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“I’m training my grandchildren to use long-range rifles,” Easy Rider star Peter Fonda told the at the Cannes Film Festival. “For what purpose? Well, I’m not going to say the words ‘Barack Obama’, but … It’s more of a thought process than an actuality, but we are heading for a major conflict between the haves and the have nots. I came here many years ago with a biker movie and we stopped a war. Now, it’s about starting the world . . . I prefer to not to use the words, ‘let’s stop something’. I prefer to say, ‘let’s start something, let’s start the world’.” Hey Pete, you can start by welcoming the Secret Service into your life.

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  1. Jeebus. Maybe we can introduce him to Patrick Kennedy. The harmonic convergence of epic stupidity could satisfy our energy needs for the next decade.

  2. “Well, I’m not going to say the words ‘Barack Obama’, but … It’s more of a thought process than an actuality, but we are heading for a major conflict between the haves and the have nots.I prefer to say, ‘let’s start something, let’s start the world’.”

    go back to reading the Turner Diaries Mr. Fonda, please spare us from your race war fantasies.

    This is EXACTLY the sort of idiocy that makes gun enthusiasts look like potential hutaree milita members

  3. I don’t even understand what he’s talking about. Is that a threat against Obama or poor people?

  4. yep, i’m equally confused. Why he would think France of all places to make a statement like this? or does he want to wait to talk to the Secret Service until he gets home? Regardless is you love him or hate him, BARACK OBAMA IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. you CANNOT make statements like these, this is beyond “freedom of speech” here.

  5. What a tool. Pete’s brain never made it back from the ’60s, apparently. Even Ted has had the sense to shut his piehole once Obama was elected.

    Loved the part about how Peter’s crappy B movie ended the Vietnam war. Anyone seen Easy Rider lately? There’s another ’60s artifact that hasn’t held up well.

    What is it about Peter and his sister Jane’s raising that makes them so sure that everything they do and say is genius? Their potty training must have been something to see.

    • “Their potty training must have been something to see.”

      Majorly bad mind image. Please pass the mental floss.

    • Easy Rider was nothing but a mix of Corman’s “Wild Angels” and “The Trip.” He and Jon Voight are a match made in heaven

  6. “…we are heading for a major conflict between the haves and the have nots.”

    I don’t think so; or at least not in the way Fonda means it. Instead, it will be between those who are paying to subsidize those who are receiving. Once the gravy train stops, the “have nots” will not be happy that their parasitical lifestyle is no longer supported.

    • When you say “it will be between those who are paying to subsidize those who are receiving,” are you talking about unemployment insurance, medicare/medicade, social security and those types of programs, or do you mean Wall Street bailouts, agri-business, and other corporate welfare types of programs? When we say “parasitical,” we tend to look down the food chain, but there are parasites above us, too.

  7. I wonder of Sasha and Malia are in practicing to shoot Peter Fonda? One thing I’m sure of, the girls will have the cooler guns.

  8. peter fonda’s a pretty cool guy. eh’s intelligible and doesn’t afraidd of anything

  9. His “thought process” is a bit jumbled and he’s made a poor selection of words, but I get where he’s coming from. The divide between the “haves and have nots” is growing; both in regard to guns and gun rights, and in regard to economics. I’m not sure which he is referring to, but he’s not wrong to teach his grandchildren marksmanship for any eventuality.

  10. Hey sdog.

    Peter Fonda is more likely reading “The Motorcycle Diaries” instead of “The Turner Diaries.”

    Fonda hates Obama because Obama isn’t ENOUGH of an uber-leftist, pinko commie eco-freak for Fonda’s has-been Hollywood weirdo tastes.

    Check it out. Earlier from Cannes.

    When Fonda talks about a war between the haves and the have-nots, he’s talking about shooting the haves, in whose company he includes Obama, because Obama is so obviously a tool of the corporate, earth-raping capitalist pigs.

    Let me be perfectly clear. I am NOT endorsing or supporting Fonda’s words. I’m just trying to explain them.

  11. This is EXACTLY the sort of idiocy that makes gun enthusiasts look like potential hutaree milita members

    wtf cares?

    never, NEVER, NEVER “apologise” to the gun-grabbers or the gun-grabbing media for ANY-thing you say, do or think!….ALWAYS stay on the offensive…..FORCE them to be constantly on the “defensive”!….why?…..because they’re all a bunch of lying, treacherous, verminous SCUM!

    and, as such, they’ll twist, distort, exaggerate and mis-represent the slightest incident to cast gun-owners in a bad light….that’s why Aussie gun-owners lost their guns….they were cowed and intimidated by gun-grabbing scum like this filthy bitch…..;

    and….oh yeh!……just a *point of note*….we don’t really KNOW wtf Fonda said or didn’t say!…..the gun-grabbing media may well have simply LIED abt his comments or oiked them out-of-context!

    • Cool. Now I like Fonda even more than ever. I don’t think Obama should be shot. But definitely impeached!! And never to be re-elected again!! I don’t think Peter wants Obama to be ousted, but out of the white house. Obama is the worst!! I never had money problems until he was in put in office!! Now I have serious money problems. Both my wife & I MUST get 2nd jobs – or we will go under!!
      Here’s the haves & have nots for ya!!
      It’s a travesty what’s happened to our great country!! And I firmly believe he has solid ties to the mid east. He’s the enemy!!

  12. Some how I don’t think a leftist will get the same treatment concerning threats to the President that normal people get. Just look at the rapper Common, he threatened to kill President Bush, but all he got was an invitation to the White House.

  13. Hey guys, ever thought about taking something for that paranoia? I hear they have some new mental exercises for folks like you.

    Then again, maybe you DO need all those guns. Expressing your looney thoughts like this could send a different crazy looking for ya.

    Good luck!

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