Primary Arms Optics Announcing New 2022 Products Virtually This Year

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As the SHOT Show draws closer, more companies have announced that, given the Omicron surge, they’ve decided not make the trip to Las Vegas next week. Companies like SIG Sauer, Beretta (and their other brands including Steiner, Burris, Stoeger and Benelli), 5.11, Safariland and others have made the decision that exposing their employees to a week of exhibiting and hand-shaking fist-bumping tens of thousands of SHOT Showgoers isn’t a good idea right now.

That said, the show is still very much a go. Hundreds of exhibitors will be there and TTAG will, of course, be there to cover it.

One of the companies that will be rolling out a range of new products virtually rather than in person is Primary Arms Optics. They’ll be announcing a range of new gear tomorrow in an event they’re calling Discovery 2022.

Primary Arms Optics is proud to announce Discovery 2022, a landmark reveal that showcases all the newest optics releases for the new year.

This year’s theme is Size Matters, a playful yet serious look into our upcoming optics technologies—and how they will push the boundaries in both precision and performance.

Over the next week, you’ll receive several social media teasers leading up to the full reveal date. These teasers will give you a little taste of what to expect, but Discovery 2022 is certain to bring plenty of surprises.

For the latest updates on Discovery 2022, be sure to also follow us on social media, including Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

You can check in tomorrow here to see what Primary Arms Optics has up their sleeve.

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    • It isn’t the employee’s fault if some CEO or board listens to the ultra risk-averse corporate insurance lawyers.

      I mock folks afraid of the Rona too, but I’m not going to fault people who had no say.

      • I don’t buy Coke products or shop at Dick’s either.

        Yeah, it hurts some poor fuck who just works for these companies and doesn’t make decisions. S/He can take that up with the boss.

        When your business decisions are in line with CNN’s hysteria and therefore acting as a reinforcing agent for that hysteria I’m not interesting in giving you my business. It’s that simple. Eggs and omelettes.

        • Wait is this like an online gender reveal party? That clock counted down and nothing happened. Somebody should go check the Tannerite.

    • I’ve read plenty of accounts of show goers picking things up that make them quite sick (sicker than even the original C19), and that was before the release of Fauci’s pet virus. It seems to me that there should not be anything different in the decision making process based on the fear porn, but that there has long been good reason to consider health issues.

      • I know someone that tested positive for Covid last week. She had mild cold symptoms for a few days. I assume it was Omicron, but she wasn’t told of any particular variant.

        I went by my dad’s on Friday, and the national evening news was on. Holy smoke, no wonder everyone’s terrified.


  2. I was going to attend SHOT show this year and then I read the mask policy. I have no intention of continuing to wallow in that delusion. Maybe next year.
    Just got back from the Dallas Safari Club convention. Got to see some old friends, book some hunts, and had a great time.

    • One of my sons lives in Oregon (I failed) he’s always on my ass about wearing a mask, he was appalled to come back to the midwest this Christmas to find the majority do not wear mask.
      He started the you people, Trump, mah rights stuff. I told him it has nothing to do with that, I said (as for me anyway) its denial of the effects of coronavirus and a sense of loss of freedom. I’ll take my chances on catching it, but if I’ve gotta wear a mask to live, I just dont like that.
      BTW, he and his family have both been fully immunized, wear mask, hand sanitizers, dont smoke ,and they’re all sick with coronavirus. Thankfully they are getting better. He’s blaming it on a family member from Oklahoma who was sick and didn’t wear a mask.

      • We’re pretty careful about masking and we’re vaccinated+boosted, and we still got nailed by it last week (everyone is fine, as should be expected). My personal sense is that Omicron is not really getting stopped by cloth and perhaps even surgical masks anymore, and that short of an N95 mandate (which is unrealistic for a couple reasons), we’re in mask theater mode these days. I’m not out there to make a scene, but if I don’t need to wear a mask, I probably won’t bother until I see the need.

        I’m going to SHOT. I didn’t get sick from it in 2020. I’m not terribly worried about getting sick from it this year. I do respect that some people assess risk differently than me, and that there really are people who have immune system issues etc that make the ‘rona rather dangerous; I’m not a pseudo-eugenicist like many of those on here who decides people with a couple comorbidities no longer count as living breathing humans in terms of social protection.

        I will say that it is somewhat hilarious to me how many people talk a tough game and then seem to indicate they are physically unable to wear a mask for hours at a time. My elementary school kids seem perfectly capable, so I don’t know why grown men aren’t. It’s certainly unpleasant, but the whining is just bizarre.

        • I hate to break it to you, but we’ve been in mask theater mode from the beginning. The cloth masks were always worthless. So were those cheapo, ill-fitting blue masks that were made to look like surgical masks. Also breaking news, doubling up on worthless masks will not suddenly make them effective. Yes, Fauci lied about that too.

        • It is bizarre to me that adults who know, or certainly should know by now, that cloth masks have little to no value continue to tolerate being forced to play dress-up everywhere in their daily lives.

        • My complaint about masks (besides their general ineffectiveness) and related measures is that it is treating the healthy—and especially the recovered with naturally created immunity—as though they are deathly ill and a deadly threat to others when that simply is not the case.

          Those who are sick or at risk should be taking measures to protect themselves and others. IMHO, this should even apply to those who are in close contact with those who are at risk (such as hospitals, taking care of sick relatives, etc.).

          But to destroy the ability of 99.9% who are healthy or not at risk to live their lives and earn a living in a vain attempt to completely stop the unstoppable is to kill more people through depriving them of the ability to meet their own needs, meet the needs of others, and far too often drive them to suicide or other depression based behaviors. In other words, doing more harm to the many in a vain attempt to totally protect the few is to do more harm than good. Risk cannot be eliminated. It can only be managed.

          It’s very much like taking guns away from people to “make society safer” but resulting in costs in lives and other losses which are being ignored by the gun grabbers.

  3. Virtual, ahhhhhh man that ain’t the same.
    I can watch virtual anywhere.
    Best to stay away from everyone though, vaccines dont work, mask dont work, hiding in a 30ft tall Persimmon tree and only coming down when no ones around works.

  4. I am hoping to see the 3x version of their SLx Microprism with ACSS. I have heard that it will have 1/4 MOA adjustments.

    • Well, the rumor I heard was a bit wrong. It wasn’t a 3x version of their SLx Microprism it was a 3x magnifier for their microprism. Wow, that is not as cool at all. You can double the weight, size, and cost of your microprism to get 3x magnification. No thanks.

      • Yup, I went hoping for that 3x micro prism as well only to be disappointed.

        Guess they’re not getting my money

      • I keep trying to figure out how to get back to another page consisting of “upcoming products that are not quite close enough to make the ‘upcoming products’ list.” I got there the other day and discovered that the 3x microprism is still in the works. Why they would release it as a magnifier before doing the standalone optic, I don’t know. But I’m very much looking forward to it whenever it does arrive.

  5. You lose me at the sneak peak. Don’t have a Primary Arms optic now and really don’t feel moved to part with money at these lame sneak peak ads made by people who know nothing about selling. I’ll keep my dollars focused on Leupold, Steiner, Kahles, Schmidt & Bender…

  6. Primary Arms still using that inferior cheaper Japanese glass on their new line for 2022. Its the main reason I don’t buy Primary Arms optics, that and the one optic from them I got that fell apart with the first shot.

    • I’ve always thought that Japanese optical equipment was associated with quality. It may depend on the particular brand. When I get my eyes checked, I notice they use Topcon equipment which is from Japan.

      • Some “Japanese optical equipment” is associated with quality, not all “Japanese optical equipment”.

  7. I think this has more to do with companies realizing they can release new products, announce those products, and stay competitive without having to pay a premium for a booth at SHOT. As for the mask stuff, it just reveals would or would not render a certain salute in a certain nation at a certain time in that nations past. Also, who would or would not hide certain minorities from those same people. Pay attention, this material may very well end up on the practical exam.

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