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Gun guru Stephen Wenger‘s most recent email blast (courtesy Dan Baum) reports that President Obama has signed revisions to the Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act of 2004 (LEOSA), enacted under President George Bush. The changes expand the type (and thus number) of active and off-duty officers who can carry a concealed firearm transnationally after serving a decade (formerly 15 years). Amtrak Police, Federal Reserve officers, Department of Justice dudes, U.S. Secret Service, Park Police, Department of Defense execs and more are good to stow . . .

Those arguing for a national carry permit note: “the changes create a procedure for retired officers to meet the requirements necessary for LEOSA carry. Retired officers need a special photo ID from the agency that employed them and requalification card. The card can be issued by the state similarly to a driver’s license or by a certified firearms instructor (such as a range officer) who is qualified to conduct firearms qualification tests for active duty officers.”

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  1. Sure, why shouldn’t they have more rights than the average American. Especially since they have a special constitution just for them.

  2. Department of Defense execs? Servicemen and women who have a CCW in the state that they are stationed in aren't even allowed to have their carry weapons on base.

  3. Excuse me,but how does extending the authority of the enforcers of the state extend the gun rights of all Americans?

  4. I have to agree with the above comments. Nobody's "rights" have been extended.

    A special privilege granted to a favored group is not a "right" particularly since the same body that granted this privelege can revoke it at any time.

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