and shows his face in public in Texas, protesters should show up openly carrying long guns and protest signs.

        Or this can also be just another reason why we need to have a national divorce. Repealing the 17th Amendment almost 100 years ago is what lead us to this point in our country’s history. Under our original system John Cornyn would have been recalled and replaced immediately.

        No bloodshed necessary. But in the 21st century it may become necessary.

        • I dont disagree. People can believe and vote however and for whomever they please but it won’t stop me from expressing that voting will not help the problems plaguing this country. I’m personally past believing a political solution to the problem exists. YMMV

        • “So they burned American cities to the ground.”

          Really? So which cities in America were burned to the ground, I have some spare time this summer and I want to go see them.

        • to miner49er

          You sound like one of those “good Germans”. Who said, they never heard, smelled, or saw anything wrong. As general Eisenhower forced them to walk past the piles of dead concentration camp crematorium victims.

        • to Chris T in KY,

          Fascinating you should say that, as it is not the first time someone has said that very thing to me.

          You really think I could make a good German as you described?

          It would be a real honor.

        • I’m sorry, perhaps you misunderstood my question:

          So which cities in America were burned to the ground, I have some spare time this summer and I want to go see them.

          And I’m glad to see that Fake Miner has joined the discussion, his stream-of-consciousness emoting can often be entertaining.

      • It wasn’t a legislative negotiation. It was a surrender. He surrendered and just handed them over to the Dems.

      • The paper trail. There is now evidence of gaslighting (lying) by the Senator. It can be used in so many ways.

        It also shows LKB did his due diligence to get the Senator to comply with the Constitution.

      • It doesn’t matter that you live in a state without red flag laws. I live in a state with red flag laws so the cops here will have the court issue a warrant for your guns.

  1. Very well-written. I also read this morning he has come out of the RINO closet in support of amnesty and funding the CRT in schools. Time for a RECALL, IMHO.

    • Unfortunately, no recalls in Texas. And I believe that even in states that do have recall elections, they can’t apply to federal officeholders.

      • LKB, maybe try petitions like up here in the queens colonies. Those really seem to shake them to their core.

        • To LBK,

          That’s what Utonian’s hilariously found out after they blew a gasket over Mitten’s common sense “compromises” and becoming more leftist.

        • I think the petitions are just to fill up the paper shredder baskets.
          I once worked as a supervisor and most of the grievances I received were briefly scanned over and tossed in the waste basket.
          I’m sure our elected officials are no different

      • That is why you find some felony he has committed and send a film crew along with the Texas Rangers and bust him at o’dark thirty. Just like the DOJ did to General Flynn. Offer him an out that includes his resignation from his Senate seat. They did it to Flynn and Roger Stone, so why can’t we do it to Cornyn?

  2. You should also tell him no matter what they pass many of us will not obey it and we will defend ourselves and our rights.

    The last 2 years has confirmed beyond any shadow of a doubt that totalitarianism can happen here. It just did. We lived through it. As much as we were done with bullshit gun control before, we are 100 times as done with it now.

    That’s what I am telling Toomey, though his record is so blatant on guns that his position can hardly be called a betrayal. Toomey never supported us, and always supported gun control. He has remained consistent.

    • I understand that there is a law in Texas that doesn’t allow any city, county or state law enforcement to enforce these federal illegal “laws”. Cornyn is doing what McConnell wants him to do. McConnell is married to a woman that has ties to communist China and are in fact Chinese Communists, her sister and father.

      • “McConnell wants him to do. McConnell is married to a woman that has ties to communist China and are in fact Chinese Communists, her sister and father“

        Yep. And the communist party of china certainly appreciates the American Republican support.

        • Normally all the support comes from us Leftist and Marxist.

          However, seeing how we revere and admire China, our devotion is natural.

          Especially as Democrats seek to bring the ‘China Model’ to the United States.

  3. Why are there millions of dollars in there for pediatric health care. Are little children committing gun crimes?

    • Make sure the kids are up on experimental gene therapy, gender transition (chemical castration), and datamining for doctor’s office red flag applications? Sarcasm…………hopefully.

    • “Why are there millions of dollars in there for pediatric health care?”

      Right, who cares about the healthcare needs of America’s children, especially the troubled adolescents with access to weapons.

      The gun industry needs these continuous mass shootings in order to drum up business, every mass shooting is an advertisement for folks to go out and get a gun to protect them from their crazy neighbors.

      And we don’t need no stinking mental health care for troubled youth, it might actually prevent them from taking up arms and murdering innocent people.

      • And point of fact, I was not being ironic, facetious, jesting, nor sarcastic.

        As a card carrying Marxist, how else could I, Miner49er be?

  4. It figures that a senator named Cornhole would back door all of us.

    Plus, the Party of Stupid — the PoS — may have given away a massive victory in November. Those of us who can’t bear the stench of these so-called Republicans might just stay home and watch the PoS swirl down the porcelain convenience.

  5. We need a 3rd party option so that the republicans and dems disappear into oblivion. Don’t say LP because I need to see sane libertarian candidates and not the kook brigade that gets trotted out.

    • The LP is controlled opposition two presidential cycles of candidates that cared more about appeasement of the left than actually winnin.

    • Here in Canada we have more than three parties. All it does is add to the ever growing pile of bullshit or spread it out more, depending on your viewpoint. None of them are ‘there for us’, only for themselves.

    • “We need a 3rd party option so that the republicans and dems disappear into oblivion.”

      In the real world, all a third party candidate does is peel votes away that would have gone to an actual conservative and hands it to the Leftist Scum ™ candidate.

      As for proof, Google “H. Ross Perot”, who gave us 8 years of Clinton…

      • The voters who voted for Clinton are who “gave us 8 years of Clinton”- laying the blame on voters who didn’t vote for Clinton is truly contemptible.

        A vote for a candidate is a vote for THAT candidate only- trying to turn it into anything more than that is simply sore loser tactics. It’s those who don’t like the results of an election that act out with rationalization tantrums in an attempt to soothe their defeat (and their ego).

        Don’t allow anyone to impugn your choice as a voter- who you choose to support is your business and your business ONLY. Vote for the candidate YOU want to see win… it is IMPOSSIBLE for ANY vote to elect someone OTHER than the person you vote for.

        Be smarter. Have decency.

        • “…laying the blame on voters who didn’t vote for Clinton is truly contemptible…Be smarter. Have decency.”

          Kinda binary there…

          Voting is more complicated than many want to think.

          Simple example:
          Two parties have equal voter registration, and every one who is registered votes. Your party has ten voters. Your opponent party has nine votes. On election day, three of your party voters decide to vote for a third party. The result is your party gets seven votes, and your opponent party gets nine. Voters in your party handed victory to your opponent. Thus, it is quite logical to blame the three who didn’t vote for your party as being responsible for your party losing.

          A voter can vote their conscience (and likely lose), or vote to win against the opponent. In voting, winning is all that matters. It is quite common that people upend themselves by making perfect the implacable enemy of winning.

          Politics is a numbers game, nor a morality play.

  6. It is incumbent to say what needs to be said- and you said it very well. The defenders of freedom salute you, LKB.

  7. Like my e-mail reply to a reply from my worthless RINO senator you won’t receive another reply. Not so long ago it was spineless senators just like cornyn who appeased democRats that were behind feel good Jim Crow Gun Control Laws, etc.

    If cornyn cared so much about our children he would have had proven defensive measures in place long ago to prevent “our children” from being nothing more than soft target sitting ducks.

  8. LKB,

    Your error: you did not offer something of significant value to Senator Cornyn. Had you offered a $20 million campaign donation or promised him a cushy “job” for 10 years with a $4 million dollar annual salary, then you might have bought garnered his support.

    Moral of the story: Washington D.C. politics is sleazy–almost beyond imagination. If you want something out of D.C., you better be ready to get metaphorically covered in unspeakable substances.

    • When it comes right down to it (purchased votes aside), it seems Congress always votes to expand the power of DC rather than give power back to the states. Makes perfect sense, if you ignore all the rhetoric of the GOP. Why would Congress ever vote to do anything but increase it’s power?

    • “Your error: you did not offer something of significant value to Senator Cornyn”

      Your Republican senator has already been bought by the defense contractors, Exxon mobile and Big Energy, the billionaire bankers and capital management companies.

      And this is direct contributions, not counting the dark money and ‘issue ads’ by political action committees.

      And it looks as if you can get him a lot cheaper than $20 million.

      Rank Contributor Name
      Contributions to John Cornyn since 1/1/2013

      1 Lockheed Martin $91,450
      2 ExxonMobil $54,850
      3 Apollo Global Management $52,950
      4 JPMorgan Chase $39,100
      5 Blackstone $38,500
      6 Energy Transfer $36,800
      7 HBK Capital Management $35,600
      8 Goldman Sachs $35,400
      9 Elliot Management $35,050
      10 USAA $34,400

      • Maplight is a “nonprofit” that is funded through “donations” from far leftist foundations including but not limited to, Sunlight Foundation, Open Society Foundations, MacArthur Foundation, Ford Foundation, and the Tides Foundation aka George Soros.

        • “Maplight is a “nonprofit” that is funded through “donations” from far leftist foundations”

          So what? Do you have actual evidence that contradicts the federal election commission filings showing these amounts?

          Or are you just using empty speech because you know the facts are contrary to your opinion.

          Fake Miner, I find it more entertaining when you rattle on about Marxism and communists.

  9. We are at war.The White House is home to the traitor in chief. Why do you think they want the UN small arms treaty? You can never invade the US because there’s a man with a rifle behind every blade of grass. Well I guess not anymore. You sow the wind you reap the whirlwind. If you hide them, they will torture you, rape your wife and children. Time has come to use them

  10. John Cornyn has proven he does not care anymore…. he was extremely smug and Flippant on TV especially about the NRA and the members..Cornyn has apparently got his 30 pieces of silver…. John Cornyn is about to go woke on immigration against his constituents… he is retiring from politics soon you’ll see…After the betrayal from the rinos I don’t believe the red wave is going to form after all…

    • I think the “red wave” won’t necessarily be a bunch of people switching parties. It’ll be a rebuke of the current administration as previous Biden supporters decide maybe the party that put him in isn’t worth showing up for. It also doesn’t need to be much of a “wave” to flip the House and Senate.

      I also REALLY doubt that Republicans will push for more gun control in 2023. This is Dems’ last chance for a while to get something passed. I also think a lot of the traitor Republicans will be primaried.

      • If Trumpers stay home in November, there will be No Red Wave and the US will have a real solid democrat congress. And six more years of Biden. GOP moderates will be the biggest losers.

        • “GOP moderates will be the biggest losers.”

          Actually, it will be the GOP base who are the losers.

  11. How any politician (or any sane human being) could support Pre Crime Punishment Laws is beyond me.

    • Because it leaves the door open to go back for another piece of pie later. The biggest issue with pre -crime laws like red flags is you can’t tell if they really work. But you can get some great metrics “we took weapons away from 10,000 dangerous people.” That sounds good to as politician, though there isn’t any proof those “dangerous” people were in fact dangerous, or even if they were suicidal or pondering a crime, that they would have followed through. Definitely ripe for abuse.

  12. As soon as hearing of Cornyn’s “bipartisan”
    approach, called his office & repeatedly sent emails to (1) do not offer or support ANY so-called gun control (red
    flag laws in particular) etc. and (2) “…if you betray ANY facet of The Second Amendment…you have lost at least six family support votes in the next election should you choose to run again…”.
    Result? Canned responses; all BS now that we’ve seen the content of the bill before the Senate. As others have noted, he sold us out🤬.

  13. I got the same letter. I hate to break it to you, but Cornyn is retiring, so he is beyond caring about your continuing support. For what it’s worth, I think he is trying to do what he thinks is the right thing. That doesn’t mean it *is* the right thing, per se, but I don’t perceive what he’s doing as acting out of malice.

    As for Section 12003, I guess I’m reading it differently. Rather than being full of holes, I view it as providing legal ammunition to go after any state that accepts federal dollars for red flag programs under this bill and *doesn’t* implement rigorous due process protections in the same. Maybe I’m missing something.

    On that topic, the whole mental adjudication process is a really thorny issue. When we institutionalize someone, or, in this case, take away their guns, due to perceived mental health concerns, we are, by definition, in most cases depriving the targeted individual of their rights in the absence of any crime having been committed. It’s anathema to our system of jurisprudence, which is based on the concept of punishing people for the evil they have *done,* not the evil they *might do.* So, it’s a problem, and it’s why we largely shutdown sanitoriums beginning in the late ’70s. Well, we need only look at the streets of San Francisco to see where that has gotten us. It ain’t working. Some people *need* to be institutionalized. Some people we really *don’t* want to have access to firearms, because they are bat guano nuts. We just need to make sure we apply as much rigorous due process to the whole mental adjudication process as we possibly can.

    • Thanks for coming out as a leftist/liberal like your buddy John whom you understand so we’ll. You can GO TO HELL right along with him.

    • I hate to say this, but I am starting to believe the GOP uses it’s congress critters who are not concerned about re-election to do the dirty work of siding with the Dems while many others can object in front of the camera to put on a show for their constituents. Are any of them really on the side of their constituents?

      • There’s only one elected official who represents his constituents, that’s Machine. Everyone else seems to think that they represent their party. Which is why everything is broken.

        • If you truly believe that Manchin really gives a crap about the little folk, I’ve got a bridge in Arizona to sell you… This is all a show, put on for us so we’ll not riot in the streets, and fully utilize the 2A to put this nation back under OUR rule. THAT is what’s really going on. Please wake up.

      • “The GOP uses it’s congress critters who are not concerned about re-election to do the dirty work of siding with the Dems…” – CORRECT. “Many others can object in front of the camera to put on a show for their constituents…” – CORRECT. “Are any of them really on the side of their constituents?” – DEPENDS ON THE DEFINITION OF “CONSTITUENTS”… If using it in the context of us, We the People – NO. If using it in the context of their real backers, the powers that are attempting to usher in the New World Order of One World Government via the Great Reset, or at least profit by or during this usurpation and enslavement of all peoples – YES. Now you’re starting to see what’s really going on.

    • As to whether Cornyn is retiring, he’s got 4 years to decide. If he becomes or is about to become majority leader, I suspect he’ll decide to stick around.

      WRT 12003, get real:

      Section 12003(a)(2)(I)(iv)(II) magnanimously allows you to have counsel in a Red Flag proceeding “at no cost to the government.” How freaking generous of them.

      Section 12003(a)(2)(I)(iv)(IV) requires that there be unspecified “penalties” for Red Flag abuse. So, a Red Flag law calls for the judge to publicly admonish Karens for frivolous filings. That meets this milquetoast standard.

      Even if a state law provided that it is criminal abuse of process to file a baseless red flag petition, does that give you any weapon? Nope. Guess who has the discretion to prosecute? In many places, the same Soros acolytes who are unwilling to prosecute real criminals, and who probably will be encouraging their brownshirts to red flag anyone who owns a gun.

      And what if a state didn’t provide / enforce the due process “standards” is the bill (which are so vague as to be illusory)? Can you sue the state? Nope, you don’t have standing, because this is a federal funding bill. Does it provide a private civil right of action? Nope. Not only does 12003 not provide any “ammunition” for future legal fights, it probably just makes matters worse.

      On the positive side . . . at least for us in Texas:

      The chances of the Texas Legislature ever passing a Red Flag law are somewhere between slim and “what are you smoking”? They are far more likely to pass a resolution censoring Corwyn than a Red Flag law.

  14. Cornyn is still just one ässhöle. Keep up the pressure on all the other RINO senators as well. This *cannot* be allowed to pass.

    • I’m afraid it WILL pass… But, we should still voice our needs, and what our so-called representatives SHOULD be supporting, vs. what they really are supporting. We need to prepare for it’s passage, and get started on lawsuits against the Fed. gov’t for abridging our rights, pre-crime predetermination of guilt & seizure of private property & character assassination, lack of due process, etc., etc., etc. We also need to ensure our Sheriffs are CONSTITUTIONAL SHERIFFS… i.e., that they will follow the Constitution, not laws that violate the Constitution.

    • If true, it gives NRA members just another example of how well their dues are being spent…

      • NRA has become a sell-out… My husband REFUSES to rejoin (and I refuse to, as well), until Wayne LaPierre – who was voted in for yet another term as President – is gone!!! HE is the one who is steering the NRA boat – and not in OUR, We the People’s, direction. No, LaPierre’s all about MONEY, INFLUENCE, CONTROL – not simply coincidentally, just like the Global Predators attempting to usher the entire world into the Great Reset’s One World Government, where we serfs will own nothing.

  15. “I hate to break it to you, but Cornyn is retiring”

    I don’t know where you got that idea, but the exact opposite is happening. Cornyn is campaigning to replace Mitch McConnell as Senate Majority Leader.

    • Well, the rigged voting machines & rigged elections clerks up through rigged SOSs are still in place, so that just might happen despite how hated he now is among us little folk.

  16. I hate to break it to him but he’s possibly very wrong. Already one source of credibility is stating there’s a plan for Cornyn to replace China Mitch when he retires. No telling which speculation is correct.

  17. Remember folks, elections are rigged in the primaries.

    If you stay home in the generals or vote third party is your business NEVER EVER skip a chance to vote in the primaries though.

  18. I think this new set of laws will drastically alter the gun shows. If say selling more than 6 guns a year at a gun show requires you to get a dealers license, (which will probably not be issued to most people because of zoning ordinances), all gun sales will probably have to be papered at the show by running the sale through a dealer who sets up there. Many others simply do not want to become a licensed dealer because this puts them under the microscope of the ATF storm troopers.

    Unfortunately this all came about because Congressmen of both parties knew they could not at this time pass a Universal Background Check law so they took what they could get, which is a partial one that falls way short of being adequate to stop criminals and Psychopaths’ from buying second hand guns.

    Here in Ohio we had a serial killer by the name of Dillon who bought two Swedish 6.5mm military rifles with no paperwork at a gun show and went on a massive sniper killing spree before a fellow worker turned him into the Cops. The cops had not a clue who the sniper might be despite their investigations. Once again it was a case of a nut case buying rifles with no paperwork.

    • That case was from 1989 – 92.

      Numerous errors in your account, unsurprisingly.

      ” … who bought two Swedish 6.5mm military rifles with no paperwork at a gun show … ”

      While Dillon occasionally bought weapons at gun shows, most came from private sales, through classified ads and mail order from gun dealers. He purchased four .30 caliber rifles and his two .308 Mauser rifles from a FFL dealer.

      He used a .30-caliber hunting rifle in one shooting and admitted to using a .308 Mauser hunting rifle in another, but police found no evidence at four sites and didn’t identify any weapons involved until after his arrest.

      ” … went on a massive sniper killing spree … ”

      Five victims over three years.

      ” … before a fellow worker turned him into the Cops.”

      A high school friend of Dillon’s, Richard Fry, 43, read the August 11, 1992, report in the newspaper about the case and FBI profile.

      “Once again it was a case of a nut case buying rifles with no paperwork.”

      No paperwork? The dealer’s records showed Dillon had bought 18 weapons in the last several years.

      ” … they could not at this time pass a Universal Background Check law so they took what they could get, which is a partial one that falls way short of being adequate to stop criminals and Psychopaths’ from buying second hand guns.”

      Which has nothing to do with the little tale that you told, and it would not have prevented Dillon from obtaining his weapons.

      • to Klingon

        quote————-While Dillon occasionally bought weapons at gun shows, most came from private sales,———-quote

        Are you rally that dense. Private sales without paperwork and gun shows without paperwork put guns in the hands of lunatics and criminals.

        quote———–No paperwork? The dealer’s records showed Dillon had bought 18 weapons in the last several years.———quote

        And Dillion was not stupid as none of those guns were used in the killings because he knew they could be traced back to him. Nice try on trying to distort what actually happened.

        AND DILLION ADMITTED HE BOUGHT AND USED TWO 6.5 SWEDISH MAUSER RIFLES AT LOCAL GUN SHOWS. One he sold at a gun show and it was turned in by the owner to the police as evidence and one he said he threw into a river and was never recovered.

        quote————Which has nothing to do with the little tale that you told, and it would not have prevented Dillon from obtaining his weapons.———-quote

        The guns would have been papered in Universal Background Checks and if Dillon would have had any checkered past it would have stopped him and any guns recovered after the shootings would have led a paperwork trail right back to him. As it was the gun linked to shootings was only turned in by luck to the police because the guy he sold it too remembered him. Once again without paperwork trying to trace guns used in crimes is often hit or miss and if Dillion had kept his mouth shut about the killings he would have killed a lot more people before he was ever caught because of the lack of paperwork on the guns he purchased.

        quote———–He used a .30-caliber hunting rifle in one shooting and admitted to using a .308 Mauser hunting rifle in another, but police found no evidence at four sites and didn’t identify any weapons involved until after his arrest.———quote

        The article is wrong as he did not use those weapons at all as they were traceable back to him, he used the untraceably 6.5mm guns bought at gun shows with no paperwork

        • dacian, your stupidity is becoming more laughable by the day. The people selling guns on the street are ALREADY violating existing law. The current estimates are that somewhere north of 70% of all guns used in crimes are purchased illegally. Illegally under our EXISTING laws, you brain-dead cretin.

          So passing your magic “universal background check” law is suddenly going to cause criminals ALREADY VIOLATING existing laws by SELLING GUNS ILLEGALLY to stop doing it??

          You are simply too stupid to breathe. Do the world a favor, and stop stealing oxygen. Legislative prohibition of commerce in a desired commodity has literally NEVER worked. Prohibition? Actually the studies indicated alcohol consumption INCREASED during Prohibition, you gormless dolt. The infamous “War on Drugs” worked out REALLY well, dinnit, you yapping buffoon? NO DRUGS, ANYWHERE . . . ’cause they’re illegal, amirite.

          Jeebus, dacian, you make retarded planaria feel smart.

        • to The Lamp that went out in his head

          “quote———– Actually the studies indicated alcohol consumption INCREASED during Prohibition, you gormless dolt. ———quote

          Again Lamp you prove that you are not a product of higher education. Studies have shown that Prohibition actually did what it intended to do and that was lower consumption of hard alcohol. Even a child knows that if one cannot buy hard liquor because of the scarcity and expense the person will be forced to drink more beer.

          Studies show that traffic accidents went down, domestic abuse went down, family bankruptcies went down,assaults went down and yes the overall murder rate went down.

          Prohibition was not rescinded because it did not work , rather it was rescinded because of the tremendous loss of tax money the government was losing on the sale of hard liquor.

          Lamp that went out in his head you must like being humiliated as you post before ever doing any research but only mimic the ignorant far right silly propaganda that any educated person knows is laughable and pure rubbish.

      • to Klingon

        But at his arraignment in federal court in Akron, where prosecutors argued to keep him in custody, Dillon was named the prime suspect in the serial killings. The storm of publicity that followed brought the task force the break it needed. On Dec. 4, a Stark County man told authorities he had bought a Swedish Mauser from Dillon at a Massillon gun show – on the same day Gary Bradley was killed in Noble County.

        Ballistic tests matched the bullets recovered from Bradley and Claude Hawkins, authorities say

        • You won’t address me by my user name, so I will not address you by yours.

          Hey, Asshole — here’s more proof that you are a liar:

          “On Dec. 4, a Stark County man told authorities he had bought a Swedish Mauser from Dillon at a Massillon gun show – on the same day Gary Bradley was killed in Noble County.

          “Ballistic tests matched the bullets recovered from Bradley and Claude Hawkins, authorities say.”

          Almost an exact quote from the article that I linked, and you copied and pasted yours without attribution. It clearly states that Dillon sold the Mauser used in two of the murders to — “… A GUN DEALER [not “a man” but a dealer] from Stark County brought in a Swedish Mauser rifle he said that Dillon had sold to him on April 6, 1992, at a Massillon gun show the day after Bradley was murdered. Ballistics tests indicated that it was the rifle used to kill Bradley and Hawkins.”

          We know that you desire a national gun registry (which you misleadingly include under UBC) to match owners to firearms. That’s an unconstitutional infringement which is expressly against current law. And it would not have prevented Dillon from obtaining his weapons nor murdering his victims.

        • to Klingon

          quote———–It clearly states that Dillon sold the Mauser used in two of the murders to — “… A GUN DEALER [not “a man” but a dealer]———–quote

          Irrelevant and Non Sequitur since the crimes were already committed by an unpapered Swedish Mauser Rifle. Now what part of this do you not understand?????

          Also there were conflicting newspaper accounts as to whether the man at the gun show that bought Dillions unpapered murder weapon “was or was not” a gun dealer but that is totally “irrelevant” anyway as I stated above. What was important was that if the gun had been recovered at the crime scene it could not have been traced back to Dillon. Again “what part of this do you not understand”.

          quote——–We know that you desire a national gun registry (which you misleadingly include under UBC) to match owners to firearms. That’s an unconstitutional infringement which is expressly against current law.———-quote

          Where have you been for the last 20 plus years. The Brady Bill has registered new guns for that long a period and its been ruled completely Constitutional and so would extending it to cover second hand guns as well. The ATF now requires all records by gun dealers be turned in to them when they go out of business and they can trace guns through dealers who are still in business by demanding to see their records.

      • “The dealer’s records showed Dillon had bought 18 weapons in the last several years.”

        Will you just stop it now? No one cares about actual facts, and documented events. Indeed, facts and figures are more examples of virtue signaling, privilege, supremeism, and colonialism (just like math). We believe in truth over facts. End of story; end of discussion. Take your accepted facts and documents, and go have the Chaplin punch your ticket.

    • “I think this new set of laws will drastically alter the gun shows.”

      It won’t.

      Two errors: You don’t “think.” And its not “law” yet, may never pass.

  19. I received the same letter when I wrote him concerning his Gun bill. He has lost my vote and my financial support. I pray he gets primaries the next go.

    • You Texans need to find a viable candidate/s NOW for primary in 2026. In reality it’s unlikely at 74 he will be running for relection (thus behaving like a damn RINO).

      #1 NO LAWYERS.

  20. When I sent a note to Portman today, I used the email contact page on his website. I noted that in the suggested list of topics, “Second Amendment” was listed with “Drugs/Crime” instead of with “Civil Rights.” I selected “Civil Rights” of course, and then asked him about that too.

  21. Writing your representatives just puts you on a hit list.
    Out of sight out of mind.
    They’ll find out what I think when they’re knocking on my door.

  22. This episode shows so clearly (and will be underscored by the actual senate vote) that Trump will be a lame duck from day one, should he be re-elected president. What we have here is a clear statement by the Republicrat elites that they will not support Trump any better in a second presidency, than they would have during his first term.

    To give Trump credit, it does appear that his attention during a second term will be getting revenge. Maybe that is a good thing….lock up government in internecine warfare among Repubs, so that pretty much nothing gets done during a second Trump term in office.

  23. “Instead, you’ve become another John McCain — or Lindsay Graham.”
    or ***t romney.

  24. I also wrote to Cornyn expressing my displeasure with the anti-gun bill & I got the exact same response – word for word. It’s just his standard canned response

    • Same boilerplate response for me also.

      I sent him around six emails in the past 10 days, yet didn’t get ANY response until after 5:15pm (DC time) today.

  25. I also sent him a message stating “I have vote for him in several elections and he will NEVER get another vote from me”. I will leave that space unchecked on my next ballot.

  26. At least he sent you a reply.
    I emailed my traitor Missouri Senator, Roy Blunt, twice now since the news of this betrayal first came out and have yet to even get a response. Our other Senator, Josh Hawley, has promptly replied to each of my emails. Guess it shows what Blunt’s true feelings have been all those years I voted for and supported him.

    • Along with your vote your supposed to give a 54 million dollar contribution.
      That’s how you get things done.

  27. I also wrote Sen Cornyn, and received the exact same response.

    My answer to his pablum is below:

    To be clear, you are talking about restricting or limiting the rights of current law-abiding gun owners. A “red flag” law removes firearms from someone simply accused with no due process, without the right to confront the accuser, and without the right to counsel. I agree that we should keep weapons out of the hands of mentally ill persons, but at least when that is alleged, they have a right to be examined and know what is going on. The “red flag” process violates an entire series of constitutional rights! If you wish to keep firearms out of the hands of criminals – great! Please enforce the laws already on the books, including possession by felons, making false statements on background checks (like Hunter Biden); and quit letting felons out early to prey on more victims.

    If you really do not understand you are restricting rights of current law-abiding gun owners, you are a fool. If you do, you are a traitor.

    Ollen Burnette

  28. STOP “reaching across the aisle”. The only thing across the aisle is a cane, flaming bags of turds or hand grenades. Across the aisle are the enemies of our republic.

  29. The paper trail. There is now evidence of gaslighting (lying) by the Senator. It can be used in so many ways.

    It also shows LKB did his due diligence to get the Senator to comply with the Constitution.

  30. We need to keep from being mesmerized by shiny objects in DC.

    Texas, and all other states need to create laws, with severe penalties, to make federal gun control null and void and anyone trying to enforce it goes to jail, for civil rights violations.

    Null and void is what the founders would call anything that was not in pursuance of proficient arms bearing populace.

  31. Not to diminish kicking 49er while he’s down, up, or any other time he’s saying something dumb… But I believe it would have been more correct to say “crematoria” if you’re taking about more than one crematorium. Latin plurals and all…

  32. I have contributed to 14 America First candidates this year. I also have a list of the Republicans who voted for this Bill, and I will be contributing to their opponents when their reelections come up. If everybody does the same, and contributes just a little, we can get rid of these RINOs.

  33. @alien
    “You mean the Chaplain to punch my T.S. ticket? Thanks, I’ll do that.”

    That may be the one. In all my time in the military, never did get clarity on what the phrase actually meant. Sounded like something I could include in my response to fact and documentation.

    Let me know how it turns out. If it is a good thing, will recommend it to others. If it turns out to not be a good thing, will recommend it to others.

    • Sam, don’t know if you’ll ever see this as every one of my comments is being moderated. I must have been a bad boy.

      I’m familiar with the term from studying WWII USAAF flight training. I tried to post a cartoon from that era. The caption stated. “T.S. (Tough Shit) ticket: Usually given to an air cadet when he believed he was given a bad deal. Chaplains were prone to receiving them by cadets with hurt feelings.”

      While usually a figure of speech, often it was an actual paper card with spaces to receive punches by a hole-puncher. One example read:

      “When presented to nearest Chaplain, consolation and condolence will be rendered to bearer whose membership in this organization is indicated by his affixed signature. This card is good for as many punches as it will stand. Crying in beer is not condoned.”

      Signature: _________________________

      • Thanx. That’s info to remember. Had generally thought that at one time, in order to be away from normal job assignment, evidence was needed that a soldier actually did go see the Chaplin, rather than just be absent from work.

  34. Psychiatry is at best an inexact sciens and more inexact than most . So how pray does the process go to identify just WHO is likely to commit a mass shooting? It’s all very well to identify the mad buggers with the benifit of hindsight but a is anybody really going to believe it’s possible in kids of any age? Are you seriously telling us that every kid from a broken home, a dysfuntional family, a so-called ‘loner’ who does not get on with girls [or boys come to that] is a potential mass shooter?? The fact si that in the majority of these cases it was NOT Bloody obvious a or at least no so obvious that a LICENSE could be refused . Can you imagine the sheer number of LEGAL [and successful!] CHALLENGES and the potential COMPENSATIONARY payments arising therefrom from less than solid diagnosis?
    The whole bloody idcea is ridiculous. Especially when there are som much simpler solutions, Just limiting the NUMBER of firearms held would do for a start. Then there is every cause for a mandatory GOVERMENT RUN, certificated and extended training, even an annual, training program. Why not make it a BOOT CAMP type just as the PROFESSIONALS have to undergo on a periodic basis? After all the Armed Service undergo regular and mandatory training as do the Police Forces. And as do many other occupations. Make it legal to submit to GUN OWNERSHIP test for alcohiol and drugs abuse just as other occupatuons have to undergo. There is no reason as to why the Police could not do thgis on a regular basis for all gun-owners.
    If a FAIL is registered impound all currently owned firearms for at least two years and a life ban for any further transgression. Give them a really hefty fine say three times the cost new of ALL owned firearms and stir time for repeat offenders – just like traffic violations.

    • Ain’t happenin’, limey. In the States, we have these things called “rights.”

      You wouldn’t understand.

  35. Another traitor aiding a treasonous act! A typical hypocritical politician selling his soul to greed and power. We must first take away their armed guards and concealed carry permits. Then we can see the truth of their disarmament superfluous gobble de gook. Each and every so called law on the books in each and every state and the federal register are in violation of the second amendment’s, “shall not be infringed” of the constitution and another step in the socialist’s agenda to eliminate the Bill of Rights. Without the second amendment we the people have no defense of our God given inalienable rights.

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