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On the Passing of American Patriot Mike Vanderboegh


“Citizen journalist” and blogger Mike Vanderboegh passed away this week after a long fight against cancer. Mr. Vanderboegh made many contributions to freedom and liberty, but he’ll be best remembered for his work exposing “Fast and Furious.” That’s the ATF’s secret program that armed Mexican drug thugs, facilitating the shooting death of dozens of Mexicans, U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and even French citizens murdered in Paris.

Before leaving CBS, reporter Sheryl Atkinson pursued the Fast and Furious story. She wrote this week of Vanderboegh’s perseverance and dedication, exposing this evil scheme.

It seems fitting to stop and recognize Vanderboegh upon his passing (I also wrote of him in my book Stonewalled). If it weren’t for him, it’s entirely possible that the government’s scheme that put thousands of weapons into the hands of Mexican drug cartels would still be going on today.

Vanderboegh and fellow blogger David Codrea were originally contacted by ATF insiders via The insiders were outraged by the secret government operation “Fast and Furious” that eventually resulted in an unknown number of deaths on both sides of the border including Border Patrol agent Brian Terry. Terry was murdered by illegal immigrants armed with the government’s Fast and Furious guns.

The mainstream media tried to portray Mr. Vanderboegh as one of those “dangerous” anti-government, right-wing militia-types. The Obama administration surely had him in mind when they talked about “domestic extremists” and “insurrectionists.”

Vanderboegh was a freedom-loving patriot who pulled no punches in defense of liberty. His Sipsey Street Irregulars website offers a potent mix of anti-statist analysis and rock solid reporting. With attitude. I particularly loved his little slogan next to a photo of an M1A:

When Democracy becomes tyranny,

I STILL get to vote.

To paraphrase George Patton, “It is foolish and wrong to mourn the death of Mike Vanderboegh. Rather we should thank God that such men like him lived.”

24 thoughts on “On the Passing of American Patriot Mike Vanderboegh”

  1. His hat must trigger Clinton supporters.

    May he rest in peace and we carry on the fight he fought.

    • “Death is a primitive concept. I prefer to think of him as battling evil, in another dimension. . .” – Grig


      Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of all of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

      Don’t let the flag touch the ground.

  2. Mike and I had several very interesting conversations (email). I didn’t agreed with him about a number of things, including the authority of the “constitution,” of course, but always respected his integrity and consistency. The basis for the 3% non-organization was one of the best strategies for individual liberty I’ve ever seen, and I hope many will continue in that as his greatest legacy. I know that I will.

    Rest in peace, Mike. Indeed.

  3. I followed The Sipsey Street Irregular’s for quite a while. Met the man and wife team at an open carry rally in Texas. We are lessened without people like him.

    Agent, 100 Hundred Heads Life & Casualty Company

  4. We agreed most of the time but the Bundy thing was different. He would not listen to the real truth about the Bundy’s. That is why the 3% was off my list

  5. RIP Mike. Your tenacity for freedom, honesty and authenticity will be sorely missed and will leave a gaping vacuum. Heaven is richer at your arrival. A great American and patriot.

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