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President Obama: I “Do Skeet Shooting All the Time”

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Back in September 2010, President Obama told a member of the TCU rifle team that he practiced shooting rifles with the Secret Service. Now we learn that he’s a skeet shooter. In fact, the CIC does it “all the time.” Here’s the relevant excerpt from an interview just posted at

Franklin Foer: Have you ever fired a gun?

President Obama: Yes, in fact, up at Camp David, we do skeet shooting all the time.

FF: The whole family?

President Obama: Not the girls, but oftentimes guests of mine go up there. And I have a profound respect for the traditions of hunting that trace back in this country for generations. And I think those who dismiss that out of hand make a big mistake.

Part of being able to move this forward is understanding the reality of guns in urban areas are very different from the realities of guns in rural areas. And if you grew up and your dad gave you a hunting rifle when you were ten, and you went out and spent the day with him and your uncles, and that became part of your family’s traditions, you can see why you’d be pretty protective of that.

So it’s trying to bridge those gaps that I think is going to be part of the biggest task over the next several months. And that means that advocates of gun control have to do a little more listening than they do sometimes.

70 thoughts on “President Obama: I “Do Skeet Shooting All the Time””

    • First time I’ve seen that phrase used when the discussion wasn’t about women, but it’s used correctly nonetheless.

        • I think our wires got crossed. I wasn’t correcting anything in the original post. I was responding to TP, who evidently would like to see pictures of O actually “doing skeet,” a desire with which I heartily agree.

  1. “And that means that advocates of gun control have to do a little more listening than they do sometimes.”

    Just like how he listened to opponents of ObamaCare?

    • I interpreted it as, “You’re not going to get what you want, so you better scale back your expectations.” (Directed at the gun control folks.)

      • That’s kind of what I picked up, plus a little bit of fake elbow rubbing with gun people thrown in. He’s trying to please everyone, acting like he has another election coming up…..

        I wonder what’s he’s trying at?

        • He’s trying at dismissing the term limit and becoming King Obama. Kiss those babies, please both sides and then bend them over.

  2. He’s trying to appeal to the hunters to separate them from us “absolutists.” The divide and conquer strategy we’ve discussed before

    • I totally agree. When I saw this story on Yahoo this morning I posted the following in the comments:

      You see what he’s trying to do there? Our supreme divider in chief is trying to drive a wedge between hunters/skeet shooters and other gun owners. It worked before for the first AWB. It’s important that we stand firm and united against this cynical attempt at civilian disarmament. Their method is divide and conquer through incremental bans and restrictions. There can be no compromise when it comes to our rights. “You can still shoot guns, but only hunting rifles and shotguns and only during hunting season.” Would you compromise if they were saying, “You can still go to church, but you must only give praise to Thor and only on Wednesday nights.”

      • I had a conversation with a friend, and when I asked him if he was okay with the government regulating religion he said “I’m an atheist, so I don’t care”.

        I replied with “Wrong, you’re now a Southern Baptist, and you’ll be taxed if you don’t attend at least one hour of church twice a month”

        The bill of rights can’t be messed with any further than it already has, and I would even push for removals of hate speech crimes, the NDAA provisions that eliminate the 4th, 5th, and 1st amendment rights of Americans etc…

        • I worship Thor so I didn’t speak up when they came for the crosses.

          Then they came for the hammers and no one was left to speak for me.

        • People like your friend are shocking to me, but on the other hand I’m glad to see that there are people such as you who get it so clearly. Without Constitutional protections, this country will be just another banana republic, and we’ll all be at the mercy of the whims of whichever generalismo holds power at the moment.

  3. Unfortunately no one told him the 2A isnt about family traditions, its about our protection from people like him.

  4. “And I have a profound respect for the traditions of hunting that trace back in this country for generations. And I think those who dismiss that out of hand make a big mistake . . .”

    Not too many of us “dismiss that out of hand”. But that statement belongs in a separate conversation. The real question, as it applies citizen disarmament is : How profound is your respect for the Constitution?

  5. So I go out with my family and shoot our AR-15’s. weapons have evolved. So should his ignorant stance on what a hunting rifle is.

    • But it did evolve. Apparently now bad guys don’t use assault wepons and that is why we don’t need them

  6. Rifles and shotguns have no hunting purpose. They are designed to kill humans in war. Why do you need a projectile at 3000fps when a BOW and ARROW can do the same thing?

    see where this goes?

      • You’re twisting the terms! Your “cross” bow is really an Assault Bow with the shoulder thingy that goes “twang!” Its high-capacity high-caliber belt-fed magazine clip holds ONE bolt! And it can fire it all in seconds killing millions! Imagine the horror! Ban it! Ban it all to hell!

        • How about the dreaded Chinese repeating crossbow. It’s a pump semi auto. That’s so evil it must be banned.

  7. I have a hard time believing he shoots skeet or anything else. Just to convenient. This is just window dressing to distract from a divide and conquer ploy. Separate the hunters from the rest. So very predictable, and utterly unbelievable. Can you picture him wearing his bicycle helmet and shooting skeet? That I might believe.

  8. I thought The One had only been to Camp David once. Where is he shooting? Pictures, or even better, video, or it didn’t happen.

    • Like the pictures of an emotional Obama that were released how long after the Sandy Hook shooting? Won’t prove anything to me

  9. It could be a blue sky right now…

    And if the occupier in the WH said the sky was blue…

    Based on his history…

    I would have to call him a LIER!


  10. I doubt he shoots skeet much at all. His use of the word “we” is probably in the broadest sense, in that his friends do the shooting but they’re all “we”.

  11. Well, I take back everything I ever said about him now, gosh, I didn’t realize he was a skeet shooter. He should really get to work fixing the economy than continue playing games, Randy

  12. Obama doesn’t really enjoy shooting. It gives him an uncomfortable testosterone boost. He prefers to appear on Oprah and Ellen deGeneres.

  13. Spoken like a true dictator. This is supposed to be America where we don’t compromise our right away.

  14. That’s like the stereotype phrase, “I cant be racist, I have some black friends but…”

    Obama: “I can’t be against gun owners, I go skeet shooting all the time.”

  15. I am not worried about clay targets kicking in my back door. And as for the BSerr in chief I need to see some pictures of him shooting a gun.

  16. 2nd is not about hunting rights. Never believe anything this guy says….and never take your eye off him.

  17. Does he realize firing missiles from drones or sending SEAL teams all over the world does not qualify as “skeet”?

  18. All I know is that Zeke’s lips were moving again and I drew the obvious conclusion, but I would love to see him with a loaded gun in his hands IGOTD

  19. And I shall keep my guns to shoot corrupt gov officials who try to enforce a potential future gun ban thrue confiscation. You Barry, can shoot skeet (or hunt) all the time, if you wish.

    • The key is, if gov officials ignore the Constitution and become the organ of a corrupt state, the Republic would no longer exist. This is what the ‘so called’ assault weapons are for, to keep a future gov in check. Lets hope that day never comes and resolve issues peacefully.

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