Pizza Hut Robbery

What happens when a former Pizza Hut employee in Charlotte, NC returns to the store with two buddies to rob it and is shot DRT (dead right there)? Do the misguided youth’s parents blame their son for committing an armed robbery or themselves for their failed parenting? Of course not! They blame the good guy with a gun defended himself and others in the store. WBTV has the story:


Charlotte, NC (WBTV)It’s been a difficult week for parents Temia Hairston and Michael Grace Sr. (above). Their son, Michael Grace Jr (below), was shot and killed during an attempted robbery early Sunday morning. . .


Hairston said she learned of her son’s death on social media, and only got confirmation from police after contacting them first. The grieving mother said she has been left with dozens of questions about the situation that have thus far gone unanswered.

“If there was to be a death, it was not the place of the employee at Pizza Hut. That is the place of law enforcement,” said Hairston . . .

Hairston and Grace Sr acknowledged that their son was breaking the law by robbing the business, and said they definitely don’t condone what he did.

“It was an act of desperation, but I do not believe that Michael would have hurt anyone,” said Hairston . . .

They said Grace Jr had fallen on hard times and resorted to crime to provide for his own child.

So the armed stick-up man was the real victim. It almost sounds as if she knew her boy had turned to criminal endeavors for his income. If so, instead of reporting him, she swept it under the rug.

They also said their son used to work at the same Pizza Hut restaurant where the robbery happened. They maintain he never would have physically hurt anyone during the robbery.

In all likelihood, Grace Jr. thought the restaurant would be a place he could rob without opposition, given Pizza Hut’s no-guns-at-work policy. But Grace Jr. thought wrong; an employee put defending his life above a misguided corporate policy. And in doing so, the good guy with a gun may have saved his own life and those of his fellow employees.

“Why in the hell did this guy have a gun?” questioned Hairston about the employee who shot her son.

The employee had a gun because there are violent thugs out there (like Ms. Hairston’s son) who possess neither impulse control nor decency.

She said her son was shot in the head, and she thinks the shooting may have even been personal, citing past conflicts Grace Jr had had with other employees at the restaurant.

So threatening to kill people if they don’t surrender their money isn’t “personal”? Was that just business? No matter how you look at it, if Grace Jr. hadn’t threatened others with a gun, demanding that which wasn’t his, he’d still be alive today.

“This wasn’t a body shot. This was a head shot. My son was shot in the left side of his head just behind his ear. A headshot is personal,” said Hairston.

No, Ms. Hairston, a headshot isn’t personal. It’s final.

Even though their son was in the process of committing a crime, the family thinks his death was undeserved and unjustified.

“Even a criminal has a right to a degree,” said Grace Sr. “I’m not advocating what my son did.”

Someone’s been drinking from the entitlement well a little too long. The only thing her son would have been entitled to — if he’d survived — was a trial by a jury of his peers.

The family said they want Pizza Hut to release more information about the situation and acknowledge that their son used to be a Pizza Hut employee . . .

Hairston said she thinks the employee who shot her son needs to be in jail, and wants all parties involved in the situation to be honest about what happened.

Until Temia Hairston and Michael Grace Sr. can face the truth of what their son did, they’ll never find the honesty they supposedly seek. As poet David Whyte put it, “honesty is grounded in humility and indeed in humiliation, and in admitting exactly where we are powerless.”


    • Only one person is responsible for Michael Grace’s death – Michael Grace. Feel sorry for the parents but they need to accept the truth and quit pointing fingers at others.

    • “Turn life around….”

      “He had plans…,”

      “He doted on his child…would do anything for a friend….”

      The triumvirate of denial/blamestorming.

        • Wait, Wait! We can’t leave out being scouted for the NBA.

          At least nobody who mattered got hurt. Gentle, desperate Michael Jr. stopped mattering when he threatened the lives of honest people just living their lives.

      • Would do anything for a friend…

        Including threatening people’s lives for money, apparently. Such a nice guy.

    • What’s amazing about this is how facile the mother is about questioning while the employee had a gun all the while completely ignoring the fact that her criminal son WAS ROBBING THE STORE WITH A GUN!!! And this idiot woman continues to discuss the whole matter as though she was speaking from the moral high ground. Welcome to the new world order.

    • Well Mom said he “had a right to a degree” – how else was he supposed to finance it when those bastard Republicans refuse to pay for college educations for everyone out of taxpayer funds?

    • The all are. Why did his parents let it get to this point. Why did they not help him out if they knew he was there? The employee carrying a gun didn’t carry it because he was going to shoot just anyone. These days its you or criminals. The employee was just trying to make an honest living. The parents should be ashamed of themselves to even bring this up.

  1. I have a solution for the grieving parents.

    Since the Pizza Hut employee is likely now an ex-employee and in a dire financial position, they can offer to feed and house him and treat him just like their kid…

    • Or, since he’s unemployed now and in desperate economic straits, the Hairstons won’t mind him showing up at their place with a gun to rob them?

      After all, it was their sons actions that got the employee fired.

    • I notice that there is exactly zero information as to why the deceased perp was a FORMER employee of that Pizza Hut.

  2. So their son fell on hard times and their solution is the rest of society should give him what he “needs” when he waves a gun in their face. Right.

    Parenting fail. They should pay the Pizza Hut employee for any lost wages, legal fees, etc. for subjecting him and the rest of the world to their moronic offspring.

    At least now he’s no longer a burden on society and law abiding citizens.

  3. This says it all. Until their parents say, “my son, when he got shot in the head while committing an armed robbery, got exactly what he deserved”, their sons will continue committing armed robberies; because their sons are simply committing what is actually not so secretly permitted, condoned and celebrated by their parents and their culture of criminal enablers. .

    • This is so unfair. How’s he supposed to get what he needs if he isn’t able to rob a few people every now and then? After all, they had money and he didn’t.

  4. Glad I didnt have to shoot him, you know, me being white and all, then it would have been a racist hate crime, I’m guessing it was a black fellow shooting at a black fellow, and didn’t stop to read the “black lives matter” t-shirt meant to protect him?

  5. Desperate times call for desperate dipshits. Desperate measures get met with desperate responses. AKA, shit happens, be prepared.

    Crooks gunna crook, thugs gunna thug and mothers of maleducated miscreants gunna mollycoddle maleducated miscreants & moan massively as miscreant meat meets maker, mortality, metal.

  6. These kinds of enabling shitheads, making excuses for their own poor parenting and their child’s aggressive, anti-social behavior have greatly contributed to the collapse of the black community.

    “If there was to be a death, it was not the place of the employee at Pizza Hut. That is the place of law enforcement.”

    Yeah, I’m totally sure these idiots would be commending the police if a cop had shot their dirtbag son, and wouldn’t be screaming a bunch of bullshit about racism, right?

    • They’re just imagining the wonders of looting their local Walmart, when they wish for a police shooting of their son.

    • They are angry that a cop didn’t do it because it doesn’t fit the BLM narrative. If it did they could have used it as a free trip to the white house and lots of profitable interviews for several months.

      • Or if a cop did it, they’d file a wrongful death suit against the city for several million, and the city’s insurance company would probably pay them $50-100k to avoid $300k in attorney fees.

  7. Thinking of starting the “Some Asshole” news site.

    “Some asshole committed armed robbery and got shot. The end.”

  8. Well maybe if you raised your son that robbing and putting lives at risk is a deadly game of rolling the dice, your son would be alive today.

  9. Who decided that the cash and valuables in the store were worth the Robber’s life?

    He did.

    It’s just more and more inequality showing out there. You equate me with that sh_t and I’ll hunt ya.

    • Wrong again rice rider. Good luck with that though. I’d tell you how I really feel, but this commie p.o.s. webmaster in chief would just delete it for fear of hurting someone feelings…punk.

  10. Over the years Ive worked 9 robberies where former employees come back to rob the ex-employers. Everyone of them has marched them to the back office or cooler and left no witnesses.
    Charlotte is 4 hours from me and 1 of the most dangerous cities I have ever been in, mostly due to scum that’s just turning their lives around that should have be in prison.

    Is BLM going to riot over this low life?

    • Like MagicMan says, an armed robber is somebody who has made the conscious decision that he’s OK with killing you to get what he wants. Therefore anybody who kills an armed robber has done a public service.

      And if the robber is known to the victims, what he doesn’t want are witnesses, so an ex-employee armed robber is usually a premeditated murderer.

      One last point: If you have a time-locked safe and if you make your safe drops in a timely fashion, nobody who has worked there is going to bother robbing you, unless they do it at a time the safe can be opened (which should be a time when it’s daylight and there are lots of witnesses around)

  11. If only she’d had nearly 30 years to teach the POS a few morals. A shame that the young one left behind will probably be raised by the same incompetents that raised the father.

  12. One wonders why the thug’s mama didn’t help her baby or her grandkid. Why places like Chicago are hopeless. Is there a gofundme page for the hero shooter?

    • Im sure the shooter is responsible enough to not ask for charity unless he really needs, and wouldn’t resort to crime to make ends meet.

  13. “If there was to be a death, it was not the place of the employee at Pizza Hut. That is the place of law enforcement,” said Hairston . . .

    Almost lost a mouthful of coffee reading that.

  14. Welcome to America, where everyone is a victim and nothing is our fault! Sorry for the loss of life, truthfully, but… real talk… decisions have consequences. Point a gun at somebody, one might point back. The blame is ALL MINE if I speed, drive drunk, play with fire, or pull a gun. He may have been raised well but it was superceded by greed, peers, or something else. It’s on him.

    • I’m not sorry at all. The second you threaten someone else’s life unprovoked you should die. I wish every armed robbery would end with the death of the perps. Lives would be saved, tax dollars would be saved, they would cease to reproduce. It’s a win, win, win! Don’t be shitty ass parents and this will not happen to your child.

      • Lives would be saved, tax dollars would be saved, they would cease to reproduce.
        *** AND***
        The armed robbery rate would plummet to infinitesimal.
        Lots less Democrat voters.

  15. The grieving parents are mad because there is no “deep pocket” (police or municipality) to sue for “damages”. As far as i am concerned, there is one less piece of “human garbage” on the street. We do not have to worry about the gene pool being polluted by this subhuman garbage…

    • “We do not have to worry about the gene pool being polluted by this subhuman garbage…”

      Too late. According to the story, the scumbag already had a kid. The cycle continues.

  16. For some parents, it’s never their kid’s fault no matter how bad his behavior. A friend of mine was T-boned by a college girl who ran a stop sign. He called the police. She called her parents who came to the scene. Even though all the evidence was consistent with the accident being her fault, her parents insisted that she was the innocent victim of my friend’s carelessness.

  17. “It was an act of desperation, but I do not believe that Michael would have hurt anyone …” — Hairston

    Whew. I’ll bet the victims are totally relieved now.

    Note to self: always, ALWAYS check with violent attacker’s parents before exercising self-defense because the violent attacker’s parents might believe that the attacker will not hurt anyone and then I won’t have to use deadly force.

  18. ‘“If there was to be a death, it was not the place of the employee at Pizza Hut. That is the place of law enforcement,” said Hairston . . .’

    Well so much for Black Lives Matter! It would have been OK with them if the po-po shot their poor boy? Anyway, I’m guessing the LEOs were nowhere to be found when there ‘was to be a death’ so a civilian had to do their job for them.

    ‘They also said their son used to work at the same Pizza Hut restaurant where the robbery happened. They maintain he never would have physically hurt anyone during the robbery.’

    Really, when has a disgruntled former employee ever walked into his former place of employment with a gun and actually done harm to his former coworkers? They should have known he just wanted a group hug.

    “Why in the hell did this guy have a gun?”

    Because people rob Pizza Huts because they know their employees aren’t supposed to be packing.

    ‘…she thinks the shooting may have even been personal, citing past conflicts Grace Jr had had with other employees…’

    Again, disgruntled ex-employee with an ax to grind walks into the restaurant with a gun and apparently only wanted a group hug.

    “Even a criminal has a right to a degree,”… ‘she thinks the employee who shot her son needs to be in jail…’

    So even if her son’s death was the result of a cold hearted assassination, his killer has a right to a bail hearing and jury by his peers. If the robbery had gone the other way and her son had killed someone would she be determined that her son needed ‘to be in jail’?

    Grieving parent. She needs to move on from the anger phase and onto the acceptance phase. She raised a criminal thug who ran into someone who wouldn’t be bullied and now he’s dead. Move on.

  19. Two of my favorite things – guns and pizza. I prefer to shoot at the gun club then go out for pizza …………. Wait….. could the kid have just been confused??????

  20. Ugly SOB. Glad he got killed while threatening murder, stealing and trying victimize someone that he thought was helpless. I can definitely see exactly where he inherited his bloated sense of entitlement.

  21. The employee, in my eyes is a hero. He risked his life to save the lives of his colleagues. No knows for sure if the perp was planning to use his weapon however the fact that he was brazen and stupid enough to bring and brandish the weapon; anything could have created an unintentional but uncontrolled situation. The hero could not wait and see. He needed to take advantage of the opportunity that presented itself. Police will tell you the same. Shoot to kill not to wound. If the authorites take a negative action toward the hero it will send a cold chill that next time there will be no heroes but many dead patrons and employees. Just look at one of the first; Kentucky Fired Chicken Palatine IL 1980

      • Ed lives in his moms trailer’s basement. He ain’t had any real experience with the difference in males and females.

        • The only trailer I ever see the inside of is your moms. The powers that be here like to delete comments they don’t approve of. Apparently the second amendment is the only one that counts here…like the “progressives” in reverse. Anyway, seems how you wanted to involve yourself, tell your mom not to expect a call.

        • It’s a privately owned site, ed. They have a right, constitutional and all, to regulate their site how they see fit.

          And it’s a comment section on an interwebz forum. Involving oneself is what it’s about.

          Nasty temper you got there. Yo mama banging brothers for ebt credits ain’t my fault.

  22. If you want to know why inner cities are cesspools of violence, look no further than these two morons who bred, raised and condoned the piece of human detritus that’s now wasting valuable morgue space.

    Hint — the reason isn’t white privilege.

    • Sadly, yes.

      I was about to write up a paragraph about how the attitude of the parents, as well as the attitude and actions of the son, are prime examples of what is wrong with urban black culture.

      No amount of blaming whites for their problems is going to fix this. This is something that has to be fixed by blacks, and until they do, well, they’re going to be treated prejudicially by people with even a modicum of common sense.

  23. Hairston said she learned of her son’s death on social media…


    “If there was to be a death, it was not the place of the employee at Pizza Hut. That is the place of law enforcement,” said Hairston . . .

    Uh… no. When you go to someplace and put a gun in someone’s face with intent to rob them, That person should be killed immediately. That’s a good thing, not a bad thing. From law enforcement or regular people. That person should just simply die right now. And that is great. For everyone. In all seriousness with zero sarcasm here. That person should Fxxxxxx die.

    They said Grace Jr had fallen on hard times and resorted to crime to provide for his own child.

    Uh no. If he loved his child he wouldn’t rob people and put muzzles in their faces. Furthermore, he robbed the pizza hut that he used to work at? Why would he do such a thing? Grudges much? It is simply not believable in this day and age that when women can get their abortions covered with other people’s tax dollars or their birth control subsidized, that this guy couldn’t get help in a legal method from government aid, from a church, from family, from friends, or by finding another job. Don’t buy it – at all.

    They also said their son used to work at the same Pizza Hut restaurant where the robbery happened. They maintain he never would have physically hurt anyone during the robbery.

    That’s speculation. Maybe he intended on killing them all – the parent’s aren’t going to know. If he wasn’t going to kill them why would he need a gun? He could have used an airsoft painted matte black, or something else. He brought a real weapon to a real robbery.

    Furthermore, he returned to his place of former work to rob. That says “grudge” all over it. Also the employees of the pizza hut aren’t going to know that him, bringing a real gun, to a real robbery, isn’t going to hurt them? Why take the risk? Do we want to save criminals or victims here? Obviously the victims and the victim is the guy the robber is pointing a gun at.

    “Why in the hell did this guy have a gun?” questioned Hairston about the employee who shot her son.

    To protect himself from robbing (possibly murdering) lowlifes. And a good thing he brought one. He protected the innocent and eliminated people that society can safely be without.

    She said her son was shot in the head, and she thinks the shooting may have even been personal, citing past conflicts Grace Jr had had with other employees at the restaurant.

    The parent’s just said he wouldn’t hurt anyone. Why would he return to his former place of work to rob them with a gun? Sounds like he wouldn’t have minded hurting them. Him getting shot in the head is the absolute best conclusion out of this. He didn’t suffer much at all. Innocent are spared. Government court costs are not incurred. Police didn’t have to put their lives on the line. Bad guy won’t be robbing anyone else. Win Win Win is all I see out of this.

    “This wasn’t a body shot. This was a head shot. My son was shot in the left side of his head just behind his ear. A headshot is personal,” said Hairston.

    Hold on a sec. Who is robbing who here? Who came to the pizza hut to rob them at gun point? Who is committing a crime here? Who is defending themselves here? Now… so what if it’s personal? Was it personal when he came to the pizza hut, his former place of work, to rob them at gun point? Was that personal?

    Even though their son was in the process of committing a crime, the family thinks his death was undeserved and unjustified.

    “Even a criminal has a right to a degree,” said Grace Sr. “I’m not advocating what my son did.”

    Your son has zero rights whatsoever when he is threatening iminent bodily harm or death to others. When someone is trying to stab you or kill you or shoot you, that person doesn’t get rights at that moment. He came grudgingly to his former place of work to commit armed robbery and his death is unjustified by employees at the place defending themselves? Utter insanity.

    The family said they want Pizza Hut to release more information about the situation and acknowledge that their son used to be a Pizza Hut employee . . .

    Hairston said she thinks the employee who shot her son needs to be in jail, and wants all parties involved in the situation to be honest about what happened.

    Hold on a sec. Who is robbing who here? Who came to the pizza hut to rob them at gun point? Who is committing a crime here? Who is defending themselves here? Hairston needs to see a psychologist immediately.

    Now… aside from my angry philosophical arguments, my condolences to the family. It hurts greatly to lose a family member, especially a son, and there is nothing that can ever fill the void left behind. I hope that they heal in good time and know that their son can suffer no more in this life and perhaps lives on happily and peacefully somewhere else in some other realm and that one day, they will be united again.

  24. It’s the parent’s fault for breeding that scum bucket. Always someone else’s fault. What would they do without that crutch.

  25. He was a robber, but a good robber? Case should be dismissed, but Pizza Hut won’t countersue because of the bad publicity.

  26. While what these people say makes little to no sense I think we should probably step back from flaming them and/or explaining things rationally and realize that these people are probably in the anger or bargaining stage of grief and what they say is not going to be rational.

    They’re not “drinking from the entitlement well” they’re angry that their son died senselessly (via his own actions) and they’re emotionally looking to place blame on anyone but him [because at this stage they can’t rationalize that this is largely his fault for doing what he shouldn’t have been doing]. If they’re reasonably intelligent they’ll eventually come to accept that their son effectively died by his own hand. They’ll still be sad but they likely won’t be blaming anyone else.

    Unless of course the grievance hustlers get their fangs into the family… then all bets are off.

    Of course there’s the question of, if you knew he was on hard times and turning to crime, why didn’t you HELP him? Shit, back in the day when I knew my neighbor needed $50 for his light bill I gave him a 0% loan on an indefinite timeline. Feed your kids, keep the lights on and pay me back when you can.

    • You’re ascribing rational human behavior traits to people who are not rational. The three stages of grief as the parent of a black thug who dies while committing the crimes the momma was well aware of are…

      1. No matter how long the string of robberies or violent crimes, he was a good person and turning his life around.

      2.The person/officer that finally put an end to his evil ways is always to blame.

      3. Who do I sue to get paid?

      • Seriously, what? Are you not familiar with black inner-city culture, or do you just not observe what happens 100% of the last 50 incidents like this that I’ve seen?

        Thug gets killed thuggin’. Momma blames the intended victim for defending themselves against her child. SJW lawyer sues the nearest person or entity with money. So predictable and formulaic it might as well be a Disney movie.

        (This has nothing to do with being black, has everything to do with “black culture”. If any of my black friends had a kid who started going bad, they’d set him straight quick, or disown him. Just like any good parent. And would be on TV apologizing to the Pizza Hut employee that had to shoot their kid. They’d be embarrassed like anyone normal.)

        • Having lived in such a neighborhood (actually a few) myself for a number of years I disagree with you.

          The reaction is the same when it’s thug on thug violence that takes their kid’s life. The difference is that such crimes are generally unsolved or there is no reason to sue because there is no money to be made so there is no scum-sucking lawyer dripping poison in the family’s ears.

          You’re ascribing the actions of people in grief, who are being taken advantage of, to the nefarious intent on their part. That has very little to do with it. It has to do with the fact that they’re in denial about the reasons their son was killed and then the lawyers and the race/grievance hustlers get involved.

          Ever notice how this bullshit and the lawsuit are always within a month or so of the death? Ever notice how almost none of these people are still on a “he was a good boy” crusade a year later? Ever notice how when there’s a decent lag between the death and a protest or some other such nonsense the family generally isn’t involved it’s a bunch of people who didn’t know the guy existed until he didn’t, and somehow or another Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton is always at the front of the protest? There’s a reason for that.

          The folks that stay on the crusade are the ones who lost kids in a school shooting, not the folks who lost their thug son while he was robbing a Pizza Hut. The former never let it go, the latter generally accept that their kid was a fuckup who rolled the dice while betting his life and lost.

  27. Temia Hairston and Michael Grace Sr. Why is it that the “parents” of these shitbag’s never seem to share a last name?

  28. If ANYONE is to blame for that death besides the deceased himself, it’s the “parents”.

    It’s crystal clear that they “raised” him with a virtual guarantee that he’d die a violent death. With a mother like that, he was probably doomed from the day he was born.

    No money, and no desire for a straight job?

    Sell drugs, or even your own body. There are plenty of takers for both.

    When you take up strongarm robbery, you’re assuming all of the risks which come with that, most especially the risk of having your MOS instantly changed to “bullet trap”.

    I have not one iota of sympathy for the deceased mutant or his “The Hills Have Eyes” family who sent him racing for the edge of the cliff on the day he was born.

    Would that more strongarm robbers met the same fate.

  29. Charlotte, NC (WBTV) –It’s been a difficult week for parents Temia Hairston and Michael Grace Sr. Their son, Michael Grace Jr (below), was shot and killed while attempting a robbery early Sunday morning. . .

  30. “That the attacker sustained a mortal wound is a matter that should have been considered by the deceased before he committed himself to the task he undertook.”

    – 5DCA, Stinson v State

  31. The hardest thing someone can face in life is losing their child. There are no words which are adequate. If you’ve ever had a dog or cat die etc you only know a taste of such pain. And so even if he got what was coming to him, as was in this case, I don’t expect the parents to be happy about it.

  32. Poor boi didn’t do nuffin, was just there to have friendly talk with his former colleagues. He never had no gun and didn’t like no violence. And if those stupid victims would finally accept their role as victims and wouldn’t fight for their life no poor robber wouldn’t be hurt no more, mkay?!

  33. Three armed robbers walked into the Pizza Hut. Two walked (actually ran) out and got away. Only one dead at the scene. Seems to me that the the pizza hut employee excellently demonstrated several defensive gun usage skills.

    First, the ability to draw smoothly and unhesitatingly engage.

    Second, the ability to properly aim is a stressful situation. It was after all a one shot one kill to the head

    And third, the restraint to not “go hunting” the other two robbers after they fleed and no longer presented a threat of death or serious injury to the shooter or the other employees.

    The dead robber’s parents maybe sad, but I’d bet the shooter’s defensive gun instructor is proud of his student.

    Senior Gun Owner 1950

  34. “and wants all parties involved in the situation to be honest about what happened.”

    Ok, lady, you wanted honesty. Here’s some brutal honesty.

    Your kid got what was coming to him. He was going to die in his chosen profession of violent criminal offender sooner or later. If nobody had a gun there that day, he’d still be dead. Maybe not then. Maybe not today. But someday, his life of crime would be the end of him… Either by police, by an armed citizen, or by a fellow criminal.

    The armed citizen who shot him did so knowing your son was dead sooner or later anyway, and chose to not be one of his victims along his spree of death that would culminate with his demise.

  35. Serious question for anyone here. Have you ever been a part of or witnessed something like this, even if it was after the fact? I ask cuz this would not do great things for this particular Pizza Hut franchise, its customers, and the other workers. Many people might be squeamish to eat where a guy died . . . and at a pizza place no less. I could imagine for the next year of better every time someone sees a drop of sauce on the floor they begin to wonder.

  36. F**k these people.

    Sorry about your luck, should have raised a better kid.

    But they get to vote. Vote or die!!

  37. It’s a shame anyone had to die that night, but take solace in the knowledge that the person who SHOULD have died that night DID.

  38. Another criminal gene bearing parasite removed from the streets it’s just too bad it didn’t come prior to him procreating.

  39. “My baby dindu nuffin! He went up to dat sto’ to git some breadstick fo’ his baby momma, and when his gun fell out his pocket that pizza man jus shot him fo’ no reason, no reason! Dem pizza people’s is jus raciss shootin my baby like dat.”

    • dat deerzz iz “ray-cisss”! ize ghona kallz ozbama anz luretta chimp.

      How happy I am that THAT “term” through it’s overuse has lost it’s effectiveness in fact I’m literally joyful when someone calls me “racist”, I take it as a “badge of honor”.

      • My race is Human, and I regard other Humans as my racial kinsmen.
        This is not a joke. There are really only (2) races of homo sapiens: Humans and those who are something less, i.e Subhumans. It is a matter of choice, not skin color. Those who choose to comport themselves as Humans are Humans. Those who choose to behave as something less are Subhumans.
        If that makes me a Ray-ciss, so be it.

  40. I’ve got a feeling that those so-called grieving parents are already lawyer-shopping. They hope they have a winning ticket in the lawsuit lottery.

    • Sure they’re in it for the money after all only the baby-mommas are eligible to get that Social Security check each month until their DEROGATORY WORD DELETED turn 18 that’s until they, his genetically deficient progeny, get “made good” themselves robbing a liquor or convenience store.

      My prediction? They loose the “Grand Prize” in the “ghetto lottery” but score an token (get it?) “out-of-court” settlement with Pizza Hut who will cave for fear of “rev’s”? Wright/Barber/Sharpton/Jackson orchestrated boycotts.

  41. All I took away from this article is that the shooter scored big with that excellent head shot! Good job!

  42. I’d say they make me sick, but they are grieving. So I just feel sorry for them. I hope someday they can come to terms with this and change their tune a little.

    My condolences to all those affected.

  43. managed a pizza place in la years ago. one friday night, we noticed the dishwasher kept propping open the back door against policy so we kept closing it. after closing at midnight, three guys walked to the front door with shotguns and duct tape but god was with us because just as they were walking up a police dar pulled into the parking lot and the headlights lit up these guys. turns out they drove up in our disheashers mother’s car. fired him and he was arrested. after two weeks he was released due to something or other. his mother called and demanded his job back. this was back in the days when we could still say no to this kind of craziness.

  44. They say you can’t fix stupid….

    I think the PH employee might have stumbled on an appropriate fix.

    As for the Mom, STFU you stupid cow. Your son got EXACTLY what he deserved. My sympathy is with the person your son forced to take a life.

  45. One thing the mother isn’t considering is that even if her son normally would never have hurt anyone, he might have been hopped up on drugs. Also, drugged-up or not, the employee isn’t going to know her son that well, even if he knows him personally.

  46. Once more we get recycled news. Why?

    Did the employee get fired?
    Was there a lawsuit?
    Did the perp really work at the pizza place?
    Were any charges filed?
    Did the perps accomplices get caught? Were they charged with murder?

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