Albuquerque Second Amendment protest
Courtesy Ford Fischer
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Yesterday about 200 people came out to protest Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s 30-day suspension of Second Amendment carry rights. Most were armed, carrying handguns and long guns openly. After getting zero support for her power-grab — Albuquerque’s mayor, its police chief and the Bernalillo County Sheriff announced they wouldn’t enforce her order — the Gov’ner said that the state police would be responsible for enforcing the ban.

From a variety of reports and video posted by attendees, no one from the New Mexico State Police attended yesterday’s peaceful protest, let alone attempted to cite any of those who were armed in violation of the Governor’s diktat.

The threat of a $5000 fine didn’t seem to deter anyone from attending while packing.

As the tweets from Ford Fischer and News2Share show, perhaps the post notable part of the rally was the fact that an anti-gun protestor who was on hand was invited up on the stage and allowed to raise his concerns. He was treated pretty respectfully…after he removed the mask he was wearing…outdoors.

We’ll wait while you think back to the much-hyped gun control protests and screech-a-thons put on by Everytown, Giffords, Team Enough, March for Our Lives and the rest of the anti-gun fun bunch and try to recall when anyone from the gun rights side was invited to address the crowd.

The reason for that isn’t hard to grok. When you have both the facts and the law on your side, indulging someone with an opposing view isn’t a threat to your cause. Don’t hold your breath waiting for reciprocal invitations from anyone in the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex.

In the mean time, a fourth lawsuit has now been filed challenging the Governor’s unconstitutional carry ban. This one — Blas v. Grisham — makes constitutional violation claims under the New Mexico Civil Rights act, asks for class action status, and seeks actual and punitive damages.

And here’s a truth that many know, but few in government are willing to voice . . .

As always, stay tuned.

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  1. The white conservative gun owner, in general, has a history of supporting the Bill of Rights. The white gun control crowd has NEVER been a supporter of the Bill of Rights.

        • It should be easy to see people who fall for Gun Control are clueless about The History of Gun Control. Until the clueless masses see Gun Control in the same light as a noose Gun Control will remain undefined and march on.

        • Thanks for the info, but I’m having difficulty understanding this sentence in the first paragraph:

          “Normal one havers from across the country have rebuked me for this belief.“

        • safetupstatepos…Pull your head out of your behind. The Gun Control governor of NM et al do what they do because of Gun Owning blowbags like you who have failed to Define Gun Control by its History. Defining Gun Control is always relevant and fits this topic like a glove…you ignorant twerp.

        • You should try reading it Deb it may give you a larger perspective on the issue……or you can fling shit like usual.

        • Yesterday, Strych9 noted that the NMSP and another state agency were expressly directed to ‘surge’ on Albuquerque to enforce the edict.

          Any word on if this has happened yet???

        • “…safetupstatepos…Pull your head out of your behind.”

          The one with their head rammed fully up their own ass is *you*, cupcake.

          Take your hate and GTFO of TTAG, little deb, post-haste.

          You aren’t wanted here… 🙂

        • Geoff, haven’t seen much on that yet but I think the more region specific boards (r3ddit and similar) would be a place to try looking…..or wait for strych to update.

      • I’ve seen plenty of propaganda since 2020 trying to explain away the recent increase in black gun ownership. The reason they give is that black people are worried about white supremacists.

        • Dude legal gat use is generally POSITIVELY reported on by local Chiraq TV. Yep even brown folks🙄🙃

        • safeupstatepos…You labeling my reply to this topic as irrelevant puts a pleasing sht grin on the face any Gun Control zealot, take a bow ahole.

        • Deb that to tell you but your message is irrelevant to the replacement generation and those in power except as a tool of control. One day you may learn but as you are still stuck with bile and venom you serve no purpose in any discussion.

        • “hahaha unbelievable spew.”

          Quite believable, considering who it’s coming from, TTAG’s own hate queen, little deb… 🙂

        • to dude
          It just drives these people crazy that more non whites are buying guns. They just project racism onto people to explain away the interest that folks have in buying guns.
          I have found that the people who scream loudest about racism. Are racist themselves.

          And interestingly enough, they’re quite happy if the government is the only entity to have guns.
          So only the white police officers are allowed to have guns???
          These people are just crazy irrational in their thinking.

  2. “From a variety of reports and video posted by attendees, no one from the New Mexico State Police attended yesterday’s peaceful protest, let alone attempted to cite any of those who were armed in violation of the Governor’s diktat.”

    Actually, someone from the ‘New Mexico State Police’ did attend just not physically or in uniform.

    There was an Albuquerque Police ‘real time mobile crime center’ vehicle that was feeding live video to the Albuquerque Police AND the New Mexico State Police, and there was a non-uniformed State and Albuquerque Police presence across the street in one of the closed stores.

  3. You can do things like this is you want. THIS is what Jan6 was meant to be. Then things got out of hand. The whole thing was subverted by a small group of individuals with other intentions.

    We see events like this as an annual thing at the Virginia capital. Then we watch as Northam reacts by putting fencing around the place just like Biden did in DC.

    If any of this stuff actually results in something, it’s to drive the cowards in charge on the left to react in some sort of crazy over the top way that pushes them to clamp down even harder against the 2nd Amendment and gun owners in general. Which in turn pushes the right even more. The whole thing just ends up feeding on itself.

    I have NOT seen any of this actually stop the left in any way.

    Rally the troops! Perhaps. But it doesn’t matter if the cops were there. Every single citizen there will be vulnerable later. The skin color or gender of attendees wont matter either. We have seen proof of this as Jan6 attendees are STILL being rounded up just because they were there.

    Do as you will.

  4. Interesting take on the New Mexico Governor’s “state public health emergency” proclamation to suspend the carrying of firearms by the citizens of Albuquerque.
    Liberal gun control activist David Hogg responded to Lieu saying that he “agreed” that the order violates the Constitution, and followed up that Lujan Grisham’s reasoning for the temporary ban does not hold water.
    “I support gun safety laws. However, this order from the Governor of New Mexico violates the U.S. Constitution. No state in the union can suspend the federal Constitution. There is no such thing as a state public health emergency exception to the U.S. Constitution,” California Democratic Rep. Ted Lieu tweeted.

    • Meanwhile in the real world, we all saw for ourselves how every state in the union suspended The Constitution to one degree or another as they react to Covid.

      • Thought Florida and one of the Dakotas to a lesser extent largely ignored that trend?Majority still did medical tyranny so point stands.

      • Not in my state. The Governor respected the citizens ability to make their own decisions on masking and jabs and recently sent out another email and news release, stating that there would no Covid mandates regarding masks, jabs or school closures. In the event of another spike in Covid numbers. You deserve the Tyrants and Tyranny…You Allow. The Governor also championed and signed legislation that forbids any Governor, city, municipality, or county board from suspending Constitutional Rights. In the event of a health emergency. You deserve the Tyrants and Tyranny…You Allow.

  5. The “gun community” has a problem with open carry. In general the “gun community” has been weak on supporting open carry. And open carry is a 1st amendment action.

    It’s the responsibility of the open carry gun owner to do so responsibly. Using the proper holster. Using a Sling if carrying a long gun. Be aware of your surroundings.

    A “weapon retention” class is available.

    Unfortunately, it has been an effective propaganda campaign to separate the first and second amendment. You’ve always had the right to open, carry a gun and protest using your first amendment rights.

    And it’s been so called gun rights “supporters” and gun control supporters. Both who have been against open carry.

    It’s been interesting to see this evolution happen. Back in the seventies, we were told we had to support the ku klux klan and the national socialist freedom of speech.

    Anti war protesters were welcomed but anti abortion protesters were not.

    Unfortunately, most people want the soft and easy things that come with liberty. But they don’t want the responsibility and consequences that also come with it.

    An armed and openly carrying society has a much more safe and polite society. Because you will be compelled to behave yourself out in public. To hold your tongue and not say something to upset other people, when you know that they would be upset. Because you have a fear of being shot.

    You don’t need the police when you’re own fear for self preservation, forces you to behave yourself.

    • Anybody who would shoot someone for what they said is also against the Bill of Rights. I would hope that there would be other armed people that would shoot the origional shooter down, even if they disagreed with what the speakers was saying.
      Shutting someone up by the threat of a bullet, is no better than supporting a totalitarian regime.

      • “Shutting someone up by the threat of a bullet, is no better than supporting a totalitarian regime“

        Sadly, you have found the exact reason pro-gun protesters carry AR15s to political rallies and other public events, nothing but naked intimidation with the threat of lethal violence.

        • Well, I would certainly call it ‘intimidation’ when an unarmed white woman gets shot and killed by an armed black man at the nations capital.

        • “Sadly, you have found the exact reason …”


          Say, Liar69er, I saw you in a film about the protests in Selma. You were at the front of the gathering of civil-rights protestors, shouting to them,

          “Stop! Don’t gather in such a large group! Don’t march — that’s militaristic! You’re only intimidating people! I need to see your parade permit, which is authorized under the Constitution.”

        • “Say, Liar69er, I saw you in a film about the protests in Selma”

          I wish I had been there, I was a bit young. I am proud to say that my friend, representative Ken Hechler was the only serving congressman to march with King.

          Wait a minute, did I miss it, no one at Selma was marching with weapons.

          Again, you just lie about history to serve your delusional narrative.

          If you really knew what King stood for, you would understand that nonviolent protests occur without firearms, that’s what we mean when we say ‘nonviolent’.

        • Nonviolent civil-rights protests also occur with firearms, Liar69er.

          2020 VCDL Rally Day — Richmond VA, 22,000 citizens gathered. No shootings, no violence. On MLK’s 91st birthday, no less. Heh.

        • MINOR49, Sadly, you construe everything to fit your warped anti-gun Civilian Disarmament Complex agenda.
          Carrying an AR-15 at a rally is a POLITICAL STATEMENT in defiance of your anti-2nd Amendment positions. But being a Leftist control freak, you are not smart enough to see it.
          I ask again, why are you so afraid of guns?

      • to rt66paul
        Fear has kept human beings alive. Without fear, people do silly and stupid things that end their lives, and the lives of other people.

        And criminals have lost the sense of fear. And the moral degenerates have also lost the sense of fear. You have no right to feel safe in the world. The right to feel safe should never exist.
        And anyone who supports the right to not be afraid is simply a tyrant in waiting.

        Shooting someone because you don’t like them shooting someone else is simply retaliation. We used to live this way in the united states without a large police force.

        And that fear of retaliation is what made the United States a safer place to be. Because either side all had guns. And that sense of fear is what kept the peace without a large police force.

        • Fear is to be conquered. This ‘atleast used to be’ the home of the brave. Although since 2020 it seems more like the den of the stupid.

    • “To hold your tongue and not say something to upset other people, when you know that they would be upset. Because you have a fear of being shot.”

      Your message is pretty good right up to that point.

      You’re saying people only have freedom of speech as long as what they say doesn’t make you feel uncomfortable.

      Shooting someone over speech is the very antithesis of the first amendment.

      But it clearly betrays your authoritarian motivations.

      • No miner49er you are an authoritarian. Because you want to use the power of a government to remove the sense of fear that people have if they insult someone.

        It is that sense of fear that causes people to have self control. And there’s no need for a government as large as we have now.
        If we have a population that has self control.

        And that’s what the libertarians liberals and the left really hate the most, is having self-control. They don’t want the population to have self-control.

      • Authoritarian motivations, miner? Ain’t you the one that is always pointing out that rights have limits? Sounds pretty authoritarian to me.

        You’re the one that is in favor of permission slips for a right.

      • You and your MARXIST COMRADES support getting rid of the guns in The USA, so you can impose your MARXIST ideology and round up those that have the galls to stand up to your DICTORIAL GOV’T!!!

      • MINOR49er. Your speech doesn’t make me feel uncomfortable. But the fact that you don’t like people being able to defend themselves should make every one fell uncomfortable. Who has been threatened with being shot for opposing the 2nd Amendment?

    • @Chris T in KY An armed society is a polite society. I basically agree with you, although I don’t open carry for a few reasons, one is it’s nobody’s business if I am armed or not, two I don’t intend to make myself the first target of some lunatic with a chip on his shoulder, three, why intimidate some people needlessly, some people freak out at the mere sight of a gun. (In Texas we call those people Democrats.) Tactical advantage is lost if everyone knows exactly who has what. Just my two cents.

    • TTAG (as a pro-gun website) should be actively promoting products from various Youtube personalities such as Clolion Noir, Paul Harrel, Iraqveteran8888, LibertyDoll, and The Yankee Marshal among others instead of trying to sell us on head rest car safes.

      While I’m seeing the TSRA start selling Nike products, I’m wondering why there is NOTHING from GOA, NRA, or The 2nd Amendment Foundation.

        • Then perhaps you should contact the org and advise them that you want them to spend their ad dollars where you think they should.

        • @ Man with no name
          They can all advertise whatever they like. But just what exactly is the point with pro-gun speakers at these rallies with that kind of mindset put to it all? Why even bother?

    • to Man with no name
      That is a great example. Later. There were shouts from the crowd to “burn her”.
      “Burn that woman”. That is what they really want to do. To people like Dana and so many of us.

  6. A pro-gun event having a gun control speaker gets interpreted by the gun control side as a win. They see it as an admission of wrongdoing or a willingness to capitulate on the part of the pro-gun side.

    Haven’t we learned that all the high road, respecting alternative views and hearing the other side out stuff just gets more and more abuse from them? They’re inhuman monsters who seek to subjugate and/or destroy you. Period.

  7. Here in Donetsk, we believe in the right to keep and bear arms. Ukrainians keep trying to take that right from us. Please help the DPR!

    My advice, after years of struggle and oppressions by hohols- is to not let anti-gun activists function as a fifth column.

  8. Don’t be naïve. The local and state cops, and the Feds, were there with video to identify all attendees. These people will be cited on a need-to basis. I guarantee you.

    These rallies NEVER help our cause. The lefties and the media paint gun owners as terrorist crazies. Law enforcement inserts provocateurs and other agents to stir the pot.

    *** At the present time ***, the most effective means of fighting this tyranny is through the courts. Give generously to GOA, FPC and other gun rights orgs. Top up your ammo supply. Introduce a newbie to firearms; that person could save your life one day.

    • “the most effective means of fighting this tyranny is through the courts. Give generously to GOA, FPC and other gun rights orgs. Top up your ammo supply. Introduce a newbie to firearms; that person could save your life one day.”

      Absolutely correct, I wholeheartedly agree with your observation.

      • to Miner49er
        It’s nice to know if you agreed with the southern states who photographed and recorded all of the civil rights workers in the nineteen fifties and sixties.

        They were also later targeted for persecution by the government which you support.

      • Just for the record. My name was used in supporting constitutional carry in Kentucky. Lawmakers used my name. And many others. Reading them into the official debate record for the vote to support constitutional carry.

        How do I know this??? Because they called me during the live debate in the KY state house.

    • Keep in mind the event was only announced the evening before, and many people probably stayed away due to paranoia such as expressed in other posts.

      • “paranoia such as expressed in other posts“

        It’s easy, just don’t bring a friggin’ gun.

        Some of the posts above advocate open carry so you can shoot people who say things that upset you.
        I’m sorry to say, but it seems to be the underlying motivation for those who bring firearms to social events just for the intimidation factor.

        • “I’m sorry to say, but it seems to be the underlying motivation for those who bring firearms to social events just for the intimidation factor.”


        • Had she banned beer, they would have brought beer. She banned guns, so they brought guns. Simple, really…

          Had they brought guns to a beer rally, the passive/aggressive duhversive might have a point when whining about intimidation.

        • @Miner49er

          ‘paranoia such as expressed in other posts’

          It’s easy, just don’t bring a friggin’ gun.

          Some of the posts above advocate open carry so you can shoot people who say things that upset you.
          I’m sorry to say, but it seems to be the underlying motivation for those who bring firearms to social events just for the intimidation factor.”

          Ban first amendment exercise, show up to the protest, and its easy, just don’t say anything – they win.

          Ban fourth amendment exercise, show up to the protest, and its easy, just don’t resist the search on the way in – they win.

          You obviously don’t see anything wrong with letting an unconstitutional and illegal action and tyrant win. Of course that’s a normal thing for you.

          “Some of the posts above advocate open carry so you can shoot people who say things that upset you.
          I’m sorry to say, but it seems to be the underlying motivation for those who bring firearms to social events just for the intimidation factor.”

          wrong and false.

          “I’m sorry to say”

          No you aren’t, not now. But one day you will be if you let the unconstitutional and tyrants win.

  9. How many people who claim they are intimidated by a holstered, clearly visible side arm are as for being on a beach or in a park tens if not hundreds of yards from anyone. easily frightened by the sight of a police officer such as a plain clothes detective? Only difference is a shiny bit of pot metal hanging off their belt or a chain around their neck. You can buy them cheap online.
    As for people being silenced by threat of force, perhaps they should look into what was done under the covid shut downs. People arrested or threatened with government use of force for only wanting to make a living, or worship as they so choose. But, showing up openly armed to a pro gun rally is scary?


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