gun registration confiscation destruction
(AP Photo/Daniel Maurer)
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In any debate, it’s generally not a good idea to invoke Nazism. The first one to do that generally loses. Godwin’s law and all that. But that doesn’t always mean the underlying argument is without merit.

In 1941, Congress passed the Property Requisition Act. The government, in anticipation of war, authorized the government to take certain property from industry. The one thing the law specifically forbade was gun registration, thus reaffirming Second Amendment rights.

Today, gun registration and prohibition schemes are described as benign, progressive, and “commonsense.” We are told that the government is inherently good and there is nothing to fear. The records will remain in “the right hands.”

We heard these words a century ago in the Weimar Republic. It is the Second Amendment that stands in the way of the Weimar Republic- American style. It is not some relic of the 18th century. It is what separates the United States from tyranny. It is also what keeps history from repeating itself.

– DaveNJ1 in Commonsense Gun Control is Nazism

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  1. ‘In any debate, it’s generally not a good idea to invoke Nazism.’

    Only a fascist would say that. If you’re not for gun registration you’re a racist, Nazi, homophobe who hates children and probably kills puppies for fun. End of argument and I’m blocking you from Twitter!

    • You can’t block me on Twitter! Social media is a basic human right and you are censoring my free speech which has given me post-microaggression syndrome, which we all fully recognize is a form of physical violence perpetrated against me, clearly based on my protected status as whatever I identify as this morning.

      There is no room in our civil society for people who use such violent tactics against the downtrodden minority of myself, as we as a species should transcend above such base and vile ideals, unless they are used to advance our progress and/or get our way.

      • Genuine belly laugh here. I even set my coffee down after the first two sentences.
        Well done. Well done.

      • “…has given me post-microaggression syndrome, which we all fully recognize is a form of physical violence perpetrated against me,…”

        Well-played, and is *exactly* what they want to do.

        If you say *anything* they don’t like, they want it considered the same as a physical assault, with the same legal penalties.

        It’s “Hate speech” on steroids, and is why “Hate crime” must be declared unconstitutional. Treat crime as crime…

    • I guess I’m ALL of the above!!!!
      Never registered any of my black guns when I lived in Commifornia..

    • “And if you don’t agree with me, you Zer, are a racist homophobe.”

      (Remember when Gutfeld would end every late night rant with that, before he got reigned in for prime time? He said “sir”, but I adapt to the times on his behalf.)

      Somehow, I imagine a recurring “Creedmor guy” character, commenting on every media-gun spasm, actual crime, legislation n press op, on Red Eye, which is still going in the other world, vs Bizarro-World, here. (See, I said a gun thing.)

    • “This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!”

      • A quick search of this quote shows it to be false. Don’t be stupid. Do a simple copy, paste and search of stuff before you post false crap that makes the rest of us with a brain who fight for our rights look less competent by posting easily verified false statements.

    • Full quote:

      “All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party.”

      – Chairman Mao Tse Tung

  2. “The one thing the law specifically forbade was gun registration, thus reaffirming Second Amendment rights.”

    Interesting, so, in future dystopian congress ran by AOC, they’d have to repeal this law before they could pass gun registration, right?

      • And her willing lackeys in the government service will trip over themselves in the rush to comply with their great leader’s wishes.

    • “Interesting, so, …”

      It’s *very* interesting, because it kills their argument that the 2A protects only military arms…

    • Remember, Rules and Laws don’t apply to Democrats, if it did most wouldn’t be in the positions they are.

  3. They still prefer people handing them over rather than rounding them up in raids. Most people will turn them over because they have too much to lose. It’s the 5 percent or more that really don’t give a shit and the criminals who aren’t supposed to have guns anyway which are going to be a problem. And that small number of anti-social types can cause a lot of damage.

    • We can estimate that there are in excess of 100,000,000 people in the US (male and female between 14 and 80 yo, according to the last census) who own a gun and know how to use it. But to keep the math simple 5% of 100 million is 5 million. So yeah, we could cause a lot of problems.

      • I can estimate that there are only 12 Americans who own guns. I have the same amount of data to prove that that you have with your absurd “100 million gun owners” gibberish.

        • If you bother to actually research it, you’ll find that the estimated # of gun owners in the US is somewhere between 30%-50%. I’ll let you do the math.

        • Thy can’t even disarm criminals now, imagine enforcing a broad ban on possession coast to coast. it would be a 100 year campaign.

          That’s what comforts me as I watch the 24 idiots running for president on their little debates. None will ever see that happen even if they ascend to the WH.

      • I’m going to have to do the math, since you’re obviously entirely incapable of doing it yourself. The 100 million number is pure propaganda–you have no idea what the actual number is, so you keep spewing that phony one to boost your case.

        • Here’s a place to start. Just trying to help you out.

          Google “us gun ownership”

        • Okay; try this. Take whatever you estimate is the annual expense us backwoods, under-developed, dirt-farming, uneducated, low-income, gun-owning primitives spend each year on firearms, and divide the value of annual gun & ammo sales –28 billion dollars– by that amount.

          For 100,000,000 owners, that’s 280$ annually. Unless a gun owner is actively stocking up or shooting a lot, that’s probably a reasonable average for the most common type of gun owner (though far more common is probably less than 100$). 50,000,000 would allow the *average* gun owner to add one or two guns each year, or a good chunk of ammo, and that is not the average spending pattern.

          Both are simply estimates, though, since new gun & ammo purchases are but a large part of the actual gun market, and of course a chunk of it is LEO/MIL (though you’d be surprised how little ammo/guns are bought per officer).

          Most likely the real number of gun owners actively engaging in the sport/hobby/lifestyle is somewhere between 50 and 100 million.

        • Excellent math barn. Logic and reason will hopefully save the day over the shallow one liner existence we live in today…

      • “The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.”

        – Ayn Rand

  4. Registration is irrelevant and of course not needed. If the State bans a certain type of weapon or all weapons the people know they have no choice except to obey the law “or else” as the Nazi’s used to say.

    The Registration bogey man is often used against the idea of universal background checks and was also used successfully by the NRA to gut the effectiveness of the Brady Bill by exempting second hand gun sales. It was the worse mistake the NRA ever made in its long history. The Brady Bill despite the NRA paranoia of the time never confiscated any guns and by gutting it the crime rate and homicide rate by right wing religious fanatics and racist right wing lunatics caused the deaths of thousands of innocent people.

    Using the word “Registration” in front of the ignoramuses of the Far Right is like waving a red flag in front of a bull. Like the primitive minded bull the Far Right ends up usually becoming their own worst enemy when it comes to stopping gun violence and senseless loss of life. Their refusal to do anything only forces the general public to demand draconian gun laws all of which would have been totally unnecessary if both side would have worked together to solve the problem.


    • Hey Vlad I love America the Flag(American) Chevy’s and Ford’s baseball apple pie oh and my GUNS so I must be far right.right? many like you will die screaming both from the commies taking over America and guys like me but you will die screaming when you come to take my GUNS

      • Pay no attention to that Vlad Tepes behind the curtain. I am the one, true Vlad Tepes, the original Vlad Tepes, the Vladest of all Vlad Tepes. I have lived my entire life screaming like a little girl. I am sure I will die screaming whether it is you who does the deed, a little kitten with sharp claws or a paper cut.

        • Will the real Vlad Tepes please stand up; please stand up, please stand up?

          (Eminem reference to all ya’all fudds out there 😉

        • Pay no attention to that Vlad Tepes. The other Vlad tepes is an imposter, I’m the real and only, Vlad Tepes. I’m growing weary of all these phony Vlad Tepes’ making all these ridiculous comments that don’t align with my personal philosophy. I’m actually just a jerkwad!

    • “The Brady Bill despite the NRA paranoia of the time never confiscated any guns and by gutting it the crime rate and homicide rate by right wing religious fanatics and racist right wing lunatics caused the deaths of thousands of innocent people.”

      I think you mean left wing residents of democrat run hell holes who voted D dead or alive, don’t you?
      If you think the BB or NRA had a scintilla of effect on crime either way you need to get a grip.

    • “THE ORIGINAL VLAD TEPES.”? Ha! More like the original Fake Vlad Tepes.
      I am a jealous Vlad Tepes, thou shalt have no false Vlad Tepes before me or thee. Did you notice how much more convincing our lies are when we insult you and call you names?

    • @Vlad Tepes You are completely wrong, of course. In fact you are so gloriously wrong that I’m not even going to dignify your ignorance with a reply longer than this. Begone.

  5. Your guns are already registered ever fill out a 4473? Oh you bought it second hand? Too easy their are methods for making the original owner talk, basic detective work will suffice for most.

      • BBut You don’t need to fill out one for each weapon. Have enough, let’s say 3, or ones for specific weapons , ARs and AKs ect, and you fall into the hated super owner category. Since super owners are a “small minority “ of “dangerous individuals” then all the state would need to do is conduct a thorough search, detailed interview and keep you under special surveillance. It’s not so hard and the mechanism already exists. Guess what happens when a gun store goes out of business? All forms go to the BAFTE, of course they would never scan them cause that’s illegal( they have a great track record of following the law).

        • Joe in San Antonio,

          And, building on your concept, I am utterly and absolutely convinced that Internet search engines and other Internet platforms happily share all firearm related searches and purchases with Fedzilla. Thus, even if you acquired all of your firearms in untraceable private face-to-face transactions, Fedzilla knows when you searched for owners manuals, parts, ammunition (including which specific calibers), etc. and can easily deduce with an extremely high degree of accuracy whether you own firearms, which calibers you own, and probably even which types of firearms you own.

          About the only thing that Fedzilla would not know (via your Internet activity) is the specific number of firearms of a given caliber or model if you had multiple firearms of a specific caliber or model.

        • Uncommon, your right, google is definitely compiling the data. And most of the techniques that people use to hide their identity online are easily bypassed. URL Blockers, proxy servers and dumby accounts aren’t so hard to overcome.

  6. ” commies taking over America ??? Who do you think we have in the WH now, open your eyes.
    What’s that old saying? Something about you can’t see the tree because of the forest?

  7. The thing about Wiemar Republic, besides gun confiscation, that impressed me the most is that eventually the currency became worthless. Saw, in a museum, paper currency of the Republic in trillion mark denominations. Apparently the presses were so overwhelmed that the notes had print only on one side. There were also stories of people chasing debt holders down the street to pay off loans with boxes of useless paper money.

    • There are a lot of interesting anecdotes from the Weimar Republic.

      A guy with a wheelbarrow full of cash stops to look at something. When he turns back around the wheelbarrow has been stolen and all f the cash is sitting there on the ground.

      People would go into bars and order all their drinks for the night at once because the price could double or triple while they were there.

      • I have in my stamp collection a stamp from the Wiemar era. It was originally 50,000 marks but has been overstamped 10 million.

    • Since the government prints the money, all they need do is start printing money in RED or any color other than those used today. One day your green money is overnight worthless and the new color is all that is valid! If you don’t think the government will not pull some lame brained scheme like changing the color of money, then you most likely don’t believe they really will confiscate/steal your guns………..

      • “If you don’t think the government will not pull some lame brained scheme like changing the color of money, then you most likely don’t believe they really will confiscate/steal your guns………..”

        I presume you are addressing the universal “you”.

      • If anyone thinks that ‘money’ cannot have the color changed, then they’re blind enough to have never noticed the purple $5 bills, or the orange $10 bills either.

  8. I’m sure It will also be “common sense” for all gun owner’s to start wearing a gun shaped patch on all clothing and to an be required to carry their gun registration “papers” on them as well….and to present them to a “Democrat Secret Police officer” for Inspection.
    I mean It’s just “common sense”……right?
    I seem to remember that happened with another group of people once , the people making the laws then were quite happy about It all then….ended kinda badly.
    But hey, just “common sense” laws right?

    • Except you can’t surrender your genes while perfectly capable of surrendering your most dangerous weapons. And no, nobody cares about your 38 snubbie.

      • And, big girl panties, you can’t surrender your jeans or your big girl panties. Some things are just worth other people dying for.

        • Indeed; my survival is worth someone attacking me dying for.

          Other people might feel differently about letting some attackers, say, chop me to bits with machetes.

      • No, I will not surrender my st dangerous weapon. My most dangerous weapon is between my ears. Doesn’t apply to you, even though vacuum can be dangerous.

  9. And that’s why my car is now…parked exactly where I left it. Looks like registration doesn’t lead to confiscation unless you commit a crime. Stay frosty, Chicken Little; that sky’ll be falling any minute now.

    • Try not registering your car next year, paying your road use tax.
      I’ll bet the the police will hand you a fat ticket and tow that jalopy to the impound yard.

      • …registration ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, leads to confiscations!
        Why the fuck do you think you register anything?
        So you can be taxed by the govt. For the Privilege to use said item.
        AND for tracking purposes, if you dont pay your extortion, er I mean tax they’ll CONFISCATE your property.
        Do you think you can own land?
        You pay for it, try not paying property tax.
        You don’t own shit! The govt. Let’s you borrow the land.

    • You’re car isn’t a very effective weapon except in extremely limited circumstances. I don’t think any nation in history has ever confiscated cars.

      Weapon confiscation and restrictions predate guns. Historically every time guns are registered they get confiscated later. There are plenty of examples out there. It doesn’t even have to be the same government. When the Nazis decided to do some confiscating they used records created by the preceding Weimar Republic.

      No matter which side of the political aisle you are on, do you really want the worst of the other side to have a list of what you own?

      • No ones confiscated cars, yet, (I’m sure there will be a day when that comes) but I know in the Soviet Union it was extremely hard and time consuming to get one. From what I’ve read if you signed up for one in the 50s you might receive it by the 70s or so.

        • No one confiscated cars; you just couldn’t get one unless they thought you should. Or gas. Or parts. Or a place to keep “your” car.

          See “distinction without a difference.” Also “undulating lie.”

        • Well, in Maoist China, a car could get you outed for being counter-revolutionary, modern, insufficiently woke, n they’d just take everything, including yr life.

          Semi-official, very much govt directed n sanctioned gangs of uniformed folk taking over blocks, roaming streets, looking for wrongthink to anonymously punish.

          See “struggle sessions.” Also, “burn the witch.”

          It turns out that when a mob of them come to yr house n batter yr door, you might want something more than a musket, n maybe that the govt they’re (unofficially) working for not know.

    • except for the fact that people trying to register guns are dead set on confiscating all guns

  10. Gun registration is a means to end the violence of an entire country. It has nothing to do with confiscation. The word confiscation is merely a preface to an absolute and total gun ban. A gun ban that has worked in the U.K., in Japan, in France… get the picture, hillbillies?

    Hillbillies always fear the worst. But what is the worst? Living without fear? Being treated equally where ever you go? Being respected no matter what your skin color? Socialism is a state of being one with all. Join the revolution.


    • Communists actually have a pretty poor track record in warfare, even the ones they win. Typically they lose about 10 of their own soldiers for each one of the enemy they kill. I don’t think there’s ever even been a war communists were in, that their death toll didn’t far exceed the oppositions toll. Just something to keep in mind, there, Stalin.

    • “THE ORIGINAL VLAD TEPES”? How old are you anyway?
      You are not the original us, we are the original Vlad Tepes, you pale imitation of a fake, troll Vlad Tepes! Gun registration does end violence of a country. Just look at the proof. Canada had a gun registry of all non-restricted guns from 1995 to 2012. They spent billions of Canadian dollars on it. It worked so well in ending violence in Canada, they got rid of it!

        • It’s quite easy to locate and follow the legitimate conversations here, if one wishes to ignore the dancing trolls.

          Personally, I’m thinking it’s a single person wearing multiple masks and assuming existing usernames (Pg2 and Vlad being the most obvious) just to piss those original users off. It’s a little entertaining for now, but will get old at some point. When everyone stops replying to its comments, it’ll throw some final tantrums and eventually disappear out of boredom.

    • Gun registration has nothing to do with ending the violence of an entire country. It has everything to do with confiscation. The word confiscation is merely a preface to an absolute and total gun ban. A gun ban that failed in the U.K., in Japan, in France… get the picture, patriots?
      Patriots always fear the worst. But what is the worst? Living with lies? Being treated like a slave where ever you go? Being disrespected no matter what your skin color? Socialism is a state of being one with all the other dead. You will never be more equal than when we throw you into the pit with all of the other corpses. Join the revolution.


    • Well, gun control in England has reduced the “gun violence” they measure. Other means, like knives, not so much.

      Intimidation, assault n enforcement don’t count, because nobody gets shot.

      So, better.

      • and a small or less able person that is armed is going to be more successful against a larger attacker than an unarmed person

    • try selling that in Transylvania these days…they’ve had their fill of it…am I the only one in here who actually had relatives living there?…

  11. The Property Requisition Act of 1941 is worth a read. Only two pages:

    Note that is was specific, pertained to war materials and the means to make them. Required first trying to get them in the normal way, then to pay for them if taken. Set into the law the right to sue the government. And tools or materials in current use by a factory or business were exempt from the law, could not be taken. The law had an expiration date too.

  12. I’ve always been leary about evoking Nazism until the recent abortion nonsense. As far as registration goes the Nazis and so did Chavez and a few others. The “ever politically dependable” European have and are doing it and keeping the records in a country other than one’s residence. And the silly Swiss just voted to permit that. Most property is recorded in some fashion by each state but the gun/people controllers want a central registry in D.C. so they would not need to communicate with the states where they would receive some resistance but could send someone federal directly to your house and since there aren’t enough federal cops that would mean troops including the National Guard. It’s that who the left says the 2nd was written for and what is to defend our freedom? Because the left is positivist in nature they could and sometimes do ignore the Constitution. Check dictionary for definition of ‘positivism’.

  13. I agree that registration would be the first tool of confiscation in the USA. But the Wiemar Republic is a lousy example of it. Both because the confiscation was on the orders of conquering nations and because there were many more factors at play than just some misguided attempt to reduce violence in the civilian population.

    It all failed, miserably.

    No, the Wiemar Republic of post World War One Germany was not at fault in gun confiscation. The Allied Powers did that in the Treaty of Versailles of 1919. The allies were fearful of Prussian militarism and included in the treaty the requirement of total disarmament right down to to every civilian, privately owned arm and round of ammunition, dissolution of shooting clubs, all of it. This was a thing that was being done to a defeated aggressor in what was thought to be the worst slaughter ever, one that could never and must never repeat.

    Yes, the Wiemar Republic had a brief problem of hyperinflation. Caused by the burdens of war reparations and poor economic policy both with the country and from the conquering nations. The hyperinflation did not last, the problems were solved with a great deal of help by American bankers. After which the country became a financial success.

    For a longer period than the economic troubles seen in the early years, the Wiemar Republic was successful and economically vibrant.

    The Wiemar Republic was Germany’s first attempt at a form of democracy. It failed due to the schemes of both far right and far left extremists, combined with the Great Depression. Violent attempts at overthrow and revolution by both right wing and left wing armed groups were put down brutally by the German army and by civilian militias.

    Obviously the gun and ammo confiscation failed.

  14. Registration — def: process of govt inventory so they can treat your stuff as theirs. See also: Transfer of Ownership

  15. The fear of a socialist state is a fear of the evolution of the human existence. Humanity has evolved through thousands of years. Ask Darwin. We are not the product of some divine being as many of you “devout” Jethro’s contend. We are instead a constantly evolving cellular process that includes your damn brains! Walking down the street with a gun by your side only makes it more likely that you will be a victim of a tragic occurrence. However, walking down the street with the knowledge that no one will do you harm because you live in a peaceful and harmonious community is far more logical. Ask Spock.

    You probably think gun registration which leads to confiscation is the end of everything you know and love. It isn’t. It is the beginning of centuries of peace and coexistence. If you love your country as much as you say you do, you will choose life. Or, in the words of Lennon:

    “Imagine there’s no countries. It isn’t hard to do. Nothing to kill or die for. And no religion too.”


    • You obviously do not know what a Socialist State is, or that there are more than one sort and the two basic types are completely unrelated concepts.

      Oh, and the Beatles were anti-Communist!

      You say you want a revolution
      Well, you know
      We all want to change the world
      You tell me that it’s evolution
      Well, you know
      We all want to change the world

      But when you talk about destruction
      Don’t you know that you can count me out

      Don’t you know it’s gonna be alright
      Alright, alright

      You say you got a real solution
      Well, you know
      We’d all love to see the plan
      You ask me for a contribution
      Well, you know
      We’re all doing what we can

      But if you want money for people with minds that hate
      All I can tell you is brother you have to wait

      Don’t you know it’s gonna be alright
      Alright, alright, al…

      You say you’ll change the constitution
      Well, you know
      We all want to change your head
      You tell me it’s the institution
      Well, you know
      You’d better free your mind instead

      But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao
      You ain’t gonna make it with anyone anyhow

      Don’t you know it’s gonna be alright
      Alright, alright

      Alright, alright
      Alright, alright
      Alright, alright
      Alright, alright

    • The fear of a socialist state is a fear of slavery and mass murder. Humanity has evolved through thousands of years. Ask Darwin, if you can speak to the dead. Eventually, every single one of us will find out for ourselves if we are the product of some divine being. We are a constantly evolving cellular process that does not include my damn brain! Walking down the street with a gun on your side only makes it more likely that you will not be a victim of a tragic occurrence. However, walking down the street with the childishly naive belief that no one will ever do anyone any harm because you live in a peaceful and harmonious community is far more moronic. Ask Spock.

      You probably think gun registration which leads to confiscation is the end of everything you know and love. It is. It is the beginning of centuries of slavery and mass murder. If you love your country as much as you say you do, you will choose life. Or, in the words of Lennon:

      “Imagine there’s no countries. It isn’t hard to do. Nothing to kill or die for. And no religion too.”
      “Better run for your life if you can little girl, hide your head in the sand little girl, catch you with another man girl, that’s the end, little girl.”


    • The evolution of humans. Har Har Har, what a joke. The weakest species on the planet.You all ain’t as smart as you think you are.

      • Why can’t you be a good little socialist possum and share your dead guy with the socialist democrats and all the other ghouls?


    • “Imagine there’s no countries. It isn’t hard to do. Nothing to kill or die for. And no religion too.”

      If there’s nothing to kill or die for, then what has happened to my family? I’d kill or die for them, and they’d do the same for me.

      My parents, brothers, sisters…my own wife and kids…where are they in this socialist utopia? Are we even allowed to have families?

    • “no one will do you harm”….what sort of alternate universe do you live in?…..

  16. Anything other then constitutional Carry is registration., , , , , When I really started distrusting the NRA was their Gunm insurance,, what a scheme.

  17. “The EU now seeks to ban what they define as “semiautomatic weapons” and standard magazines because they hold more cartridges than the Brussels-approved amount.”

    If you don’t have a semi automatic firearm then it’s impossible to resist the government. They will simply overwhelm you. Your break action guns won’t last very long against them. But even a Ruger 1022 with a BX25 magazine is plenty of firepower to keep an enemy at bay.

    She used a ruger 1022. I think it’s the Compact Version.

    Prior to 1968 you could have an anti-tank rifle with exploding ammo delivered (US Postal) to your home. Military surplus guns were regularly delivered to homes across the country.

  18. You can rest assured that if you filled out a form 4473 that info has been cataloged somewhere. Even if you made a private transaction but had others that were recorded those weapons are not safe as you have identified yourself as a gun owner. If they want to confiscate your weapons they will find a way.

  19. Hell, are there any States or U.S. Cities that mandated firearms Registration and did not impose further tighter restrictions or Bans? We need not look far and wide for examples of mandatory disarmament after registration.

  20. Note that the only thing keeping all the law abiding gun owners in New Zealand from having their property stolen and them possibly jailed is that they jumped the gun (heh) and tried to confiscate before they registered.

    Let’s not be fooled here. Any form of registration no matter how seemingly innocuous or already in place is a precursor for confiscation and anyone promoting it should be suspect of some very bad/evil designs and should be driven from the political arena.

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