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Big news from the LGBTQ community: Pink Pistols has united with Operation Blazing Sword. The two pro-gun, gay gun owner-oriented groups have joined forces to promote, educate and empower gays in America under the leadership of Erin Palette (pictured above). After all, armed gays don’t get bashed.

Pink Pistols started almost twenty years ago.  Its purpose: to educate members of the LGBTQ community about the proven benefits of firearm ownership. Its “armed gays don’t get bashed” slogan resonated with many both within and outside the gay community.

Operation Blazing Sword came about following the Orlando terror attack at the Pulse nightclub. While Pink Pistols advocated the benefits of gun ownership, Blazing Sword worked to put volunteer instructors together with gays wanting to learn safe gun handling. And to help gays get carry licenses so they could defend themselves against a homophobic, crazed lunatic looking to commit a hate crime or massacre.

Gays looking to take some mystery out of guns can call one of these volunteer instructors who will take them out for a range session at no charge. Or simply provide solid information and advice about gun ownership. Thousands of experienced gun owners and firearm instructors including myself have volunteered for the program nationwide. We work to build bridges between gun owners and the LGBTQ community, so they can join America’s gun owners.

Guns Save Life’s former Sangamon County regional director Jay Ater, one of the gun community volunteers, says he’s helped several LGBTQ members in Central Illinois. One lesbian couple he coached went out and secured their carry licenses and purchased handguns in the months following his lesson.  Later, they told him how coming out as gun owners among their gay friends proved more difficult for them than coming out as gay to their friends and family.

Operation Blazing Sword has the formal announcement

The 33rd Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC 2018) in Chicago became the site of a historic announcement for the LGBTQ community. The Pink Pistols – the nation’s first pro-gay, pro-gun group – is joining forces with Operation Blazing Sword, a program dedicated to firearm education, training and support for the LGBTQ community. This merger results in the creation of the single largest queer pro-gun group in history. In further news, Gwendolyn Patton, legendary First Speaker of the Pink Pistols, has been succeeded by Erin Palette, the Founder of Operation Blazing Sword. Ms. Palette will serve as Coordinator for both factions of the newly-formed LGBTQ Super Group.

Founded in 2000, Pink Pistols had a simple mission: “We teach queer people to shoot. Then we teach others that we have done so.” Beyond training, the Pistols also successfully filed numerous amicus briefs in high profile cases. Their membership at the time of merging was estimated to be 30,000 across North America.

Operation Blazing Sword was formed in response to the Pulse Massacre of June 12, 2016. Led by Erin Palette, this fresh platform provides members of the grossly under-served LGBTQ community with access to education in safe firearms handling as well as encouragement to obtain Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW) permits where legal. At the time of its merger, Operation Blazing Sword was powered by 1,600 volunteer instructors from all walks of life – conservative, liberal, straight, queer, transgender, and cisgender.

During her acceptance speech, Ms. Palette recalled the early days of Pink Pistols, when being outed as queer often resulted in loss of one’s job or worse. It was for this reason, Palette explained, that national member lists were not maintained. By keeping Pink Pistol factions regional its members’ privacy was protected from subpoena, but this dramatically limited the scope of Pink Pistol chapters’ community outreach.

The announcements at GRPC 2018 herald in a new era of LGBTQ Second Amendment support and activism. On this topic, Palette passionately asserted that “the ability to connect…is crucial.” Since Operation Blazing Sword is a 501c3 tax deductible charity, funds can now be raised at a national level to help chapters in need, whether that is to rent a booth at a Pride Festival, buy ammunition for a range day, or hold a community seminar.

“After all,” reminded Palette, “the most powerful sword is the one wielded by two hands.”

800 Belle Terre Parkway, Suite 200-302 Palm Coast, FL 32164-2310
EIN 81-4230880

Pink Pistols has chapters across America. By teaming up with Operation Blazing Sword, the new group will have even more resources and opportunities to empower and educate gays about the proven benefits of firearm ownership.


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  1. Gays I personally know have agreed that ‘coming out’ as a gun owner while being gay was far more difficult than ‘coming out’ as just being gay.

    (The private property where I shoot is owned by a gay woman.)

    Welcome one and all to the civil rights fight of the 2000s, the right of lawful self-defense…

    • Sounds like those gays should get better friends. I get it, guns aren’t everybody’s thing. For some, they may be as icky or even ickier as members of the opposite sex. Still, gun ownership is an individual’s right and personal choice. In and of itself, it isn’t hurting anyone else.

      Some odd looks, maybe some uneasy questions? Sure, I could see that as being par for the course in coming out as a gay gun owner (or as any other type of liberal gun owner). But risk of serious reproach, arguments, threats of ending friendships or worse? If it comes to that, so be it. Nobody needs that crap. Besides, one can always make new friends down at the range or LGS.

    • I have a rainbow pride pin shaped like my company’s logo that I wear on my lapel every day. My laptop has a pride logo sticker on it. My badge holder has a pride logo on it. My notebook, my pen, and my coffee cup all have pride logos on it.

      But my company has specifically told me, personally, to my face, in a one-on-one in person interview, that mentioning firearms or my experience as a firearms instructor at one of the bigger schools while on a client site would be a firing offense.

      So if anyone asks, I have no hobbies, play no sports, and I was unemployed for five years.

      So yes, there’s a lot more stigma about guns than there is about who I swap bodily fluids with.

      It’s like anti-Zardoz.

    • Sorry, I did not. I’ve spent a lot of time in hospitals of late and have not kept up on things. I also missed the Gun Rights Policy Conference where the public announcement was made.

  2. Good. Now if only gays would stop voting for the jerks and grifters who want them disarmed and helpless.

    • “Now if only gays would stop voting for the jerks and grifters who want them disarmed and helpless.”

      And Jews and blacks and, and, and.

      Recently I heard someone say that the conservatives see the world as it is while the Progressives only see the world how they would like it to be. So the conservatives can see the path if they envision improvements and the Progs, not knowing where they are, can’t see how to get where they want to be.

    • They would, if the only other option in this two party system wasn’t a party filled with people who hate them, wish to treat them as second class citizens, and want to use the power of the government to tread on them. Reminder that not even 20 years ago being gay was still illegal in some states and the laws criminalizing them were defended by then president George W Bush, and gays just got equal rights when it comes to marriage and all the legal benefits that comes with (taxes, being able to see your spouse when they’re in the hospital, etc.) less than 10 years ago. Besides that, they’re still fighting for equal rights when it comes to hiring and not being fired for who they are, including being fired from state jobs. It’s a lot easier to hide your guns in bad times than it is to hide your spouse.

      • While I agree with your sentiments and the gist of your assertions, your verbiage leaves you open to argument. What you *are* has never been and could never be illegal, the laws addressed what you *do*.

      • Historically homosexuals are socialist progressive in the political orientation. They have never supported Liberty. They have supported the Welfare Industrial Complex, which has replaced the father with a government check. And they support “gun free” zone public housing projects.

        As they have stated they don’t support the traditional family. And they don’t have to. They just need to vote for people who support the smallest government as possible. And stay out of straight peoples bedrooms. They can do that by ending their support of the government Welfare system.

        Nothing was stopping a gay person from getting a gun, before the Pulse nightclub murders. We have discussed at length the gay elected leaders who are gun grabbers on TTAG however.

        Can I rely on a gay gun owner? Or a Liberal gun owner?

        I watched Harvey Milk say he had a gun and everyone else should have one as well. Unfortunately Dianne Feinstein and other people made the San Francisco city hall building a gun free zone.

        • >Historically homosexuals are socialist progressive in the political orientation. They have never supported Liberty.
          Historically, they supported whoever didn’t actively seek to persecute them for who they are. Do you blame them for doing so?

          >They just need to vote for people who support the smallest government as possible.
          What party is that? Because it certainly isn’t one of the two major parties in the US currently.

          >And stay out of straight peoples bedrooms.
          When has gay people wanting the government in straight people’s bedrooms ever been an issue? Historically it’s been the other way around with conservatives freaking out about icky things happening in other people’s bedrooms between consenting adults.

          >They can do that by ending their support of the government Welfare system.
          You mean the main thing they have to fall back on when their family support system disowns them?

        • kjack
          I wonder how many women have been raped and murdered in California because senate legislative president, Tom Ammiano, a proud gay white man, wrote the law making stalking victims wait up to seventeen extra days to get a hand gun?

          Why would a homosexual man think a woman should wait to get a get?
          What makes homosexual men so much smarter than a rape victim?

          “The Assembly passed AB500 by Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, D-San Francisco, which requires gun owners to safely store their firearms when someone who lives in the home is prohibited from owning a weapon because of mental illness or a criminal record.

          “The bill also allows for a seven-day extension on the current 10-day waiting period for weapons purchases if the state Department of Justice needs the extra time to complete a background check and requires dealers to notify the justice department when the buyer has taken possession.”

  3. lol, this is essentially fake news, Pink Pistols and Operation Blazing Sword do not have 30,000 members by any stretch of the imagination. They are feebly attempting to fix their broken disaster of a group because they are feeling heat from “Armed Equality”. Erin’s claim to fame is a google maps spreadsheet, she doesn’t do any real activism outside of preaching to the choir.

    • I have met people from Pink Pistols, and I’ve met Erin. Privately, at the NRA event in Atlanta if memory serves. Denigrating Erin and her work? Why? She’s done some great things, both behind the scenes and high-profile public stuff. She’s fighting the good fight.

      As to her claim of 30,000 members… I find that a lot easier to believe than that Moms Demand Action has 5,000,000 members.

      I can’t say I’ve ever met anyone from Armed Equality or heard much about them, quite frankly.


      • I think he’s referring to the Google Maps interactive map of volunteer instructors, assembled by Erin and cohorts.

    • When astroturf anti-gun factions merge, we recognize that as a sign of low interest and low turnout. When pro-gun groups merge, is it any different?

      I appreciate the intent of both groups or the merged one – but as noted above, the other-gender groups will only make a significant impact on gun rights if they change their voting habits, and convince their overwhelmingly liberal friends to support liberty as well.

  4. I don’t care how many members they have have.

    I say “Welcome one and all” and I personally think that members of the LGBTQ community joining the PotG community is a good thing.

  5. I also say welcome to them, but also a word of caution…
    I’m gay. I mentioned this in an earlier article. I also know that the LGBT community never gets along with itself completely and there is a large amount of drama in the community. At least there was when I was part of the crowd. I kinda gave up on them a long time ago, so that may have changed by now.

  6. All gun owners have to be supportive of anyone who feels they need to be able to protect themselves with a firearm. Even if you do not agree with gays, or certain ethnic groups, the individuals have a right to self protection and if they seek training, should be able to get it, no questions asked. If they can follow the gun safety rules and get better with the training, great. Teaching them to be responsible gun owners/users is what we all want.
    Not teaching people of certain groups because you do not agree with their lifestyles or whatever limits their rights in our BOR.
    Any one of us can take 10 min with a newby or a rusty shooter and help out to make them a safe operator and that may save their life one day.

  7. “Blazing Sword worked to put volunteer instructors together with gays wanting to learn safe gun handling”

    Small correction but worth noting. Blazing Sword worked to put volunteer instructors together with all people wanting to learn safe gun handling. They simply market themselves towards the the LGBTQ community. Anybody is welcome to contact their instructors.

    The goal is to help people “come out” as “gun curious” to people they can be sure will encourage them. Sort of like coming out as gay to a gay friend before telling your life long beer drinking pals. As some have relayed in the comments above for many it is more difficult and damaging to a person’s social structure to be pro gun than not strait.

  8. And to help gays get carry licenses so they could defend themselves against a homophobic, crazed lunatic looking to commit a hate crime or massacre.
    You mean like Democratic constituents such as Muslims?
    Hey. the Democrats are not going to let you have your guns and they will throw you under the bus to appease the Muslims..
    Why vote for them?

  9. theyre going to be driving up the prices on all the high point pistols and various pistol caliber carbines out there…

  10. >Historically homosexuals are socialist progressive in the political orientation. They have never supported Liberty.
    Historically, they supported whoever didn’t actively seek to persecute them for who they are. Do you blame them for doing so?

    >They just need to vote for people who support the smallest government as possible.
    What party is that? Because it certainly isn’t one of the two major parties in the US currently.

    >And stay out of straight peoples bedrooms.
    When has gay people wanting the government in straight people’s bedrooms ever been an issue? Historically it’s been the other way around with conservatives freaking out about icky things happening in other people’s bedrooms between consenting adults.

    >They can do that by ending their support of the government Welfare system.
    You mean the main thing they have to fall back on when their family support system disowns them?

    • “Historically, they supported whoever didn’t actively seek to persecute them for who they are. Do you blame them for doing so?”

      Well that explains why they were in the SA in Germany and in its leadership. There was great acceptance of open gays in 1920s Germany. Dinesh d’souza explains this in his film Death Of A Nation.

      “What party is that? Because it certainly isn’t one of the two major parties in the US currently.”
      You had a choice in Justin Raimondo (R) a pro gun, proud gay man, who ran against Nancy Pelosi several years ago. He lost because homosexuals like you who are socialist progressive in their political orientation wanted to vote for a “breeder”. Because gays want “free stuff” from the government. Having gun civil rights has never been a priority with them.

      “When has gay people wanting the government in straight people’s bedrooms ever been an issue? Historically it’s been the other way around with conservatives freaking out about icky things happening in other people’s bedrooms between consenting adults”

      Because of the gay support for welfare slavery, single black women, and all other women, are prosecuted for having heterosexual sex while on welfare. If they try and have man in their life and father in the life of their children they are went to jail for “welfare fraud”. Homosexuals are glad to interfere in the natural development of straight families, because they are socialist progressive in their political orientation.

      “>They can do that by ending their support of the government Welfare system.
      You mean the main thing they have to fall back on when their family support system disowns them?”

      Homosexuals rejected the church and have worked to replace it with the Welfare Industrial Complex. Even John Stossel has done programs on how atheists worked to replace church charity with government control and welfare slavery.

      Thank you for your honest. It is evil racist like you that President Bush spoke about. A white socialist progressive who has a Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations of black people. You are a disgusting human being. You are the reason why Malcolm X called some white people the Devil.

      Thank you for your honest comment.

    • Before states were making children wait to turn 21 to get a gun, gays were working to destroy rifle teams in schools. Why would homosexuals work to prevent other peoples children from learning about their second amendment birthright?

      I will hold anyone accountable for denying gun civil rights to me or anyone else.
      Tom Ammiano is a BIG SUPPORTER of the Mulford Act. He was directly ask to repeal it and refused. I believe Tom Ammiano is a racist pig.

      “Ammiano was instrumental in getting rid of San Francisco’s High School competitive .22 cal rifle teams, and worked to put an end to the junior ROTC program in San Francisco’s High Schools. Ammiano supported the ban on allowing gun owners to carry an unloaded gun in public. “Whether a gun is loaded or not, it’s still an act of intimidation and bullying,” Ammiano said.”

      • Holding all gay people responsible for what some did in the past, or would like to do now, is as silly as blaming all white people for slavery and the KKK.
        Sure, plenty of gay people were “raised” to be anti-gun and are surrounded by anti-gun people… but some learn a thing or two and rise above their upbringing. You ask me if gay people could be anything other than anti-gun and I think of the small lesbians and “that’s a dude in a dress” people that I’ve taught to use guns for self defense, or the middle aged pro-trump trans-woman who stood beside me waving a rainbow gadsden flag at a gun rally at our state capital.
        ANYBODY who believes in the 2A is a welcome addition to our little group, and is another person who can spread the pro-gun message to crowds that some of you clearly don’t think are worth the trouble. Major elections are decided by a fraction of a percent these days, I’m not turning anybody away.

  11. pfft!

    will, in all likelihood, go-the-way of “jews for the Second Amendment” or what-ever they were called…..
    will, either, just disappear back into the wood-work or get ‘sub-sumed’ by a bigger org’ ;

    both the abv-mentioned orgs had the same problem(s):
    the overwhelming majority of jews are anti-2A just like the overwhelming majority of ‘gays’ are….

  12. I attended the conference when Erin announced she was taking over leadership of the Pink Pistols. It seemed to be unexpected as several Pink Pistol members at the conference didn’t know it was happening!
    The combination of the two groups should be a benefit to expanding their membership and spreading the good word about gun ownership.

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