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Piers Morgan: I Still Don’t Understand You Psycho Gun Nuts

What’s this? Piers Morgan on the Fox’s ‘Kelly File’? That’s kinda like Rush Limbaugh sitting down with Amy Goodman for a Democracy Now! one-on-one. Something you never expect to see short of a harmonic convergence or porcine pilots buzzing past your window. We’ll save you the time it takes to view the video above with a brief synopsis: nothing has changed as far as the bombastic Brit is concerned. Sure, he allows as how . . .

he could have presented his virulently anti-Second Amenndment views in a less in-your-face manner which may (but probably would not) have prevented his CNN show from dropping into the 3:00 a.m. infomercial ratings range, but the fact that nothing was done (we assume he means federally) after Sandy Hook still utterly appalls him.

Whatever, Piers. Go bang out your thrice-weekly screeds at the Daily Mail (which are sure to be read by even fewer Yanks than bothered to watch your unwatchable show) and continue to sink into new world media obscurity. A leopard doesn’t change his hoplophobic spots.

64 thoughts on “Piers Morgan: I Still Don’t Understand You Psycho Gun Nuts”

  1. Plenty has been done after Sandy Hook. Just not the restrictions of our rights that Piers wanted. This is what comes from someone who’s used to being a subject rather than a citizen.

    • As a resident of ca, I beg to differ. I think Piers would be proud that ca now has long gun registration, and a micro stamping bill that is essentially a slow ban on all handguns.

  2. Better question…why are you giving that twat any more air time here? He needs to be forgotten, for the irrelevant, off-base buffoon he is.

    • You forgot “criminal” – there’s a reason he doesn’t just move back to the UK. He’s tainted enough from the phone hacking scandal he orchestrated – as well as faked torture pics he published – that nobody over there will dirty their hands by hiring him.

      • Because even the Brits don’t want him back. I like to imagine that there is a secret organization run by Jeremy Clarkson dedicated to making piers miserable and kept out of the UK.

    • I hope TTAG gives him plenty more “air time.” Let him be the smarmy, elitist poster boy for disarmament.

      • I like the way you think. If hoplophobia needs a face, that’s not a bad one to have. Sadly, there are many other candidates.

    • I do! It’s a sharp enough contrast against reality that those who use such language do the heavy work of making actual gun owners look good relative to them selves.

  3. If he doesn’t like the fact that we Americans can own guns, then he should shut up and go back to England. Just my opinion of course.

  4. Well, at least he admitted his mistake. I don’t expect people from the land of disarmament to understand american gun culture without being exposed to it. The failure to learn about the topic before espousing radical political speech pretty much cost him his job.

  5. I kinda miss ol’ Pierced Organ. He was the poster boy for anti-gun stupidity, and nobody can ever come to take his place.

  6. I spent the last two days shooting a new barrel for my light varmit (nbrsa 10 1/2 lb benchrest rifle) I have 12 more to test! I WONDER WHAT HE WOULD CALL ME IF HE COULD WITNESS ALL THE THINGS BENCHREST SHOOTERS DO TO BE ABLE TO ASSINATE A PIECE OF PAPER WiTH THE SMALLEST 5 SHOT GROUP MEASURED TO THE THOUSANDTHS OF AN INCH

  7. He can’t go home! If he does. He will be charged for the crimes he committed. Hell, Why do you think he came here to begin with>?
    They booted him out of Jolly ole’ England!

  8. he isnt being serious.

    i kno wits odd that in the us 21 first graders woudl be shot to death (another fake story) but if it did happen does the us lead the world in child porn consumption? should all penises be removed??

  9. Yeah I saw this cretin. Just trying to stay relevant(or employed). Or MAYBE it’s a CONSPIRACY 🙂

  10. “Magnificence of the United States of America”

    “Didn’t look at the other side”;

    Let’s start with: “That Magnificence you admire comes from the other side”. We here in America are CITIZENS not subjects. and our rights are part of that jacknut.

  11. I wish someone would grill this azzwipe on live TV about why he is a fugitive from his homeland and why we shouldn’t extradite him back to the UK.

  12. My ancestors took up arms in the Revolution so that we didn’t need to listen to such cousin-humping Englishmen.

    We really need to improve our border controls.

  13. “Go bang out your thrice-weekly screeds at the Daily Mail (which are sure to be read by even fewer Yanks than bothered to watch your unwatchable show)”

    And even fewer actual Brits. Nobody seriously reads the Daily Fail.

  14. Megyn Kelly is a lot prettier than Amy Goodman.

    Then again, Rush Limbaugh is prettier than Piers Morgan.

  15. It is completely understandable that he doesn’t understand the right to bear arms. He comes from a country where someone by birth is your better. How dare a commoner dare to stand up to their better?

  16. Well maybe if you didn’t start each conversation with a string of insults you might be able to receiving some insight there Mr Morgan.

  17. I’m a little confused why he comes over here to the US, complains about our gun policies (incessantly), and pushes his agenda everywhere he can. What is wrong with the UK? The UK is the perfect place for Piers. He belongs there. He fits in there. The UK would love to have Piers return and embrace him. Why is Piers here.

    • Well my friend it’s been said by more than a few British personalities that they can’t stand his far left BS either.

  18. He is despised in the UK more than he is despised here. He’s a nobody who desperately want’s to be a somebody. If it wasn’t for his stance on firearms, he wouldn’t have nearly the publicity he has.

  19. I’m presuming he’s refering to POTG. His inability to understand stem from his lack of knowledge and understanding of freedom, self determination, and personal responsibility and reliability. If he weren’t such a socialist tool, he might begin the journey of understanding.

  20. Of course he doesn’t understand why nothing changed ( at least on a federal level). He spouted that “90% of Americans believe in more gun control” crap so often, he started believing it himself. How does the saying go? The left aretolerant and understanding of everyone else’s views so long as it fits their viewpoint.

  21. More dribble to elicit emotional responses from our ranks to spot light and make a mockery of. Mr. Morgan, you whine and bitch unintelligibly about shit more than my 18 month old niece….

  22. I’m so sick of this “American gun nuts” crap from Morgan. Brits are the original gun nuts. Lords and ladies love guns. Beautiful guns. Expensive guns. Fine dainty little pistols. Ivory-gripped guns. Elegantly engraved rifles. London Best Guns. Elephant guns. Guns to run off the bounders approaching too near the manor.

    What the Brits who have a public voice hate is (let’s be honest)…the lower classes. Of which Piers Stefan O’Meara is a member. Piers, get over it.

    • Brits hate guns because people from North America to India used them to push their evil, oppressive empire into obscurity and pathetic irrelevance.

      Now, all the UK does is stew in its little police state and resent the fact that their former colony did in 200 years what their nation couldn’t do in 2 thousand.

  23. There are some nick-names that are just so appropriate and memorable that they stick forever- I will never be able to see this nitwits face without thinking “Pierced Organ”. Hat tip to Ralph on that.

  24. The problem with Piers is that he has the whole hierarchy flipped upside down. In a free society the government is subordinate to and restricted by the rights of the people. That obviously includes the right to self-defense.

    Britain has not been a free society for quite some time.

  25. Well when you have a psycho politician that might run for president that instructs the populace to “Empathize” with cold blooded killers that behead, rape, and torture Americans it makes it clearer that we gun people are not the psycho’s.

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