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Question of the Day: FIVE 9mm Handguns?

In the video above The Firearm Guy sounds a bit like Harvey Fierstein. I’m not sure what that has to do with anything, but there it is. More to the point, TFG recommends five “must have” 9mm handguns, for five different missions. He’s rasping on about a home defense gun, a truck gun, a precision gun, a budget handgun, a carry handgun and a show-off gun. If you have to beware of the man with one gun, this guy’s not him. I consider a GLOCK 19 or similar sufficient for everything, save wearing a suit (when you need a smaller carry gun) and showing-off (when you need a Wilson Combat 1911 or Smith & Wesson 686). The BBQ gun thing was number six, so it doesn’t count. How many handguns do you use?

125 thoughts on “Question of the Day: FIVE 9mm Handguns?”

  1. I misread the headline. Five NINE MILLIMETER handguns? That sounds like wearing three belts and two pairs of suspenders. How about NO 9mm handguns?

  2. All I need is my CZ SP-01 tactical. That covers precision, home defense, truck gun, and gun to show off, especially the multicam black it’s coated in.

    However, I do keep a the new Springfield XDG and the CZ-07 for carry. I swap them out when the fancy takes me.

    • Same here. The CZ SP-01 is pretty much the perfect pistol for the average user. Would love to get one engraved. Nothing fancy, just a bit tastefull engraving. Though that would be hard because I am in Norway and most engravers who won’t take my kidney aren’t in Norway.

    • No, no, no.

      A shadow for IDPA.
      A CTS or CzechMate for USPSA.
      An SP-01 for home defense.
      A P-01 for concealed carry.
      An older 75B to mount the Kadet kit on.
      And a Scorpion on order for awesome.

      Then there are the CZ rifles…

  3. I currently have 2 handguns. FNX 9mm for general all purpose – I use it in a league, it is my carry piece, it is my home defense gun.

    2nd handgun – is my Sig Mosquito .22; I like to carry that one for plinking or shooting small game if the opportunity presents.

    I do plan to add another handgun over the next year. I think my first AR is going to be my next firearm purchase though. The handgun can wait — handguns I’d like snub .357; or small 9mm such as m&p shield.

    • If you’re going to consolidate as much as possible, I’d say Glock 30S for a do-it-all pistol, and maybe a P239 for ultracompact CCW.

    • P250 gets my vote for that.

      Accurate (more accurate I am)
      Variable profile (you can take it from full sized to sub compact)
      Reliable (I have no idea how many rounds I’ve put through mine with zero failures)

      Magazines are EXPENSIVE
      DAO = second strike at the expense of a LOOOONG reset

  4. i own several hand guns just…well i don’t have a reason 🙂

    But i have always said IF i could only have one, it would be my glock 19.

  5. He’s described no more than 2 guns. A precise, show off, home defense gun, and a compact carry gun that will be in your truck when you’re in your truck if you’re carrying it on your person. Variety is the spice of life and all, but it’s not variety if they’re all 9mm. Get some shotguns.

    • I recommend two of caliber of choice in same gun of choice. One for training and one for carry. You can wear out the practice gun and keep your primary carry gun in top shape.

    • You raise a good point about the “truck” gun. I always thought of such a thing as an inexpensive rifle or shotgun kept in the vehicle for unforeseen emergency use. A handgun as a truck gun just doesn’t make much sense if you’re already carrying a handgun.

      • My wife’s Nano is in for warranty work so I loaned her my G19. Now my truck gun is my CMMG MK4. I appreciate the collapsible stock now. I have to leave my gun locked in the truck while I work anyway so losing the Glock isn’t that big a deal.

  6. If I were limited to a single gun, it’d be a mid-size 9mm semi-auto. If two, I’d add a single-stack pocket 9. For a third, I’d take a .357 revolver with a 4″ barrel. A fourth would be a 12 gauge shotgun. The fifth would be a bolt-action .22. I don’t have any ‘show-off’ guns, not do I want any.

    Trying to squeeze a 9mm into all those roles makes no sense to me.

    • No BBQ gun? That’s un-American. I carry a .380 (LCP) but am about to switch to an LC9/laser, and have a 3″ Kimber .45 as a car gun. Am making evil plans for BBQ gun and leather in hopes that TX will legalize OC this year.

  7. Really not sure what exactly I need a 9mm handgun to do that my Glock 19 can’t do. Really, really not sure. Even sub-MOA at 50 yards is possible with the right setup, and it will still be cheaper than a high-end 1911.

    • Your Glock 19 shoots sub 1/2 inch groups at 50 yards? Any chance you got pictures of those targets? Would love to see ’em.

    • I drink the G19 koolaid as being the optimally sized pistol, but man, I can’t get that kind of accuracy out of it. No expert or anything, but damn, 1/2″ at 50 yds? I’d be tickled pink with 1/2″ at 50′.

    • I’d really like to know what set up gives you a sub 1 inch group from a Glock 19. I’m not questioning the veracity if your claim. I’m really just interested. I’ve never found them to be particularly accurate guns, and maybe I’m just missing something.

  8. Other than the Shield/PPS/CM9 all of those handguns he listed were pretty much the same with maybe a a few hundred dollars spread in price. All duty/fullsize 4″ ish barrel, similar mag capacity, I guess you don’t want a tricked out H&K as a “Truck Gun”, but other than that this video is like doing a “5 cars you should own” video and 4 of them are a GMC, Chevy, Dodge, and Ford 150/1500 series trucks and the other is a Toyota Tacoma.

    A better video would have been, buy the Glock 19 it does everything you would need a 9mm handgun to do except for deep cover, and spend the rest of the money buying about 2-3 cases of FMJ (600ish) and maybe 500-1000 rounds of nice JHP ammo for carry (another 600ish). If you have money leftover buy yourself a real “Showoff Gun” not some generic pistol with a Homer’ed duracoat spray job that you call “custom”.

    • Yeah, that is one of my considerations, including thinking about Cimmarron’s offerings in cowboy guns and leather, any company that offers single action cowboy .45s in six different finishes is definitely working the BBQ circuit.

  9. All I have is my CZ75. I can’t afford to have half a dozen handguns lying around. I barely get to shoot the one I do have.

  10. Yeah I disagree with this. At most the average civilian who only cares about self defense only needs 2.
    3 at max.

    1. Home defense handgun. Should have a light & laser, ideally.
    2. EDC handgun. Most want it compact.
    3. If #2 is ugly, a dress handgun. Wood grips, no polymer, etc.

  11. Before the tragic boating accident wherein I lost all of my guns, I would have responded with about 8 to 12. Carry guns were swapped around depending on clothing choices, weather, activity, or whenever the fancy struck, but usually no more than 3 at a time. I usually took 4-8 to the range on any given occasion just for fun. Variety is the spice of life right?

    • You too? What a coincidence. I had a suppressed Glock in the night stand. Don’t want to scare the cats).
      Glock .40 cal for the car, Ruger GP100 .357 stainles. S&W .380 bodyguard for evening walks in the woods, a 1976 Ruger Police Service six my first gun bought in 1976 gave to my Dad and inherited it back when he died. I restored it with some 800 & 1000 grit sandpaper along with some S100 polishing soap, the same stuff I use on my stainless steel exhausts on the motorcycle. It looks better than when I bought it in ’76.
      I did my own trigger job on the .357 stainless GP100 last Sunday afternoon watching a YouTube video. Now it has a sweet, sweet trigger. I’m still amazed that I put it all back together and had no leftover parts.

  12. I spent years and years harping that the Glock 19 was the perfect *do everything* gun, but now I’m a little conflicted. I have to say that if the glock *had* to go, or the shield *had* to go, i would probably hand over the glock and keep the shield (no thumb safety).

    I have AR’s and shotguns for home defense, and that shield feels like a service pistol in a package that can be, after a stretch, pocketed, or carried openly in a drop leg/pancake holster. It fits so many rolls so well, and I believe that as a civilian carrying in a generally safe environment, the additional firepower the glock provides may be unnecessary. Also, since i carry the shield almost every day and the glock very rarely, why not trade it up for the 17? If it’s only gonna sit on the nightstand?

    Again, this is all in the context of only being able to own a single firearm, i see no reason not to have both.

    • 34 > 17 if you’re not looking at the practicality of carry. OWB, a 17 and 34 might as well be the same gun. hell, they have the same frame, RSA, etc.

    • What do you get from a G17 over the G19? 18 instead of 16 rounds? If you want capacity sitting on your night stand then just put a higher capacity magazine in the Glock 19. You do realize that the Glock 26, 19, 17 all hold a 50 round mag?

  13. S&W Model 36 for concealed carry with light clothing, H&K USP for concealed carry with heavier clothing or open carry.

    But I’m solidly in the category of man who only obtains “needs”. You’ll find very few “wants” in my home. The Model 36, which started life in 1956 as my Grandfather’s self defense pistol, might be retired of a proper .357 snubbie one day. But those plans aren’t even in the kitchen, let alone on the back burner.

  14. I’ve got 3 handguns – 2 9mm’s (1 for carry/everything, 1 for at-home/pretty/because I wanted it), and a .22 revolver. Not sure I need any other handguns, but I’ve got the basics covered at least.

  15. One for concealed carry.
    Once for winning bets at the range.

    The Mrs. has a concealed carry gun and a purse gun.

    Some of us live under laws that render impractical the concept of “truck guns” and open carry guns.

    The carry gun could be a BACKUP home defense gun, but it shouldn’t be your primary home defense gun.

    He who buys a gun to “show off” most likely doesn’t have actual marksmanship skills to otherwise impress people.

    • I probably have to ‘fess up to resembling that description. Old and weak, my eyes won’t focus on the sights any more, and my hands shake. Thus the ARs have optics (one EoTech, one red dot) and the new 9 has a laser, since distant vision is fine. Still can’t hold still enough for real groups, but can buy guns inlaid with gold and silver if I like, and matching leather. BBQ is for FUN! And 30 years ago I could outshoot you and six of your friends!

  16. Seems to me if you’re going to have multiples, they should tickle your funny bone in different ways. Say a carry gun, nightstand/range/OC gun, .22 plinker, and something in .44 mag to give you that nice warm tingly feeling in your soul.

  17. I actually prefer my G26. But since I’m not limited to one gun:

    G19 is my HD gun
    G26 CCW
    LCP for deep concealment (not 9mm, I know)

  18. I can say from some personal experience that a Walther PPS prints much less than a Glock 19 through a well-tailored suit, at least for strong-side carry in an IWB hybrid holster. That said, I carried a Browning BDM as an EDC when that’s all I could afford. The BDM would still be my EDC but for the fact that the backstrap has a horrible profile for those of us with less-than-beefy mitts.

  19. Ive got three 10mms- one for carry, one for practice, and one for post-incident backup. Remember folks, if you shoot an urban ‘yute the five-oh WILL confiscate the gun you used.

    The reason behind 10mm-im not a big fan of my practice ammunition being substantially different from my carry ammo, as is the case with 9mm and 9mm +p .1100 FPS factory practice ammo , 1100 FPS carry ammo.

  20. Just 3:

    Nightstand – Smith & Wesson M&P 45c
    Everyday Carry – Smith & Wesson M&P Shield 9mm
    Ultimate Conceal – Smith & Wesson M&P Bodyguard .380
    Show-Off – Smith & Wesson Model 586 – 357 Mag

    I just like S&W.

  21. Summer carry – S&W Shield
    Winter carry – Lionheart LH9
    Home Defense – Lionheart LH9 mk2 with light
    Bugout / Go to War / Sentimental – SIG P226 with 20 round mecgar mags

  22. Glock 19 for everything in my world, now I have a number of them all heavily customized but Glock 19’s all the same.

  23. Well asking the question of ‘why 5 handguns’ is kind of like asking ‘why do you have 5 wrenches’? Different jobs quire difference tools. That being said I have no idea why this guy thinks you MUST HAVE 5 9mms. Maybe I just never really caught the 9mm bug. There’s better rounds out there.

    • Yep. There’s better rounds out there.

      There are rounds that are more powerful, more expensive, generate more recoil with reduced magazine capacity.

      And there are rounds that are less powerful, less expensive, generate less recoil with increased magazine capacity.

      Take yer pick.

      • Well that’s exactly what it is really. Personal preference.

        In my case I’m built like a tank, so the recoil and extra weight of the gun doesn’t bother me. For me it’s more important to make each hit count. That’s why I’m all about the .40/10mm. The add bonus is that even though I’ll have less round in the mag each hit will count for a hell of a lot more. Hit a attacker with a non critical hit with a 9mm they might still have enough fight in them to keep coming after you. Hit them with something with a lot more knock down power and that chance of the fight continuing drops rapidly, even with non-critical hits.

  24. What I carry depends on several factors. Suit = Seecamp 380, Jogging = Ruger LCP, Jeans + Tee shirt = Browning HP. Then there are a few others that I carry for no specific reason other than I like them….my Walther PPK is a good example of this.

    I think we often spend too much time discussing what guns we “need” as opposed to those we simply “want.” I’d say the vast majority of gun purchases fall into the “want” category. To me, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. More guns = more fun.

  25. Harvey Fierstein’s categories sound like post-facto justification. I guess I do this too, but my categories keep changing based on what I would like to try next. When I trade out for the next shiny object, the categories change. For example, if I decided to buy a 1911, what would be the reason for that?

    • Emptying your wallet even quicker?

      Practicing your stoppage-clearing drills?

      Getting to know your local gunsmith better?

      Giving-in to misguided peer pressure?

  26. Glock 19 Gen4 for home, M&P 9 Shield for conceal-carry…and when Texas gets open-carry, a Wilson Combat 92G for show 🙂

  27. Current rotation:

    G27 – EDC / Court Details

    G23 – EDC / Security details / Court Details / metallic silhouette / informal competition

    Smith 340PD – Summer / deep CCW / callous remover

    G35 – Security details / Metalic silhouette / informal competition

    Smith 4006 – Backup duty gun / safe queen

    Smith 4006 TSW – Uniformed duty gun / Uniformed competition / boat anchor

    Sig 227 – Back up HD / Wife’s gun

    Ruger 22/45 – Practice / plinking

    Ruger Bisley .44 – handgun hunting

    Smith 460 8 3/8″ – handgun hunting / signal flare / show off / knuckle hair burner

    I have spare G23s and 35s due to their low cost and magazine compatibility. I’d love to add a Sig 226, a good 1911, an M&P shield, and a bunch of others to the rotation. Maybe a CZ or FNS, or Sig 2022. The 9mm is a great caliber I just don’t have one yet.

  28. Ruger SR40 for the home
    Ruger LCP/Sig P238 for light carry
    Kahr CM9 for deep concealment
    Glock G19 when only a double stack nine will do.

  29. Glock 19 (EDC)
    Glock 42 (Pocket carry when situation precludes Glock 19 appendix carry)
    Smith and Wesson TRR8 (post-destruction of civilization gun)

  30. And with the Ruger SR9c, I get a precise shooter, concealable, plenty of capacity, and a rail (in case I *must* have a mounted light), all for around $400. I couldn’t care less about the “sexy” factor. I have two: one is EDC/home defense, and the other is for travel.

  31. Sheild Carry
    XD 40 Bed side HD, but recently badly injured my only hand so substituting the less recoil M&P Full size 9 for now. Less power but 4 more rounds.

    The other five or so short guns are for amusement

  32. Since I actually read the post “5 9mm handguns”…

    CZ 75b – EDC, home defense, competition, accuracy, BBQ gun (satin nickel finish – custom grips)
    M&P Shield – lighter clothing carry
    Kahr CW9 – really light clothing carry
    Canick Shark – truck gun

  33. Covered for all needs except for a show-off gun. For that, I’d really like a performance center 625.

  34. When I carried it was an XD40sc. If I ever get to carry again (stupid California) this is my list

    1. SP-101, with full house .357 magnum when hikng, in the woods.

    2. XD-40sc has become my trunk gun already

    3. LCR357 was a back up carry

    4. XDs .45 for city carry when I need something small

    5. Haven’t decided on a bigger, high capacity carry gun when clothing allows.

    6. SR-45 is current home defense gun

  35. I am actually planning on having a number of 9mm handguns in my stock.

    M&P Bodyguard* for exercising outdoors/super slim carry
    M&P Shield when the 9c is to big and the Bodyguard is to small
    M&P 9c for daily CC
    M&P 9 for OC, because if hiding it isn’t an issue then go full size
    M&P 9 with light for in the night stand

    Why all M&P 9 variants? Because the manual of arms is the same so no matter which one I pick up for whatever reason the muscle memory is the same.

    *No one said it had to be 9mmx19!

    • I have darn near the same setup, except that I go with the long slide version of the M&P instead of the regular full size and I sub a Kahr P380 for the Bodyguard because I just can’t stand that trigger.

  36. I currently own one handgun, I’ll eventually add more to the collection.

    1. HK P30L – The one I currently own. It’s my preciousssss.
    2. Walther P99 – Love that DA/SA trigger. James Bond…’nuff said.
    3. Glock 17 – Loaner handgun; when I take someone to the range with me, that’s the gun they get to shoot.
    4. SIG Sauer P226 – Always wanted a SIG.
    5. Beretta 92A1 – Another fun gun.

    Living in Canada, home defence and concealed carry is effectively illegal for us mere mortals. Also, magazine capacity is limited to 10 rounds and barrels have to be longer than 4.13″. So yeah, the handguns will only be used at the range.

  37. To me a “truck gun” is a long gun, if your in trouble and can get to your car, GTFO. If it’s bad enough you can’t, you probably want a long gun anyway.

    Any decent polymer pistol can withstand inclement weather and who drops the gun they’re carrying? That will probably get you in trouble.

  38. I have 4 9mm handguns.

    G19 for everyday
    G17 to leave in the safe for the MRS while I’m away. Sometimes for carry until I remember the grip makes it uncomfortable to carry for a desk job.
    G34 for competition
    M&P 9c for the Mrs. for when she gets froggy and want’s to leave the house toting a heater.

    Really, I’d be OK with just the G34 and G19. I guess I can use the G17 for GSSF matches if I ever want to take a stab at winning another GLOCK. Maybe a 35 if I ever start shooting USPSA Limited…? G41 for CDP in IDPA? G30s for carry if I start shooting a G41 for IDPA?

  39. Lots of choices in my safe but in most common use:

    Uniform duty – Springfield Mil Spec 1911 .45ACP
    Class C uniform/off duty/winter concealed carry – Kimber Ultra Carry (officers model frame) 1911 .45ACP
    Off duty/hot weather concealed carry – Smith 640 .357 or Charter Arms Bulldog .44 special
    Deep concealed carry – Ruger LCP
    Nightstand – Rock Island 1911
    Hunter – Ruger Super Redhawk 8″ barrel .44 magnum
    Plinker – Browning Buckmark .22
    Safe queen, plinker, and carry if everything else goes away – Smith 686 4″ barrel – my first duty piece
    BBQ gun – Uberti Cattleman .with case hardened frame in .357 riding in a tooled leather cowboy rig

    • That Ruger Super Redhawk 8″ barrel .44 magnum seems like an awesome gun. Never even seen one in person, but it’s in the back of my head whenever I think about new guns to buy. I have precisely zero practical requirement for one, though. So it would definitely be my “because guns” gun.

      • I reload and once heard somebody say that you couldn’t put enough powder in a .44 mag case to blow up a Super Redhawk. I don’t know if that’s true, but I really like mine. It is big and heavy and looks a little clunky, but its strong, accurate, and a high quality American made pistol. You could do lots worse.

  40. I disagree with the premise. I can agree with several handguns in the must have sense, but who’s to say they must all be nine mil? G26 is one of my EDC, but a TCP in .380 is my other, as I carry both daily. The Taurus was easy on the back pocket at the register, and easy on the back pocket as I carry it. I didn’t see at the time a 9 that offered both.

    For home defense, my go to gun should a window get smashed is my KRISS Vector. I don’t always double tap insane, meth head home invaders in the face with .45ACP, but when I do, I prefer my KRISS Vector.

    I guess I don’t do truck or BBQ guns.

  41. A subcompact may be his carry gun but a compact is the optimal size. I recently started carrying in church because there is a guy who I know carries and if there is only one guy in the room armed it’s going to be me. I carry my XD/m compact under my suit coat and neither he nor anyone else is any wiser. I am pretty sure I can carry a full sized and get away with it too with a Blackhawk Check Six holster. There are only a few situations where a subcompact is the only way to carry. Why give up capacity if you don’t need to.

  42. Standard carry: Springfield Milspec or Browning HP
    Dress Carry: XD/m compact 9 but I did order a check six for a Commander/HP
    Summer casual carry: XD/m compact 9
    Back country carry: RIA Commander in 10
    Golf carry: Nano
    Commuter carry: Nano
    What ever I have out of the safe is on my bedstand.

    Don’t have a truck

  43. home defense gun – CZ 75
    car gun – CZ 75
    precision gun – CZ 75
    budget handgun – CZ 75
    carry handgun – CZ 75
    show-off gun – CZ 75

    Thank you; drive through.

  44. Usually have a .45 on the hip, a 9mm in a concealed under armpit holster, and a .22 mag NAA in a pocket holster.I also have a whole host of C&R guns and some guns I used to carry but switched out. I only sell guns I hate or when I am in extreme financial distress, so I have a bunch of others I don’t shoot often.

  45. Lol I remember seeing some guy post a video on YouTube about how he conceals two .50 desert eagles in shoulder holsters. His logic was that the weight balanced better with two otherwise the rig would pull too much to one side. I don’t know why I thought of this now.

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