Reinoehl shooting portland antifa
Officials work at the area late Thursday, Sept. 3, 2020, in Lacey Wash., where a man suspected of fatally shooting a supporter of a right-wing group in Portland, Ore., the week before was killed as investigators moved in to arrest him. Michael Reinoehl, 48, was killed as a federal task force attempted to apprehend him in Lacey, a senior Justice Department official said. Reinoehl was the prime suspect in the killing of 39-year-old Aaron “Jay” Danielson, who was shot in the chest Saturday night, the official said. (AP Photo/Ted Warren)
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From the Associated Press . . .

A Washington state prosecutor has decided not to file criminal charges against police who shot and killed an antifascist fugitive wanted in the highly publicized death last year of a right-wing demonstrator in Portland, Oregon, last year.

A U.S. Marshals-led task force was trying to arrest Michael Reinoehl, 48, at an apartment complex in Lacey, near Olympia, in September 2020 when four officers fired at him as he exited his car.

Reinoehl, who was armed, was on the run after being caught on surveillance video shooting Aaron “Jay” Danielson, a supporter of the far-right group Patriot Prayer, on Aug. 29, 2020, after demonstration backing then-President Donald Trump.

Trump cheered on the manhunt for Reinoehl, tweeting just before he was killed for police to “Do your job, and do it fast.”

In a memo dated Monday, Thurston County Prosecutor Jon Tunheim found that the use of force was justified, Oregon Public Broadcasting reported.

The Thurston County Sheriff’s Office previously determined that Reinoehl likely fired first at the officers, based on witness and officer statements as well as a spent shell casing discovered in Reinoehl’s vehicle.

Reinoehl’s gun — the same .380-caliber handgun he used to kill Danielson — had a fully loaded clip, but no bullet in the chamber. Investigators said they couldn’t prove when that shot was fired because they never found the bullet.

According to a summary of the investigative findings released last spring, the officers at the scene said that Reinoehl failed to comply with their commands and that he reached for his gun. Witnesses reported that task force members were readily identifiable because of their badges, vests and markings.

Michael Reinoehl is seen during a protest in front of Mayor Ted Wheeler’s residence Friday, Aug. 28, 2020, in Portland, Ore. Reinoehl, suspected of fatally shooting a supporter of a right-wing group in Portland last week, was killed Thursday, Sept. 3, as investigators moved in to arrest him, a senior Justice Department official told The Associated Press. Reinoehl, 48, was killed as a federal task force attempted to apprehend him in Lacey, Wash., the official said. Reinoehl was the prime suspect in the killing of 39-year-old Aaron “Jay” Danielson, who was shot in the chest Saturday night, the official said. (Beth Nakamura/The Oregonian via AP)

The officers who fired at Reinoehl were Jacob Whitehurst with the Washington Department of Corrections, Pierce County sheriff’s deputies James Oleole and Craig Gocha, and Lakewood police officer Michael Merrill.

Braden Pence, an attorney representing Reinoehl’s family, called Tunheim’s report “disappointing but not surprising.”


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  1. Good Didn’t have to try, house, feed, or pay for the defense of the Murderer and now don’t have to pay to defend the police who resolved the issue!

    • I love happy endings. Too bad they didn’t off Renial before he murdered someone. He, and a few dozen other subversives should have been gunned down during the riots. In what reality is throwing explosives at cops NOT A SERIOUS CRIME????? Only in Progressive Fantasyland.

  2. Reinoehl’s gun — the same .380-caliber handgun he used to kill Danielson — had a fully loaded clip, but no bullet in the chamber. Investigators said they couldn’t prove when that shot was fired because they never found the bullet.


    • It’s the AP. I expect no less. What’s odd is the gun would have chambered another round unless he completely unloaded and switched magazines. So maybe they shot him when he reloaded the magazine? But the AP makes it sound as if he only got one shot off? “a spent shell casing” “that shot was fired”

    • The B son of TTAG is a stupid-A$$ libertarian. Who seems to think that if all the police were military police, it will be much better in the United States, since they wouldn’t have qualified immunity.

      That statement implies a great deal from a statist who has been hiding in the closet.

      I disagree and agree with Libertarians on many things. But I don’t believe there are any so-called Libertarians who believe, it’s a good idea that all the police in the United States be military police.

      • It sounds to me like he’s agreeing with you, but you don’t understand what he’s saying. Referring to non-cops as “civilians” furthers the government-control-over-everything plan, and is a modern political ploy to shift the narrative in favor of the tyrants. When anyone says “civilian” in reference to non-cops and non-“first responders,” what they’re really saying is “F’ING PLEB.” There are only civilians and military. Police who are not military are civilians too.
        According the police special rights was where we started going down the path to tyranny.

        • “Civilian” in police vernacular refers to unsworn vs sworn people. Police department administrative staff, dispatchers, and fire dept personnel are all referred to as “civilians” indicating their unsworn status. It has nothing to do with military/non-military/UCMJ status.

    • Haha!
      I thought the same thing. The article lost a bit of credibility at that point, as well as the “bullet in the chamber” comment.
      But a happy ending, nonetheless!

    • Most likely not, but the extra time is appropriate to letting emotions cool down, so to speak.

      It’s plausible they were clued in not long after the shooting that there weren’t going to be charges…

  3. 😂🤣😅😅🤣🤣🤣😅 disappointing, but not surprising that running from police while shooting at them will get you killed…

  4. Editor? Washington prosecutor not Oregon prosecutor as he was shot in WA. He allegedly killed the protestor in OR…

    • The brain dead left consider Chuck Todd a moderate Republican. Yes seriously. Therefore anyone to the right of Chuck Todd is FAR RIGHT.

    • Look at who journalists follow on Twitter. They overwhelmingly follow leftists because they’re leftists, too. To them, Mitt Romney is “far right.” That’s how they see the world. (Many progressives describe Obama and Clinton as “conservatives,” and they’re not joking.)

  5. Good, that POS executed that protester.

    Just walked up to him, and shot him in the head.

    Good riddance.

    With any luck, that will piss off Antifa…

  6. “Antifa Killer”

    This headline is inappropriate. He was a BLM-Antifa killer. Note the tattoo. He’s yet another BLM assassin in a long line of corporate/media/politician-promoted BLM assassins.

  7. Good. antifa/SS are nothing but killers trying to resurrect fascism in the world.

    Ever notice that when the antifa/SS are rioting and burning it’s not in neighborhoods with the corporate billionaires that fund them. It’s always in poor, mostly minority neighborhoods.

  8. You’ll notice that in the story Patriot Prayer is referred to as “far right wing” while the murderer, Reinoehl, was merely an “antifascist.”

    There’s no such thing, apparently, as “far left wing” to the press.


    On August 29, 2020, Aaron Danielson, an American supporter of the far-right group Patriot Prayer,[1][2] was shot and killed after participating in a pro-Trump caravan which drove through Portland, Oregon, displaying banners and signs supporting President Donald Trump,[3][4] and clashing with participants in the local George Floyd protests.

    Note: Patriot Prayer is an extremely violent Far Right Neo Nazi group that wants an all White America.

    A review by the New York Times found that the local investigators discounted key pieces of evidence that contradicted the notion that Reinoehl fired his weapon; for example, Reinoehl had a full magazine in the gun found on him

    Dinguss said he never saw Reinoehl pull out a gun.

    He said he watched as two unmarked police vehicles converged on Reinoehl as he walked to his car, holding his phone and chewing on a piece of candy. The officers never audibly identified themselves and didn’t try to arrest Reinoehl, Dinguss said.

    Instead, he said they immediately began firing. When Reinoehl heard the gunfire, he ducked behind his car, which was pinned in by the law enforcement vehicles; he never tried to get inside, Dinguss said, and he never saw him reaching for a weapon. Dinguss said he watched police unleash rapid-fire rounds at Reinoehl, once pausing to shout “Stop!” before resuming their fire.

    Dinguss added officers waited “multiple minutes” before rendering medical aid to Reinoehl, who died at the scene from several gunshot wounds.

    If anything Reinoehl should have gotten a medal not been prosecuted. The Patriot Prayer group is a danger to all Americans.

    The FBI has declared Far Right Neo Nazi groups are the biggest threat to America right now and the Jan 6th storming of the Capitol was right out of Hitler’s 1923 beer hall putsch.

    • “If anything Reinoehl should have gotten a medal not been prosecuted.”

      If you’re for straight up assassinations, then why do you have a problem with the police killing a murderer without a trial? Oh that’s right. You just want guys from your team to kill the guys from the other team. You just admitted as much, and you’ve admitted it before when you said the Capitol police should have unloaded full auto fire on the protestors. I’ll keep that in mind the next time you attempt to take the moral high ground on anything.

      • I am taking the moral high ground. Reinoehl was attacked and shot at earlier in the night and a video shows Daneilson attacking Reinoehi later when he was shot.

        • You couldn’t be more wrong if you tried. “We got a couple over here!” I don’t know about you, but if I’m involved in a defensive shooting, I don’t run away without calling the police. You obviously don’t understand how this works, but even if you’re attacked previously in the night, that doesn’t give you a pass to go murder someone later on.

        • Dude you must be blind it clearly shows Daneilson attacking Reinoehi. Now what would you think would have happened if Daneilson had blinded Reinoehi with that spray he would have killed him with the aid of his Nazi buddies.

        • The video said he was armed. If he wanted to kill him, he would have pulled his gun, so try again. There’s a certain threshold necessary in order to use deadly force. Bear spray isn’t a deadly threat. Also, don’t be surprised to get some bear spray when you ambush someone and start calling for your posse to come join the fight. Normal non-murderers would accept defeat and leave at that point.

          We’ve already had these discussions with the resident pantifa sympathizers. This is old news. You’re a little late to the party.

        • quote———–The video said he was armed.——–quote

          That is more than enough justification for Reinoehi to have fired first.

          Try again Dude you have never been in a confrontation like that when you have seconds to react before the other guy does.

        • “That is more than enough justification for Reinoehi to have fired first.”

          No it isn’t because he never even pulled it out.

          “Try again Dude you have never been in a confrontation like that when you have seconds to react before the other guy does.”

          It doesn’t matter how much or how little time there is. It’s either a threat worthy of deadly force or it isn’t. Your pantifa assassin hero made a point to ambush those guys and got an eyeful of bear spray for his trouble. The Patriot Prayer guy chose not to pull his gun because he didn’t think it was a deadly threat. This wasn’t a defensive situation worthy of deadly force no matter how much you want it to be.

          How do you expect anyone to take you seriously after you wished the police opened up automatic fire on the protestors at the Capitol? Only one person was killed that day, and it was an unarmed woman so obviously deadly force wasn’t needed that day either. You know that but don’t care. You just want people that you disagree with to be killed. You’re a special kind of sick bigot.

        • quote————How do you expect anyone to take you seriously after you wished the police opened up automatic fire on the protestors at the Capitol? Only one person was killed that day, and it was an unarmed woman so obviously deadly force wasn’t needed that day either. You know that but don’t care. You just want people that you disagree with to be killed. You’re a special kind of sick bigot.———-quote

          You realy are a sick person and an abject liar. Five people died that day not one, what planet do you live on?????

          And the crowd constructed a gallows and were screaming they were even going to kill Pence, a Republican. This was more than enough justification for the Capitol police to mow them down.

          Remember if Blacks or Latino’s would have done the same thing that is exactly what would have happened that day. Too many of the Cops were as big a bunch of Nazi’s as the crowd was, and that is what saved them from being gunned down. It was good old White Supremacy and privilege that let them get away with murder. History just repeating itself over and over again.

          Sorry Dude your excuses for the Nazi’s shows that you are one too and a cheer leader for them. People like you are not real Americans, you are extremely dangerous Nazi’s that in a heart beat would set up a one party dictatorship with Trump the leader for life.

        • The reason we have so much propaganda is because people like you eat it up when it feeds your bias. The reports of cops being killed was fake news. No cops were killed. Some other protestors died on site. No cops died from the riot. The only person killed was a petite unarmed woman. I’m sure she was terrifying to a cowardly lefty. This has been confirmed after Nancy made a big deal about that one cop dying afterwards when they were trying to say he was hit with a fire extinguisher. That turned out to be a lie.

          Since you seem to be convinced that the rioters were killing people, provide proof of it here and I will eat crow if you’re right. I’m throwing down the gauntlet here. Loser leaves town and doesn’t come back. Put up or shut up.

        • Dude says:

          “Bear spray isn’t a deadly threat.“

          Now there is a radical opinion, but I’m glad to hear that you are so peaceful.

          So you’re saying you believe that an absolute stranger should be allowed to bear spray you in the face and you are not allowed to employ lethal force in defense of your person?


        • Miner,
          Those Patriot Prayer guys were walking down the street when your pantifa assassin hero ambushed them and called for his posse. He was intent on starting some violent shit. That’s why bear spray was deployed. It was intended to be a deterrent as you well know. The guy was armed with a gun and didn’t pull it out because he wasn’t a murderer unlike your hero.

          If two ladies are walking through a dark parking lot, and some guy jumps out and yells, “we got two over here!” and they deploy pepper spray, do you honestly believe the perp should be legally allowed to kill them for that? Ah who am I kidding expecting you to be honest for a change. You still owe me for losing the Biden border bet you weasel.

        • “You realy are a sick person and an abject liar. Five people died that day not one, what planet do you live on?????”

          Please explain how I am sick or a liar? I said only one person was killed that day. There’s a big difference between dying and being killed. My grandma died, but she wasn’t killed. Huge difference. You’re trying to distract from the fact that somewhere deep down in your black heart, you know it’s wrong to call for gunning down unarmed protestors. You and Miner want people that you disagree with to be gunned down because you guys are bigots of the highest order. I’ll be busy at work today, but I’ll be checking back here this evening. Put up or stfu.

        • “So you’re saying you believe that an absolute stranger should be allowed to bear spray you in the face and you are not allowed to employ lethal force in defense of your person?”

          Hey Miner, go back and watch some videos of your comrades during the 2020 Summer of Fire and Destruction. Try to count how many of them should have been legally gunned down per your expert legal analysis. I assume you think lethal force should have also been deployed for every brick and frozen water bottle thrown as well since they have the potential to do much more damage than pepper/bear spray.

        • quote————-The reason we have so much propaganda is because people like you eat it up when it feeds your bias.———quote

          TO DUDER BRAIN

          FACT 5 people did indeed die at the riots. The cops death was controversial and it was never established what killed him but the riots certainly did not do his health any good no matter what the real cause of his death. Four other people died because of the riots that is fact no matter how many lies you tell or how you try and White Supremacist Wash it away.

        • “FACT 5 people did indeed die at the riots.”

          Show me where I ever disputed that you fool. Like I said only one person was killed. You can’t prove otherwise because that’s exactly what happened. It took me all of two minutes to verify that. So how is it again that I’m sick and a liar? That is called projection. You and Miner both do this. You’re projecting your faults onto others.

          Since you were too embarrassed to provide proof, I did it for you:

          Ashli Babbitt, 35, died by homicide from a gunshot to the left shoulder.

          Kevin Greeson, 55, died of natural causes from cardiovascular disease.

          Benjamin Phillips, 50, died of natural causes from cardiovascular disease.

          Roseanne Boyland, 34, died by accident from acute amphetamine intoxication.

          As for Officer Brian Sicknick, the NY Times first reported that he died due to blunt force trauma from a fire extinguisher during the riot (a lie for people like you). Then they updated their story on January 8th with a headline that read “Capitol Police Officer Dies From Injuries in Pro-Trump Rampage” So they change out one lie for another.

          Finally, the coroner came out months(!) later and said Sicknick died of a stroke the day after the riot. They had to wait because they wanted to keep feeding the narrative that it was the Trumpers that killed him. They’re still trying to feed the narrative for people like you but the cause of death is listed as natural.

          So please, tell us again why you think that a crowd of unarmed protestors should have been mowed down by automatic gunfire? Like I said, I’ll remember that every time you complain about police using excessive force. It’s okay as long as you disagree with their politics. There’s a word for that bigot.

      • quote————- Capitol police should have unloaded full auto fire on the protestors. I’ll keep that in mind the next time you attempt to take the moral high ground on anything.————-quote

        When Nazi’s tried to overthrow the U.S. government on Jan 6th they were no longer Americans and as proof even their own relatives turned them in. So yes I did take the moral high ground.

        • You’re the nazi, SS Schutze dacian. Machine gunning mostly peaceful protesters is a fascist move. Claiming the ‘moral high ground’ for mass murder is a fascist move.

          You’re a nazi.

        • If I had not read some of your previous comments including from your banned Vlad profile, I would think you were a parody of a left winger.

        • quote————– I would think you were a parody of a left winger.————-quote

          We Left wing Socialists are winning over the hearts and minds of the young by giving them what they long for and that is higher paying jobs, better medial and drug care and more affordable education and retraining and a safer country to live in. When you right wing stingy, greedy Nazi’s grow old and kick off the Nation will finally be rid of of you and the Nation then can become a civilized place to live in for all Americans not just the Nazi Supremacists. The good news is that within another 20 years Latino’s will have taken over the country , the legislation, the courts, and the schools and you will be a minority. This year the white population was shown through the census as being in decline. Right now over 25 percent of all of America’s people are immigrants or the immediate offspring of immigrants and we grow stronger every day. We Socialists will also let in more Europeans as well as they are used to civilized Socialist programs and will support the same programs they are used to having.

          When we Socialists do away with gerrymandering and the corrupt electoral college Republicans will cease to be a viable political party as the majority of all Americans hate them with a passion as the voting results clearly show at every election.

          With fair and free elections the Republicans know they would be crushed as a political party.

          A truly Democratic country is a party of all the people not subject to the tyranny of the minority far right radical racists. History has had enough of you. Germany got rid of its Nazi’s and the U.S. needs to do the same. And we can all see how much better off Germany has been since the end of WWII.

          All true Americans believe in the poem on the Statue of Liberty and the only way to achieve that in totality is breaking the political power of people like you. We are all tired of suffering under your jackbooted racism and blind greed.

      • Tell us another fantasy. Yes these groups can point to one or two minorities they often entice to cover themselves but take a look at the crowd whenever the Proud Boys or the Patriot Prayer group show up they are 99.9% white.

      • quote————-jwm September 22, 2021 At 17:02
        Whenever the antifa/SS show up they are 100% fascist.———–quote

        And now we have the High School dropout is trying to tell us that he knows something about history. You are a laugh a minute.

        Remember Retard U.S. WWII troops called themselves Antifa and Antifa fought Hitlers Nazi’s in the streets of Germany when Hitler was rising to power.

        Try again High School drop out you are making a fool of yourself as usual.

        • Because your propaganda ministry is hi jacking an old name does not mean that you guys aren’t fascists. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, has feathers like a duck and has web feet like a duck, it’s a duck.

          The fact that a high school drop out can see what you can’t proves you failed at getting an education.

          You’re a nazi.

        • Jethro WM you would not know the difference between a Nazi, a Socialist or a Communist if you had a dictionary in your hand, no wait you cannot read , maybe a grade school flash card with pictures.

        • SS Schutze dacian. You once again prove that your time in school was a complete waste. You’re a nazi by word and deed. Lying to us does not change that fact.

        • quote———–Your antifa is an insult to those who fought real fascists.———–quote

          Considering the fact we are fighting against Nazi’s like you who are no different than Hitler’s thugs were we are quite proud of ourselves.

        • What is the difference between antifascist and socialists?

          antifascist are opposed to fascism or to extreme right-wing authoritarianism

          Socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. Or in Marxist theory a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

          The current antifa, according to their own literature are a blend of socialists and communists. Some promote Maoism as the true antifa ideology and others proclaim Marxism as the true ideology.

          Antifa, in the current climate, will use threats of violence and intimidation to silence any opposition and to silence views they do not believe in. What is the definition of fascism? Extremely authoritarian, intolerant, or oppressive ideas or behavior.

          What a quandary. Act in a fascists way to oppose fascism.

        • to Paratrooper

          Typical Far Right Wing distortion of reality. Your old fashioned view of Socialism is actually Communism that went out with the death of Stalin. As a matter of fact even Stalin rejected it long before he died.

          In modern times Socialist Countries DO NOT control the methods of production rather they use Capitalism to finance social programs including the U.S. it is just that the U.S. lags far behind civilized countries in taking care of its people’s needs with Socialist programs. Medicare, Medicaid, Medical care for working people, affordable drugs, educational expenses, programs for working mothers, family leave, just to name just a few of the Socialist programs all civilized countries have had for decades. That is modern Socialism financed through taxes on the Capitalvanians and the working people.

          And remember it was the American Communist Party that got Social Security passed in the 30’s.

          And Unions (where there were plenty of Socialists) were responsible for the 40 hour work week, overtime pay, medical benefits, holidays off, vacations, and safer working conditions to name just a few. And lets not forget workers compensation it was first past by Socialist Germany under Bismarck in 1871 long before the U.S. passed the same law, again with Socialist influence.

          The only thing preventing the U.S. catching up with civilized industrialized countries are the gangster criminal greed monger Capitalvanian Republicans who are the most selfish and evil people on the planet.

          When asking honest people “What have Republicans ever done for the working man”, no one came come up with anything they could think of but many named a plethora of things the Republicans did to destroy the working man.

        • Dacian, if you met a REAL Nazi, you would piss and shit yourself very quickly.

          And the real ANTIFA would look down on your antifa as a bunch of pathetic wannabes. Your antifa is an insult to the originals.

          Rebels without a cause? No. Rebels without a clue

        • And if came to Australia they will give you an extended tropical island holiday. On Nauru. And it will be very expensive for the quality of the accommodation.

          Detainees in immigration detention are charged for the cost of their incarceration.

          As big as a fascist you think I am, the government, whom I despise, is many orders of magnitude worse.

    • Sounds like a conspiracy theory to me. A fascist murderer got killed trying to shoot at the cops. One less fascist on the streets. Good.

    • darcy dodo…If you justifiably shoot someone you do not generally cut and run and hide. If you do it implies guilt and you are classified as armed and dangerous and the police will be looking real hard for you because that is their job to do so.
      When they find you show hands and comply otherwise any false move can and will cause you injury or death.
      What happened is an example of the aforementioned and a dork like you should stfu and learn a life lesson instead of passing miles of gas out your piehole.

    • Two other witnesses said Reinoehl did fire a weapon at police. That is 3 witnesses and 2 different stories of the same incident.

      The video shows two groups of people. Someone shouts we have him right here. At this moment no one is aggressing anyone, they are two groups looking for trouble.

      Moments after the shouting that they have him right here, Reinoehl appears to pull out a gun.

      Then shouts of we have a couple right here.

      Then a unstressed voice say he maced me.

      Now at this moment there are two options, flee or fight.

      Seems fight was chosen and Danielson lunges at Reinoehl who is armed and Danielson discharges bear spray. Non lethal force, but capable of incapacitating someone keeping them a position they cannot defend themselves.

      Danielson reacted to the threat with non lethal but incapacitating force. Reinoehl responded with lethal force.

      Not depending on their particular ideologies or backgrounds, and judging from the video, I feel both were morons and both played a stupid game which cost both of them their lives.

      • “Danielson lunges at Reinoehl who is armed and Danielson discharges bear spray. Non lethal force, but capable of incapacitating someone keeping them a position they cannot defend themselves.“

        Clearly Danielson instigated the assault, attempting to incapacitate Reinoehl.

        Reverse the political parties involved, and everyone on this list would say the shooting was justified.

    • Dacian the definition of Socialism I gave is correct. You are trying to distort the truth. I defined true Socialism, the same Socialism you you rally behind.

      What Countries do you believe are socialist?

      • “The Nordic model comprises the economic and social policies as well as typical cultural practices common to the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden).[1] This includes a comprehensive welfare state and multi-level collective bargaining[2] based on the economic foundations of social corporatism,[3][4] with a high percentage of the workforce unionized and a sizable percentage of the population employed by the public sector (roughly 30% of the work force in areas such as healthcare, education, and government).[5] Although it was developed in the 1930s under the leadership of social democrats,[6] the Nordic model began to gain attention after World War II.[7]

        The three Scandinavian countries are constitutional monarchies, while Finland and Iceland have been republics since the 20th century. As of 2021, the Nordic countries are described as being highly democratic and all have a unicameral form of governance and use proportional representation in their electoral systems. Although there are significant differences among the Nordic countries,[8] they all have some common traits. These include support for a universalist welfare state aimed specifically at enhancing individual autonomy and promoting social mobility, a corporatist system involving a tripartite arrangement where representatives of labour and employers negotiate wages, and labour market policy is mediated by the government,[9] and a commitment to private ownership within a market-based mixed economy,[10] with Norway being a partial exception due to a large number of state-owned enterprises and state ownership in publicly listed firms.[11] As of 2020, all of the Nordic countries rank highly on the inequality-adjusted HDI and the Global Peace Index as well as being ranked in the top 10 on the World Happiness Report.[12]”

  10. Glad that turd got a dirt nap, however it’s impossible for him to have fired at police if there was a fully loaded mag with no round in the chamber. Its a semi auto pistol, if he had fired a shot the next round would have been loaded into the chamber…

    • So he didn’t fire at the police, the authorities are lying about that because there was no round in the chamber.

      So another unjustified police execution, three cheers for the authoritarian fascists!

  11. Why did this question even need to be asked? He was a murderer and a fugitive who died trying to shoot it out with the cops. They should get medals.

    • Pull a gun on cops. What do you think is going to happen? The empty chamber could have caused by an underpowered round that was enough to eject the spent case but not enough to send the slide back far enough to pick up another round.

      • Except eyewitnesses proved he never drew a gun. And your cockeyed bullcrap trying to cover for the thug cops is really pathetic.

        • And after an interrogation session I will confess to everything you want to hear.

          Hint from the NKVD interrogation manual. Keep someone awake for 3 days straight they will confess to anything.

          You must be getting wound up. Your replies are getting shorter.

        • Wrong. One eyewitness said he did not pull his gun. Two eyewitnesses said he did.

          Eyewitnesses are not proof as often what they said they saw is often found to be wrong. You and I have no way to conclude from what is publicly available to decide which witnesses are the most reliable.

          All we have to go on is two eyewitness versions by 3 witnesses, the police statement and the individuals known tendencies.

        • “Hint from the NKVD interrogation manual“

          Apparently you paid attention when the commissars were giving you your disinformation instructions.

      • “The empty chamber could have caused by an underpowered round that was enough to eject the spent case but not enough to send the slide back far enough to pick up another round.“

        Grasping for an explanation in order to deny that the police shot a man who had not been firing at them?

        • Basing that on the statement that a spent case was found in the car and the sometimes spotty quality of some brands of ammunition.

  12. If the LEOs were deputized by the US Marshals Service for the task force the local prosecutor would have found the case removed from him to federal court if he tried to actually charge anyone.

  13. Unless you are in the woods hunting. You had better not have a firearm in your hands when the police show up.

    And it doesn’t matter if your gun is loaded or unloaded or is loaded but with a chamber empty. And it also doesn’t matter if you have a toy gun or a BB gun in your hand.

    The prosecutor made the correct decision.

  14. If Republicans insist on taking horse dewormer, let them. Sun Tzu Dacian 2021

    The New Republican Party
    If you find yourself making excuses for con men, liars, white supremacists, racists, bigots, traitors, insrrectionalists, Nazi’s and conspirators, you are a member of the New Republican Party

      • GOP equals Nazi’s equals Jethro WM (who voted for Trump and the Republicans). Is that clear enough Herr Hauptman??????

        • To you a NAZI is someone you disagree with, don’t like, or you think has slighted you in any way.

          That must be a very L-O-N-G list.

        • I realize you have an inferior education, SS Schutze dacian. In fact you were not educated, you were indoctrinated.

          But the new age nazi’s are all on the fascist left. Your side. The fact that you’re too damn stupid to see that you are in fact a nazi just proves my point.

        • Jethro WM, a true Nazi supported Trump and the Trump Nazi’s that stormed the Capitol to set up a Trump dictatorship for life.

          The Left supported the American Democratic process while the Far Right Nazi’s did not and tried to destroy it.

          The entire world witnessed it and witnessed it in horror. At the end of WWII who would have ever thought that Hitler’s Nazis would just move to the U.S. and infiltrate and take over the Republican Party. President Eisenhower if he were alive today would have arrested todays Republican party and President Eisenhower today would have said “I will no longer support the Republican Party”.

  15. Antifa =/= antifascist. Hope wells eternal that some journalist will call these folks for what they really are – a mix of spoiled middle-class kids LARPing, and a sizeable group of modern day lumpenproletariat – who just want to be a mob.

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