Home » Question of the Day » Question of the Day: Does Call of Duty WWII Suck? [Video NSFW]

Question of the Day: Does Call of Duty WWII Suck? [Video NSFW]

Robert Farago - comments 54 comments
Screen shot Call of Duty W2 (courtesy youtube.com)

In the video below, YouTuber The Act Man uses some strong language to rip Call of Duty WWII a new one. In a 36-minute diatribe TAM bitches about the dearth of weapon choices and a bunch of other stuff. “Five kills for a recon plane?” he asked. “Isn’t that a bit extreme?” And calls it “a watered-down recycled poor-man’s version of World at War.” It’s too gripping (inside joke)! I haven’t played the game yet. Have you? Does it suck?


Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.


  1. ALL COD GAMES SUCK!!!! Sad that MOH, Brothers in Arms, and Wolfenstein didn’t take off as expected… Worst of all COD will get a free pass and we’ll all hear how it is the best FPS game out there while other titles get shit all over for every little thing or called a COD rip off. Personally I like Fallout 4 better with the Modern Weapons and Modern Sidearms mods installed but for a straight FPS with no mods I think I’d go with Far Cry. Just like for my GTA type game fix I go with the Mafia series instead of Rockstar’s ultimate sandbox. I’m just weird like that I even preferred Medal of Honor War fighter over COD Modern Warfare 1 & 2.

    • Have you played Wolfenstein New Order and New Colossus? They may not be selling like COD but they’re great games and well Reviewed.

      • I’m not saying they aren’t great games, because really everything listed was great, I’m saying for whatever reason they just aren’t as popular or sell as good as COD. Medal of Honor was really the only competition they had and when that died after Warfighter COD just kinda went stagnant because nobody is gonna compare COD to Gears or Far Cry or anything else in the FPS or war game realm. Just to show how much I hated COD… I’d honestly play that bad Command and Conquer FPS they put out back in the day rather than COD.

    • I haven’t been an avid fan of the series since MWI (COD4), if it’s a modern setting people like probably the unpolished and unrefined Arma 3, or WWII probably brothers in arms (dated but better), the series pretty much sucked and worse the hype dragged people back for more COD (just like halo after halo 2).

    • I stopped playing CoD some time ago, before all the wall climbing and whatever. I stopped because every game was filled with drop-shot, quick scoping, spawn camping, whatever exploit they could find. Which I’m sure was only worse with the future crap.

      So I got my hopes up for WWII. Shouldn’t have. Just as bad, with snaking and frogging to boot. It’s clear to me they are catering to gamers who substitute exploits for skill and really make it un-fun, if not completely frustrating for the casual gamer. Add in the debacle that is their hosting and matchmaking, where success depends on how much lag you have or don’t have, and I’ve actually spectated an entire match of hardpoint because the game just wouldn’t spawn me.

      They got my money one last time, but I’m definitely done with CoD, especially Activision. I wish I could get a refund, and I’m having a hard time selling it for $40.

      TLDR: just stay away.

    • yes they do. every since Modern Warfare, which was good, it has done nothing but cater to the youngest players possible. you get points for F’n dying. it takes 6 .45 ACP rounds to kill but one arm slash from a knife. yeah, count me out. The last time i played a COD, i had a guy dead to rights with a .50 cal, two direct hits center mass and he runs away with probably 2 health. i uninstalled that stupid shit and have never bought another COD since. Battlefield has been my game of choice up until Battlefield 1. i hate it as well. Used to be, they made games like this for more mature players but now its just a kiddie fest and takes way to many hits to kill. Yes there is hardcore but there is too many cheaters and not enough players most of the time. Battlefront II pretty much sucks as well. its un-f’n-playable. so there is pretty much nothing worth playing right now MP wise.

  2. I’m of the generation that really got into gaming when we had a ton of good WW2 games coming out (MOH Frontline and Rising Sun, COD Finest Hour and COD Big Red One, along with the first COD and its expansion on PC). I think the last good ones to come out were COD World At War and BIA Hells Highway, so personally I was pretty excited to see the series “going back to its roots”. Overall I was pleased with it, and thought it had a much more personal feel to it than earlier games where you are a faceless/voiceless/personality-less character carrying out “”generic” military objectives (go to point A, elimnate artillery, eliminate resistance, etc). However, I mostly saw it as a nostalgia trip of my early 2000’s gaming days, and not much more than that. Mechanic and gameplay wise it does nothing new, but it was nice to see them go back to their roots and away from the futuristic stuff, though I thought Infinite Warfare’s campaign was quite good. Haven’t played the multiplayer on it and have little interest in it.

      • Привет Джорг Идона, Just a guy advertising website for apartments. Or is it a rando trying to troll Russian hysteria?

  3. Honestly it is a little hard to tell a story over and over and keep it interesting without changing the story. That is why this game seems underwhelming. We have already seen WW2 games. If you like the COD series and you like their engine you will like this. If you preferred MOH or Battlefield you will probably view this game in the same light you have other COD entries. The game looks nice and game play is quite well refined and easy to interact with as you would expect.

    Personally I am tired of war games about specific wars.

  4. Something I never cover in reviews because it’s totally subjective is the feel of the game.

    COD really hasn’t created that feel, for me, of wanting to come back again and again since sniping people all the way across the Brecourt map was a thing.

    They can add Divisions and upgrades to guns, pretty up the graphics and add new multiplayer game types but the feel just isn’t there. A big part of that is the way unlocks work. Starting new players, who already have a disadvantage in terms of knowing the map, with crappy weapons has always struck me as silly but COD seems to do a far worse job at this than the Battlefield franchise.

    The answer to this isn’t to add in airdrops for an overpowered weapon like a flamethrower or give people those stupid dragon’s breath type shotgun shells for their shotgun. It’s to actually balance the game properly. The idea that the Airborne Division speed perk, plus another perk, plus a specific ice ax makes people so fast they can stab half a team to death before getting killed is just dumb. The kill streak awards are also too easy to get IMHO.

    I gave this game a good review on technical merits. It deserves that. But, like Battlefield 1 it’s not a game I want to run off and play regularly.

    On top of that the small nature of the teams and the map as well as the inability to seriously alter the map just make the game feel kinda small and behind the times.

    Does it suck? Well, I’m not a big fan and I’d stop short of delclaring “It sucks!!” but some people love it. Heck, I know people who rave about it. Just not my cop-o-tea. I’d rather go play some BF4.

      • I’ve been thinking about doing a “throwback” review of BF4 because A LOT of people still play it and after it was updated significantly it’s basically bug and hacker free.

        That, combined with the fairly realistic modern weapons that are modifiable in a zillion ways to suit your play style make it a great game to this day even though it came out in 2013. There’s nothing quite like tricking out an SKS the way you might want to (if they weren’t so expensive these days) and going on an absolute rampage in Flood Zone while shooting down helicopters and sinking boats.

        • That’d be awesome oh speaking of still played old games I got the shock of a lifetime the other night. I was playing Rainbow Six Vegas 2 and holy hell the multiplayer lobbies were still full on XBOX live. Anybody reviewed World of Tanks, World of Warships, or World of Warplanes???

    • I haven’t played the latest one, I picked up an Xbox One for me and my son on Black Friday and it’s sitting wrapped up waiting for Christmas.

      I stopped playing COD online around the time of Modern Warfare 3. I played it all the time with the original modern warfare, and a bit on MW2, but for me the killstreaks were out of control. I would spawn and get immediately destroyed by a helicopter or missile or dog, and then have to listen to a bunch of 12 year olds scream into the TV. With their “unlimited free time” ability they were able to unlock all the best weapons and perks. So I stopped playing online because it just wasn’t fun anymore.

      Now Mass Effect series, that’s my jam.

      • Do yourself a favor and unwrap the XB1, do the several dozen gig updates and install the several dozen gig game installs and rewrap. Do it now if you and your son wish to enjoy it in 2017.

  5. The multiplayer is fine, but it isn’t an easy game. People got used to getting killstreak rewards that Lebron dunk on the other team. It feels less rewarding when you go on a tear but you don’t repeatedly spawn-die when the other team gets a massively overpowered killstreak. Tit for tat. The spawns suck, a couple times each game you’ll kill someone to have them spawn 30 feet behind you and around a corner. the maps aren’t all that great.

    Full auto subguns dominate the game. When I have a PPSH and meet someone across the map with an garand, I’m pretty confident that I can get them. i have a 50 round drum, miss 30 shots but hit 7 times, but every time i hit them their gun goes everywhere and they miss nearly all of their 8 shots, even though they only need 3 hits to kill me, and they die when they need to reload.

    Games aren’t balanced or fun when smgs that melt people at 3 feet can outclass an M1 or bolt gun at 300 feet. At least they cut down on the explosives bullcrap that made older games so broken.

    • That’s a problem with pretty much all online multiplayer shooters. Remember on Battlefield 4 you could snipe across the map with a UMP or blind a sniper half a mile away with your weapon mounted laser? The guys programming these guns in the games aren’t gun guys, they really have no clue that that lil PPSH wouldn’t hit the Exxon Valdez at 300 yards.

      • The maps in COD:WII are very small by comparison to BF games. In a lot of cases “sniping someone” with an SMG isn’t necessary because you’re well within range of a well built subgun in most cases.

        BF4 had it’s initial problems but after the first flurry of updates you couldn’t snipe people with a UMP or any other subgun from long distances and the blinding effect of a laser was greatly reduced over distance.

        If EA had just done what they said and made BF2143 instead of pulling back 3/4ths of the way through the dev process and making it BF4 the game would have been better IMHO. Instead the initial release was kind of a mismash because that game started, and for a long time was slated to be, the sequal to BF2142 which is, again MHO, the best shooter game made to date. It was well balanced and promoted teamwork extremely well. BF4 fell down on that because it tried to be too many things at once.

        Shameless plug: I submitted the review for this game to DZ a few days ago.

  6. Also can we PLEASE get a big title from a different freakin war!?!?!? Something from Korea, Vietnam, Panama, Gulf War 1, Grenada, hell anything but WWII!!! I just want a big title that takes place entirely in one of these wars or police actions hell we could even do Bosnia and Kosovo!

    Yes I know there are a few titles that cover Vietnam but they are mostly PC only (Shellshocked) or it’s only a few missions in the country before moving to bigger and better things (Black Ops 2) I wanna see something like Battle Field 1942 or the original type COD and MOH games done for Korea or Vietnam or Desert Storm hell I’d even be happy with Somalia getting a game like that.

    • Now that you mention it the Korean War could be interesting as it seems to be the “Forgotten War” for games too, don’t think anything has been made set in that time period. I found myself reading up on it recently on Wikipedia as like most people I realized I knew little about it. Though I suppose from a gameplay viewpoint the weapons and technology in use wasn’t a lot different than WW2 so it might be hard for the common gamer to tell the difference.

      • I’ll concede that as far as weapons go there wouldn’t be a whole lot of difference between WW2 and Korea on the American side. However in a Battlefield type game you would get to see the other areas where technology changed. Jets, Helicopters, AK47, SKS, the new tanks, and so on but for American Infantry weapons it was business as usual on the cool guns front.

        Now a straight Vietnam title (without the weird trippy stuff they seem to ram into it because you know every soldier back then did LSD while on patrol so they could turn into a super soldier mixed with a tiger) would be just fine with a COD, MOH, or BIA mechanic. Vehicles didn’t play much of a role aside from choppers, jets, and boats so Battlefield might not be a great mechanic to use here.

        Desert Storm one and the first stages of Desert Storm 2: The Race to Baghdad would play much better as say a Battlefield title than COD because honestly Battlefield just does mounted warfare better. COD and MOH used vehicles to give platform for quick and easy rail shooting segments.

    • Rising Storm 2: Vietnam already exists. The problem is that it’s a game with large maps, a reasonably steep learning curve and really shitty spawns.

      You’ll probably not see a ME or Somalia type game for a long time. Those games would be “racist”. Hell, TC’s The Division got slammed for having a goodly portion of street thugs in the game as black. (Which actually makes sense given that it’s “post apocalyptic” NYC, but that doesn’t matter.)

      CAIR and other “moderate Muslim” organizations would go apeshit over “Battlefield Iraq”. Political Correctness is still a pretty big thing in the dev world. No one wants to be accused of sexism, racism, xenophobia or much of anything else. From a historical point of view, as well as a political one, there are safe things to put into a game and unsafe things. The unsafe things are the groups that have large, politically connected support groups. If it’s a protected class you’re not going to see a major release that lets you shoot members of that class in large numbers.

      • IMHO The Division SUCKED!!! You are probably right about the ME games anytime soon but hey one can dream…. If they would actually put some effort into a Vietnam war game instead of just packing it with all the political BS and trippy drug scenes from the time and if they would act like Full Metal Jacket was never made they could crank out a good one.

        • To each their own. The point remains that The Division got slammed as racist because a percentage of the people you ended up killing were black. They changed that in an update a while back.

          With the most recent expansion/update so far as I can tell there are no long ANY black NPCs.

          This is what happens when SJW’s end up making waves in the gaming world. Everything turns to PC shit.

        • they should have just made everyone wear a balaclava and gloves, shut everyone up and make a statement that since you can’t unwed your knickers you’ll get faceless banger #102394 to shoot at. It might also make people realize the unless you’re part of the outrage brigade no one gives a hot damn about what the faceless enemies they shoot at in MMO’s look like.

    • I would be pretty excited if a Treyarch developed Vietnam CoD game was announced. I haven’t played any game in the series since Black Ops 2, but I heard BO3 was decent despite the futuristic setting everyone hates.

      There was originally going to be a spinoff third-person Vietnam game developed by Sledgehammer, but it was cancelled in 2011. http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Call_of_Duty:_Vietnam

    • Now, the battlefield and COD games about imagined future wars like that one on mars, gave me an interesting idea. They could do a battlefield set in the near future titled “Battlefield America: Broken Union.” Or some Shit, about a hypothetical second American civil war. Have the game maps be based on actuall American cities neighborhoods and countryside. I think it would end up being pretty bad ass… but incredibly controversial for obvious reasons.

      • That sounds awesome. Maybe it could show the story from the perspective of both sides, with the playable characters in the singleplayer being a loyalist in the military, and a rebel/militia member/deserter. That game would REALLY tug at the heartstrings, I mean think back to how emotional the MW2 levels taking place in DC/NoVa were. Portraying a realistic civil war tearing this country apart would just be that x10. Tons of potential there. I don’t think it would happen in a million years, though, because of the inevitable controversy you mentioned. After the whole brouhaha with Star Wars BF2, I think EA has had their share of controversy for a while.

  7. I liked it. Never played a COD in my life until that one came out. The story mode was very short, I was able to complete it within a day, but there’s an online zombie game too. Just rent it from redbox, it’ll only set you back a few dollars.

  8. Any video game should be advanced enough that an alien being or time traveling human/mutant/cyborg/android could be conceivably using it as an evaluation and recruitment tool for their Desperate Struggle Against Evil.

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  10. Game was bought for me and given as a birthday present.
    I don’t do online at all so I played the regular campaign. 2 days and I had beat it. Yes, I started on recruit but still. Graphics are OK but I’m glad I didn’t spend my own money on this. Kinda disappointed.

    • That seems to be a recurring problem with most online FPS games now days. They all have these super short super linear storylines and rely solely on the online multiplayer or other special modes to make them a good game. I remember playing the original DOOM (iD software), Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas for freakin days to beat them but the average newer COD title I can knock back in a day if I don’t go for all the special collectibles and Achievements.

      • Exactly Bob. I took my time with Fallout 3 & 4. Those 2 games made you work a little to beat them. I flew through this one.
        I will usually play a game over just to beat it again and remember how fun it was to play but this one has already been thrown in with old games I no longer play.

        • I’m still playing around with Fallout 4. Though I’m not playing the missions I’m just messing with settlement mods like Sim Settlements and Expanded Settlements. I beat the game 3 times (once with each faction) now though I’m just doing whatever I want building little settlements all over the place and wiping out any and all who oppose me. I love the Modern Weapons and Modern Sidearms mods. I got the cheat console just to supply my settlement addiction. I will freely admit I used to hate the settlement crap but it has grown on me.

      • You hit the nail on the head. My first CoD game was the second one, and while I love a lot of the later games, I was always kinda disappointed with the length of the campaigns from CoD4 onwards.

  11. Every good FPS title has either been intentionally killed off by its developers through crappy sequels (i.e. Perfect Dark, BLACK, Duke Nukem, James Bond, etc.) is now a multiplayer only pay to win s#^%fest (COD, Star Wars BF, Battlefield), a QuickTime movie with 30 seconds of intermittent gameplay here and there (COD, MOH, and Battlefield), or poisoned with anti-American, SJW BS (Far Cry, Wolfenstein: New Colossus, Spec Ops: The Line).

    The only worthwhile FPS game that came out in the last year is DOOM. DOOM, Pay Day 2, Killing Floor… those are fun for me.

    Other than that the FPS genre has ruined itself by trying to be more than what it was because it’s now become a genre created by and for snowflakes and other FPS haters who will never play the games.

    • it isn’t just FPS games doing that crap…. Racing games are going that way too look at the new Need For Speed games and The Crew. Online only just to play the story mode. Rainbow 6 Siege is like that too.

      • Wow, I had no idea about them doing that with racing games.

        Seems like the entire industry is being strangled by greedy people and stupid gamers who don’t know anything before the late Xbox 360 era.

        IMHO it all started going to crap when when COD Modern Warfare came out.

        I miss the early 2000’s when we had great games like Perfect Dark, Max Payne, Silent Hill and the like; and all you needed to do was beat the game and the only thing you had to do was maybe get a strategy guide. No DLC, no microtransactions, no pay to win, no online required, no lame uninspired rehashed stories.

        • They picked that crap (micro transactions pay to play) up from cellphone developers. The constant patches & updates they got from being lazy.

  12. I was in 7th grade when COD 2 launched and grew up playing Goldeneye on my N64. I have watched devs use online connectivity as a crutch via patches, and release less-polished games over the years. There were a few things about COD WW2 I liked. Surprised to finally see Germans carrying the PPSH, which was more common than you’d think on both western and eastern fronts. Cinematic graphics were gorgeous as well and the overall gritty tone was refreshing to see.

    I am saddened to see the current wave of SJW tyranny infiltrate the comp sci/gaming world. Nearly pissed myself laughing during multiplayer, when I saw a black female character model in German WW2 garb.

  13. Of course it sucks. Video game devs have realized that there is an emerging generation of gamers that have no clue of what the standards were of previous console generations. So devs can get away with loot boxes, day one 10gig patches and months long patch schedules. Also the dumbing down of games has made it to where even retards could beat a game on max difficulty.

  14. Two uncles and my father in law thought WW2 sucked, One uncle thought Korean war sucked. I thought Vietnam war sucked, and one son and stepson thought Iraqi war sucked. So we all thought they all sucked

  15. The newest game I have is GTA Episodes from Liberty City. I make car mods for GTAIV, so I’ve played the crap out of it. I got COD4 free with a graphics card that I bought years ago, and still play it from time to time. The one game I’ve played the most was an old Novalogic game called Joint Operations. Played that for hours for several years.

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The Truth About Guns provides news, reviews, and insights to help you stay informed on the latest trends in gun culture, legislation, and industry developments.