ghost gun 80% arms
(JWT for TTAG)

Pennsylvania’s assiduously anti-gun Attorney General, Josh Shapiro, did the happy dance today for the press after announcing that he’s pressured the state’s largest gun show promoter into banning the sale of “ghost gun” kits.

Shapiro held a press conference in Philadelphia today to announce the “agreement” under which Eagle Arms Productions will prohibit the sale of the kits.

From . . .

Shapiro said the agreement struck between prosecutors and the gun show promoter is the first of its kind in the country. An Eagle Arms representative confirmed the agreement, but declined further comment.

“We’ve become the first state in the nation to do something about this, to bridge the strained relationships between gun enthusiasts and those who want more gun reform,” Shapiro said. “Today, we here in Philadelphia show it’s possible.”

Shapiro claims that police are finding more home-made, unserialized firearms in the hands of criminals.

From . . .

“Ghost guns are quickly becoming the weapon of choice for criminals and fueling the gun violence epidemic,” Shapiro said. “These DIY gun kits should be subject to the same background checks and qualifications as fully functioning firearms to prevent criminals who are not legally able to purchase or possess guns from getting their hands on these deadly, untraceable weapons.”

The AG provided no statistics to back up that claim.

Shapiro didn’t mention the fact that none of the now-banned parts sold at Pennsylvania gun shows constitute a firearm under the legal definition in the law. These are unfinished parts and are regulated as such by the ATF. Nevermind also that anyone can now buy an inexpensive 3D printer and easily turn out these parts themselves.

Pennsylvania AG Josh Shapiro ghost gun ban gun shows
Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

AG Shapiro got an assist in pushing the gun show ban from an ostensibly pro-gun organization that apparently isn’t a fan of Keystone Staters building their own firearms in their own homes.

Kim Stolfer, president of the Pennsylvania chapter of Firearms Owners Against Crime, said [Eagle Arms Productions’ owner Joel] Koehler has every right to control what products are sold at his events and added, “Legitimate vendors at these events support what Eagle Arms is doing.”

He stated in his news release announcing Eagle Arms’ decision to his organization’s members, “Both Representative Amen Brown and Eagle Arms have collaborated on a decision that will save lives as well as protect the constitutional rights of all citizens without government intervention and restriction!”

The conversations between Koehler and Brown began after Brown visited the Eagle Arms gun show in Morgantown, Berks County, last month. There, Brown said he witnessed large numbers of ghost guns being sold.

The conversations between Koehler and Brown began after Brown visited the Eagle Arms gun show in Morgantown, Berks County, last month. There, Brown said he witnessed large numbers of ghost guns being sold.

With friends like those . . .


  1. We’ve become the first state in the nation to … bridge the strained relationships between gun enthusiasts and those who want more gun reform,” Shapiro said.

    Now imagine if the situation went like this:

    We’ve become the first state in the nation to bridge the strained relationships between chasity enthusiasts and those who want more legalized rape.

    Would the attorney general tout that situation? Would The Press and Democrats be cheering?

    • “Would the attorney general tout that situation? Would The Press and Democrats be cheering?”

      Heterosexual sex or really perverted stuff? Leftist scum want all the kinks, and none of the White Supremacy Heterosexual sex…

      • That is why lowering the voting age will eventually result in calls to lower, and later eliminate, the age of consent.

  2. My new to guns friend practically begged me to go to the Crown Point,IN gunshow recently. Didn’t care. Crowded overpriced crap. I bought reloaded ammo there 9 years ago which was bad. The guy was 200 miles away. Kankakee,ILL gun show was even worse-COPS spying on you and jotting down your license plate(as do Indiana). The deathknell of gunshows is “pressure” from AG jagweeds…

    • That’s exactly what Shapiro was doing, having his agents tail you back to your car to get your license plate. I was surprised by Stolfer’s statement supporting this. He made it sound like Eagle Arms made this decision autonomously. I’m sure it was comply or we’re going to make things very difficult for you.

    • Thanks for the link. I suggest everyone in the MS area pool their money and find a good lawyer to sue the city, fire, and police departments.
      This is the kind of stuff that lead to an Athens Tenneessee “firefight”.

      • It’s in work as of this morning. There’s a whole bunch of us that are really po’d about this.

        • See if a lawyer thinks a civil rights violation has occurred.

          A settlement could be a nice chunk of change that may pay off quite nicely… 😉

      • Here’s the applicable Fed and State statutes:
        “TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTION 242

        Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, … shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.”

        “MS Code § 97-23-33 (2019)

        If any person shall willfully and maliciously print, circulate or distribute, cause to be printed, circulated or distributed, or assist in printing, circulating or distributing, in any form whatever, any matter, the purpose and design of the contents thereof being to willfully and maliciously interfere with, or prevent another from exercising a lawful trade or calling, or engaging in a lawful business, or engaging in lawful use and enjoyment of his property, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than six (6) months in the county jail or be fined not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) or both.”

        • They need to to take it to trial.

          He forced them pay an “Inspection Fee’, and never inspected them. That alone may prove crucial for a civil rights conviction…

  3. Hey, Mr. Stolfer….. F.O.A.C. you !!! With friends like you, who needs enemas. May your organization suffer a quick and painful death, I guess statistical citations are too much to hope for.

  4. Dump’em. Im no longer tolerating gun companies associating or entertaining the thought of associating with anti-gun right individuals.

  5. The Democrat authoritarian party has been emboldened by the lockdowns. So now after telling a business they have to stay closed. And you are told to not go to church. Now they believe they can tell a business what they can or cannot sell.

    • “Now they believe they can tell a business what they can or cannot sell.”

      So you’re good with businesses selling drugs or child pornography?

  6. Govt: -We have a list of criminals, people so bad we can’t let them possess firearms.
    -We need to have universal background checks so the criminals on that list can’t get
    access to firearms, ’cause they might buy them privately without a background
    -We need to stop the sale of non firearms objects that can be completed into firearms
    because the criminals on the list could get them and convert them. (illegal)

    Me: Sounds like the people on the list are the problem. Maybe you should keep them
    somewhere away from the rest of us if they are so dangerous?

      • Was at an Eagle Arms show just last week and there were vendors selling 80% lowers and jigs. No full build kits, but still, what does this ban accomplish?

    • Nah, if they catch the bad dudes with a gun they just take the gun away (to melt down or destroy if they can) and toss the bad guys back out on the street with a slap on the wrist. Bad guy then immediately borrows or steals another gun and continues working on building up the criminal resume, er, rapsheet.

  7. “We’ve become the first state in the nation to do something about this, to bridge the strained relationships between gun enthusiasts and those who want more gun reform,”

    Bridges and siege engines are different animals.

    “…the agreement struck between prosecutors and the gun show promoter…”

    Wut? Prosecutors were involved in…. not crimes? Oh… LOL, NM, I get it. That doesn’t bode well for anyone.

    “…the “agreement” under which Eagle Arms Productions will prohibit the sale of the kits.”

    Ah yes, the agreement to sell the BoR down the river. Great agreement, that. “But muh private business!” they’ll cry. Just like the GOPers watching the hedgies and the finance folk push us off a cliff while the government takes a vig and laughs at everyone else. Bunch of morons caught up in their own ideological trap because… they’re ideological morons.

    Mussolini and Lenin are playing cards in Hell laughing at us right now.

  8. Who new threatening and bullying rational and lawful people into complying with the hysterical shrieks of ignorant fools was “bridging the gap?”

  9. The question to ask is there are two sides to an “agreement”. What did Eagle get? What did the AG threaten to do?

    Frankly they are legal parts and thus should be sold anywhere. It just gives those who want to do away with legal firearms that much more energy to keep up their nonsense and lies.

    I don’t go to those shows as they are too crowded, too expensive and a waste of time and money. But I certainly wouldn’t go now knowing that these clowns put dollars ahead of the Constitution and for a petty two bit lawyer like Shapiro who’s tried a number of times to do unconstitutional and illegal actions against gun owners. this just gives him something else to brag about and get to higher office where he can do more damage.

    • this guy (Shapiro) bears watching…he continues to nibble away at our gun rights here in PA…

  10. I actually enjoy going to gun shows. Not to purchase a firearm, but to look for any odd things that might be interesting or useful. I bought a weird canteen cup at the last one. Sometimes an old book or two.
    The reason the AG is so hot about gun shows is that there is no record of purchase on the 80% if you use cash. The record stops at the seller unless they have recorded footage or other info that places it in your hands.
    If you have the cash and a show is large enough you can pick up everything you need to complete.
    Meh! Most POTG can hit the local hardware store and put together something functional.

    • if you can..visit the shows in Ohio…they’re much more sensible about these sorts of things…

  11. I agree. Nobody should be selling a gun’s ghost. If a gun is haunted, it should first be provided with an exorcism to gently and in a supportive, caring, but culturally undead fashion, relocate the unfortunate ghost to a home more aligned to its needs, its hopes and dreams.

    • “I agree. Nobody should be selling a gun’s ghost. If a gun is haunted, it should first be provided with an exorcism to gently and in a supportive, caring, but culturally undead fashion, relocate the unfortunate ghost to a home more aligned to its needs, its hopes and dreams.”

      There ya’ go. Common sense on display. Good on ya’.

  12. I’ve known the guys at Eagle Arms for a long time. Bought guns in the shop before they were even doing gun shows. Now I’ll never go to one of their shows again. They’re in town here this weekend. Sucks that they caved.

  13. Add the Eagle Arms gun shows and Joel Koehler run events to the list of avoiding and not giving money for admission fees and fees to setup a table to sell items. If you live in Pennsylvania, do you support Pennsylvania chapter of Firearms Owners Against Crime? Do not donate to this organization Firearms Owners Against Crime. Sounds like the are moving in a California direction of eventually eliminating gun shows.

  14. Statistics with small samples give weird results. I’m sure kits guns seized by police or used in crimes is going up. Going from 3 guns recovered to 12 is a 400% increase. We’re doomed! It makes for a great headline. Except if you look at overall rates and see there were hundreds of gun seizures, and see they’re less than 1% of the total. My numbers are made up, although they were at 5% in DC last year. 3 in 2017 and 116 kit guns last year. With DC’s restrictions, kit guns may be more attractive to the otherwise law abiding where they wouldn’t buy a black market gun on the street.

  15. “Obviously your not familiar with dumb enuf’s usual philosophy.”

    Credit where credit is due. Stopped clock, blind squirrel, and all that.

  16. “There, Brown said he witnessed large numbers of ghost guns being sold” at a gun show.

    That’s a lie, because “ghost guns” (homemade guns without serial numbers) cannot be sold, but can only be built for PERSONAL use. Apparently Brown meant gun parts and unfinished blocks of aluminum — but gun parts and blocks of aluminum are not “guns” at all, let alone “ghost guns.” He is a liar when he claims that “ghost guns” were “being sold” at gun shows.

  17. We really need to consider breaking up the United States into 50 different countries so the idiotic left can have their country and conservatives can have their country.

  18. I’d theorize that the average criminal doesn’t have the attention to detail or possess the motivation required to complete an 80% lower. Until I see some real and unbiased data proving that “Ghost Guns” are a problem, they can kiss my hairy white gun toting, 80% finished Arse.

  19. “Can you say oppression under the color of authority?”

    Lotta people like to say that, but to what end? Who is suing whom over the issue?

  20. “We really need to consider breaking up the United States into 50 different countries so the idiotic left can have their country and conservatives can have their country.”

    Can’t happen. The idiotic left wants everything, and power over every state. The compromise you envision can only happen if the left senses it is about to be obliterated, completely.

  21. Now realize .. I exercised my choice and right in md 30 yrs
    ago and whoa be the SOB who interferes as i do not dictate their choice. and i relinquish no rights i ever had. (i advise leaving peaceful sleeping dogs lay because the unconstitutional laws proposed do not do that . ) This is what every lawful gun owner is telling all you wimps out there .. Make your choice and then just shut up . That is your only constitutional right. You do not get to decide for others on the same rights you (and we all ) have .
    New up dated read all . 4/23/21
    The oath was explained in civics as needed so all laws would conform to it . It was politicians promising they would read all bills , be convinced it did not violate the constitution, and be the best course for the country (not just there districts ) BEFORE they could vote for said bill . (used to be if they screwed up on that they would be dragged OUT of office and tared and feathered post haste ) WE the public have screwed up and not continued that resolution to the problem . NOW we need a complete review of many laws (like gun laws) and others for compliance . DO IT NOW. BEFORE very drastic measures are needed to fix this occurring / reoccurring cluster flop ! Gun owners just need the understanding that govt can not take a right as powerful as gun ownership with an unconstitutional law because it is no law that is valid ( you in fact have a duty to ignore it and fuss every corrupt politician that voted for it . in the old days that was handled with tar and feathers ,. now we just vote them out . ) Make no mistake about it i have a case of the ass about all anti gunners in office because they push there choice beyond their personal choice of choice . THAT makes them un qualified to represent an armed public that has choices. SCOTUS has a duty to deal with this issue and it goes beyond them CHOSEING TO look into THIS case.
    In my extended family ; the left and the right , ALL are armed and exercising there constitutional rights to be armed . (i recommend NO ONE attempts to take any issue to it. ) None of us have to go any place to protest unlawful actions from any one . Here is the rest of the story on what the real issue is all about and what govt. must deal with . ( see the pillow guys message in other posts takes an hr 40 min )
    See the evidence found so far for your self . Then decide if an official investigation is in the best interest of the country long term. Demand it from representatives . Because
    if they steal the vote the only
    thing left they can not cheat at
    is voting with the 4th box
    of freedom .
    We can not let it go down like that .
    (look it up if you do not know what that is )
    WE BETTER get the election mess in order.. need the same vetting for all mail in ballots as cal. has for vetting rescind petition signers !!
    an armed public holds the 4 aces in this game of political bluff and we do not want to have to call you on it because the b/s can not cheat on this one .
    Justice Roberts , V P Pence , hands full of judges all fucked up and did not do the right thing in this issue .
    Your on your own now folks like never before.
    (you have to protect your self )
    We have to get recall petitions on all of them (every anti gunner ) out of office right NOW . )
    May be an image of text that says ‘LAW OF THE LAND The general misconception is that any statute passed by legislators bearing the appearance of law constitutes the law of the land. The U. S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and any statute, to be valid, must be in agreement. It is impossible for a law which violates the Constitution to be valid. This is succinctly stated as follows: “All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void.” Marbury vs. Madison, 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803)’ look for the date of the info content
    XMA Header Image <(skip the space to see all ) as a citizen i retain every right and freedom i ever had and NO ONES opinion on the topic that TRYS to take any of them will be tolerated. ,… be careful what you push for .

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