Mark the HR guy sends this “Sunday in June” submission to Everyday Carry.

First off, love the map in the background.  And the 1911 .45 Auto.  Although something looks “off” on it to me, but then again, I’m not a 1911 aficionado.

I do know that undescribed holster is a poor, poor choice and I’ll tell you why:  It will collapse upon itself when you draw, making reholstering challenging at best.  And in classes, I’ve seen plenty of students with these and similar holsters use the muzzle of the gun to “pry” open the holster to get that muzzle started back into its happy little home.  The only problem lies in that they are to tunnel-visioned in on reholstering that they completely ignore how their muzzle is pointed at their hip.  Oh yeah.  There’s one or two of these people every class.

And then there’s the issue of retention.  If Mark pulls his pants down for restroom visits, or changing at the gym or whatever, that 1911 pistol will slide right out.  If he’s in a public facility, hopefully it won’t slide under the divider into the next stall.

Or it might take a bath in the toilet.  That would be bad enough.  But if he’s in a porta-potty, he might have to go fishing in the blue pond to retrieve his Roscoe.

Anyone here ever lost a gun into the drink while going potty?

The rest of his stuff is kinda-sorta what you would expect.  Steinhart watch, Uzi tactical pen, Gerber Applegate-Fairbairn folder, and a Pro-Tac 2AAA light.


  1. Here looks like a good place to drop this –

    “Get To Know The Brutal Artillery Of The Revolutionary War”

    And this, a revolutionary war ‘Pocket Dump’ –

    “This Is What A Continental Army Soldier Carried During The Revolutionary War”

    And, finally, –

    “The British Army Hoped This Rifle Could’ve Helped Halt The American Revolution”

  2. Looks like an issue 1911 to me. right down to the lanyard loop on the mag. I’m not an expert on the 1911’s myself but it looks like a buddies ww1 vintage non a1 model.

    • It has a staked-on front sight, lanyard and a GI hammer. It appears to have the curved mainspring housing, so that would make it a post-1925 ‘A1 if it’s a genuine Colt GI issue. I can’t make out what it says on the slide. I really detest these low-res photos that blogs take of firearms.

      • It is a perfect match for an original 1911 modified to 1911A1(including the sights). Sometime after 1924-26.
        The only thing jumping out at me is the noticeably black hammer spur. Also, there are no marks at the slide, slide stop or slide stop slide catch at the frame, but, the side of the hammer shows slight frame contact.
        Other than that, its either the real deal or a good replica.

        • It’s pure, unadulterated 1911A1. The most noticrable feature change between the 1911 and 1911A1 are the “scallops” at the rear of the trigger guard blending into the frame. Even at the depot level would a 1911 frame be modified with the 1911A1 “scallops”.

  3. @JWM; This is possibly a CMP 1911 from the Korean war era. Also seen in VN.
    The lanyard loop is on the Magazine Well. This was still used by some MP units ’till the early ’70’s.
    The 1911’s I used in the NG in the ’80’s (pre M9 issue to the Guard) did not have the loop.
    Though I could very well be wrong, as I’m not a big 1911 history buff.

    • i’m not 1911 expert but it looks like a pellet gun to me, but what do I know. But also too clean and unmarked holster and gun shows no signs of ever being in that holster…

      • actually … you can see where the pistol has been in the holster and no it is not a pellet gun.
        it is a vintage 1911.

        • What seems odd about it, I suppose, is that it is being carried “cocked and locked”. It has a bullet in the chamber and in the event of an emergency, it will require releasing the safety before it can be fired. I personally, do not like carrying a pistol in that configuration, I prefer a single/double action.

        • No ammo in the “spare” mag… odd. maybe just the angle of the poor photo. Also who carries a “vintage” 1911, if dropped this gun can and will produce a ND…also the value of a “vintage” 1911 precludes most people carrying one.

        • Hannibal: If carried properly, cocked and locked, the thumb safety should be in the “safe” position. Plus, the finger should never be on the trigger. Even with a screwup the thumb safety, if fitted correctly, should prevent an ND.

          MB: One of the least remembered safety features is the half-cock notch which would, absolutely, prevent a dropped gun ND. Looking at the lockwork, the sear, even if the gun is dropped does not have enough travel to bounce past the half-cock notch. Also, the half-cock notch looks like a flattened hook, it fully entraps the the sear, preventing hammer from continuing forward. Since most 1911A1’ers only field-strip their guns they would not be aware of the hammer’s half-cock notch. Either JMB anticipated a dropped gun ND, or it is a carryover from single-action revolvers.

  4. Looks like a original style 1911 ro me…down to the duck foot hammer.

    While I rarely carry a suede holster, they do work for 1911s and revolvers.

    Yes…they collapse…and we know this…so you remove the holster to re-holster and then replace the holster.

    Same thing I do for a pocket holster.

    You can also easily remove the holster for bio breaks and then re-place after pulling up.

    Ain’t rocket science….beats laying a naked gun in your drawers while you pinch one off.

    Rather have one of these than some of the 3 pound hybrid holsters out there.
    But then I like simple things.

    • So…where do you put it during the bio breaks? Usually there’s no ledges. Hooks?

      • Fold down pants and lay across the crotch.

        Easier to do with gun in the holster so this suede makes it easy.

        A couple of my kydex holsters are a bear to get off. I have a Galco belt that is thick.

        My wife does the same with her Dara….or puts it in her purse.( gun in holster)

        • I have heard that this (the putting it in your descended pants) method is the one taught at federal alphabet agency training. Makes sense; you have access to the gun, people can’t see it if you place it properly and there is zero chance that you can accidentally leave without it (which you can if you put it on the back of the toilet or on the toilet paper roll holder, etc). It can’t fall and the only issue is when you put it back on to make sure you don’t pull the trigger (pretty easy if you take the holster off).

    • I agree that it’s better than mexican carry but I see these as pretty poor holsters. I’ve seen a gun go flying out of one when someone was wrestling, something I’ve never seen with a good kydex or a proper leather holster. It might be lighter but it can’t be that much lighter than the next heaviest holster that has a reinforced body and better retention.

      • I dont wrestle. And I have seen guns pop out of many kydex holster with “adjustable” retention. Up to user to figure out what is acceptable.

        Suede tends to be gripper than a lot of other holsters…maybe too grippy.

        The main reason I dont wear one is due to sweat.

        You can look for reasons to hate these holsters, but in most situations…..they work.

        I prefer the Bianchi thumbsnap version but the one pictured with the plastic clip is pretty good too.

        Re-holstering is important after the fact. Like a pocket holster, I can remove and replace.

        I dont pick holsters based on how easy it is to train at some course. I pick it based on my desires and then train using it.

  5. Guys, that’s a straight up 1911A1 clone. The lanyard loop is on the arched mainspring housing. Also, check out the short trigger, sights, etc. If it’s original it’s either unissued or refinished. Before anyone starts howling about an unissued 1911A1, I’ve seen one. When I was active duty I was walking across the company AO when the company armorer stopped me. He said, “You’re not going to believe this shit. Come with me.” We went to the arms room. He handed me a previously unissued 1911A1. Ithaca built if memory serves. He had deadlined a 1911A and that’s we he got in exchange.

  6. Forgot to mention. Not a fan of double edged daggers. The holster just plain sucks. All holsters should have a reinforced mouth.

    • I know you and strych9 hashed this out awhile back, but was your dislikes of a double edged weapon? I kinda like em, not for skinning deer though

      • Possum, double edged daggers excel at one thing. Stabbing. You’re handicapping yourself if you want to do anything else. When I enlisted I bought a Gerber MK 1. I took it to the field one time, tossed it in my wall locker and bought a K-BAR. It went to the field with me for four years and never left me wanting.

  7. Looks like a pretty standard 1911A1 to me. Nothing really “off” about it.
    As for the holster. Is it the most high-speed low-drag setup? Not really. But neither is a GI pattern 1911. Still works fine though. Use your off hand to spread the holster open while inserting the gun. Big deal.

    Gun guys overthink the most trivial of things. I swear. Where do you put it when you take a crap??!! I don’t know, in your lap maybe? Hold it in your hand and make pew pew noises while you play the trombone. I just put mine on top of the TP holder.

    • The big deal is you should be able to reholster with one hand because you may not have two. Or, wear that IWB toilet tissue holster behind the point of the right hip, as intended, and hold the top open with your left hand. There is nothing high speed, low drag about a holster with a reinforced mouth. It’s been a standard for decades. Among factory and custom leather. This holster is just plain cheap. Then again, maybe that’s the value the wearer places on his life.

      • So, with a little ingenuity, a sewing awl, rubber cement and a piece of leather, reinforce the mouth. Or fold it down a little and sew it up, Instant (almost) reinforcement.
        A total fumble finger should be able to do this in about an hour.

        • daveinwyo, I’m not going to buy a POS and reverse engineer it. I have early Bianchi (when John owned it), I used Safariland duty gear, Galco (good stuff), Kramer, Rosen, Sparks, El Paso Saddlery. The last four are really good stuff. Is it expensive? Yes, but I’ll eat tuna salad sandwiches and happy meals if that’s what it takes to afford good gear. BTW envy where you live.

  8. “The only problem lies in that they are to tunnel-visioned in on reholstering that they completely ignore how their muzzle is pointed at their hip.” …????? So, if that’s an issue for you, What about people who carry appendix?

  9. Agree about that particular holster. I have one and it’s no-good, gawd-awful, double-ohh3llno.

    Someone gifted to me and I threw it in one of my boxes. Without digging it out pretty sure it’s a Bianchi.

    Confessions from a Holster Wh0re. lol

  10. 1. I can’t see enough detail, but it looks like the Chinese Norinco I used to carry. The frame, slide and barrel were first rate, the internal parts, not so much. Replaced the small parts and it was 100%.

    2. I had one of those holsters for my Glock 19. I used it once then threw it in a drawer for fear I’d shoot myself trying to reholster. I ordered a Don Hume 715M the next day. I later made my own tuckable IWB.

  11. A 1911 for concealed carry.
    It’s Americas’ traditional fighting gun.
    It’s been made obsolete by lots of other .45 caliber guns that are lighter and hold more rounds of .45, like the Shield in .45 caliber.
    Or by the pocket sized 1911 type guns chambered in 9 mm like the Kimber Micro 9 or Sig 938.

    • Doc, anything that is as popular as it is 118 years after it was introduced is not obsolete. Ask the military and law enforcement units as well as thousands of citizens who use them.

  12. I carried in a non-reinforced holster for a number of years. It works, does it take some work to reholster, or special care during special circumstances, yep, it does. I have since moved on and use reinforced mouthed holsters for belt holsters. That said, if someone chooses to carry in a manner different than my choice who am I to chastise their choices. We all work with what works best for us.

    That said, old school still works in many cases, I tend to go that way a lot myself. Not a big fan of daggers with double edges personally. Under circumstances where you might be forced to cut some stiff hard material you cannot press on the pine of the blade for extra leverage.

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