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Question of the Day: Ready for Ebola?

Ebola suit (courtesy

“In truth, almost nobody is America is prepared for an Ebola outbreak — not the people, not the hospitals, not the grocery stores and certainly not the government,” reports. “Even a small, local Ebola outbreak would result in a mandatory lock down of people in their own homes. The government’s phrase for this is ‘shelter in place,’ and it was invoked at gunpoint during the Boston Marathon bombings. The problem with all this is that the very minute the public gets word of Ebola spreading in America, people will launch into panic buying of everything you can imagine: gasoline and fuel, water, storable foods, chemical sanitizers, ammunition, firearms and so on. Think ‘zombie apocalypse’ and you’ll get the idea.” Thinking about guns and ammo here. Are you ready?

108 thoughts on “Question of the Day: Ready for Ebola?”

  1. Since you start bleeding from orifices very quickly after Ebola is contagious, and it requires direct contact with said fluids for transmission, just avoid rolling around in the bloody goop of the ill and you’ll stay healthy.

    Ebola is a headline-grabbing, click-making keyword for a headline. It is NOT an epidemic hazard in a country with modern healthcare infrastructure such as the U.S.

    • This. So many times this. Most of the reasons Ebola is spreading in Africa is shoddy medical practices, a population that mistrusts modern medicine, and poor sanitation. A first world country like America would never have problems on the scale we are seeing in Africa.

      • “A first world country like America would never have problems on the scale”

        I always try to avoid saying things like this.. they tend to come back to bite.

        • Good instinct. “Aways” and “never”; good words to always avoid, so you never look like a fool. 🙂

          And I and my family are as ready as we can be.

      • Uh, yea, about that:

        If our country were being run by first-world leadership right now, I might be inclined to agree.

        Since we’re being run by shoddy, third-world tribal political leadership from Chicago right now, I’d be circumspect about slinging around such assertions as “A first world country like America would never have problems on the scale we are seeing in Africa…”

    • That’s not exactly true. Ebola can take as long as three weeks until symptoms are evident. Until it does present for what it is, you’re an invisible carrier whose every sneeze, cough, and drop of sweat, spit & blood is a death sentence for anyone who happens to come in contact with it.

      • False. Ebola is not transmitted through aerosolization such as via sneeze, cough, etc. Also, how often are you coming in contact with someones blood, vomit, and other bodily fluids? Im going to bet the answer to that is rarely to never.

        • A glopy, productive cough into a hand, and then grabbing a doorknob WILL contaminate the doorknob, although for how long is still under discussion/study. Personally, I don’t want to participate in that study.

        • DJ9, a glob of mucous on a latent surface is different from aerosolised particles from a cough or sneeze being directly inhaled. From all the studies I have read, once the contamination has dried on a surface, the virus can persist anywhere from 20 hours to several days. But then once you touch the contaminated surface, you would have to either have an open wound where you touched or transfer it to your mouth/nose, and even then it’s still pretty unlikely you would become infected. Even all this is theory, as no recorded cases of Ebola have been shown to be because of contact with a contaminated surface.

        • If only that were true. Read more.

          CDC defines casual contact as shaking hands. Notes that exposure of family members or care givers within three feet to room distance are exposed. Is it airborne?

          1 Casual contact is defined as a) being within approximately 3 feet (1 meter) or within the room or care area for a prolonged period of time (e.g., healthcare personnel, household members) while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment (i.e., droplet and contact precautions–see Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations); or b) having direct brief contact (e.g., shaking hands) with an EVD case while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment (i.e., droplet and contact precautions–see Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations). At this time, brief interactions, such as walking by a person or moving through a hospital, do not constitute casual contact.

          Public Health Agency of Canada strongly suspects it’s airborne between humans. As had been demonstrated in animal primate tests.

          INFECTIOUS DOSE: 1 – 10 aerosolized organisms are sufficient to cause infection in humans (21).

          In the laboratory, infection through small-particle aerosols has been demonstrated in primates, and airborne spread among humans is strongly suspected, although it has not yet been conclusively demonstrated (1, 6, 13).

          CDC tells airline crews not to use compressed air cleaning as it can put infectious particulates in air.

          Do not use compressed air, which might spread infectious material through the air.

      • James is correct, in that sneezes and coughing will usually produce distinct larger droplets of secretions vs microscopic droplets produced by normal breathing. I will not include any links, as putting links in a post here will often send the post into the Moderation queue, but here is some info that is easily found/confirmed online:

        “Ebola then spreads in the community through human-to-human transmission, with infection resulting from direct contact (through broken skin or mucous membranes) with the blood, secretions, organs or other bodily fluids of infected people, and indirect contact with environments contaminated with such fluids. … Men who have recovered from the disease can still transmit the virus through their semen for up to 7 weeks after recovery from illness.”

        “After four to six days on average, symptoms of Ebola can begin. The period between the transmission of the virus and the start of Ebola symptoms is called the Ebola incubation period. The Ebola incubation period can be as short as 2 days or as long as 21 days. Even if a person exhibits no signs or symptoms of Ebola, he or she can still spread the virus during the Ebola incubation period. Once Ebola virus symptoms begin, the person can remain contagious for about three more weeks.”

      • There are tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions, of people living in the areas where ebola infections have occurred. There is a reason that fewer than 2000 have been infected so far. There have been cases in densely populated cities with tens of millions of residents. All of this is occurring a relatively short flight away from Europe, among populations that regularly immigrate, legally and illegally, to Europe. To catch ebola requires significant exposure to the fluids of an infected person immediately after those fluids leave the body.

        The infected have been overwhelmingly healthcare workers and care providers, sexual partners of other victims, and people from the bush whose cultural beliefs and practices basically guarantee that they will get decimated by a plague of one kind or another every decade or so. On the other hand, there have been infected people removed from airplanes, but the other passengers were not infected (unless they were in contact with bodily fluids).

    • It has been proven to be able to be transmitted across the air barrier, but they aren’t going to trumpet that to you in the “news.”

      It’s airborne now. Patients are able to infect others for up to 21 days before they themselves present with symptoms.

      Transmitted by bodily fluids you say? Go watch a slow motion video of a sneeze and the resultant cloud of mucus droplets that is released into a room. That’s all that it takes.

      In Africa they are warning relatives not to wash the bodies of the deceased and to refrain from the custom of kissing the corpse at the funeral. The pathogen can live outside of the host after death. People have been getting infected this way.

      It can also live attached to a man’s sperm for 60-90 days after the patient has recovered, those that live that is. Therefore it can of course be spread by sexual contact.

      All the screening at points on entry into the US is useless. Infected patients, with no symptoms yet, will not appear sick and come on in the country. Why we have not shutdown all air routes to west Africa is beyond irresponsible.

      The head of the CDC testified last week that the entry and spread of it into the country is inevitable. I would normally disagree, but as the CDC and guv refuse to take reasonable precautions, then yeah, it’s inevitable.

    • Exactly… People aren’t talking much about Ebola here in the US because our lifestyle and hygiene practice make it hard if not impossible to have an “outbreak” type moment. Ebola and othe epidemic diseases like this spread so vastly in poor countries like rural Africa because of a number of factors that just don’t exist here. The obvious one is simple personal hygiene, access to simple things like clean running water, Lysol and other disinfectant items, clean hospitals, and even the way we treat dead bodies. You can’t just get it because a person coughs on you (unless that cough is blood) and I’m going to guess if someone coughs/vomits blood on you your first stop will be the bathroom to Clorox your face and then to the doctor to make sure the blood coughing person didn’t just give you aids or hep or whatever.

      People trying to act like we are seeing patient zero in the zombie apocalypse are just histeria mongering.

      • The American doctor they brought back here was infected while in close contact with the infected despite using personal protective gear, isolation protocols, decontamination procedures and having advanced medical knowledge and experience treating it. A number of other medical staff were and continue to be infected.

        So either they completely ignored all safety protocols for treatment of infected patients or one of the strains, and there are more than one, is much more highly infectious than we are being led to believe.

        The female American aid worker they brought back reportedly had no contact with patients.

        I’m not saying have a freak out.

        I’m saying that I believe it’s a lot more contagious than is being actively reported at this time.

        I can understand why they would choose to try to keep things under wraps.

        Oh and BTW, sweat is listed as a bodily fluid that can transmit it, so yeah, you can kind of just get it through casual contact. Note the special cleaning procedures the CDC has issued to airline ground and cleaning crews. Relatives in Africa are contracting it during preparation of the deceased for funerals.

        • This. Exactly this. If contracting it is neigh to impossible for informed and healthy Westerners, how did this doctor contract it? Was he wallowing in patients blood and vomit? Would this trained professional drink local, probably contaminated water instead of bottled water? I’m not saying freak out either, and I honestly doubt such a disease would go epidemic here, but what we’re being told simply doesn’t add up.

        • That was my realization when watching the news reports that contradict themselves.

          On one hand they say it’s not easily transmitted, then they tell us trained Western healthcare workers with latex gloves, face shields and covered gowns are getting infected. Which is it ? – make your minds up reporters!

      • By the way, they amended an executive order a couple weeks ago that allows for the forced quarantine of a person with just about any respiratory illness except influenza.

        Ebola starts with flu like symptoms.

        Coincidence I’m sure.


        “(b) Severe acute respiratory syndromes, which are diseases that are associated with fever and signs and symptoms of pneumonia or other respiratory illness, are capable of being transmitted from person to person, and that either are causing, or have the potential to cause, a pandemic, or, upon infection, are highly likely to cause mortality or serious morbidity if not properly controlled. This subsection does not apply to influenza.”

    • “Public Health Agency of Canada (
      UPDATED: August 2010.
      PREPARED BY: Pathogen Regulation Directorate, Public Health Agency of Canada.
      MODE OF TRANSMISSION: In an outbreak, it is hypothesized that the first patient becomes infected as a result of contact with an infected animal (15). Person-to-person transmission occurs via close personal contact with an infected individual or their body fluids during the late stages of infection or after death (1, 2, 15, 27). Nosocomial infections can occur through contact with infected body fluids due to the reuse of unsterilized syringes, needles, or other medical equipment contaminated with these fluids (1, 2). Humans may be infected by handling sick or dead non-human primates and are also at risk when handling the bodies of deceased humans in preparation for funerals, suggesting possible transmission through aerosol droplets (2, 6, 28).

      In the laboratory, infection through small-particle aerosols has been demonstrated in primates, and airborne spread among humans is strongly suspected, although it has not yet been conclusively demonstrated (1, 6, 13). The importance of this route of transmission is not clear. Poor hygienic conditions can aid the spread of the virus (6).”

      Read that last paragraph again, and then tell me we have nothing to worry about.

    • Although the AI has now turned its collective ‘wisdom’ to events in Ferguson, MO, I did manage to see a headline that patient #1 is being discharged today and going home. Alive. And I am shocked – SHOCKED, I say – that Atlanta has not turned into a scene from The Walking Dead with wandering mobs of hemorrhagic soon-to-be-corpses traveling the streets, spewing their infected fluids into the faces and mouths of innocents everywhere, presaging the end days.


      This one was easy: Ebola is not a risk to the United States. Hard to believe clickbait like this generated 106 responses (thus far).

  2. Yup.

    And the Ebola threat is vastly over hyped. It really isn’t that threatening to a first world country.

  3. I was super excited 2 months ago, getting an invite for a lion and Buff hunt in Burkina Faso, Africa next January.
    I’m having serious second thoughts. I think I’m going to pass.

  4. pssh, it’s not like there’s a porous border for people from Ebola ravaged countries to come through…wait, well, it’s not like they’re deliberately bringing people into the country who have Ebola…damn. Hold on, I’ll work this out…

    • Not to worry. We have a decisive, competent president who will defend our southern border…aw, damn…

  5. Meanwhile, 300+ people a week die horribly in car wrecks nationwide.

    Good to know our press has their priorities straight.

    • Make that 700+ a week…

      But 10 accidental gun deaths/wk is “an epidemic” per the MSM.

  6. now those preppers don’t look so insane…
    well as CGinTX say’s don’t kiss the dead and the risks go way down

    • I’m a lot less concerned with Ebola than the hysteria that would accompany an outbreak. I think that’s the point RF is making, even a mild outbreak accompanied with media-induced panic and you could have some bad situations on your hands.

      • This.

        The shelves clear out when a blizzard is expected and people think they will be snowed in for two days.

        Doesn’t take a genius to predict the freak out people will have once it “inevitably” spreads here. To quote the CDC.

        But don’t worry they say. No problem they say. We got this handled they say. Oke-Doke.

        • I hope my cynicism is forgiven, but I don’t have a lot of faith that the same organization that stored anthrax and smallpox in ziploc baggies will be able to contain a potentially lethal virus if it gets into the general population.

      • “I’m a lot less concerned with Ebola than the hysteria that would accompany an outbreak.”

        Seconded. Even under the best of circumstances, humans are “stupid, panicky animals.” Most don’t even think of prepping, stay happily dumb, then panic all at once choking-off available services.

        And as far-fetched as it is, forget Ebola. We have everything from weather to potential financial collapse to thug riots to worry about.

        Personally, I took the Ebolathon, the the St. Louis thug riots and the janky weather as good reminders to fill up the gas tank and rotate my prep supplies. I’m ready, so I don’t need to panic.

  7. Wear gloves and a mask. Double tap if people get up in your grill.

    Or do like me – put shannon to work gathering fire wood and water. 🙂

    • Go for the N100s and plenty of them. A few dozen disposable Tyvek suits wouldn’t hurt, either. And how much food and water do you have on hand? Without going to the market. Without leaving the house.

  8. Contact with the Ebola virus seems to be a requirement for infection — such as might occur from the cough of an infected person that delivers a spray of sputum and virus.

    “Can’t happen here” you say? Famous last words.

  9. Bummer. From the picture, I thought this was going to be news on “Breaking Bad 2: Breaking Badder”. Or is it “Electric Boogaloo”?

  10. Could happen, but I imagine local towns will develop quarantines.
    If you don’t live in a big city, contamination would probably be slow and predictable.

    • Quarantines? Perhaps. But do not forget that quarantines were verboten with AIDS, might make the poor babies feel bad. Probably cost a million lives, but don’t we feel better?

      • As a child in 80’s I remember AIDS, everyone was terrified. That Ryan White kid was a real life horror story for a 8 year old. As a little kid I asked my teacher why they don’t just round these walking plagues up and put them on an island? She said that would be wrong, these people were sick. I then asked her about the Leper Colonies which she had just talked about a few days earlier in history class was about saving lives and preventing the spread of a terrible disease. She sent me to the office for being a smart ass.

        Guess what? As an adult I still think the same thing. One thing that I still wonder about is why didn’t they quarantine these people with AIDS? My only answer is a question: How much money do pharmaceutical companies make selling their drugs to those infected with AIDS? I bet Ebola could bring in some serious dough after “someone” brought it into the country. A panic would be bad for joe citizen, not for the large companies making food, bottled drinks, and medications. Just think of what the panic did for large gun and ammo makers, the only losers were the public and small shops.

        I’ll say one thing for sure, no way in hell would I live in an extra large city. That’s the place where these kind of things start because of overpopulation, large boat docks, and large airports.

        • One of the reasons why the AIDS issue was so over-hyped was the gay community was trying to paint it as “not just our disease,” so that more people would care about it and fork over money “for the cure.”

          The truth is much more brutal. Most hetero people will not have anonymous sex with hundreds of people in one weekend at a bathhouse in San Francisco. Just won’t happen. I don’t care if you’re a NBA star, you’re not going to get high on meth and do 200+ women in one weekend.

          And that’s why AIDS never broke out into the heterosexual population. The gay community didn’t want to admit that their lifestyle isn’t normal for the vast majority of the population.

    • Yeah why worry right? I’m sure the authorities have a plan and will take care of everything. No problem.

    • And if you do live in a big city, figure on riots, looting, burning the hospitals, shooting at the FD and cops, and every other happy celebration by those who have 2 days of food and water in their homes – with no knowledge or method of cooking anything that cannot be popped in a microwave. Can you say “1992 LA Riots on Steroids”, boys and girls?

  11. Natural News is the epitome of yellow journalism. They are always twisting the facts to make something sound like the sky is falling.

    As for ebola, unless it starts getting transmitted by air, it is NOTHING to worry about. I’m much more concerned with the cholesterol of all the OFWG I know.

  12. Don’t forget the worldwide pandemic nobody talks about. Not Alex Jones not Glenn Beck. It has been going on for years and there is 100% mortality. There is no known cure. It is the dreaded Natural Causes….

  13. I feel ANOTHER Zombie MEME coming on
    Dear Lord when will the easily distracted get their collective head out of their collective arses?
    Keep in mind that Obama has an Dept of Propaganda attached to the WH Staff
    Look what’s happening on the Border, ignore whats happening in Africa and what Milly Cyrus is doing in the back seat of her car for 10 minutes

    • Good call – forget the bright shiney objects and squirrels; keep your eye on the (dropped) ball.

      (And I was so looking forward to the Zombie Apocalypse.)

    • Yes, the drive-by media would MUCH rather focus on a shiny passing “crisis” than delve into the abuses of power and shredding of the Constitution committed by BHO.

      Abuses and shredding that, by comparison, make Nixon look like a Boy Scout.

    • Also people should pay attention to what goes on in thier own hometown after dark. Definitely some disturbing things that didn’t happen a few years ago…

  14. I could see how it could spread. How many people do you see walking out of the bathroom and they did not wash their hands on the way out. Then they head right to eating or shoving their hands in their mouthes.

    • That and the fact that it is spread by contact with bodily fluids (urine, sweat, semen, feces, and vomit). Who cleans up those fluids? Low paid, minimum wage, low skilled employees. Are many of them going to be thorough in their cleaning? If any of them get ill with the disease are they going to take (possibly unpaid) time off work and risk a drop in income?

      • Those are the very same people that make our food in MacDonald’s, Burger King, Pizza Hut, KFC, Taco Bell, and every rest stop on every interstate in the USA.

  15. To those saying “this couldn’t happen here” I’d just point out that a number of those infected have been western trained medical personal. Consider that the first two to get infected in Nigeria were the doctor and doctor’s assistant of an infected traveler in a hospital in the nation’s largest city. They may not be as advanced as here but we’re not talking dirt floors and rivers to wash up in.

  16. Gee I’m so glad a lot of you use words like can’t & never. Influenza killed way more folks in 1918-19 than WW1. I had 2 uncles over there you got it & never saw combat. AND there was no cure-kinda’ like Ebola…

  17. Given what they have been talking about with the stream of people coming across the border, drug resistant strains of TB are more likely than Ebola.

    I am not a prepper, but after storm sandy I made sure I had a month or more worth of provisions. I also started reloading, I have enough brass, powder and primers to keep me for at least 1yr.

    People will always panic, there is nothing you can do. At the hint of snow the shelves still go bare although snow removal equipment will get you back on the road in a day or two. At the outbreak of the first gulf war, there were those who had survived WWII that went on massive shopping sprees for no reason. While a natural disaster can strike at anytime, IMHO there is a limit at which you can prepare.

    • I think 30 days of food and water is a good point to be at. Most problems, except for maybe Katrina, last about two weeks until things start getting back to normal. A month at least gives you options to figure out what to do next while everyone else is panicking.

      • Without having to go stand in line at a store (close to other possibly infected folks) or report to a shelter to get enough food to stay alive.

        It’s all about options. Get some, or expand the ones you’ve got.

    • On Sept. 11, 2001, when my boss in NJ sent all employees home at noon, I stopped at 6 different stores on the way home buying canned meat, rice, beans, and ammo. At 1:45 Pm that afternoon, roughly 6 hours after the attack in NYC, I was 14th in line to get ammo at the local Walmart in Stroudsburg, PA. The sales clerk asked each of us why we were buying ammo, and everyone of us replied that we were sighting in our rifles and handguns for hunting season. And each of us bought a couple of hundred rounds. I obviously had no idea how bad it was going to get, and every store I passed by on my way home, I stopped because I got to thinking that my family could use a little more food. I totally see the same thing happening here in the USA the MOMENT that ebola pops up anywhere unexpected. Back on 9-11, the local, state and federal governments were openly discussing closing all the bridges & tunnels in New York City, and those that crossed the Delaware river. Thankfully it didn’t happen, but I am sure that since then, the Dept of Homeland Comedy has such plans all up and ready to implement in an hour’s notice from our fearless leadership in Wash. D.C. who will all be in 4 star accommodations underground with 5 years of supplies.

  18. The rise in new types of antibiotic-resistant bacteria that are festering in hospitals around the country due to the overuse of antibiotics over the last few decades is much more of a threat, I think. More so because the general population and the greater amount of the federal government don’t seem to be too concerned about it and over-prescribing still continues. But the CDC is worried bigtime:

  19. And thanks to Bill Gates (Microsoft) now owns and runs a BIO-WEAPONS secret lab to make the stuff that will kill the 80 % of people he wants… When will we learn ??? NEVER ???

  20. It strikes me it is very like the situation with the safety on a 1911. In my opinion there is no finer design for a safety system on a semi automatic handgun and in my experience it is just not possible to get an accidental discharge with the safety on. So how exactly does this relate to importing the Ebola virus into the US? Easy, there is no circumstance on Earth where design notwithstanding I would entertain the idea of aiming at center body mass of a non attacker to ‘prove’ the utility of the safety, that would be imbecilic, ham brained, useless. It doesn’t matter if it works 1 billion times consecutively, you just don’t take that chance. Similarly with Ebola. It isn’t a question of how great the facility is, it’s more like why risk exposure to perhaps millions for 2? The first rule of life saving is you, the life saver, comes back whatever happens to the victim.

    Another dimension I have not heard discussed or even considered is the issue of the waste products. These people are being treated and apparently responding which is better than the opposite. OK, but all the while the urine, feces, and any mucous they produce is about as bad a bio hazard as you can get and it would seem to be a truism that the only slender difference between bio hazard and bio weapon is the hand that holds it at any given moment. For my part I don’t really care how great the air ambulance, the staff,and the hospital are it or what other ugly drug resistant diseases are also out there it is rock stupid to import infectuous fatal disease into a country and essentially hemisphere which doesn’t have it.

    • You realize the CDC has had the Ebola Virus and others of very nasty viruses in the US for decades now, that is how they were able to make the experimental treatments.

      • Correct.

        But what they haven’t had are live patients, with current infections, on US soil and in a US controlled facility. Why would they want to do that?

        Go google search for Ebola vaccine and start reading. Every one of the big pharma companies is in a race to make money off of it. I don’t have a problem with that. Capitalism brings progress.

        But, of note is that the two Americans brought back here were given an experimental treatment under an exception granted by the FDA. And now the scientists get to observe the rats in their lab.

        But my own pet theory is that the strain has changed and is much more contagious than previous outbreaks, such that the CDC is so alarmed that it would take the unprecedented step of bringing live carriers out of the hot zone and back to the US for study and testing of treatments.

  21. “Even a small, local Ebola outbreak would result in a mandatory lock down of people in their own homes. The government’s phrase for this is ‘shelter in place,’ and it was invoked at gunpoint during the Boston Marathon bombings. Opportunities abound for government deprivation of individual liberties and rights. I can see shelter in place quarantines now. Of course all sorts of unlawful searches for people to check the status of the disease at large.

  22. I say bring it on. Odds are it will kill those in our population that practiced poor hygiene anyway, kill off some excess, unproductive and lazy in our population. The strong will survive. It may turn out in the long run to be a good thing for the nation. I am only partially sarcastic here.

    • I don’t know about that. It seems to me that people who spend all day out in public working for a living would be under greater threat than people sitting home on welfare or whatever.

  23. Because people like Jenny MacCarthy and crazy medicine hating people arent in the US to cause problems.

    • The village witch doctor is always right, eh? After all, they have white lab coats and clipboards.


    For people who didn’t know, Ebola has made its way to the United States multiple times in the past. But most people probably didn’t hear about. As for how dangerous it is, look at the death tolls this has recorded in the last 4 decades. Well less than 4000 people in 4 decades. For a site that often complains about the medias portrayal of gun dangers, then does the same thing with this, you think they would see hypocrisy.

    • The media frenzy is yet another statist power trap, designed to gin up fear and have the public look to the government to “keep us safe.”

      Meanwhile, the answers that we should be getting, we’re not.

      Fast and Furious

    • Were you not a Scout? “Be prepared” and all that? Or living in an earthquake or hurricane zone? What’s funny about being “prepared”?

  25. Robert, I really like you and the other contributors to this site and everything that you guys do for gun rights, so please listen when I ask that you do yourself and your readers a favor and stay away from Natural News. That idiot (Mike Adams) and his cohorts (such as Alex Jones) spew virtually every conspiracy and pseudoscientific “theory” that you can possibly think of (so much so, I’m genuinely surprised that I haven’t heard him claim either that ebola doesn’t exist or that this outbreak was started by the government), and they’re an extreme embarrassment to both gun rights and libertarianism: *

    *For the record, I’m very critical of C0nc0dance’s videos on gun control (I know that he’s smarter than that, I don’t know what his deal was there), but he’s absolutely right in most of of his other videos that I’ve seen so far.

      • Certain components of it are. But then, certain components of conservatism and libertarianism also are I’d say. All three hold certain views that make me think they must be messed up in the head.

  26. Ebola’s not too much of a big deal epidemic wise. I’d be a little
    more concerned if the african aid workers were brought back
    with one of the nastier forms of encephalitis or hemorrhagic
    fevers that crop up now and again.

    On the other hand, I’m a lot more concerned about the number
    of confirmed cases of Tuberculosis found in many of the
    illegal aliens streaming over the border. Considering that large
    numbers are keep in cramped holding camps until processed,
    I suspect we’ll see an outbreak of TB in the southwest before
    to long.

  27. I love Americans sometimes. Before this ebola thing, all you’d hear is “Look at this starving African kid, give me money to feed him” and all manner of charity work for Africa.

    Now we bring a few diseased people here to work out a cure and that tune changes to, “Well f*ck them n***ers, they can rot in Africa.”

  28. It doesn’t matter why you prep, Ebola, zombies, aliens, the purge… The basic preps should be done by all those who can afford it.. And if u can’t afford it, do it 1 dollar at a time

  29. Can anyone tell me why I cant bring packaged food back from vacation and yet you can transport a known ebola infected person into the States?

  30. Though in fact nobody is prepared for Ebola the last 4 sentences of the article are simply fearmongering.

  31. UPDATE: “Ebola Epidemic Most Likely Much Larger Than Reported, W.H.O. Says”

    “West Africa’s deadly Ebola epidemic is probably much worse than the world realizes, with health centers on the front lines warning that the actual numbers of deaths and illnesses are significantly higher than the official estimates, the World Health Organization said.”

    “So far, 2,127 cases of the disease and 1,145 deaths have been reported in four nations — Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone — the W.H.O announced Friday. But the organization has also warned that the actual number is almost certainly higher, perhaps by a very considerable margin.”

    Note that the NY Times is not usually considered a right-wing, alarmist news outlet. If the Times is saying this, I’m thinking it’s actually MUCH worse than that, and they’re just trying to get something out ahead of this breaking story.

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