‘Piece of Cake’: Michael Cargill Teaches Armless Man to Shoot, Carry a Gun

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A Texas man is licensed to carry firearms — even though he has no arms. 

In a video posted on X, formerly known as Twitter, Michael Cargill, the owner of Central Texas Gun Works in Austin, showed the man, who was not identified, firing a gun with his feet.

“This young man had no arms, no hands, and he was able to actually shoot and pass and do exceptionally well at the gun range,” Cargill told KDFW-TV.

Cargill said it only took a few hours to teach the student how to fire the weapon, and he passed with “flying colors.”

“It brought me to tears, I wanted to cry because I was happy that I was able to help this young man,” Cargill told the television station. “He wanted to be able to protect himself.”

In the video, Cargill is shown behind the student, who loads a gun with his feet and shoots at a nearby target.

“He walked in, he said, ‘Hey, I want to learn how to shoot, I want to qualify to get my license to carry a handgun,” Cargill told KFDW. “I said ‘Piece of cake.’”

— Bob D’Angelo in Texas Man Earns Gun License Despite Having No Arms

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  1. The second amendment is for everyone. And the people who want to ban the pistol brace want to disarm the handicapped.

    The fact that non handicapped people want to be able to use a pistol brace. Means nothing. It was designed for a handicapped person.

    • Ban the Brace is a copout , they could have just restrict the use to handicapped, like a parking space. But they wanted everyone to be ban.

  2. Well done all around. Never underestimate a person who is willing to start with what he has and improve his lot in life.

    • “No jokes about “arming himself”?”

      Uhm, you just did.

      It seems to me he has ‘a leg up’ over someone unarmed.

      “I’m disappointed.”

      Sometimes the humor takes a little work… 🙂

  3. WHAT year is it?? STILL need a MothermayI card to carry in Tx? With all their big talk/BS for years about guns? Maybe a few more Northern transplants and they will join the free/Consititutional US.

    • Keep your knickers on…TX Permits can still be had by those who still want them for various reasons like sidestepping the 4473 NCIC when purchasing, etc.

      The man passed the license requirement test…that’s wonderful, period.

  4. Wow what a cool story. Now let’s get this young man an AR and he can really have some fun.

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