NPS Image

A recent press release from Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, an organization comprised of park rangers and other government workers, reveals a disturbing trend in the National Park Service: law enforcement numbers have halved since 2010 despite rising park attendance. When we consider that firearms are still banned in many Park Service buildings, a key anti-gun argument falls apart.

Less Law Enforcement Patrolling Parks

When you go to any U.S. national park, you’ll see lots of people wearing badges. But, unlike outside the park, there are all sorts of park rangers, most of which are not engaged in law enforcement. Non-LEO rangers do things like guide tours, issue permits for special activities, answer visitor questions, sell admission at entry gates, conduct research and help people who have gotten hurt or lost.

These non-LEO ranger jobs are essential to the running of the park service, but law enforcement rangers are still needed for public safety and enforcement of criminal violations. Not only are they the only Park Service employees authorized to carry firearms, but they’re also the only ones who can make arrests and show up to court to help prosecute criminals.

Sadly, the federal government hasn’t been keeping the number of law enforcement rangers up, despite new records for park visitors every year. Just since 2021, more than a quarter of rangers have left the agency and were not replaced. Since 2010, 48% of ranger slots went vacant with no replacement. Many parks have few visitors during the off season and “shoulder seasons,” but seasonal ranger jobs have mostly disappeared, going from 825 slots in 2010, 323 in 2021, and only 43 positions in 2023. NPS special agents that conduct plainclothes investigations are also way down, with only 30 special agents on the job today.

“The Park Service’s ranger force is in deteriorating condition and getting worse,” stated Pacific PEER Director Jeff Ruch, pointing to the House proposed FY 2025 budget that would cut overall NPS funding by 12.5%, resulting in the loss of another estimated 1,000 park staff. “This steady ebb of ranger staffing puts both visitors and park resources at greater peril.” 

Because National Park visitation is constantly growing, response times and the safety of the remaining officers are both getting far worse.

”You Don’t Need A Gun, We Have Cops”

In 2009, President Barack Obama begrudgingly signed a law repealing the outright carry ban that had existed up until then in national parks after it was inserted in a must pass bill. Since then, the agency has only been allowed to ban guns from buildings where their employees work. But, the agency has interpreted that ability rather liberally, defining almost everything as a ban-worthy building, including natural formations like caves.

But, with all of the rangers, nobody needs a gun, right?

That argument was suspect in 2009, as even then there weren’t cops everywhere and some banned buildings can be dozens of miles along twisty roads from the nearest law enforcement ranger. But, with these severe cuts to law enforcement presence, the remaining shreds of validity in that argument go away.

If anything, the service should repeal the building bans, allowing the public and the employees of contractors to carry for personal defense. NPS should also work to train non-LEO rangers to carry for lawful personal defense and defense of visitors, even if they wouldn’t be allowed to make arrests or engage in other law enforcement activities.


  1. I have worked as a scientific employee of a Park Service contractor a few times and when I was young thought the Ranger’s jobs were pretty cool although, at this point, I regard not pursuing a job as a good thing. As a result I have read a few books about the Ranger experience. The most bizarre classification, though are not law enforcement but the coroner Rangers at the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Denali, and perhaps a few others. Turns out they expect a certain fatality rate among the tourist hoards and accommodate it!

      • The word you want is ‘borders’.

        A ‘boarder’ is someone residing at a location such as a renter or tenant, usually meaning meals included.

        You’ve maybe heard the phrase ‘room and board’, yes?

        a person who receives regular meals when staying somewhere, in return for payment or services.”

      • No argument, so was the book for sale in the gift shops the last time I was at Yellowstone. I have forgotten the exact title, but it was something like “How to Die in Yellowstone” and didn’t buy one, but it had number of chapters about how people died in Yellowstone National Park. I spent forty plus years working in extreme environments (unarmed because various Directors did not think it necessary) and learned to be prepared even when the boss didn’t understand. I even have had several uneventful encounters with black bears. Even then I almost died once as a result of a really freaky accident involving a rock sample but fortunately made it to a hospital where they could treat me in time. The National Park Service puts people in tank tops, shorts, and flip flops into similar extreme environments without suitable preparation or warnings, but rest assured they are prepared if the worst happens. None of these deaths involved firearms by the way and might have gone differently if they had!

        Suffice it to say in Yellowstone the buffalos are not just big friendly bovines and stay on the boardwalks. In the Grand Canyon stay away from the edges, particularly in flip flops and carry enough water wherever you go.

        • Yes, stupidity is probably the largest cause of death in the parks, but you can’t put that on the death certificate.

    • “after it was inserted in a must pass bill“

      Hilarious, you folks continue to lie about the realities of the situation.

      The 2009 CARD Act was not “must pass legislation”, it was a consumer credit protection Bill passed in order to protect citizens like you and me from predatory lending practices by unscrupulous financial actors.

      I know it burns your ass that Republican Saint Ronald Reagan banned the carrying of firearms in national parks, and it took the Democrat administration of Obama/Biden to restore our freedoms, but that’s the actual facts of history.

      If it wasn’t for disinformation, conservative Republicans would have no information at all.

        • “The left can’t meme“

          If you mean create multicolor images of a childlike misunderstanding of reality, then no, the left can’t meme.

          For one thing, I don’t think most leftist would be willing to misspell so many words.

          • The left also lacks fundamental elements of humanity that prevents them from having universal appeal on basic topics. Also tick tock you’re running out of clock

  2. As a former co-worker of mine pointed out this also means there are fewer LEOs to arrest you for the crime of not leaving your safety behind when you go to the bathroom. At the time I told him I would rather take my chances being arrested for watering a tree though I did agree it was irresponsible to leave a firearm where a thief could get to it.

    • “At the time I told him I would rather take my chances being arrested for watering a tree…”

      And, there you have it. The only effective way to protect national (and state) parks for future generations is to ban humans from those parks. Every time a park comes into contact with humans, the physical and environmental damage increases.

      Save the Parks. Ban humans !

  3. No reason for a carry ban to exist in national parks anyway. Too many dangers from drug dealers and cartels as it is. There’s been more than one article about it in the past.

    • There isn’t a carry ban on firearms in national parks, the Obama/Biden administration removed those restrictions in 2009.

      The issue is the ban on carrying firearms in associated government buildings.

      “Pacific PEER Director Jeff Ruch, pointing to the House proposed FY 2025 budget that would cut overall NPS funding by 12.5%“

      Someone needs to tell the Republican controlled House of representatives that they need to adjust their budget upward to increase safety in our national parks and forests.

      • Miner49er,

        First of all, Congress created and approved the bill to remove the carry ban in National Parks. Obama/Biden’s sole and nearly trivial contribution was signing (rather than vetoing) that bill. So, no, Obama/Biden are not the principle actor in removing the ban.

        Second, Republicans have a trivial majority (I think it is one or two seats) in the U.S. House of Representatives. That is hardly a great enough majority to ram anything through the House. More importantly, Democrats–not Republicans–have a majority in the U.S. Senate. Thus very few bills will make it through Congress.

        Third, you could double the current number of armed National Park service rangers in our National Parks and National Forests and that will do absolutely NOTHING to increase safety because of the huge distances and spotty cellular telephone coverage in those areas. What good are armed Park rangers if your cellular phone has no signal and you cannot summon them? What good are armed Park rangers if the nearest ranger is 20 miles away on dirt two-tracks, or even paved roads for that matter?

        And 20 miles is an optimistic number–the nearest armed ranger could easily be 60 miles away. Plus, more importantly, it could take anywhere from half-hour to several hours for the nearest armed ranger to reach you depending on intervening roads and trails. A law enforcement response of half-hour to several hours is no response at all during a violent attack which means that you are nearly always on your own in National Parks and National Forests.

        By far and away the most effective way to increase your safety when you are in a National Park or National Forest is to be armed yourself at all times. Thus, if government is truly interested in increasing public safety, government would eliminate carry bans.

        • Thanks for all the words, how entertaining!

          “First of all, Congress created and approved the bill to remove the carry ban in National Parks. Obama/Biden’s sole and nearly trivial contribution was signing”

          Fascinating, you consider signing a bill into the law of the land as ‘trivial’.

          But more importantly, the Congress that created and approved the CARD Act was a democratically controlled House and Senate, the Republicans fought the passage of the bill tooth and nail because conservative Republicans wanted to protect the predatory lenders preying on American citizens.

          “Republicans have a trivial majority“

          Trivial or not, the Republican majority drafted the budget, I think you should study civics and government a bit more before posting.

          I agree, I think citizens should have the right to carry firearms on tax-payer owned lands such as national parks and forests.

          It is a shame that Ronald Reagan took that freedom away, I’m grateful to the Obama/Biden administration for restoring that freedom to all Americans.

          • Miner49er,

            I don’t have time to refute everything that you type. I will respond to one point: I am well aware of civics and government–including the fact that federal government budget bills must originate in the U.S. House of Representatives.

            Your statement strongly implies that Republicans are at fault for failing to pass a Conservative budget when Republicans have the majority of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives. After all, if Republicans have the majority, they can pass whatever budget bill they want, right? WRONG! Any budget bill which passes in the House must also pass the U.S. Senate with its Democrat majority and the Oval Office with a Democrat President. Only a moron would suggest or even imply that a Democrat majority in the U.S. Senate and Democrat in the Oval Office would sign-off on a Conservative budget.

            • “Your statement strongly implies that Republicans are at fault for failing to pass a Conservative budget“

              More goal post shifting, I never claimed (or implied) that.

              In point of fact, I quoted from the article where the park ranger organization lamented the fact that the FY 2025 budget proposed by the Republican House cut funding for the national park service:

              “Pacific PEER Director Jeff Ruch, pointing to the House proposed FY 2025 budget that would cut overall NPS funding by 12.5%“

              You guys will say anything to shift blame from the actual responsible Republicans in the House of Representatives.

              • Miner49er,

                And you think that Democrats, the “defund the police” Party, would approve a budget with more law enforcement officers? Nope. So why would Republicans try to pass a budget which increases something that Democrats refuse?

                Also relevant: Republicans typically try to reduce federal spending in order to reduce deficits and Democrats typically try to increase federal spending and deficits. With recent federal budgets and more importantly deficits (including 2015) already bloated to unsustainable numbers, it only makes sense to reduce the budget pretty much everywhere. The only other alternative: reduce some other budget item to free-up more money for National Park armed rangers. Is the Democrat Party okay with reducing the budget allocation for government funded “procedures” to kill babies in the womb (a.k.a. abortions) in order to free-up cash for more National Park armed rangers? Response, “I don’t think so, Tim.”

                Designing a federal budget is incredibly complex when both major Parties are diametrically opposed on just about everything. So stop trying to tell us otherwise.

              • “Democrats, the “defund the police” Party, would approve a budget with more law enforcement officers? Nope”

                Nope, it’s the Republicans cutting the NPS budget against the objections of the Democrats:

                “House GOP Pushing Double-Digit Cut For National Park Service Budget
                November 6, 2023 – 2:30amRebecca Latson file

                Republicans in the House of Representatives are pushing for double-digit budget cuts for the National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and U.S. Bureau of Land Management.”


                So it is the Democrats wanting to defund law-enforcement? Perhaps you might want to provide yourself with the actual facts before you state your opinion:

                “Watch: Mike Johnson Fumbles When Asked Why GOP Is Defunding the Police
                The House speaker couldn’t explain why his own party is cutting the budget for law enforcement.
                May 15, 2024
                1:02 p.m. ET

                In a press conference Wednesday, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson was caught off-guard by a reporter’s question about police funds being cut in a proposed Republican budget.
                Johnson replied that he hadn’t looked into it, but replied that “there’s lots of nuances.” Despite admitting he hadn’t examined the budget closely, he went on to claim that funding for law enforcement increased in other areas.

                “We’ve heard a lot this week about Democrats supporting ‘defund the police.’ The Republican Study Committee budget cuts the main federal grant program that local departments use to hire officers. How is that not proposing to defund the police?” the reporter asked during an event set up for “Police Week.”

                Johnson replied that he hadn’t looked into it, but replied that “there’s lots of nuances.” Despite admitting he hadn’t examined the budget closely, he went on to claim that funding for law enforcement increased in other areas.”

                This is a great article, and clearly reviews the hypocrisy of the Republicans claiming to ‘back the blue!’ while cutting funding for a local law enforcement:

                “It’s telling that Johnson wasn’t able to refute the reporter. The Republican Study Committee’s proposed budget does cut the Community Oriented Policing Services program, which has provided over $20 billion to more than 13,000 different police departments since its creation in the 1990s, something Democrats have not hesitated to point out.”


              • Lol nope, nice try on the history rewrite though. Keep posting the links like they support your narrative though I am sure you will prove something beyond being a propagandist.

              • You can twist and torture words until they lose all meaning to you but your lies fall apart under the weight of their mountains of manufactured “evidence” while the truth will ring true even on its own. The left can’t meme and you will forever be chasing the narrative even as everyone else laughs at your efforts. Keep pushing though it’s fun to see how much effort you need to put in to attempt to counter even childish rebukes.

      • Again … my COVID memory is a barrier to remembering there is a recent bill that allows the wearing of weapons (sidearms) I USPS lobbies. I dont know what happened to this bill but it sounds like it can be used to extend to National Parks and recreation areas.

    • But fear not… its ok ’cause the big bad International Olympic Committee spokesperson Mark Adams insisted at a press conference Wednesday that two Olympic boxers — Algeria’s Imane Khelif and Taiwan’s Lin Yu-ting — are “women” ’cause “They are women on their passports.”

      hey, its settled finally… w̶o̶m̶a̶n̶ ̶h̶a̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶v̶i̶o̶l̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶l̶i̶b̶e̶r̶a̶l̶ ̶l̶e̶f̶t̶ ̶w̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶p̶s̶y̶c̶h̶o̶p̶a̶t̶h̶ ̶m̶o̶r̶o̶n̶ Mark Adams says now you can have actual XX chromosomes and not imaginary XX chromosomes ’cause it says on your passport you are a woman. Whew! that was close Mark… thought we would never settle that age old question of ‘what is a woman’. Plus, now its ok now for imaginary XX chromosomes to beat up actual XX chromosomes, ’cause it says ‘woman’ on a passport. And a new blood sport is born, just what we needed.

      You liberal left wingers are psychopaths, plain and simple, these imaginary XX chromosomes at the Olympics are psychopaths plain and simple. Violent psychopaths, its just a matter of degree and excuse.

      • I guess violence against actual biological women is not bad any more, its a sport.

        Ok, there is a lot of sarcasm there I interjected … but you left wing real actual biological actual XX chromosome females – why are you not outraged and why are you voting for the left wing politicians that can’t tell you what a woman is? Wasn’t the past few decades about actual biological women not being ‘victims’, that’s what you screamed you wanted, but you vote for the very left wing politicians that want you to be victims to biological men who imagine or claim they are women? You real biological woman, these left wing politicians are making you victims and helping groom your gender replacements to make you virtually extinct. The radical side of the trans movement has already said they want you raped then enslaved then murdered, they want your children forced into gender changes, they want you out of the way, and the left wing politicians you are voting for are helping facilitate them. Do ya really want a world where the ‘Mark Adams’ can decide to make you a victim at will?

        Stop voting for these left wing politicians. WTF is wrong with you!

        • .40 cal Booger,

          The explanation is exceedingly simple. A large percentage of our population has a ginormous fear: their “group” or “tribe” banishing them. That fear is so great that it overrides all other psychological processes, both emotional and logical.

          When the “group” somehow converges on the notion that a man can be a woman if he wants/feels it badly enough–in spite of the fact that this notion violates simple and demonstrable fact–group members adopt that notion and will defend it vigorously. Why? Because failing to adopt that notion and defend it vigorously means their group will excommunicate them–a fate quite literally worse than death.

          That is why so many people adopt and defend such demonstrably false and destructive notions. Their drive to be part-and-parcel members of their group is so strong that they will consign themselves or anyone else to any humiliation or even death if necessary to remain in the group.

          If you want to “save” such people, your only hope of convincing them to abandon their false and destructive notions is to present an alternative group/tribe that they can join. Needless to say, that is exceedingly difficult to do.

          • How sad that the complex biological issues of male/female and intersex conditions escapes you.

            While I understand there are many big words involved, perhaps you should actually investigate the biological facts regarding human sexuality and gender.

            Human sexuality is a continuum, there is no absolute bright line between man and woman, there are a myriad of factors governing the development of male and female characteristics and your attempt to make this some sort of political issue just betrays your ignorance of the biological reality of the human condition.

            • Well, lookie here… Miner49 giving us the typical violent left wing liberal excuse. How very Miner49er’ish to completely miss the context of the discussion and launch into his typical left wing mentally ill mode.

            • Miner49er,

              … the complex biological issues of male/female and intersex conditions …

              … Human sexuality is a continuum, there is no absolute bright line between man and woman …

              There is nothing complex when it comes to discerning and defining males and females. Females have XX chromosomes and attendant anatomy. Males have XY chromosomes and attendant anatomy. It really is that simple. (There are also exceedingly rare examples of people born with both $ex organs, a.k.a. hermaphrodites, which is a completely different topic.)

              And for all recorded history of the English language, girls and woman are females with XX chromosomes and attendant body parts–and boys and men are males with XY chromosomes and attendant body parts. There is no ambiguity or “continuum” in the definitions of those words for the history of the English language.

              Nevertheless, a push to blur those very clear lines somehow got some traction in the last few years and now a bunch of people reject clear biology in order to remain treasured members of their “tribe”.

              And just to be absolutely clear, the man who says that he knows he is a woman and mutilates his body in a desperate attempt to appear more womanly, that man is just as psychologically off-base as the man who says that he knows he is an amputee and mutilates his body in a desperate attempt to make his body match what he “knows” in his mind to be “true”.

              Of course you will reject all of this because your tribe (Democrats) would spit you out of their ranks if you rejected their position.

              • Oh yes, the moving goal posts.

                The topic at hand was the Algerian female boxer beating the shit out of the Italian boxer.
                That has nothing to do with any psychological issues, it is, as our friend SAFE said:

                “We are talking about biology not aberrant psychology”

                You, along with other right wingers, are attacking the Algerian boxer as a male and decrying the fact that ‘he’ pummeled the cute little Italian girl.

                That’s bullshit. And all your talk of XX and XY ignores the reality of the spectrum of human development.

                A female can have XX chromosomes, and still have an incredibly high level of testosterone that would place her within the definition of ‘male’ based on the level of testosterone.

                You’re conflating two different issues in order to propagate your simplistic view of human sexuality.

                You know, I would imagine the Algerian boxer has a higher testosterone level than either of you fellas…

                I bet neither one of you would be willing to step into the ring with her, for the same reason Jethro would never arm wrestle Ellie Mae.

                You don’t want to get beat by a girl.

              • Here’s where our friend 40oz demonstrates his ignorance of human sexuality:

                “.40 cal Booger
                August 3, 2024 At 03:40
                New Olympic sport – men beating up women!

                Brutal, unfair Olympic beating tragic result of letting biological men compete in women’s sports.“

                Then, in a demonstration of complete perfidy, he uses his false claim to support his conspiracy theory:

                “.40 cal Booger
                August 3, 2024 At 04:09
                Men competing against women was always the plan by the Olympic Committee“

              • Yeah the paraphilias has been done to death with the excuses but absent some super rare genetic abnormality that is statistically irrelevant in occurrence XX or XY with all the development that entails.

              • “some super rare genetic abnormality that is statistically irrelevant in occurrence“

                The actual doctors at the Cleveland Clinic disagree with you.
                But don’t let the actual facts interfere with your opinion, I’ve heard ignorance is bliss:

                “Cleveland Clinic
                Search Icon
                People who are intersex have genitals, chromosomes or reproductive organs that don’t fit into a male/female sex binary. Their genitals might not match their reproductive organs, or they may have traits of both. Being intersex may be evident at birth, childhood, later in adulthood or never. Being intersex isn’t a disorder, disease or condition.

                How common is being intersex?
                An estimated 1 in 100 Americans is intersex. Around 2% of people worldwide have intersex traits.

                What does it mean to be intersex?
                People who are intersex have reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t fit into an exclusively male or female (binary) sex classification. Intersex traits might be apparent when a person’s born, but they might not appear until later (during puberty or even adulthood). You may never notice their intersex traits externally and you might only find out about them after a surgery or imaging test.“


              • Like I said statistically irrelevant and to add largely overblown in the differences being meaningful much as your link demonstrates. But if you want to push a failed ideology that is increasingly being linked to environmental pollution you do you.

              • “Like I said statistically irrelevant“

                Based on the Cleveland clinic numbers, the average American elementary school has approximately five intersex children at any given time.

                “increasingly being linked to environmental pollution”

                I absolutely agree, the American chemical industry is pumping a wide range of endocrine-mimicking chemicals into our environment, virtually unrestricted. The failure of the toxic substances act to address this issue is criminal, Dioxin is a good example of one of the more toxic chemicals.

                Which means, the increased number of intersex children is directly related to conservative Republicans’ opposition to pollution control laws, how ironic.

                Turns out, the Republicans made that green frog character homoerotic.

                “MAY 08, 2024

                Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, the most powerful Republican to push EPA for a drinking water limit for toxic “forever chemicals,” lambasted the Biden administration’s recently finalized regulation as unworkable and based on “the most extreme voices in the debate.”

              • Ah yes… The old 1% exception to explain away the 99% rule. You do the same thing with abortion. When that topic comes up you talk about rape or the mother’s life being at risk.

                1 in 100 is 1%. Even that is an overblown number. The 2% global figure is as well. Is Africa included in that make-believe statistic? Notice how they say it’s estimated, and they don’t give any explanation for that estimate. Also notice how this figure comes from trans advocates that get rich from it. When you really look into it, you see that modern intersex is no longer strictly defined. If you actually understood intersex, you would know that traditionally, intersex DOES NOT necessarily mean someone that identifies as trans. These are wholly different conditions!

                Trans people don’t have to be super feminine or masculine in opposition to their sex prior to transitioning. There are ripped Navy Seals and Marines who decide to transition. Why? It’s something that is perceived in their brain. There is no physiological component to transgenderism. It isn’t surprising that this ideology really exploded after the proliferation of social media and p0rn.

                You’re showing your ignorance on the topic at hand, as usual. You just copy whatever the current narrative is like a good drone.

                **Thank you TTAG for getting rid of some of the moderation words!!** (some still don’t work)

              • A female can have XX chromosomes, and still have an incredibly high level of testosterone that would place her within the definition of ‘male’ based on the level of testosterone.

                Current testosterone levels don’t matter. After a male has gone through puberty, his bone density, and body composition, will be different from a female. Even with equal test levels, a male would almost always be stronger, hit harder, and be able to absorb more punishment compared to a female. This retarded ideology is what happens when you ignore science and follow your ideology. Or in your case, follow others, since you’re a programmable drone, incapable of rational, independent thought.

              • Are the clinics in the room with you now Miner? Irrelevant is irrelevant especially when these are the same junk medicine researchers that brought us the Covid shot being safe and effective propaganda. Again strange hill to die on pushing gender confused crazy people and statistical anomaly mutants being in any way relevant in a discussion on actual gender.

              • FYI
                If the term intersex is to retain any meaning, the term should be restricted to those conditions in which chromosomal sex is inconsistent with phenotypic sex, or in which the phenotype is not classifiable as either male or female. Applying this more precise definition, the true prevalence of intersex is seen to be about 0.018%, almost 100 times lower than Fausto-Sterling s estimate of 1.7%.

              • Lol almost missed your obligatory republicans source of all evil drek. Yeah may want to look up when most heavy industry on the east coast got built up and dumped all kinds of fun stuff and where it mostly went down. Give you a hint FDR new deal/WW2 era and lots of democrat governor’s to boot especially for NY/NJ. If anything the republicans we’re accidentally responsible for cleaning things up via outsourcing manufacturing which is a whole other issue that I would agree with you that they fucked up royal on.

      • RE: “You liberal left wingers are psychopaths, plain and simple”

        What is “plain and simple” is that you present a whitewash of reality with your grasp to trivial distinction of “liberal left wingers” vs “non-liberal right wingers”…

        By FAR the most vital urgent and DEEP understanding everyone needs to gain is that a mafia network of manipulating PSYCHOPATHS are, and always have been, governing big businesses (eg official medicine, big tech, big banks, big religions), nations and the world — the evidence is very solid in front of everyone’s “awake” nose: see “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room”… (or

        “When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker, a raving lunatic.” — Dresden James

        And psychopaths are typically NOT how Hollywood propaganda movies have showcased them. And therefore one better RE-learns what a psychopath REALLY is. You’ll then know why they exploit/harm everyone, why they want to control everyone and have been creating a new world order/global dictatorship, and many other formerly puzzling things will become very clear.

        The official narrative is… “trust official science” and “trust the authorities” but as with these and all other “official narratives” they want you to trust and believe …

        “We’ll know our Disinformation Program is complete when everything the American public [and global public] believes is false.” —William Casey, a former CIA director=a leading psychopathic criminal of the genocidal US regime

        “2 weeks to flatten the curve has turned into…3 shots to feed your family!” — Unknown

        “Repeating what others say and think is not being awake. Humans have been sold many lies…God, Jesus, Democracy, Money, Education, etc. If you haven’t explored your beliefs about life, then you are not awake.” — E.J. Doyle, songwriter

        But global rulership by psychopaths is only ONE part of the equation that makes up the destructive human condition as the cited article above explains because there are TWO human pink elephants in the room… and they’re MARRIED.

        Without a proper understanding, and full acknowledgment, of the true WHOLE problem and reality, no real constructive LASTING change is possible for humanity.
        And if anyone does NOT acknowledge, recognize, and face (either wittingly or unwittingly) the WHOLE truth THEY are helping to prevent this from happening. And so they are “part of the problem” and not part of the solution.

        “Imagine a vaccine so safe you have to be threatened to take it.” — from a poster

        If you have been injected with Covid jabs/bioweapons and are concerned, then verify what batch number you were injected with at

        “There are large numbers of scientists, doctors, and presstitutes who will sell out truth for money, such as those who describe people dropping dead on a daily basis as “rare” when it it happening all over the vaccinated world.” — Paul Craig Roberts, Ph.D., American economist & former US regime official, in 2024

        • While it is important to approach the Covid jab injuries/deaths with caution in not overplaying the negative incidence rate thus far (still looking plenty bad) your points of just how infested the various industries and governmental structures are with people willing to lie cheat steal and do harm to others including murder and worse without any notable level of remorse all while playing normal is well taken. Also Hollywood is just as infested with such psychos (not that they have a vested interest in shaping narratives ever).

        • “William Casey, a former CIA director=a leading psychopathic criminal of the genocidal US regime“

          Yes, Republican William Casey, who was part of both the Nixon and Ford administrations, was indeed a psychopath who served big oil and big chemical in their ‘poisoning for profit program’ conducted against American citizens:

          “As campaign manager of Ronald Reagan’s successful presidential campaign in 1980, Casey helped to broker Reagan’s unlikely alliance with vice presidential nominee George H. W. Bush.[15]“

          Thanks to William Casey’s excellent work subverting the 1980 election, Saint Ronald Reagan rewarded him with the directorship of the CIA:

          “After Reagan took office, Reagan named Casey to the post of Director of Central Intelligence (DCI).[19]“

          Republican Director of the CIA William Casey also held secret meetings with the pope in Rome colon

          “Casey would fly secretly to Rome in a windowless C-141 black jet and “be taken undercover to the Vatican.[22]“

          Casey was also part Of Ronald Reagan’s program of secretly supplying weapons to Islamic terrorists:

          “Casey was suspected, by some, of involvement with the controversial Iran-Contra affair, in which Reagan administration personnel secretly traded arms to the Islamic Republic of Iran, and secretly diverted some of the resulting income to aid the rebel Contras in Nicaragua, in violation of U.S. law. Casey was called to testify before Congress about his knowledge of the affair“

          But no problem, Ronald Reagan’s handlers make sure he didn’t tell any secrets:

          “On 15 December 1986, one day before Casey was scheduled to testify before Congress, Casey suffered two seizures and was hospitalized. Three days later, Casey underwent surgery for a previously undiagnosed brain tumor.[1][2][3][4][8][23] While hospitalized, Casey died less than 24 hours after former colleague Richard Secord testified that Casey supported the illegal aiding of the Contras.[1][2][3][23]“

          Every Republican who supported Ronald Reagan and his co-conspirators was either intentionally or unwittingly supporting treason against the United States of America.

          • Almost like any party or official that pushes for authority beyond the constitution is a bad idea….. but that would undo your world now wouldn’t it?

      • How sad that the complex biological issues of male/female and intersex conditions escapes you.

        While I understand there are many big words involved, perhaps you should actually investigate the biological facts regarding human sexuality and gender.

        The Algerian boxer is a woman, she has a vagina, she has ovaries, she just has a higher level of testosterone than most women.

        To suggest that she is a man is a lie, and you know it.
        (imagine some of your hatred is actually caused by your fear of the Muslim world)

        Human sexuality is a continuum, there is no absolute bright line between man and woman, there are a myriad of factors governing the development of male and female characteristics and your attempt to make this some sort of political issue just betrays your ignorance of the biological reality of the human condition.

          • I don’t know the particulars, but it’s likely that Khelif developed with a much higher level of testosterone than the average gal. Khelif failed a previous hormone test given by the boxing authority.

            There is no right to participate in sports. A team doesn’t have to let you play if you’re not any good. Likewise, they don’t have to let you play with girls if your hormones more closely resemble dudes. That would be unethical. Also, intersex people aren’t necessarily gay or trans. But look for Leftists to capitalize on this as an affront to “lgbt, etc.” rights. They want to bring everyone into their victim alliance. The civil rights era worked to get them black voters in the US, so they’re always looking to frame everything else as a fight for civil rights, like abortion, bathroom access, etc.

            • “the boxing authority“

              That’s a very innocent sounding euphemism you’re using for a Russian intelligence operation…

              “The International Olympic Committee, which cut ties with the IBA last year over Kremlev’s connections to Russia President Vladimir Putin as well as IBA scandals and financial questions, has rejected the tests as “arbitrary” and illegitimate. Last weekend, Christian Klaue, the IOC’s head of communications, said the IBA is running a Russia-backed “disinformation campaign against the Olympic movement.”


              See, that’s how we know you’re a Russian shill for Putin‘s propaganda efforts.

              • Is Russia in the room with us right now Miner? Did they steal the election again? Lol lay off the blueannon.

              • “That’s a very innocent sounding euphemism…”

                It isn’t a ephemism, fool. It’s the IBA. That’s the International Boxing Association. It has been around since 1946. Do you really never get tired of looking like a complete idiot, Miner?

                Roberts further explained that Khelif and Yu-ting were informed that they tested for XY chromosomes and were given the opportunity to appeal the findings to the Court of Arbitration for Sport. The IBA, he said, offered to pay the majority of the appeal; Yu-ting did not appeal, and Khelif appealed initially but then withdrew the appeal.

                They were found to have XY chromosomes. That means they’re male. That is the scientific definition. They might be intersex, which could mean a few things. That doesn’t change being defined as a biological male. What sort of weirdo would want biological males being rewarded for beating up biological females? You, apparently. This is very important to you.

        • The Algerian boxer is a woman, she has a vagina, she has ovaries…

          Now we’re defining what a woman is based on genitalia? Or is that only for today? I’m going to remember your position on this the next time this subject comes up.

        • The Algerian boxer is a woman, she has a v-a-g-i-n-a*, she has ovaries…

          Now we’re defining what a woman is based on genitalia? Or is that only for today? I’m going to remember your position on this the next time this subject comes up.

          *avoiding moderation

          • All this rant is just cover for the fact that the conservative right, including y’all commenters, got the Olympic boxing issue completely wrong. You’re blinded by your knee-jerk fear of those ‘others’.

            Of course, none if you would ever admit your error, y’all just double down on your ignorance.

            And the whole world is laughing at you.

            Here’s a much better summary than I could ever produce, from an American veteran:


            • @Miner
              I always see you complaining about ad hominem attacks. Look in the mirror for a change, hypocrite. My comment, that you replied to, doesn’t even loosely qualify as a ‘rant.’ If you disagree with anything I’ve said, then quote me, and offer your opposing view. That’s the only way I can respond.

              • That’s what I thought. Drones never have anything worthwhile to say. They merely do as they’re told. Maybe you can copy and paste a response.

              • “Now we’re defining what a woman is based on genitalia?”

                She has lived her entire life as a woman, yet everyone on this list says she’s a man masquerading as a woman.

                I think it’s weird how much you guys are wondering about other peoples’ genitalia, and it’s really none of your business. It seems you folks’ particular sexual deviance requires that you think all the time about other peoples tallywackers and hoohas.

                That is just weird.

                Can’t you just watch a boxing match without thinking about what they’ve got in their shorts?

              • Can’t you just watch a boxing match without thinking about what they’ve got in their shorts?

                No, Miner. We don’t want to see men beating up women. That boxer failed official gender tests. They kicked both of those boxers out as a result of failing those tests. The IOC was notified, but the IOC is woke. They’d rather ruin women’s sports, and have women getting beaten up instead of contradicting woke ideology.

                You know what’s weird? Being okay with men beating up women. That’s weird. That has been considered weird since the beginning of time until about five minutes ago. It’s weird that you guys are fine with erasing women’s sports. It’s weird that you’re willing to cancel the hard work of female athletes. Who would want that? You’re such a weirdo.

                “Everything woke turns to shit.”

              • “That boxer failed official gender tests. They kicked both of those boxers out as a result of failing those tests“

                There it is again, you’re supporting the Russian boxing Association that is controlled by Putin and has been disavowed by the IOC. Not because they’re woke, but because they were financial irregularities by Putin’s oligarchs regarding the boxing commission.

                That’s why you never mentioned the actual name of the organization, other readers could look it up and see that you’re a Russian shill pushing propaganda.

                The Algerian boxer is a woman, always has been, you just don’t understand that human sexuality is expressed across a wide range of factors.

                You really might want to re-search the actual facts of the matter, and rest assured, the rest of the world is laughing at the ignorant conservative Americans:

                “VILLEPINTE, France (AP) — Nearly 17 months ago in New Delhi, Algerian boxer Imane Khelif was disqualified from the International Boxing Association’s world championships three days after she won an early-round bout with Azalia Amineva, a previously unbeaten Russian prospect.

                The disqualification meant Amineva’s official record was perfect again.“

                Vladimir Putin is laughing his ass off at how easily the conservatives are manipulated with lies. He’s just taking advantage of the conservatives’ weird sexual fetishes.


              • Miner49er August 6, 2024 At 19:46 That’s why you never mentioned the actual name of the organization…

                Dude August 6, 2024 At 18:01 It’s the IBA. That’s the International Boxing Association. It has been around since 1946.

                Oof. Wrong again. You never get tired of it, do you?

                I’ll tell you a story. See if you can learn anything from it. I was called on to be an expert witness in a court case. The opposing counsel very aggressively attacked my work while I was on the stand. He said it was wrong. I was a bit surprised by that. Then I understood what he was doing. He was trying to muddy the waters because he had no way to prove me wrong. If he really believed I was wrong, then he would have his own expert witness detail exactly how he was right, and I was wrong. He didn’t do that because he knew I was right.

                The work you’re copying is doing the exact same thing as that lawyer. You aren’t refuting the results. You’re trying to muddy the water, while completely ignoring the scientific results. It doesn’t matter what sort of relationship they may have with Russia. Either you can refute their claimed results, or you can not. I don’t see anyone refuting those results. Those athletes had a chance to appeal, AND THEY BOTH DECLINED TO DO SO. Get it?

                Do you know what the IOC uses to determine an athlete’s sex? Their passports. That’s it. Putin has nothing to do with this story. You have serious issues.

  4. It is funny when leftists claim they are for our 2A yet continue to vote for and support leftist anti-gun politicians.

    Zero cred Sensiba.

    • Nikita, my Serbian friend, I am willing to risk potentially more gun control battles in order to avoid the certainty of a dictatorship by Donald Trump

      • I’ve had enough communism in my life. Kamala is a straight up Marxist. We can easily vote ourselves into communism here but we will need to shoot ourselves out if a Marxist wins in November.

          • “Her father was literally a Marxist economist“

            That is an interesting claim, but you don’t seem to have listed any source or citation to support your assertion.

            “Bachelor’s degree from the University of London and a PhD from the University of California, Berkeley. He held professorships at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Northwestern University, and University of Wisconsin-Madison before joining Stanford University as professor of economics. He was the first Black scholar granted tenure in the Stanford Department of Economics.
            His 1978 book Capital Accumulation and Income Distribution critiques mainstream economic theories, using mathematical modeling to propose an alternative model for thinking about the effects of capital accumulation on income inequality, economic growth, instability, and other phenomena“

            • Here’s how the Stanford Daily described him in 1976:
              …Prof. Donald Harris, a Marxist scholar

              Read the article. Notice how they were concerned that a charismatic teacher would be teaching bad things (Marxist theories). They go on to mention that another university intentionally got an ineffective teacher to “discourage growing student interest in Marxian economics.”

              Why do I always have to do your homework for you? How did you ever make it out of junior high? By copying your way through? You look like an idiot taking a position against mine without even looking into it. We’ve been doing this for over five years. You haven’t been correct a single time. What does that tell you? Do you have to copy the answer, or do you want to be an adult and come up with one on your own? Stop being such a follower.

              • Oh, hilarious! You quote an opinion piece from 1976, amazing.

                I guess you’re a non-academic, or you could tell the difference between a Marxist economist and a professor of Economics teaching about economic systems.

                Just as a biblical scholar is a scholar who studies the Bible, a Marxist scholar is a scholar who studies Marxism.

                The guy was a professor emeritus at Stanford, they don’t exactly push Marxist theory.

                But whatever, we’re not electing him so you can relax.

              • No, Miner. I quoted them describing him. That wasn’t an opinion. You could say them talking about Marxist theories being bad was an opinion. His name and title were NOT opinions. These people knew him better than you. Stop playing dumb. They literally described him as QUOTE “Prof. Donald Harris, a Marxist scholar.”

                They even go on to talk about the dangers of getting students excited about QUOTE: “Marxian economics.” Why would they say that? Because that’s what he was teaching! You can’t be this dense. How do you make it through the day?

                The NY Times even mentions it.

                But whatever, we’re not electing him so you can relax.

                You’d love to drop the subject because you’re wrong again! You’ve never been right in over five years. And you owe me $20 for that bet you lost, deadbeat. No one likes a lying deadbeat.

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