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Call it the newest “defund the police” movement. Much like the White House is now “keeping an eye” on the outbreak of free speech on Twitter, Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy — one of the loudest opponents of Second Amendment rights in the federal government — announced that Democrats will have to “have a conversation” about funding law enforcement in Second Amendment sanctuary counties and states.

You might conclude that America’s Democrat Party values illegal aliens over Americans’ Second Amendment gun rights.

Murphy’s comments clearly show how the party of Biden would like to punish certain zip codes by defunding the police in locales that have passed Second Amendment sanctuary resolutions. At the same time, Murphy and his anti-gun friends turn a willful blind eye to Democrat strongholds that ignore state and federal laws on illegal immigration.

FoxNews has more . . .

Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy on Sunday said the Senate should have a conversation about whether to continue funding law enforcement in so-called “Second Amendment sanctuary” states and counties.

Murphy said 60% of counties in the U.S. refuse to enforce state and federal gun laws during an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union,” calling it a “growing problem in this country.”

“The majority of counties in this country have declared that they are not going to enforce state and federal gun laws,” the Connecticut senator said. “They have decided that they are going to essentially refuse to implement laws that are on the books.”

“I think we have to have a conversation about whether we can continue to fund law enforcement in states where they are refusing to implement these gun laws,” Murphy said, adding that he’ll talk to his colleagues about the issue.

Murphy’s apparent renewed call to “defund the police” comes after many Democrats, including President Biden, called to fund the police heading into November’s midterm elections, and as a crime crisis rages in major American cities.

Murphy’s move to defund the police in over half the country may not make that much of a difference as crime is generally far lower in Second Amendment sanctuary jurisdictions that respect and defend Americans’ right to keep and bear arms for personal defense.

Meanwhile, illegal immigrant sanctuaries like Chicago (currently America’s murder capital at 668 homicides as of this writing) that have seen violent crime spiral could use more respect for the individual right to keep and bear arms.

According to Bloomberg News, other big sanctuary cities like New York, Los Angeles, Memphis, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Atlanta, Oakland and Seattle have seen double-digit increases in their homicide rates since 2019. Then again, most of those jurisdictions have done a good job of defunding their own police departments in the last three years, so maybe Senator Murphy doesn’t feel any urgency about cutting funding any more there.

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    • Great question, but I think most here already know the answer. Some issues are more important than others to voters. Some are more than happy to swallow the agenda without question. Follow the money. That’s the real story that no one wants to address.
      But of course, our own FEDGOV is more than happy to turn on the printing presses and keep the pain train rolling. How much money was spent on this last Mid Term election? A record amount ($16.7 B)–with billionaires (and a recent crypto-bust) funding the DemonCraps. wall

    • After the last 2 elections surely you don’t believe 1 man 1 vote. The only people who don’t care about the price of gas and groceries are the ones collecting a check at the first of the month. You know, the ones who get a loaf of bread and a pound of bologna for the kids, and 40s for the front porch. Surely you don’t think people in Pennsylvania would rather have a 50 year old slug who never did anything than a successful doctor. We are in the middle of a coup and don’t want to admit it.

      • In a nutshell Gun Owners do not vote for democRat candidates because democRats candidates are bigoted towards them. And by the same token perhaps those front porchers you described rather not vote for a candidate they perceive to be in camp with bigots?

        • Debbie some exposure would do you good. Spend some time in southside Memphis. West end Louisville, downtown Nashville. I have worked in all of those places. Yeah the front porchers didn’t look like me, but the people that go to work every day didn’t look like me either. Know what? They didn’t like the ones on the front porch any more than I did.

      • “We are in the middle of a coup and don’t want to admit it“

        Actually, it was an attempted coup that failed miserably.

        And every day we are catching more election fraud criminals, amazingly some make public confessions of their criminal election conspiracies, like this current Republican senatorial candidate who publicly revealed that he did not reside in the state in which he was running for office:

        “I live in Texas,” Walker said in January of this year, when speaking to University of Georgia College Republicans. Walker was criticizing Democrats for not visiting the border when he made the comments. “I went down to the border off and on sometimes,” he said.

        Earlier in the speech, Walker said he decided to run for Georgia’s Senate seat while at his Texas home after seeing the country divided.

        “Everyone asks me, why did I decide to run for a Senate seat? Because to be honest with you, this is never something I ever, ever, ever thought in my life I’d ever do,” said Walker. “And that’s the honest truth. As I was sitting in my home in Texas, I was sitting in my home in Texas, and I was seeing what was going on in this country. I was seeing what was going on in this country with how they were trying to divide people.”

        Hopefully, Donald Trump’s election fraud program will soon be calling for federal charges against Herschel Walker… Sure it will.

        Apparently, you just can’t trust them Texas vampires…

  1. “The majority of counties in this country have declared that they are not going to enforce state and federal gun laws, … I think we have to have a conversation about whether we can continue to fund law enforcement in states where they are refusing to implement these gun laws”

    This whole thing is trying to invent an issue they can scream about.

    Courts have already ruled that a non-federal government has no obligation to enforce federal law. And a ruling in 1992 by the Supreme Court ruled the Tenth Amendment prohibits the federal government from forcing states to pass or not pass certain legislation, or to enforce federal law.

    The majority of counties in this country are well within their rights to not enforce federal gun laws, and also within their rights to not enforce state gun laws by their inherent sovereign right of preemption as long as its not a criminal felony violation of the state law. There has been exactly zero cases where a ‘second amendment sanctuary’ did not follow state law for criminal felony violation of the state law.

    If the feds want to enforce federal law, have at it but they don’t have any authority to make ‘second amendment sanctuary’ areas enforce it or cooperate to enforce it.

    So you want to de-fund those as some sort of punishment or something else coercion to force them? Yeah, that’s not going to work because its unconstitutional for the government to do such.

    I think Murphy needs to have a talk with someone that can explain to her something she doesn’t know about called the ‘Constitution Of The United Sates’

  2. This right here is exactly why I’m not in favor of Federal income taxes, especially at the current usurious levels. The Gov takes a massive amount of money from its citizens with one hand, but promises to give it back with the other. Whoops!…you aren’t marching to the Gov’s tune correctly, Citizen…we’ll just hold back this (your?) money until you do what you’re told.

    Sounds a bit like extortion. Is there any wonder why so many people choose to operate some of their finances outside the Gov’s ability to steal tax it to begin with?

  3. Unfortunately for the Gov, a lot of federal funds come from the states, in the form of gas taxes, etc. If he pushes his defund agenda, the states affected will simply not fund the federal government.

  4. There is Supreme Court case law that says they can’t do that. Printz v. United States for example. Murphy is just talking out his rear end. He does it alot. Like about his Military Service.

  5. Come and get it. Come on big tough Chrissy, take the guns from the fat old redneck. What do you know about my life in Tn? Connecticut is fucked up as a soup sandwich, I think you need to concentrate on that. If you insist I will meet you on the field of honor. That’s right you have no honor. You’re so much smarter cause you’re a Yankee!

    • “Connecticut is fucked up as a soup sandwich“

      But it is still much safer than Tennessee, which is one of the most violent states in the union.

      “Connecticut has a crime incident of 6459 per 100 000 people, that’s the fourth lowest in America, after Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. The national average was 398.5, and Republican states like Texas, Arizona, and Tennessee had violent crime rates in the 400s and 600s — two to three times higher than Connecticut.“

      Yep, Tennessee has a violent crime rate 2 to 3 times higher than Connecticut.

      • MINOR Miner49ers It is amazing what you can do with statistics. There is an adage that applies here. There are lies, damned lies, and then there are statistics.

  6. I would comment on this, but I would just frighten the Word Press bleating sheep function of the website. Just say no to moderation….

  7. We have a Right to keep and bear arms, and it’s not just restricted to personal defense. Read the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence for a clue.

  8. Thats just fool talk. My local sheriff and city cops dont get federal funding, its all local county tax

  9. I hate to crap on any body’s parade, but, the Feds should not be funding ANY local/state police organizations to begin with. This miserable BS started with the “WAR ON DRUGS” and has been a self fulfilling prophesy ever since. The small town I grew up in had an “Andy of Mayberry” type cop and a constable which took care of a less than 2000 population quite adequately. After the federal “WAR ON DRUGS” assistance started rolling in we have a full time police chief, and 8 full time police officers + the constable. The population has remained virtually unchanged. Our original cop wore a uniform just like “Andy’s” – our present police force look like SWAT team clothing models. It’s difficult to tell them from the terrorists. If the feds cut all funding from police in my state I would consider it a blessing. Being beholden to the feds is the very definition of “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”. Have you ever known the federal government not to f-up anything they touch?

  10. Nullification is only OK when practiced by liberals.

    Murphy has always been a proponent of a Progressive authoritarian State.

  11. Not only Immigration Sanctuary Cities, but what about Drug Sanctuary Cities and States.

    Marijuana is still a Schedule 1 Drug, but “Legalized” in various states and tolerated in other municipalities.

    If they aren’t looking to cut funding for that than having Sanctuary Cities for Firearms is no different.

    This is where I believe the balkanization of the USA is headed with various regions of the US ignoring Federal Laws they do not like and enforcing Policies as they see fit.

  12. The United States needs a TOTAL HOUSE CLEANING from the top to bottom. Make things as our Founding Fathers directed.
    I believe that once the top is CLEANED UP the lower levels will be easier to straighten out. The People need to take charge and control, simply for the good of our Sovreign Nation.

  13. Do it. Things will get sorted out a lot faster when the remaining defunded police show up to collect bodies of perps. Too much paperwork involved in the investigation. “Looks like a clear case of self defense to me. Call in the clean up crew. Ya’ll take care now!”

  14. i cant wait until the criminals
    in 2a sanctuary jurisdictions
    find out the hard way
    that the police that used to be there
    were there to protect them from the citizens
    not the other way around

  15. quote———Murphy’s apparent renewed call to “defund the police” comes after many Democrats, including President Biden, called to fund the police heading into November’s midterm elections, and as a crime crisis rages in major American cities.———quote

    Total bold face lie. Biden had emphasized he will NOT defund the police.

    quote———-Meanwhile, illegal immigrant sanctuaries like Chicago (currently America’s murder capital at 668 homicides as of this writing) that have seen violent crime spiral could use more respect for the individual right to keep and bear arms.——–quote

    Reality check. Chicago has many illegal guns because the gangster criminal Republicans refuse to pass Universal Background checks and Safe Storage Laws that let hillbilly states ship in thousands of second hand guns and stolen guns into Chicago making Chicago gun control laws useless.

    Comparing gun control laws to illegal immigration is ludicrous and of course dripping in racism. Second Amendment sanctuaries enable criminals to obtain guns for mass murder and crime while Immigrant sanctuaries only protects people who are an asset to our country as they work and pay taxes and start new businesses which employ people.

    Example: The son of a Syrian immigrant invented the cell phone which brought billions of dollars to the U.S. economy.

    Second Amendment sanctuaries ignore gun laws that keep assault rifles and second hand guns from getting easily into the hands of criminals and lunatics.

    • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD. Do you really think (sic) that your criminals buds will use the so-called Universal Background Checks? Are you really that naïve? As I have previously pointed out, your Universal Background Checks depend on NICS which contains erroneous and often incomplete information as many courts and jurisdictions do not report dispositions in many of the case pending. Then of course we have the FACT that mentally ill people can’t be listed in NICS due to thee HIPPA Law which prohibits disclosure of health care information to a third party. “Safe Storage laws?” Now just how are you going to enforce them? Send the PO-LICE to each gun owner’s home or place of business to see if the gun which is not in use is locked up? (I guess you have not heard of the 4th Amendment?)
      Let me ask you. How many of your illegal aliens you want to give amnesty to have broken the law? ANSWER: ALL OF THEM. You see it is a Federal crime to enter the country illegally. And yet you want to give amnesty to people who have no respect for our laws to begin with? We have no problem at all with LEGAL IMMIGRATION. We do have a BIG PROBLEM with ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.
      For the umpteenth time, the AR-15 and AK-47’s you so desperately want to ban are not “assault weapons” (an erroneous term to begin with). They are semi-automatic firearms that no military in the world would outfit their troops with.
      Do you practice being stupid, or do you suffer from terminal stupidity?

      • to Walter the uneducated Beverly Hillbilly

        quote———-Then of course we have the FACT that mentally ill people can’t be listed in NICS due to thee HIPPA Law which prohibits disclosure of health care information to a third party. ———-quote

        Falsehood. If a person has a run in with the law and the law determines he is suffering from or exhibiting erratic behavior that does indeed go into his arrest record which is uncovered by a background check.

        Furthermore a law can be passed making it mandatory to undergo a mental test by a trained psychologist before you can purchase a firearm and believe me some people are so wacked out it does not even take a trained psychologist to flag their erratic and bizarre behavior.

        quote———–“Safe Storage laws?” Now just how are you going to enforce them?———quote

        Walter we have gone over this time and time again and you reject history with the wave of your hand. When penalties are draconian enough even the hillbillies, like yourself, get the message very fast and that is if you do not want to go to prison and lose your gun rights for life and be heavily fined then even the average hillbilly gets the message very quickly after he sees a neighbor sent to prison. If a person is injured or killed in your house that is one way you get caught. Many civilized countries also have mandatory unannounced inspections if you want to be able to keep the right to bear arms. Its long overdue in Capitalvania.

        And no Walther the 4th Amendment does not cover voluntary inspections which you would have to agree to if you owned firearms. If you do not want inspections, fine then you do not get the right to own a firearm because you are danger to yourself and the people in the house and to the community. Remember even the Scalia decision declared that the Government has the right to regulate firearms especially when it concerns public safety.

        quote———–Let me ask you. How many of your illegal aliens you want to give amnesty to have broken the law?——–quote

        As usual Walter you reveal your rabid racism and seething racism for anyone not white, anglo-saxon and protestant. If our immigration system was more like Europe’s we would not have the illegal immigration problem we have now. Of course Walter since you know nothing about what other countries have already done we could institute a “work visa permit” like the entire rest of the civilized world has had for decades. We could also speed up our immigration applications especially for those who are already working here legal or illegal. Of course being civilized is not on your agenda as it goes against your rabid racism.

        quote————-For the umpteenth time, the AR-15 and AK-47’s you so desperately want to ban are not “assault weapons”———quote

        Your out of your league Walther. You cannot bullshit me. The world’s militaries have used the semi-auto rifle and the semi/full auto rifle for decades as weapons of war. As a matter of fact most experienced soldiers often shoot semi-auto to assure more hits and save ammo. So take your bullshit to the ignorant. The difference in the amount of time it takes to empty a full auto or a semi-auto come down to disingenuous semantics as the same horrific number of dead bodies pile up in less time than it takes to type these words.

        quote———–Do you practice being stupid, or do you suffer from terminal stupidity?——-quote

        Walther you just proved you live by this because you are both ignorant and you refuse to accept historical truths.

        • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD.No, DUMMY, it isn’t a lie that if you have not been adjudicated & committed by a court of law, the entry of mental illness canNOT be entered into NICS. Seems you are lying yet again. Such a law to mandate a phycological exam would be a violation of the 4th & 5th Amendments.
          As to your “safe storage laws” you bet we have been over and over this. And your “safe storage laws” are an attempt to legislate common sense. In fact they do not work. You have a fat chance of anyone with half a brain allowing police to enter your home to inspect. And don’t give me that crap about ‘something to hide’. Further this “civilized cournty has something called the 4th Amendment. The police may not enter for “mandatory inspections” without a SEARCH WARRANT. We fought a Revolution over such? For your edification, we already have similar laws on the books. It’s called “Reckless Endangerment”.
          Noe for your characterization that I am “racist”. IT seems we have this law that says it is a CRIME to cross the US Border without a visa unless by treaty you are authorized. Now, I am sure, next you will declare the law racist? I don’t give rat’s behind about an illegal alien’s country of origin, his pigmentation, his religion etc. If you break the law, you go to jail. Simple. Could issue “work permits”? Sure we could. But until those “work permits” are authorized by law, the illegal aliens are STILL ILLEGAL. Speeding up applications would be downright STUPID. That would be a great way to let in criminals, terrorists, etc.
          As to the AR-s and AK’s NO ARMY in the world issues them to their armed forces. And they are NOT “weapons of war” in spite of your stupid remark. Yep, the selector switch on a MILITARY RIFLE has a semi-auto fire, but it also has “three round burst” and safety. AK MILITARY rifles have AUTO fire, semi and safety. So your ignorance is showing yet again. That is a big frickin’ difference between a semi-auto CIVILIAN version of either. Speaking of ignorant, your pablum is not nourishing. It’s a perversion of the truth to sell your anti-gun rhetoric.
          You are proof positive that you can’t fix stupid.

    • “Total bold face lie. Biden had emphasized he will NOT defund the police.”

      Was that before he agreed to defunding or after?

      “Reality check. Chicago has many illegal guns because the gangster criminal Republicans refuse to pass Universal Background checks and Safe Storage Laws that let hillbilly states ship in thousands of second hand guns and stolen guns into Chicago making Chicago gun control laws useless.”

      So no blame of those who are committing the violence? Do you honestly believe if the firearms were absent these same people would be sitting in Church and feeding the homeless?

      Do you know what happens in many of these places? The illicit drug trade. Lot’s of big money there, and to control turfs, logistics and product, a lot of violence is employed. Illinois legalized recreational marijuanna to “take incentive” from the illicit trade. It didn’t work, but all that covid stimulus helped the State collect enormous tax windfalls from drug sales. Not to mention there is a cultural issue where violence is acceptable to mend perceptions of being slighted.

      But to you, it is just the guns?

      “Comparing gun control laws to illegal immigration is ludicrous and of course dripping in racism. Second Amendment sanctuaries enable criminals to obtain guns for mass murder and crime while Immigrant sanctuaries only protects people who are an asset to our country as they work and pay taxes and start new businesses which employ people.”

      Immigrant sanctuaries are not needed for legal immigration, right? Racism is not insisting the laws of a Country be followed for entrance. Our immigration policies have been lenient that a majority of other Countries, even those civilized Countries you so love.

      Conflating legal and illegal immigration is not just intellectually dishonest, it is a purposeful deception.

      “Example: The son of a Syrian immigrant invented the cell phone which brought billions of dollars to the U.S. economy.”

      Steve Jobs family immigrated legally. If you want to support immigration sanctuaries you have to come up with something better. Oh, and Jobs did not invent the cell phone. Martin Cooper of Motorola did long before Jobs come into the field.

      “Second Amendment sanctuaries ignore gun laws that keep assault rifles and second hand guns from getting easily into the hands of criminals and lunatics.”

      Factually inaccurate. The sanctuaries exist to roadblock Federal and State Governments from overstepping the Constitution and the BoR. You should read those documents some time.

    • I was moderated.

      So, Steve Jobs did not invent the cell phone, that was a man named Martin Copper. And Steve jobs parents were legal immigrants, so your premise is faulty anyway. Bonus, what was it Steve Jobs really did?

      There was more, maybe it will pop up later.

      • And legal immigrant Hedy Lamarr – yes the gorgeous actress from golden age Hollywood – came up with the basic frequency hopping concepts that cellphones use to handoff transmissions between towers, history is fun stuff!

  16. Discussing these issues is worthless. It is quickly coming to a time where rebellion and possibly revolution is the only answer. Only real change comes out of end of a barrel. I never wanted to think this was true. It has become very clear in today’s world, discussion and arbritration means nothing. I really hope it never comes to fruition, however the last two years the leaders elected have no concern for our lives.

  17. The really funny part is that this (expletives deleted) actually defeats his own argument. He says over 60% of counties across the country have declared themselves second amendment sanctuaries. That’s well over half the nation. As an elected “official” he is supposed to do what the majority want him to vote for. That’s also almost enough for a veto override in the legislature where he is a member. Tell me again how that computes again. Long post short, to Hell with this guy, his equine transport, his mama, sister, and their equine transports.

  18. So, if a city or town using their own funds to fund the police, what is he proposing to do? Confiscate those funds?
    Would not put it past him.

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