Nasr bim Ali an-Ansi (courtesy

“The Lions of Allah who are all over the globe, some call them lone wolves, should know they are the West’s worst nightmare,” Al-Qaeda jefe Nasr bin Ali al-Ansi asserts in the terrorist group’s in-house magazine Inspire. “So do not belittle your operations. Do not undermine your Jihad.” Hang on. Do “lone wolf” terrorists suffer from low self-esteem? That sure sounds like a pep talk to me. On the flip side of that, let’s not let the antis belittle civilian armed self-defense. Question: are you ready to take on a terrorist, or terrorists? I’m not sure what that means, exactly. I reckon it involves vigilance in public places and awareness of your escape or counterattack options. And a gun. Yeah, at least one of them. Your take? [h/t PetitionForRedress]


  1. We are not going to solve or even address this problem until we, somehow, get rid of the treasonous muslim-appeasing regime. Til then, if ever, we need to be armed at all times and aware (condition yellow), even at home. The libs keep screeching about coexist not realizing that there is NO co-existance with these murderous bastards. Either they are all dead or we are. It’s that simple.

    • Yep. A billion muslims worldwide, and a small handful of them are insane murderers. The antis say the same thing about gun owners (“They’re all bloodthirsty monsters who just want an excuse to kill!”). Hell, aren’t we the ones who always go on about not punishing us for the wrongdoing of other gun owners? Yet you (and quite a few others on this site) would be just fine with the deaths of people who have done nothing wrong.

      Or, wait, is practicing Islam an example of “wrongdoing” now? Even if they don’t hurt anyone? Yes, the Quran advocates violence against others. So does the Bible, yet the vast majority of Christians are smart enough to choose which parts of the book they want to obey. Why do you not extend the same amnesty to Muslims?

      • We’ve had this discussion previously. Please review the older posts for your education as to the “peaceful” Muslim majority. In short, the radical Muslims want to kill you; the peaceful Muslims want the radical Muslims to kill you. Keep on appeasing to the “peaceful” ones – let’s see how far that gets you.

        • Right, refer to another thread of people making baseless statements as educational? Tell you what, if things go down as you want them to you get to be in charge of killing the children. Would that make you happy?

        • Mike did, and you seem to agree with him. But yes to be fair it is Mike who should be offered that position as it is he who believes they must ALL die. And accur81 this is not PC liberal bullshite, this is an absolutist stance on personal freedom liberty and responsibility along with the other foundational principals of my country. You do not and I mean DO NOT condemn one man for the actions of another. You do not revoke ones life for believing your should be revoked. You don’t, even at the cost of lives and security. There many practical and idealogical reasons for this but I doubt you are up for that conversation.

          • Drew, I do not advocate killing all Muslims. If someone has interpreted that, I am not responsible for their interpretations. I do advocate recognizing that Islam is NOT a “religion of peace,” as our previous Dear Leader propagandized (either due to his lack of education or because he chose to willfully mislead the American public) as our current Dearest Leader is bending backwards to do. Recognizing Islam as a violent, dangerous theocracy that seeks to dominate the world through force is step one. From there it should follow that a violent, dangerous theocracy needs to be banned and ejected from this country, the same as we would eject Nazism or other violent and dangerous philosophies. Islam, although containing religion within it, is not just a religion and should not have Constitutional protections. It is insanity, in my opinion, to give Constitutional protection to a philosophy that preaches its followers to kill me. Unfortunately, instead of common sense and what’s good for us individually and the country in general, out government actively, financially and legislatively, supports Islam, has made Muslims into protected species, converted NASA into a Muslim outreach agency, and squanders American lives in establishing Islamic theocracies in Iraq (which used to be a modern, secular country before we got involved), Afghanistan and most of the countries in the Middle East. Seems that the Muslims do not need to commit suicide to defeat us; we are doing it ourselves.

          • Most religions can (and often do) be twisted and used to justify anything. But only Islam (Celts used to, but they’re all dead a millenia ago…) requires violence and killings.

        • Religions were all designed by men to gain control over other men. What they then do with that control defines their future. Religions are not, themselves, evil or good, certainly not “of peace”. And whatever their nature, it can only last one lifetime, when another man will take it over, and use it to control people to do what HE wants, now. Most times it is simply to make themselves rich, sometimes for more nefarious/insane purposes.

        • Current Islam is doing almost exactly the same thing as the Catholic church did about 600 years ago, i.e. trying to eradicate anyone not following their religion. I was raised Catholic, before you call out bias. The radical problem will never be solved until the rest of the Muslims stand up against them. It’s as simple as that.

          • Dev, can you point to any time in the history of Islam when it was open to interpretation and did not require verbatim adherence and acceptance? Is the current “radicalism” (in quotes because it is a western term) a recent development? Or has the violent jihad always has been part of Islam? Are there any reasonable indications, in the Koran or the Islamic teachings, that would make you think that given even a few life-times, that Islam will change? Please enlighten me with facts, not hopes. What is true is that we are seeing more violent action (verses earlier rhetoric) in the last several decades because the western governments have allowed Muslim bullying to go on unchecked. We allowed, almost fomented (France, mostly) the Iranian revolution, the Lebanon fiasco, empowered the mujaheddin against the Soviet super power, lost sight of who’s friend and who’s foe in Yugoslavia, and gave Iraq and many other Middle Eastern countries to the fanatics. With an unbroken chain of successes like these, who wouldn’t be emboldened?

        • Alexander, thank you for your considered reply. I will point out that we have not and do not eject groups such as nazis and pedophiles. They in fact enjoy the very same rights and protections as the rest of us and actively participate in our political system. Though I abhor the actions and philosophies of these people I believe that their rights in this country are fundamental and worth preserving even in the face of apparent or actual danger. On the practical side recall that the government did try to “ban” the klu klux klan and the result was the klans largest membership in history and its greatest destructive activities. What brought the klan down was the very same liberty that would be endangered if wholesale banning of people or their congregation around beliefs. Taking the actions you describe would be even more of a victory for the enemy than the patriot act was, it would bring the U.S. down to the level of countless other regimes and demonstrate to the world that American style liberty was a farce.

          • Drew, you do make good points. Of course, the Nazis were barred from the US when we had a war with the Nazis; likewise, we are in a war with Islam, whether we admit it or not (the other side is at war with us; that alone is enough to classify it as a war). Perhaps there are better ways to deal with the danger, but my main point was that is was (and is) plain wrong for our government to call Islam “the religion of peace.” The danger must be recognized and admitted, and an acceptable way found to neutralize it, but pretending that there is no danger, or that the danger is only of the few specific acts (“workplace violence”) is simply ludicrous.

        • I disagree.

          I am using the definitions provided here:

          1) There doesn’t seem to be any difference (at all) between Muslim and Islam.
          2) A crazy minority does not necessarily speak for the majority.

          Example. Catholics used to torture people. Lots of people. They used to stretch them until their joints dislocated. Strip them naked and whip them. Pierce their bodies with sharp objects. Put them in steel torture chambers. They had a vast array of instruments for this use. However, did all Catholics endorse the torture of people who were not catholic or did not submit to Catholicism? No. Your assertion has no real basis in fact.

          When I went to my university, I knew a lot of Muslims (because I was in engineering and there were not many “american” engineering post graduates after bachelors). I still know a great many of them. They are really just like us. They eat food. They crap. They bleed. They have wifes and children. They care for their children. They attempt to obtain the best education for their children. They are actually quite peaceful and actually want peace (which is probably why they are here). Yes, they do fast for a month or so. Yes, they get out a little carpet daily and pray in a particular direction. Like Jew’s they don’t each pork or “unclean” food. Your assertion regarding Muslims and Islam is incorrect in my opinion for the above reasons.

          Most of the US is christian. Look what is in the Bible (Oh my god!):

          For cursing or blaspheming
          And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him. Leviticus 24:16

          For adultery (including urban rape victims who fail to scream loud enough)
          If a damsel that is a virgin be betrothed unto an husband, and a man find her in the city, and lie with her; Then ye shall bring them both out unto the gate of that city, and ye shall stone them with stones that they die; the damsel, because she cried not, being in the city. Deuteronomy 22:23-24

          A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them. Leviticus 20:27

          For breaking the Sabbath
          They found a man that gathered sticks upon the sabbath day. … And the LORD said unto Moses, The man shall be surely put to death: all the congregation shall stone him with stones…. And all the congregation brought him without the camp, and stoned him with stones, and he died; as the LORD commanded Moses. Numbers 15:32-56

          For cursing the king
          Thou didst blaspheme God and the king. And then carry him out, and stone him, that he may die. 1 Kings 21:10

          List goes on and on. This is precisely why we have “freedom of religion.” But you are asserting that these Muslims here are bad – so all Muslims are bad and want to kill us, which has no basis in fact.

          • I will disregard the second part of your comment with references to the Bible (for the record – I am not religious; this has nothing to do with my religious beliefs) because 1) much has been said on that subject by many and 2) I don’t see the Christians as attempting to convert others by the sword or kill them. Yes, there are pestering Christian missionaries all over the world – but they haven’t killed anyone. So, as far as my personal safety is concerned, or as far as my fundamental civil liberties are concerned, I don’t see Christianity as a threat. Beyond that, as per my belief in the Constitution, one can pray to whichever God he chooses.

            As to your point that most Muslims are peaceful (and perhaps nice people) – the silent majority are irrelevant. The silent majority are sheeple; they will be let to wherever their leaders lead them. That silent majority will never openly speak out against the atrocities committed by their enlightened Islamic brothers – at least, they haven’t up to now, and it’s been decades of atrocities. Many, if not most, will quietly celebrate, and some not so quietly – remember the Palestinians, that we’ve been feeding for decades, celebrating after 9/11? Or have you forgotten? Remember the explosion of religious dress in the US after 9/11, to celebrate the victory? I haven’t forgotten. Read the Koran, study it. You will see that Koran is one, not open to interpretation, to be taken verbatim. Allah commands the jihad, including the conversion or the killing of the infidels. This jihad does not have to be continuous; at some point in one’s enlightenment process, a true Muslim must take on the jihad. It is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. The silent majority, who have not taken on the jihad and who may never take it in their lifetime, must support the holy martyrs that have, for they are doing Allah’s work and will enter paradise. These points that I’ve just brought up are not my views – they are facts from the Koran and Islamic teachings from Alexandria and Cairo schools, the absolute authorities on Islam. And one more item – all Muslims are allowed and encouraged to lie to infidels if the lie protects Islam or advances the believer against the infidel. Please, ask any of your Muslim friends to contradict anything that I’ve written here and have him swear it on the Koran.

        • @ All

          Drew: You do not and I mean DO NOT condemn one man for the actions of another.


          You are asserting that all Muslims want to kill us. Your proposed solution – please?

          • As I said in the previous comment, not all Muslims want to, or at least will, kill me (or others). But they will not stop the ones that do, nor would they truly criticize them. The martyrs are the holiest of the holy; they are the men of God and the “moderate” Muslims will always hold them in high esteem. Meanwhile, from the “moderate” millions a few will rise every year and become less “moderate”… Sort of nice, friendly, cuddly tribbles hatching into Aliens, especially with the death to the infidel being preached in the mosques. The solution must start with the recognition of the problem, something that our government intentionally refuses to do (and many of the government indoctrinated pupils as well).

        • @ Alexander,

          Islam, although containing religion within it, is not just a religion and should not have Constitutional protections. It is insanity, in my opinion, to give Constitutional protection to a philosophy that preaches its followers to kill me.

          Everyone in the US has the freedom of religion. However, it is already against the law to kill people. Banning “muslims” as an allowable religion, is insanity, in my opinion. Do we ban Christians because a very minute few believe that they should stone their wives if they commit adultery?

          • So, when was the last case of Christians stoning their wives for committing adultery? Do you need a reminder of the most recent case of Muslims stoning their wives for committing adultery?

        • As I said in the previous comment, not all Muslims want to, or at least will, kill me (or others). But they will not stop the ones that do, nor would they truly criticize them.

          Here you are:


          Get a load of this. Majority of Muslims state violence against civilian targets to defend islam can never be justified. Furthermore, Also in the poll, the majority of muslims polled believe the 9/11 attacks were in fact not performed by muslims. Even in the UK. How funny is that. Many of them think that we are “violent and immoral” (page 5). Check out the comparisons on page 6.

          • Yes, I see the reference to the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. Tried to find their view of the recent Parliament shooting there – they seem to be silent on the subject; perhaps it’s just considered workplace violence and not worth mulling over and ruining one’s good evening. Sure, the “co-exist” crowd – smoke enough and everything is so peaceful…

            And of course the majority of Muslims believe that terrorism is mostly practiced by others – the martyrs are doing God’s work – how could they be terrorists? Silly me!

            The PEW poll is great reading – thanks! With the propaganda evident in the craniums of the billion “peaceful Muslims,” both Dr. Goebbels and Comrade Stalin would be envious.

        • So, when was the last case of Christians stoning their wives for committing adultery? Do you need a reminder of the most recent case of Muslims stoning their wives for committing adultery?

          A reminder? No. But you dodged the question Sir. The topic at hand was “freedom and religion” and extending those freedoms to all religions. It is already against the law to kill people. Why should it be against the law to be Muslim? Especially since we have established that one person should not be accountable due to the actions of another.

          But yea – we get it. You want to apply blanket rules to large groups of people on the basis of your “opinion.” and ban “muslims” in the US. Anything else?

          • Islam is not a religion; it is a theocracy. As such, it is a competing form of government, law, lifestyle and everything else that you can think of that, by its stated goals, seeks to usurp the US Constitution and subjugate all people to the Sharia. As such, it, arguably, is not covered by the First Amendment. Arguably. But in any case, the current government policy is to promote Islam, protect it within and outside of the US and give it preferential treatment over others. Is that not insanity and self destruction?

        • You will see that Koran is one, not open to interpretation, to be taken verbatim

          That is not what my Muslim friends said.

          And one more item – all Muslims are allowed and encouraged to lie to infidels if the lie protects Islam or advances the believer against the infidel. Please, ask any of your Muslim friends to contradict anything that I’ve written here and have him swear it on the Koran.

          Hilarious statement. Basically you are asserting you are correct and attempting to prove any counter statement or Muslim criticism of other Muslims with the statement: “Muslims will lie to infidels to protect Islam.” Hilarious assertion.

          The fact remains not all Muslims are Arabic screaming sword stabbing suicide bombers stoning each other while shouting the Takbir:

          Clarifications of the misconception that Islam promotes violence and hatred by re-examining the misquoted verses and narrations.

          Parts 1 through 5


          Statements denouncing terrorist activities:

          Quoted within the article:
          Muslims follow a religion of peace, mercy and forgiveness. If an individual Muslim were to commit an act of terrorism, this person would be guilty of violating the basic tenants of Islam.
          When Timothy McVeigh bombed the Oklahoma City building, no American or Christian was labeled as a terrorist or was the target of hate crimes. When Irish Christians carry out acts of terrorism against each other and on the British Isles, the Christian religion is not blamed but individuals or their political agenda. Unfortunately, the same is not true for American Muslims and Arabs. The vast majority of Muslims or Arabs have no association with the violent events around the world yet Islam is invoked with terrorism. It is unfair to 1.5 billion Muslims of the world and religion of Islam.

          So… I’m sorry. I believe your statements do not encompass all muslims. Maybe the muslims in the middle east are violent – not all mustims are – and I don’t believe the United States of America (Land of the free, home of the brave) should ban religions because “some” criminals who happen to be muslim, poverished, uneducated, and brainwashed killed some people.

          • You are joking, right? You just sent a quote from Islam Tomorrow? Did you do a basic Google search of them? They are an outfit of CAIR! It’s like quoting Dr. Goebbels in support of the Gestapo! Come on, I expected some more research and objectivity. Alright, I will dig up the references and post them tomorrow.

        • You are joking, right? You just sent a quote from Islam Tomorrow? Did you do a basic Google search of them? They are an outfit of CAIR!

          Sigh. Nevermind, it is pretty clear what’s up here. It is like arguing with a die hard anti-gunner. Pretty pointless. You have exhausted the entirety of all my interest to soak up and discard the intolerance of your statements. You’re free to believe whatever you want – that is your prerogative. That said, I still think the founding fathers had the concept right when they put freedom of religion first.

          Alright, I will dig up the references and post them tomorrow.

          There is really no need. I’m not going to read them. I guess you can convince other people to be bigots. It is certainly a similarity to extremist/criminal islamic terrorists.

      • OK, I was going to let this one pass until I saw that “smart Christians pick which parts of the Bible they want to obey”. It’s not a matter of “cafeteria religion”, just picking out those parts of Holy Writ one agrees with. It’s a matter of putting each “holy book” in its complete context and obeying the whole thing. The Bible in its entirety does not “advocate violence against others”, although it does record a particular historical instance in which God’s chosen people were specifically directed to wipe out the inhabitants of the Promised Land (they failed to do so, BTW, and suffered for it later). The New Testament shows how the laws of the Old Testament were completed through the coming of the Messiah, who ushered in, yes, that’s right, a “new” template for a proper relationship with God. Which definitely does not include “advocating violence against others”. And even the Old Testament by itself never advocated conversion by violence. The Koran, OTOH, specifically commands, even to this day, conversion by the sword and subjugation of any non-converts who might be allowed to live. The two are not equal. Smart Christians, and smart non-Muslims–and I expect even most Muslims– know it.

        • the simple fact is, there are several biblical out takes that require you to kill someone for reasons your modern temperate mind might object to. I’m no biblical scholar so I will trust you to point out where I am wrong but are you not required by Old Testament law to kill a sorceress? Or a man who rejects the judgement of a priest? Or people engaging in homosexual acts? There are others often mentioned by those opposed to Christianity but given their stance it is hard to take them at their word. But to my simplistic understanding it seems like there are plenty of points in the bible that entirely conflict with modern Christian values.

          • Two points. 1. The Bible is not a direct word of God and has never been claimed to be (except for the 10 Commandments. If you recall Mel Brook’s “History of the World,” the were 15…). The interpretations are open to change and progress. Islam, on the other hand, is claimed to be the direct word of Allah and cannot ever be subject to interpretation or change. 2. The New Testament overrode many of the requirements or provisions of the Old Testament. Unarguably, the New Testament is the much more peaceful version (if one puts aside the uncomfortable claim that all sinners will suffer unimaginable torture and torment forever and ever…) than the Old Testament. In the Koran, it is the reverse. The earlier chapters are peaceful (written when Mohammad had little power), but are abrogated by the later violent chapters (written after Mohammad killed more people and grew bigger balls).

        • Are you saying you are against killing sorcerers? I find your softness on the dark arks troubling. As there are no sorcerers around anymore (prestidigitation is not what the bible talks about anyways) I don’t see the parallel between that and an edict to slaughter Christians who refuse to convert. Gays are considered obamanations in both Christianity and Islam, but when was the last time a Christian priest called on a purge of gays and Jews, let alone carried one out? Christianity has changed over the centuries. Islam has not changed one bit in that same time.

          “Moderate” Muslims are slaves to their religious radicals. They may look down and avert their eyes, but they won’t stop the ones who carry out the acts they say they don’t approve because they know what their religion commands. Does Islam even have a Dogmatic equivalent?

        • Drew,

          The Old Testament specified capital punishment for very few actions. Off the top of my head, the entire list of actions are:
          (1) murder
          (2) rape
          (3) adultery
          (4) blaspheme (only from a believer)

          While many people today may think adultery is fine, God forbids adultery because it seriously damages — and in many cases destroys — families and causes immense lifelong psychological injuries to children and the faithful spouse. In other words a spouse who commits adultery is inflicting injuries on par with rape to the entire family.

          As for God commanding the Israelites to eliminate a tribe of people in the Old Testament, in at least one case the tribe that God doomed were so evil that they frequently and willingly threw their babies into bonfires for human sacrifice rituals. Commanding the Israelites to eliminate that tribe was an act of stopping unspeakable evil and preserving all human life on the planet … on par with the Allied Forces setting out to stop the Japanese and Nazis from executing 100s of millions of people during World War II.

          Make no mistake, God did NOT command the Israelites to run around willy-nilly killing people in the Old Testament. God only commanded capital punishment in the most desperate and heinous of circumstances … a response to almost indescribable evil.

          As for the New Testament, God redirected our efforts to win-over people who do not know and trust God. And we are commanded to do that with reason, truth, and love. This is about as polar opposite as you can get from Islam.

        • ” It’s not a matter of “cafeteria religion”, just picking out those parts of Holy Writ one agrees with.”

          Of course it is. Without even seriously getting into it, just look at the plethora of Christian religions, and add in Judaism (still a part of the bible), each one reads something completely different into certain passages and insists only their own religion is correct, everyone else is going straight to hell. And each finds complete support for their views in the particular passages they have selected from that “cafeteria”.

          • Larry, that is the whole point – other religions have interpretations and change over time. Islam does not. Islam must be accepted completely, unaltered, verbatim. Most Westerners just can’t seem to understand this concept.

        • Drew, read Another Robert’s reply carefully. He speaks the truth. Now in order to fully understand the points you made, you have to read the whole Bible (and the whole Koran) and do a reasonable amount of study to understand how the Bible helps you interpret it, understanding history, context, and who the authors and audiences were for each bit. (Reading other contemporary histories helps also). Bottom line, the Bible when studied properly does NOT advocate violence against another person in 2014 except for self-defense. We can stop spreading that one now.

        • “The New Testament shows how the laws of the Old Testament were completed through the coming of the Messiah, who ushered in, yes, that’s right, a “new” template for a proper relationship with God. Which definitely does not include “advocating violence against others”.

          Which is the adorable warm-fuzzy thing the pastor tells you, because it’s what you want to hear. The reality of what’s actually written in “The Bible” (of it’s many NT versions) is that Jesus states unequivocally that the OT Laws are to be followed till the end of time – the end of heaven and earth.

          “It is easier for Heaven and Earth to pass away than for the smallest part of the letter of the law to become invalid.” (Luke 16:17)

          “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest part or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place.” (Matthew 5:17)

          “For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass the law until all is accomplished. Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:18-19)

          Jesus also says that you must follow the book as written, you don’t get to Joel Osteen it into frothy pablum…

          “Know this first of all, that there is no prophecy of scripture that is a matter of personal interpretation, for no prophecy ever came through human will; but rather human beings moved by the holy Spirit spoke under the influence of God.” (2 Peter 20-21)

        • You guys can debate the Bible and Quran for the rest of your lives if you want. There will be people who disagree with you. The debate itself matters not. The only thing that matters is “freedom of religion” and “Murder is a crime.” Besides those points I could care less what the Christians or Muslims believe. It totally doesn’t matter. Not all Muslims are the same, not all Christians are the same, and I guarantee there are Muslims that will disagree with everyone’s statements here as I have indicated above. But again, totally doesn’t matter, but assuming that a “Muslim” has “intent” because they are “Muslim” is absolutely not correct. It’s like saying all gun owners are criminals. How can we apply a blanket wide statement to millions upon millions of different people from different cultures, different places, and different walks of life.

          I’m feeling a little queasy from all the anti-Islam/Muslim bigotry/extremists.

        • @ Anonymous –

          ““Muslims will lie to infidels to protect Islam.” Hilarious assertion.”

          andrew is straight-up 100 percent telling like it is on that.

          Lying is permitted in Islam, provided the lie is in the interest of Islam.

          And THAT is the 900 lb. Gorilla.You simply cannot have an honest conversation with Jihadi. They are 100 percent comfortable lying to you and feeling self-rightous about it to boot..

        • “Moderate” Muslims are slaves to their religious radicals. They may look down and avert their eyes, but they won’t stop the ones who carry out the acts they say they don’t approve because they know what their religion commands. Does Islam even have a Dogmatic equivalent?

          So let me get this straight. The Kurds… who are “Muslim” are fighting ISIS… who are “radical Muslims”

          Got it.

        • Anonymous, “So let me get this straight. The Kurds… who are “Muslim” are fighting ISIS… who are “radical Muslims”

          The Kurds are an interesting bunch of prinitives. They’ve been Christian, Zoroastrians(Mazdaists), Yasidists, Judaists, and a few others over the last 2 millennia. These days the majority are “Sunnis” with rather weak beliefs in any of it. Regardless, the Shi’as of ISIL/ISIS are always going to be the enemy – akin to the Catholic/Protestant thing in North Ireland. Of course they’re fighting them, they have slightly different effed-up beliefs. Despite the fact the animal Kurds still believe in FGM and women as second-class citizens, some naive Westerers pretend they’re actually somewhat human. They’re not.

      • bullshiite. Name a majority muslim country in which non-muslims aren’t treated like crap, and isn’t a basket case. ya can’t even count turkey in that list anymore.

      • “Yes, the Quran advocates violence against others. So does the Bible, yet the vast majority of Christians are smart enough to choose which parts of the book they want to obey.”

        Wrong. “Choosing which parts to obey” makes a person an idolater. You don’t get to choose. Either you believe the Bible in its entirety, or not at all. It’s meaningless otherwise.

        “Mentions” and “advocates” are not the same thing. “Thou shalt not murder” is a commandment of God given to Moses for His people.

        In Luke 3: Then some soldiers asked him, “And what should we do?” He replied, “Don’t extort money and don’t accuse people falsely—be content with your pay.” No mention of “violence against others” here.

        • only a sophomoric know-nothing claims to believe “the whole Bible”. you don’t even know what whole bible is. Protestant, Catholic, and Coptic bibles HAVE DIFFERENT BOOKS! Councils of mortal men decided which gospels are in and which are out. Furthermore, the Bible has contradictions and inconsistencies. And large parts of it are clearly meant as parables or allegories (Revelations, for example, was apparently using code to talk about the pre-Christian Roman Empire)

    • I was not advocating genocide although I see that my post could be read that way. Not what I meant.

      • I read what you meant correctly and was surprised by the mini-firestorm that followed. No advocacy for genocide, either, but I cannot dismiss the possibility it may be forced upon us one way or another. It looks like the ISL people are essentially committed to perpetrating genocide on everyone who does not observe THEIR version of Islam (including other Islamic believers). We may not get a choice in the matter.

        • During the conquest of this hemisphere the cross always marched before the gun. Not too long ago this self proclaimed christian nation sent its army to southeast asia where that army went about killing approximately two million people. That is, of course, an estimate that some consider to be low. With the iraq war over i still see car magnets proclaiming “god bless our troops”. The new testament might be a book of peace but it seems that the people who read and worship it are not paying attention.

          • Interesting to note that every time there is a discussion about Islam, someone always needs to say that Christianity is (or was) worse. OK, so you made a very “compelling” argument that Christianity is horrible and that paves the way for you to lay down and be killed by an Islamic fanatic. Good for you. Just count me out.

        • @ L, John, Personally I do not care one little bit which Religion committed more or less mass murder than the other(s). It’s an idiots’ debate. Pointless. Inconsequential. An utter waste of time.

        • @L,John – Which “self-proclaimed Christian Nation” are you talking about? Because it sure isn’t the US of A.

          I’ve covered this many times before, so you’ll have to find my old posts if you want links. The FFs were deists at most generous. They almost all looked at organized religion to be as vile as big government. There is nowhere in any founding document referencing anything but the notion of a “creator god” that grants us our natural rights. No mention of any church, and certainly no Jesus.

          The only folks who proclaim that nonsense are those religious whackos who are trying to get us to tolerate their nuttiness more. People should have learned in 8th grade civics that we are NOT a “Christian Nation” and most certainly weren’t founded as one.

        • @ L, John, Personally I do not care one little bit which Religion committed more or less mass murder than the other(s). It’s an idiots’ debate. Pointless. Inconsequential. An utter waste of time.


  2. I am as ready for a gun or knife wielding terrorist as I am for a gun or knife wielding criminal. Bombs are something else. All you can do is stay away from targets.

  3. My take is that it’s irrelevant. Despite our massive vulnerabilities, we have had ONE terrorist attack in our history. Forget flying a plane into a building, or an elaborate bombing. Get a squad or two of martyrs, arm them with medium machine guns (possibly PKMs), have them walk into any crowded airport, and open fire. The death toll would be in the hundreds, possibly thousands with multiple teams herding people towards others.

    Extremely easy, extremely cost-effective. It hasn’t happened yet, and based on that, I can only surmise that the threat of terrorism is vastly overblown, to the point where it makes more sense to be afraid of an alien invasion than a terrorist attack.

    • while I agree with your last sentence, saying we have only had ONE terrorist attack on our soil is FAR from correct. there has only been ONE were thousands died, but it is far from the only one.

      • You’re right, my bad. I should have said one SUCCESSFUL one (measured in the amount of fear it inspired).

        • I would also add that it was probably the most successful terror attack in history measured against it’s impact on society. The Patriot Act was the beginning of the end.

    • Besides your alien analogy being factually incorrect and your count of terrorist incidents being off by several times I do get your position. However if you expand your vision beyond our borders and immediate history terrorism is and long has been a relatively common threat to our friends across the sea. We are constantly called out as targets and there is every reason to believe we are being targeted now. Something to consider is that the perception of the armed American may be part of our low attack rate and so continued vigilance is a good thing. Even a terrorist dident want to die after one or two shots, hence the increased rate of attacks in “gun free” parts of the world and the non confrontational stratifies used in the US.

    • While I’m not big on fear mongering or paranoia, I gotta say I disagree with your last statement. While we probably won’t see another 9/11 scale attack, something like the Australian coffee shop hostage thing a few weeks back could definitely be very real possibility here in the US of A.

      • In a correctly chosen area, sure. I would not choose someplace like Austin, TX, you will die before you even get started.

        • Who knows, they may pick a nice hipster coffee shop in ATX and have a similiar situation with Sydney.

        • While that is possible, do you think they will do that kind of research? Because I don’t. They will see the neighborhood situation and beat feet for a totally liberal area, not make do with a single shop.

    • Jake Tallman,

      I have had a very similar thought to your statement, “Get a squad or two of martyrs, arm them with medium machine guns (possibly PKMs), have them walk into any crowded airport, and open fire. The death toll would be in the hundreds, possibly thousands …”

      The sad part is they wouldn’t even need machine guns. Just about any semi-auto rifle would work just fine. Of course they could also simply drive a large pickup truck through a crowd of people pouring out of a sports stadium. There are plenty of other possibilities as well that involve almost no cost whatsoever. (Imagine what someone could do with $2 in gasoline, $0.89 in matches, and $12 worth of chain.)

      The fact that no one has bothered to employ any of the countless easy and cheap ways to harm/kill several hundred people leads me to believe that no one is willing to do it. Otherwise, they would have done it already.

      • Important clarification:

        I have NOT had any thoughts or urges of going out and killing people. Rather, I have come to the same conclusion as Jake Tallman that we are vastly overstating the risk of a terrorist/s going out to harm/kill a large number of people because there really isn’t anything stopping them from attempting it and they should have tried it. Since they have not tried it, my rational conclusion is that they (martyrs) do not exist in our nation.

        • Perhaps they don’t need to, since CAIR has been very successful in penetrating the government and our laws are slowly shifting to allow Sharia (look up NJ state courts), large sums are being collected in the open for terrorism elsewhere (look up the Holy Land Foundation and CAIR), Islamic studies have made their way into the government indoctrination, er, I meant education and even NASA is now an Islamic outreach agency.

        • Perhaps they don’t need to, since CAIR has been very successful in penetrating the government and our laws are slowly shifting to allow Sharia (look up NJ state courts), large sums are being collected in the open for terrorism elsewhere (look up the Holy Land Foundation and CAIR), Islamic studies have made their way into the government indoctrination, er, I meant education and even NASA is now an Islamic outreach agency.

          Where is my tin-foil hat. I had it around here somewhere.

      • IMO, the biggest threat from jihadis is not an Aussie-style cafe hostage situation, it is a massive car bomb. there simply is no way way to “run away”, and being armed is no defense.

  4. I am as prepared as I can be to defend myself and my family within the bounds of the law against any threat regardless of motive. That being said am I ready to repel a Beslan-style school attack or a Westgate-style mall attack, no of course not. I do not carry a rifle and hundreds of rounds with me. Would I be as mentally prepared as possible to deal with a Moore, OK-style attack, I think so. I hope so. I guess I won’t know unless the moment comes when what exists between my family and our maker is me and 12+1 rounds of JHP.

  5. Seriously, no one can know if they’re really ready for any attack. That said, there are steps we can and should take, purchase a good gun, get competent training, practice as much as possible, legally carry it with you and practice diligent situational awareness.

  6. Why should I be prepared to defend against terrorists when I have been labeled a terrorist by the DHS, SPLC, and the vast majority of liberal politicians?

    We cant have terrorists fighting terrorists…that would completely fvck the narrative now wouldn’t it?

    • “Why should I be prepared to defend against terrorists when I have been labeled a terrorist by the DHS, SPLC, and the vast majority of liberal politicians?”

      Because they will be trying to kill you?

    • Let me fix the narrative for you: YOU are a terrorist. THEY are freedom fighters and we just need to understand their concerns more clearly, because there are some obvious common-sense ways that we can work with them to find common ground and solutions to the problems we share.

      See how that works?

      (Hint: that’s also how we’ve lost four of the five wars the USA has fought since WWII.)

  7. “Do “lone wolf” terrorists suffer from low self-esteem?” – apparently so much so that they’re committing suicides in droves.

    • Oddly enough, yes. I often found anti depressants and motivational literature among insurgents and active terrorists. When you think about the culture that radicalizes them, it makes sense.

      • Although my comment was meant as a kind of a joke, what you are saying is correct. Many of the “martyrs” make they last videos (especially in Gaza). It is interesting to watch them with the sound turned off, just observing the body language (they are reading a prepared dumb-ass script anyway). There is no emotion, no fear and clear indications of heavy drugging (possibly physical drugs as well as psychological). They are not coherent human beings at that point.

  8. Closing the borders and deporting anyone who did not have 100% of their ancestors here in 1830 would solve most of our problems.

    • That would really knock down the population. According to the census of 1830, the US population was a bit less than 13 million. One would need to know average family size and percentage of children who lived to child bearing age to calculate what the population would be today in the absence of immigration after 1830. I suspect it would be a small fraction of today’s 310 million. We would also have lost the contributions from intelligent, well educated, ambitious immigrants. One of my objections to amnesty for illegal immigrants is that they lack the education to be a net benefit, rather than a net burden, to society. The immigrants we want, such as doctors, scientists and engineers, come in legally.

      • 1530? I hope your Spanish is good. And your Navajo.

        Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in North America was founded in 1607.

    • I am SOL then as most of my ancestors came over from Ireland, Norway, Germany, and Switzerland about 1840s to 1900s. 1840s and 1850s seemed like banner immigration years for my ancestry.

  9. In the history of this nation, we have less than 4000 people dead from Muslim terrorists, 20 to 30k from domestic terrorists (anti-abortionists, earth firsters, cop killers, etc).

    In the big scope of things, the chances of dying in a terrorist attack are too small to worry about, but if we decide to focus on terrorists, listen to the FBI and focus on the domestics

    • Agreed.

      I’m less concerned about said jihadist than I am from random hood-member killing and robbing me at gunpoint at the convenience store.

    • Which domestic terrorists are you referring to? Veterans with combat and firearms experience? Tea Party members? Guys with Gadsden flags on their trucks? Patriots who backed the BLM down in Nevada (recall that BLM snipers were training their rifles on unarmed protestors)?

      It has taken many decades for domestic terrorists to accumulate the body count you attribute to them. Islamic extremism has run up their 4000+ in less than 25 years. and I don’t think they are done.

      • I think it’s funny that Timothy McVeigh is often written out of history as if there were no people that could be both terrorists and constitutionalists. There is no magic ideology that breeds terrorism. It exists everywhere, from animal rights activists to those that consider themselves libertarians.

  10. I’ve got guns, ammo, supplies, some training, situational awareness, and I’m extremely right wing. That’s a good start.

  11. By focusing on the Islamic terrorists, we blow them out of proportion and help them get the attention and notoriety they crave. Just ignore them

  12. I haven’t seen such bigotry since the last time I watched a Fox News video. Are we vulnerable to more outside terrorists, foreign terrorists ? Yes. Do we have our own brand of terrorists here in the USA ? You bet your ass, we do. Though they seem more apt to kill other Americans than people of other countries. Last I checked we lived in a country where “Innocent until proven guilty” was the standard. . Freedom of and from religion, freedom of speech also being the standard. We as a society have our heads up our rears…. To not allow the rest of the world the same dignities, however……
    That being said..
    Given the occasion that a terrorist whether home grown or foreign decides to wreak havoc upon anyone within my area. I will happily serve them a 12 gauge slug at 1600 fps, no question, no hesitation. I try to respect people UNTIL They give me a reason other wise.. On a personal level.

    • While I agree with your post, You said something that is a huge pet peeve of mine. You absolutely, positively DO NOT have the freedom FROM religion in the US. Freedom of religion is very clearly stated in the Constitution several times. The freedom FROM religion, however, is not.
      To be blunt about it, thinking that you have the right to not ever be even reminded that religion exists is the worst violation to the freedom of religion there is and one that Liberals are using very successfully to remove religion from our society.

      • “You absolutely, positively DO NOT have the freedom FROM religion in the US. Freedom of religion is very clearly stated in the Constitution several times.”

        And you are absolutely, positively WRONG! The freedom OF religion includes the freedom FROM religion, and even if you cannot figure that out for yourself, SCOTUS has ruled that in the past, giving it the same force as if it were specifically stated. And what it gives you is the right to not be forced to inhale a bunch of impossible silliness by our government. Any church I wander into can feel free, the government I am forced at the point of a gun to pay for can NOT.

      • Question with boldness even the existence of a god; because if there be one he must approve of the homage of reason more than that of blindfolded fear.
        -Thomas Jefferson, letter to Peter Carr, August 10, 1787

    • “I haven’t seen such bigotry since the last time I watched a Fox News video.” “I try to respect people UNTIL They give me a reason other wise..” – meanwhile, please support your local mosque (personally or through government appropriated taxation) to allow its followers to peacefully pray, five times a day, for your death.

    • Here we go with the Fox News Shibboleth. Let’s see if you listened to Fox News in 2010 you wouldn’t have been fooled by Jonathan Gruber. If you listened to Fox News in 2008 you would know that Barak Obama was an inexperienced radical who failed at everything he did except get elected.

      As far you racism statement goes it pure leftwing BS. The Democratic Party/Media complex spew racists hatred 24/7.

      • A lot of truth about the racist double plus good thoughts and statements coming out of the liberal Ministry of Truth and Ministry of Love.

  13. If they were literate they might realize that the only nation with a time honored tradition of genocide is america….. and if they truly wake us up on the wrong side of the bed we might not be so apeasy

  14. A terrorist is just a criminal with a deeper agenda. I’m prepared for criminals. I just wish that more people in this hoplophobic state were as prepared.

    A Mumbai-style attack on US soil is almost a given. If it happens in MA, Boston is the likely place. The city has lots of Muslims and an unarmed citizenry. Fortunately, I’m not from there. When I visit Boston I am well armed (as I try to be everywhere), but I sure wish that I had some backup.

    • I agree with Ralph. It was just after 911 my EDC reverted to my G19 with a spare mag and retired my G36.
      I anticipate multiple opponents rather than “lone wolf” attacks.

  15. I can’t think of any genuine “lone wolves” aside from the nut that shot McKinley. All the other “lone wolves” are connected like old-fashioned telephone switchboards. The line of feeble patsies the FBI has enjoyed setting up and knocking down over the past ten years don’t count…or the “underwear bomber” who was shepherded through the airport, put on the plane, and then sat there quietly as his crotch burned? Oh, and a clairvoyant passenger happened to stand up and begin filming before the “underwear bomber” did anything. Be cynical about what the news tells you. There’s a quote from FDR suggesting that anything you hear in the news is well-scripted ahead of time, and I’m more inclined to believe that than I once was.

    Outside of that? Canned food, water, fuel, batteries, pet supplies… what’s the BSA motto? And when did common sense become “prepping”?

  16. OK, have you guys noticed the gun pointing thing going on? By this I mean; the kid with the bb gun, who was pointing it at pedestrians until the cops showed up, was seen talking to someone on his phone several times; the guy in Berkley a couple days ago, was seen clearly on tape calmly pointing a gun at a police officer; another recent incident where a black man pointed a toy gun at police but by some miracle they did not shoot him. I am now wondering who that kid was talking to… I know it’s an ugly thought but I could totally see some imam convincing these troubled youths that if they’re gonna off themselves, why not suicide by cop and start a riot? The NYC assassin certainly was radicalized in some way, and of course there have been some high profile instances recently such as beheadings, etc. It makes me wonder, man…

  17. “Question: are you ready to take on a terrorist, or terrorists?”

    Yes, I am prepared to stop Johnny Jihadi. I carry at least 28 rounds of 180 grain hollow-point .40 S&W with a full size handgun pretty much everywhere I go. If I go anywhere with moderate crowds of people, I carry an additional 14 rounds of ammo for a total of 42 rounds.

    I often have my SUB-2000 carbine in .40 S&W readily available as well with about 70 rounds of ammunition in four magazines. Many family members are also armed when we go out. Our combined ballistic capabilities would seriously hinder any attack.

  18. My take is we should have left Arabs to the Arabs and allow them to fix their own problems without our interference. This includes making scam negotiations with uneducated, highly armed, goat herders to obtain their oil at the lowest price imaginable. If we weren’t playing politician with them and their rivals, we also could have stayed out of their crosshairs. When some of their countries challenged us to a fight they could not win, we decided to take the “low road” and bombard them into ashes. The result? Time for some Jihadist hate filled virgin awarding suicide attacks. No surprise there. Regardless, it is our actions that brought it about. You don’t see them attacking Brazil or Cuba, or Mexico right? How about South Africa, Japan, or North Korea? It seems to me the targets of choice are United Nations countries that couldn’t resist from stepping foot in their backyards. That’s correct. They didn’t invade us – we invaded them. Many of them don’t understand global trade or politics or the repercussions to many of their actions. They understand goats and foreigners (with guns) in their backyard.

    That said, this is our present predicament and we walk a path determined by the back scratching congress and public office officials. Everyone does what they have to when the time comes and that includes air plane rides. If I was on a plane with a jihadist shouting at everyone with a knife or gun or whatever, my top priority would be formulating and executing a plan with other passenger’s for his downfall.

    However, what I am not ready for is more government “intelligence” and invasions of privacy. I would like to repeal the Patriot Act, not enact more similar. Also – not really into prison torture camps. I’m a little confused how we ask ourselves and our citizenry to maintain a certain moral standard when our government and military cannot.

    • You must have slept through the history class covering the time period of about 610 AD to about the 1920s. Ever hear of a guy named Charles Martel?

      • Maybe I should have clarified. I was talking about more modern times. Not 610AD. Not when they were invading Europe but when we were invading their country.

        Like us going over there spread “democracy” in operations such as “Iraqis freedom” and relieve them of WOMD which they didn’t have while assassinating their leader and his children. There is also the US creation of “al qaeda” and support against Russia (another political affair).

  19. Ready against terrorists? Sure. Heck, I went so far to sign up, take a ride over, and kill almost enough of them.
    But no, I do not actively train against specific “terrorist” scenarios and I see no value in doing so. It is just so unlikely, and I only have so much time to train. I need to focus that time on more realistic scenarios.

    As an aside, I’ve had many Muslim brothers in arms fight, and some die, to protect me and the rest of my team. They had incredible respect for me as a Christian, far more than most people here in the US do. And they showed that respect in word and ultimate deed. Those of you that malign these men because of their religion have no place in our constitutional republic. You are unamerican, fascist, filth, and the little time that I have is well spent protecting decent Americans from the likes of you.

  20. I am woefully unprepared for such things but I am working on it. In six months or so I will probably be able to answer “modestly prepared”.
    I have been been in the midst of a few violent situations and have found that I don’t exactly have “combat reflexes”. It is not so easy to quickly grasp what is going on.

  21. The main targets are gun-free zones, and 45ACP won’t do much against a suicide vest. This is the most recent of the crusades; the Muslims already know it. Jews are always vigilant now, and they recognize the current landscape. Christians are too obsessed with having women preachers, homelessness and being PC to realize we’re already losing this holy war. We will lose unless we fight with the same blood-lust as our enemies. There is a reason the UN has historically tried to keep nuclear weapons out of the hands of theocracies, specifically Islamic “republics.” Allah has already told them to destroy us. If ISIS or IRAN had as many nukes as the US, how many would find their way into the west? I think, given the opportunity, they’d nuke us into oblivion. Feeling guilt for destroying your enemy is a nice problem to have. I doubt they’ll share the same guilt if they destroy us.

  22. At home, yes. As ready as one can be. But out in the open, where I’m not allowed to carry? No. All I can carry is a knife. That’s not enough. If the time comes, I will be caught unprepared, because I’m not allowed to be prepared. Until I’m 21, I cannot be truly ready. And that is one of the great travesties of the gun control campaign, and one of the last battles that will be fought.

  23. Off Topic:
    Every time I see a picture of one of these diffusional sociopaths yapping about how he is justified butchering people in the name of his invisible BFF, I feel water boarding doesn’t go far enough. Basically with few exceptions, I consider isis and their ilk to be sneaky, cowardly bullies, who are quite effective against unarmed and untrained civilians, not so much against true fighters. Their greatest weapon is the policy of “Freedom Loving” countries to ignore the atrocities being committed.

  24. Nobody will be ready. If an event takes place in the USA it will be a bomb or some whack job who does something in a gun free area like NYC or some similar metro area with a dense population. These guys want publicity more than a real war.

    In short, nobody can be ready, all we can do is be vigilant, that is all. Our own domestic criminals are more of a threat than these jihad aholes

  25. The more time passes, the more ready I will be for them. They’d certainly regret trying anything on US soil if they dared show their faces. They’re a bunch of cowardous pigs though. They’ll only bomb and run, not stand and fight and die like men.

  26. If another terrorist attack takes place in the united States, it will be in a large, crowded urban area. Since I live in an area that has no stadiums, large airports, giant malls, or other places where large quantities of people gather, the risk of a terrorist attack here is essentially nil.

  27. Oh crap, I must be a really bad muslim considering I haven’t gotten the whole “KILL ALL UNBELIEVERS, WUALALLA!” memo.

    • WUALALLA! Did you not read the Koran? Or has your school substituted an abridged version? Do you need an infidel to quote you the passages and the chapters (MANY) that you seemed to have skipped over? Or are you just saying this for the infidels because, surely, you know that you are allowed to lie to us when protecting Islam?

      • you know that you are allowed to lie to us when protecting Islam?

        How do we know your religion doesn’t allow you to lie to protect yourself, your agenda, and slander Islam?

    • I took my Muslim friend from Kosovo to the range to shoot AKs and CZ pistols last year. Everyone survived. I guess he didn’t get the memo either!

      • I once opened my safe and showed my collection to a Muslim friend from Bangladesh. He got to hold an AK for the first time. I think he was more afraid of me than I was of him. Regardless, we all survived and no one shouted a Takbir.

    • You will just have to read the ‘Inspire” magazine then. I personally know some Muslims that are not radical and seem to agree with a lot of Judeo-Christian principles, but they are no in the lime light and do not seem to be leading the band.

    • 15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

      16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

      17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

      18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

      19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

      20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

  28. No I’m not ready. Unless you live nowhere and have a fortress stocked with warheads no one is truly ready. I do think I am ready for the coming of the LORD. Does anyone think the former Barry Soetoro who bowed down to allah in Indonesia is truly on America’s “side”?

  29. The Imam featured in the post by RF, is patently goading his “Lions of Allah” to step-up their game all over the Globe and get busy killing infidels. That may result in so-called “lone wolf” attacks as well as more organized group attacks. He’s telling them that NOW is as good a time to become a Martyr as any, and killing one infidel is as good as killing a thousand. This is serious stuff.

    In the U.S., at home you can be as prepared as you want to be. In public, you can be as prepared as your State or Local Laws allow you to be. Just be sure you make the maximum of what you can do and be clear how far you want to push boundaries imposed upon you by your local Governments. Might be a time to take some risks you wouldn’t ordinarily contemplate.

    We have major vulnerabilities in the U.S. and an ingenious “lone wolf” could contrive to kill a lot more people by surprise than we might expect, particularly if he/she is willing to die in the process. A small group could do almost inconceivable murder and damage. Do not underestimate these people!

  30. Boy, if everybody in the world could just keep their chosen religion to themselves, we’d be ok…sadly, human nature dictates “my group is better than yours”, so this will never end.

  31. The name you put to an attacker is irrelevant. Doesn’t matter if it is a teenage thug, a hardened criminal, a drug-crazed wacko, or a terrorist of any stripe or religion. If their intent is to harm me, my family, or other innocent people, the motive is irrelevant. What matters is they may cause serious harm or death. I need to stay prepared as best possible to deal with a physical threat.

    Pick your religion, your government, or other means of acquiring things. I don’t care what they are until you try and use it to justify the initiation of violence against me, my family, or other innocent people. Once you cross that line, the initiation of violence (or threat of) against others, then you’ve become an immoral thug … a rabid dog that needs to be put down. It doesn’t matter what you call yourself, whether Christian, Muslim, government agent, dis-advantaged minority, or the president of the United States … you are a threat to innocent life, an enemy of mankind, a vile and despicable creature whose violent acts need to be stopped as quickly as possible. The name placed on the creature is irrelevant.

    By their acts you will know them.

  32. There are supposedly well over a hundred million firearms currently in the US, if we assume an average of at least one box of ammo for each… um, carry the million, where’s the decimal go? Well, I think we have plenty of firepower for run of the mill lone wolf, or even small wolf pack terrorists. Now if you get a bunch of suicidal jihadists to pick up some ebola in Africa, or bird flu, or Dengue fever, or whatever… or since the drug cartels are now using fully submersible smuggling craft to run tons of drugs onto our beaches undetected, I’m pretty sure a leftover Russion suitcase nuke, or even a big crude one from North Korea or Iran, Pakistan, India, etc. would be pretty easy to move to any major US city…. Something to think about in those wee hours when you can’t sleep and are cleaning your handgun. Sweet dreams.

    • A frontal (non-nuke) assault on the US would be a total waste of radical Islamists, due to massive civilian armament. Therefore, the smart play would be to use terrorists to perpetrate a series of false-flag or gun-related attacks (the recent school attack in Pakistan and mall attack in Africa) to erode the 2A. Once the 2A is mostly gone, the real terrorism will begin. Take a look at Sydney AU last month.
      So… Protect and preserve the 2A in the coming hard times. Watch for foreign financing from the civilian disarmament groups.

  33. And THAT is the 900 lb. Gorilla.You simply cannot have an honest conversation with Jihadi. They are 100 percent comfortable lying to you and feeling self-rightous about it to boot..

    Sure. And that would be an acceptable argument if you were talking to a “Jihadi” or whatever. However, using the statement ““Muslims will lie to infidels to protect Islam.” is using a catch-all indefensible statement which can be used to blanket all Muslims and question and suspect them of being a “Jihadi” or whatever, which is not logical. All Muslims are not “Jihadi” or whatever.

    Lets try a similar statement here:

    All domestic white anti-government anarchist gun-owning terrorists lie to protect their mission. You simply cannot have an honest conversation with a domestic white anti-government anarchist gun owning terrorist.

    Are all anti-government people terrorists? Are all anarchists terrorists? Are white people terrorists? Are gun-owners terrorists?

    • ““Muslims will lie to infidels to protect Islam.” is using a catch-all indefensible statement which can be used to blanket all Muslims and question and suspect them of being a “Jihadi” or whatever, which is not logical. All Muslims are not “Jihadi” or whatever.”

      Except it’s NOT an “indefensible statement”. There are multiple examples of them making that statement. On video smiling as they say it!

      Thus, it would be wise to keep in mind the possibility they might. How many who self-identify themselves as jihadi have high-level security clearances in the US?

      It’s about as close to zero as it gets.

      Islam is running a very long game against all who are not Islam.

      We must take them at their word on that.

    • Sorry Anonymous; I’ve read the Koran. It is very clear that lying to an infidel in the advancement of Islam is perfectly acceptable.

      Also that a Muslim can’t have an infidel as a friend. Unless it helps to advance Islam.

      • I guess the “Kurds” (who are Muslim) are helping to advance Islam by fighting against ISIS (who are Muslim).

        Whether you have read the Quran or not, whether Muslims lie or not, it doesn’t matter- not all Muslims are the same. That was my point.

  34. Muslims this Muslims that ad nauseam. What did Muhammad do? He is the supreme example for how one is to live this life on earth as per Surah 33 Ayah 21:

    Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day, and who engages much in the Praise of Allah.

    The concept of Sunnah is the basis for Islamic life and law. Islam codified the habits and conduct of a 7th century warlord. If you think ideologies are the same (including religious ideologies) then you are basically saying that ideas do not matter.

    Most Muslims do not follow the most violent commands in their religion because those commands usually end up getting one killed. If every Muslim followed the Path of God as per Muhammad the world would be humanless and we would not be having this conversation.

    Judging by the comments here most non-Muslims still do not get it. Am I ready for a [Islamic] terrorist attack? Question rephrased a little better. Am I ready for Islamic terrorism to continue past my lifetime? Yes.

    • “Am I ready for Islamic terrorism to continue past my lifetime? Yes.”

      YES. People don’t seem to grasp Islam is playing a long game.

      Unfortunately, the Left is under the delusion they can *win* against ISIS and their ilk.

      The Russians and the Chinese are taking the threat very seriously.

  35. So I’ll just put this here as a general response to all the anti-Islam / bigotry / Fox News is racist stuff. Here’s my open challenge to those who think Islam is peaceful, tolerant, etc. Visit a Muslim nation. Declare your Christianity and see just how tolerant they are.

    My wife and I visited Morocco in 2010. We got to see Islam and Sharia law first hand. It isn’t welcoming. It doesn’t respect minority rights. It treats women as second class citizens. Outsiders are considered infidels.

    Some of this “my Muslim friend is peaceable” stuff is laughable. Well, good for you. Not all Muslims are bad people. I do not in any way condone murdering, torturing, or discriminating against a single person due to their religion.

    I do however recognize patterns in Islam and within Muslim nations. Not everything is positive, peaceful, or respectful to women. Some folks need to open their eyes to that.

    As a Christian I condemn the Crusades, those who’ve blown up abortion clinics, and any other murder / mass murder / terrorist event committed by Christians or those who have labelled themselves as such. I condemn any ideology (Eco-terrorists, egomaniacs, psychotics) that thinks it can justify mass murder, terrorism, or genocide.

    Realistically, radical Islam is a potential threat to both Americans and those who identify as Christians. It certainly isn’t the only threat, but if you can’t see that then your situational awareness is lacking.

    • Yep. The PC conditioning to be blind to the fact that not all belief systems are equal, or should be equally respected is bordering on the pathological.

      Look to any violent insurgency in the world or to any established governmental tyranny violently oppressing different ethnic or religious groups in their own countries you will mostly find either marxists/communists or Muslims.

      Show me the same pattern of tyranny and oppression following governments or ethnic groups led by Buddhists, Tibetan Buddhists, Sikhs, Bahais, Christians, Hindus, Taoists, etc.

    • Go back 500 years and announce that you’re a Protestant in a Catholic nation or vice versa. Just because Christianity got a head start does not make it better.

      • Don’t confuse the nastiest things of Catholicism with Christianity. Much of that was about tradition and power, not biblical teaching.

        • and don’t confuse the nastiest things of Protestantism with Christianity, either. You know, the Protestant subjugation and genocide of the Kelts in Ireland and Scotland, and the Protestant European and American slave trade of africans and the religious justification for it

      • Grindstone, that was deep… Of course, if I lived in Europe 500 years ago, I might have really taken your analysis to heart. Since I don’t live in Europe 500 years ago, but in America today, I don’t really see the relevance of what Christianity was 500 years ago. I also don’t see any relevance of what Hinduism was 500 years ago. And 1,000 years ago the Celts considered it a privilege to be sacrificed… Again, not quite relevant.

        The US was founded on a Christian foundation, so Christianity, by default, is not a threat to the American way of life. Islam is a foreign entity which, by it’s own teachings, cannot peacefully coexist with other cultures. It seeks to dominate all others. As such, it is a threat to this country and its way of life. Today. And tomorrow. Not 500 years ago.

    • “Visit a Muslim nation. Declare your Christianity and see just how tolerant they are.”
      Challenge accepted, over multiple countries, for years at time, in areas that are both Arab and Persian, in both military and civilian capacities. Without exception, I was treated with greater respect once I clearly showed my religious devotion. As an example, I ran a small (very small, 2 beds, and one of them was mine) clinic in Shajoy, Afghanistan in 2009. I wrote the Hail Mary in big letters on my door. After its meaning was interpreted, the soldiers in the Afghan National Army and Afghan National Police would touch it “for luck” prior to going out on missions. Many local Afghans that walked by the clinic door for business would do the same. I was also repeatedly asked to pray over their dead, since I was considered a “man of the Book”. On several occasions, I had my Bible in my hands and asked a local to hold it for me, or to put it away. In each case, they used a cloth to cover it, held it with both hands, and carried it with respect. On the one occasion a local boy did not do these acts, he was scolded harshly by an older Afghan for his disrespect. And this is a place where the locals knew, very clearly, that I had fought and killed people in and around their community.
      On the civilian side, I have been to too many middle eastern countries to list, and made it a point to visit holy sites. On a few of these occasions, it was not until I discussed my beliefs that I was allowed to visit them.

      • I have great respect for that.

        It does not, however, mean that ISIS is a bunch of girl scouts. Terrorism takes many forms, and radical Islam is definitely one of them.

        Your experience may very well have been different as a woman. My wife and the women in our mission didn’t get treated so well.

        I’ve got guns to clean.


  36. A very small percentage of the Islamic community (Islamic extremists) are selling fear and insecurity and it looks like most of you have bought it. Bought so much of it, your reselling it here.

    Preparedness is great. Be prepared. But I would prefer you not relinquish freedom of religion and the right to keep and bear arms because of “terrorists.” As one poster implied above regarding banning Muslims from the U.S., if the gov can ban Muslims who are peaceful because some are not. We need to ban all Muslims because the Quran says “they can lie to further Islam.” What else can we ban? What’s next? What other freedoms do we need to sacrifice? Oh well – it doesn’t matter to us because we aren’t muslim right? Kind of like gun rights don’t matter to those who don’t own any.

    • “A very small percentage of the Islamic community (Islamic extremists) are selling fear and insecurity and it looks like most of you have bought it.”

      If by a small percentage you mean the Koran, Hadith, Tariq, Tafsir, and the example of Muhammad then yeah. Slavery is halal in Islam being that Muhammad was a slave trader; he even enslaved men who were once free. Death for apostasy is standard among the four schools of Sunni Islamic jurisprudence. “Islam is the motherload of bad ideas [Sam Harris]” as so much of it is based on the example of Muhammad that has been written down, codified, and distilled down into Islamic Law.

      This has been going on across the globe since the 7th century. Its not just Al Qaida or Isis. Its not just against America or the West. Africa and Asia have had issues with violence against non-muslims by muslims since the 7th century. Not all ideologies are the same. Not all communities have the same values. Islam becomes an increasingly bad proposition the closer one comes to following the example of Muhammad.

      • Thanks, better said than what I was going to write. All anyone needs to known to demolish the myth of moral equivalence is that death is the accepted punishment for apostasy in mainstream Islam – Sunni and Shia both. Civilized societies would call a religion which prevents members from leaving on threat of death to be a “cult”.

  37. I am always prepared for what I deem to be the biggest threat to my loved ones and myself: Christian terrorist aka hate crimes. A few years ago and about two miles from home a couple of good Christian thugs tortured a man to death for being gay. A couple of Buddhist immigrants in the area where badly beaten either for there race or most likely religion seeing as they where publicly talking about opening a shrine in the area.
    I’m an Atheist, and relatively vocal about it. I’m also a vocal libertarian and not the Tea Party type. A good portion of my family are practicing Pagans. In this area that makes you a target.
    This is the type of terrorism that concerns me. And its nothing new. It’s a real threat I have lived in the shadow of most of my life. I have had my life threatened for my beliefs, by those that are often first to shout the saying “Happy Holidays” is a threat to them.

    So Islamic terrorist? I have bigger concerns.

    • evidence that the thugs were Christian? or did you just assume so based on your prejudices? I’m not aware of a single mainstream Christian denomination that advocates violence against gays or other religions. the only Christian church that I am aware of that advocates violence against gays is the tiny, fringe, Westboro baptist church,machos congregation seems to be made up of inbred relatives of the preacher.

      the big difference is that oppression, lying to infidels, and violence is mainstream in Islam, and it supported by numerous fatwas and authorities.

  38. Only two of the six Gulf Cooperation Council Arab states even allow Christians to be citizens, and only under special circumstances and restrictions (Kuwait and Bahrain). Yet these are our “allies”.

    The sooner we become energy independent, the less need we will have to deal with these cavemen.

  39. We have to remember that Islam is thier government. They may have a municpal leader, but in those countries, what he says is usually echoed by the Omans, when the Omans go against him, there will be trouble.
    The US has a seperation between church and state, but their are places that a mayor would never go against the majority church of his city. Utah comes to mind. I am not comparing Islam to the LDS, I am showing this because it is a normal action for these people.

    Men do not leave their homes and families to make war on someone else because a “man of god” asked him to do so. Maybe 1 or 2 in a congregation, but it takes a threat to his way of life and his family for him to do so(or a draft notice).

    Most states that have uncontested Islam, have a theocracy. The young men can run, immigrate to other countries, or they can join the Islam army. Most know no better, that does not make them devout believers.

    When the tribes fought for Saud, they did not fight for Islam per se, they fought for the plunder they could take in battle. The Imans told them it was OK, but they did fight against other Muslims as well as Christians and people of other religions.

    Religion is just a call to arms for these people – like the Troubles in Ireland, religion defined the combatants, but they did not fight for the religion.

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