By now, you probably know that the the final Harry Potter flick, which opened Thursday, raked in more money than any other first weekend in movie history. It also attracted a lot of people dressed like the movie’s characters who are now wondering what to do with their (evidently empty) lives going forward. But in addition to all the expectant muggles who were too lazy to read the books and wanted to see how the whole thing came out, the movie also attracted at least one patron who (allegedly) likes watching the kiddies just a little too much…

Plainville, Connecticut cops were tipped off that Eric Gothberg, who was wanted on child pornography charges, would be at the midnight screening Thursday. I guess if you’re looking for a pedophile, a Harry Potter movie might be a good place to start.

Plainville cops Tim Mulvaney and Jon Eno approached Gothberg as he left the theater.

The officers attempted to take Gothberg into custody, but the suspect was not compliant. The suspect made sudden movements toward his pants waist-line, which caused the officers to discharge their weapons in the direction of the accused.

At the same time, two more officers were arriving as backup. Unfortunately, Mulvaney and Eno mostly missed. Mostly missed Gothberg, at least.

One policeman arriving as back-up was hit by a bullet in his arm. Another was injured by shards of glass. Both officers were taken to St Francis Hospital in Hartford where they were treated for non-life threatening injuries. Gothberg, who was not armed, was shot in the foot and was also taken to hospital.

It turns out Gothberg did not, in fact, have a gun. Which isn’t to say he didn’t reach for his waistband. If you’re a cop, you’ve got a guy who isn’t cooperating and he suddenly reaches for his waistband, you probably aren’t going to wait very long to see if he produces a heater.

Another caveat: we’re relying on media reports here. But it’s probably safe to assume that, at minimum, they got the basic facts correct about the hole in Gothberg’s foot and the other two officers being shot as well. Extenuating circumstances? Sure. It was dark (2:00 am).

Thank goodness no one was seriously injured. And that none of the other Potter fans leaving the theater were hit. You can only imagine how many kids were probably in the crowd. In the mean time, it might be good if Mulvaney and Eno get in a little range time while they’re on desk duty.

[h/t to AI link-master, Patrick Brown]


  1. My question is why didn’t the officers reach for their tasers first? I am sure there are other circumstances, perhaps they were tipped that he was armed, and if so then drawing the firearm first is more prudent. These guys need to go back to firearms training, one officer jumped the gun and missed, and I am guessing that the other guy jerked when his partner fired his weapon mid draw and shot Mr. Pedophile in the foot on the way up. Or these two were firing thier weapons with thier eyes closed. Definatley more range and class time should be required for these officers. As for the two unlucky LEO’s that got shot, they should be able to get one free punch to the nose of each dead eye dick, I think that approches fair.

  2. Police being shot by other police for just this reason is one of the main reasons why they are more likely to be shot than the general public.

  3. I’m in big trouble cuz I’m starting to think like Ralph. How the hell do you miss a perp who’s standing in front of you?

  4. Sounds like they didn’t 1) discuss even the semblance of a plan of action, and the ‘what if’s’ that should have been a part of any plan. 2) mentally prepare themselves for an encounter and an individual plan of action if there was any resistance. 3) ever consider they might have to draw and fire at a suspect someday and practice accordingly.

    • Sounds like they’re just plain cops — average marksmen at best, nonthinkers at worst and piss-poor planners all the time. Cops don’t seem to be able to wrap their heads around the notion that having the most firepower and lots of “friends” with uniforms doesn’t mean that they’re going to win every encounter. They use force when they should use smarts. 99% of cops are way smarter than the BGs, and yet too many LEOs don’t use their biggest advantage.

      The best weapon is still the human mind, and nobody really trains the boys in blue to use theirs. If officers were better selected and trained, I think that more of them would get to return home safe every evening, and fewer civilians would get shot for nothing.

  5. And some wonder why we don’t want municipal police forces (or there so-called SWAT teams) running around in Kevlar helmets, with M-16s, playing “operator.”

  6. You know the quick fix is to have them try to shoot each other. The suspects will start dropping like flies.

  7. Sorry, I’m not OK with the “shoot to kill in case of furtive movement” school of thought and believe that this mentality is very wrong on so many levels. Its a poor excuse for street-level execution without the benefit of investigation, judgement and a chance to keep living, whether incarcerated or freely. It is just wrong and if a cop is too scared to be on the job then he is a menace to society. Being a cop requires superior situation awareness and self control. Otherwise, they are armed and dangerous and didn’t learn anything in training or from their more experienced peers.

    Besides, when did suspicion of having child porn warrant deadly force – in a crowded public place? Choosing when and where was up to the cops, who made a very poor call to do it in front of a crowd at the theater instead of in the parking lot. I could go on, but I’ve made my point. The level of competence in law enforcement has really declined to the depths of defaulting to executions anywhere, anyplace and by not demanding positive change, we are all culpable and responsible for the aftermath by our detachment.

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