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I clicked over to the NRA-ILA’s helpful “Know Your State’s Gun Laws” widget this morning. I discovered that Texas’ concealed carry reciprocity map more-or-less mirrors the electoral geography that delivered unto us Donald J. Trump as President of the United States. Which tells me that gun rights are, indeed, the canary in the coal mine. Where they are respected, conservative values hold sway. Where they are degraded and destroyed, the Nanny State reigns supreme.

If all goes according to plan, the Republican-controlled Congress will start to reverse the curse that led to the Federal Firearms Act, the Gun Control Act, the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act and the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act. But will this gun rights restoration survive first contact with the enemy? Equally, what are the long-term prospects for firearms freedom? Not to put too fine a point on it, which of the two Americas will prevail?

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    • There is only one America – under the Constitution.

      First Amendment to The Constitution of the United States of America:

      “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”

      How about a little respect?

      • Choosing to put “under god” on a minted coin is not the same thing as the Congress passing an Act which establishes a “Church of the United States” or forbids the exercise of a religion.

        You cannot make the case that some guy or committee decision regarding a coinage motto or a voluntary pledge of allegiance is an act of congress.

        If you’re that upset about it, elect congressmen who pass an act about what things government employees can write on public buildings or currency.

        We have to be a constitutional originalists, or else we’re just democrats with a different approach to inserting the power of government into every aspect of people’s lives. If the orginalist intent is “murky” whether due to time, language, or decades of purposeful judicial misleading and activism, reference some other documents of the founders to back up your argument like Scalia did in Heller v. D.C.

  1. Well I hope the right conservative side party wins. It’s simply because they support the Constitution and the freedoms that we are entitled to they’re up. The left used to support freedom and the Constitution and in short the Second Amendment. This new Progressive liberal left Democratic Party has recently developed over the last 25 years. I would hope that the United States as a whole can get behind Donald Trump once he starts making these investments into repairing our country and restoring our freedoms that are guaranteed to us by the Constitution the Bill of Rights supports and demands that every citizen in this country be treated equally with freedom and liberty. It’s up to the people to choose the right Representatives to make sure this happens. Instead of electing these lifelong politicians that have systematically eradicated the checks and balances system to keep corruption out of the political League. Offices in this country political ones we’re never supposed to be occupied by lifelong politicians there was no such thing as a career politician in this country in the very beginning. People would serve their country and do what we the people ask of them and then they would return to their businesses their Farms or their military careers or retire. These political puppets that have been occupying both parties for the last 40 years are a prime example of why we should never have career politicians. And we also have to do something about these political contributions made by known terrorist organizations and countries that support terrorists it’s absolutely ridiculous what Hillary Clinton did to this country’s electorial process. She’s an outright Federal Criminal that’s involved in human trafficking an underage sex well I hope the right conservative side party wins. It’s simply because they support the Constitution and the freedoms that we are entitled to their of. The left used to support freedom and the Constitution and in short the 2nd amendment. This new progressive liberal left Democratic Party has recently developed over the last 25 years. I would hope that the United States as a whole can get behind Donald Trump once he starts making these investments into repairing our country and restoring our freedoms that are guaranteed to us by the Constitution the bill a rights supports and demands that every citizen in this country be treated equally with freedom and liberty. Its up to the people to choose the right representatives to make sure this happens. Instead of electing these lifelong politicians that have systematically erotic hated the checks and balances system to keep corruption out of the political league. Offices in this country political once we’re never supposed to be occupied by lifelong politicians there was no such thing as a career politician in this country in the very beginning. People would serve their country and do what we the people ask of them and then they would return to their businesses there farms or the military careers or retire. These political puppets that have been occupied both parties for the last 40 years are a prime example of why we should never have career politicians. And we also have to do something about these political contributions made by known terrorist organized Asians and countries that support terrorist its absolutely ridiculous what Hillary Clinton did to this country’s electorial process. She’s an outright federal criminal that’s involved in human trafficking an underage sex escapades her and her husband both.

    • “This new Progressive liberal left Democratic Party has recently developed over the last 25 years.”

      Um, no. Progressives started to impact our nation starting in the 1920s and really hit full stride in the 1930s. Then they seemed to lay low until the middle 1960s (think President Johnson’s “war on poverty” and “great society” balogna) … and continued their high jinks into the early 1970s. Once again they seemed to lay low until the middle 1990s and have been unabashedly pushing their agenda ever since.

      • I would say that FDR was a huge spur to the progressiveness and welfare state that we see today.

    • The Communist Party USA has been working for a hundred years to gain influence in America. They have succeeded by taking over the democrat party structure, the unions, the media and education. They will succeed because they control education, bottom to top. They are turning out good little “socialists” who see nothing wrong with communism.

      It took them decades to get where they are, conservatives cannot turn it around in the next four or eight years.

      Unless someone can come up with a way to “un-brainwash” the youth of america we are lost.

      Be Prepared !

    • In a symetrical fight that is true. In an asymetrical fight the side with the bigger will to fight wins.

      Question is what kind of fight is this?

      • What kind of fight is this?

        For us, it is for the preservation of our Founders’ dream, codified in our Constitution 229 years ago. Liberty.

        For them, it is the preservation of the continuing flow of other people’s money into their pockets. And since they lack the ability to provide for themselves, the fear is visceral and could prove to be a powerful motivator.

        • Politicians may see it that way, but liberals as a group see themselves as fighting for decency, justice and equality among men and the betterment of the human race. They believe that all good people are like the Good Samaritan, and that it si the government’s sacred duty to protect those who cannot protect or fend for themselves. Therefore, guns which are only good for killing are against the very nature of their nature and their cause. By the way, these liberals of whom I speak are all gainfully employed and self-sufficient, some even quite wealthy.

          These are well-meaning people who do not recognize the basic fallacies of their belief systems that human beings are vile, evil and violent by nature.

        • I have liberal friends like that, too. But in the next revolution I won’t be worried about them. They’ll be in their safe space for the duration of the war.

        • “Political power comes from the barrel of a gun.” – Chairman Mao

          Until the Progressives learn and understand AND EMBRACE this they will always, ultimately, fall by the wayside.

  2. Those other states are right with you, it’s just we’re outnumbered by the snowflakes in a couple big cities. Push comes to shove they’ll fall as soon as the farmers cut the food supply. Don in rural Oregon.

    • While I can appreciate the frustration of a rural person getting their freedoms stomped on, I think those of us with the same values that must live closer to the big cities with the special snowflakes get a worse deal.

      My line of work you don’t find in rural areas, so I am in a suburb of Portland. It’s not fun to have to progressive crap literally surrounding you on all fronts of life, and your home barely being a retreat.

      The snowflakes never ending protests and violence are very close to home. Enjoying shooting sports is a topic not to be discussed in free air without terror. Being forced through traffic jams because we can’t stop having celebrations for each snow flake etc… It gets old…

    • You’re ignoring the fact that those “couple of big cities” make up 75%+ of the state populations. So no, “those other states” aren’t with us when the majority of their citizens oppose basic constitutionally protected rights.

      • Any split must be county based, not state based — which gives people a local choice. Google US Political Map by County and you will see an ocean of red with blue islands (big cities) scattered around.

    • The disconnect between city and rural life is a rather fascinating and dangerous one. I’m actually curious as to what is the actual cause. If you ask a city liberal, the answer will be something like “we’re surrounded by diversity and we’re used to it.” if you ask a rural conservative you’ll get something like “We live a more independent lifestyle.” what is it though? Is it because immigrants tended to settle in the cities and created the environments based around racial divisions? Is it an old soviet program to infiltrate the public education system of the largest cities in the United States that we’re seeing the remnants of? Are rural people just racist? The world may never know.

      • Reggie, that’s such a great question and one that I’ve asked myself (and aloud in the room if anyone was listening) on many occasions. I’ve wondered if it was primarily due to a reliance upon services. A big city population doesn’t grow their own food, or produce their own power, or drive themselves (as much), or clean their own streets, or wash their own windows, or often even produce their own heat. They’re also used to many more rules: what side of the street to park on, what hours they can park, where to cross the street, etc. I wonder if this all skews the perception of what’s the greater priority, ground-up individual liberties vs top down societal engineering. If it doesn’t skew them, maybe the reverse it true – cities may draw those who are comfortable with a more structured society while those who aren’t move to suburbs or rural settings.

        Either that or it’s from telepathic aliens from outer space…it’s really a toss-up.

      • I grew up in both a urban and s rural envorment. I don’t think it is an urban/rural dichotomy. It’s that liberal Democrats have turned into Communists and urban areas have been controlled by Democrats for s long time.

        I think many old urban Democrats don’t realize that their party has moved radically away from Constitutional Republicanism and that the Communists are using the educational system as an indoctrination system.

        Most actually still strongly believe in the Bill of Rights but they aren’t paying attention to what is going on and are blindly following the Democratic party.

    • This is an important and overlooked point. It is amazing to me how blind the urban liberals are to the FACT that almost everything they really need just to survive, much less live in the manner to which they have become accustomed, comes from the red states they disdain. Very reminiscent of “Capital City” in “The Hunger Games”.

      Without their fascist control (and guns) Capital City was/is doomed.

  3. Well, if it comes to the ultimate choice, and all other options have been exhausted (soap box, ballot box, jury box), the side with the armed citizens will win.

    But, we seem to be winning both the first and second options, so (thankfully) it remains a purely rhetorical question.

  4. If Trump does a good job and passes Voter ID laws, Terms Limits, School Choice, and builds a Wall, I predict our gun rights will be secure for the next 50 years and possibly longer.

    That DOES NOT mean that we can stop fighting. We’ve got the momentum, so now is an even more important time to get to work.

    • Add deport 5 million illegals, stop all immigration for 3 years, and dead democrats voting, we’ll return to these UNITED STATES.

    • I was going to say the same thing. The reds will stay red, the blues will stay blue, and those in between will sway one way or the other based on demographic shifts.

    • RF was pretty specific with his statement: The states that accept Texas’s CCW paperwork are pretty much the same states that voted for trump.

      The states that accept Minnesota’s CCW paperwork are…not.

      “States that do not recognize Minnesota Concealed Carry Reciprocity are:
      California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida*, Georgia*, Guam, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, New York City, North Dakota*, Ohio*, Oregon, Pennsylvania*, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina*, Texas*, Virgin Islands, Washington, West Virginia*”

      * 7 states that voted for trump, but do not accept MN’s paperwork.

      • We had this meme before only with North Carolina. FYI. Minnesota flipped red at the state level and Gary Johnson probably cost Trump the state. A lot of non Trump lovers voted Libertarian because they thought Minnesota was out of reach. I am embarrassed to say son was,one of them.

        • You should be proud your boy can think for himself instead of spouting the same retarded bullshit the rest of you Hannity lovers regurgitate….

          The nonsense out of some of the old guard around here has become unbearable to the point where I only check the site a couple times a week. Honestly, this used to be a place for discourse… Now it’s just thinly veiled racism and an overt penchant for blatant populism.

          It’s hard to wrap my head around how hive-minded all you rugged individuals actually are.

        • Johnson is a faux Libertarian. Liberty amounts to getting high, having some variant of sex and cleaning up with an abortion. Markets? he’s ok with them as long as they don’t interfere with his sex and drug life.

    • NH recognizes all states that recognize NH permits. Unfortunately, Texas does not, so no reciprocity. More reason for national reciprocity!

      Permits are $10 for 4 years, no fingerprints and no public record of permit. For residents the local police keep the records, not the state, so one knows the true number of locally issued permits.

      • Once you realize that “More reason for national reciprocity!” = “More federal trampling over states rights!”, you might see the wisdom in being careful what you wish for, because you just might get it.

        In the meantime, just go get a Utah nonresident carry license and carry wherever you want. National reciprocity is a moot point now and a legislative disaster begging to happen. You’ll be sorry…..

        • So the feds can’t trample the states rights but the states can trample the individual’s rights? My civil rights are being violated on a daily basis in CA. If the feds can’t step in and force the state to honor my rights why do we have a constitution? Bill of Rights?

          1a, 2a, and all the other little a’s mean nothing without federal teeth to back them.

    • “Texas is Minnesota with better weather.”

      I’ve been in Minneapolis in the dead of winter and Lubbock in the heat of summer. On a suckage scale, the weather in both totally suck.

      • Have done the same. And grew up I’m Lubbock. It’s flat and brown. MN is flat and green. Or white, sometimes. Maybe why I live in New Mexico. Not flat.

    • Texas has about five times the people and five timee as large an economy as Minnesota. Texas is 30% minority, twice Minnesota’s percentage. Texas is home to 52 Fortune 500 companies, tied for 2nd place with NY, after California’s 54. Minnesota has 19.

      To suggest they’re comparable is laughable. Or were you making that comparison based on firearms-related criteria? Even funnier.

      Minnesota requires a permit just to purchase a handgun. They have a seven day waiting period for those lacking government permission to buy a handgun.

      They have no castle doctrine. That’s to be expected, though, in a state with no state constitution provision for the right to keep and bear arms.

      None of that, what did you call it, “B.S.”, was it, applies to Texas. Moreover, Texas recognizes 33 others states’ carry licenses. Minnesota deigns to recognize only 19.

      Taken together, it’s no wonder that Texas ranks #15 on Guns & Ammo’s list of firearms friendly states, while Minnesota ranks 39th.

      #Texit is a thing. #Mexit??? Well, that’s just silly. Oh well, Texas-haters gotta hate. Can’t be us, so they hate us.

      • Texas blah blah blah. I lived in Virginia for 32 years and now live in Wisconsin. Anybody who can legally own a gun can openly carry it without a permit.

        In Minnesota, if you have a permit to carry that is your permission slip. The permit is shall issue. Like Texas, the permit is your open carry permission slip which you just got. In Minnesota the no gun sign is meaningless. You can even stay when they ask you leave since the penalty is the equivalent of a $25 parking ticket. You want firearms freedom? Move to Wisconsin, Virginia or a permitless carry state.

  5. Leftism, to borrow a favorite term of the leftists themselves, is not sustainable. Doomed to collapse. That’s not to say conservative values will win, the result of said collapse may also be anarchy and despotism.

  6. Oh, Texas, the least friendly pro gun state. I loved visiting Dallas and leaving my handgun at home due to the 30.06, 30.07 and 51% signs that carry the force of law. As it turned out, half the places I wanted to go had one of the three signs posted and few of them were in any of the crowdsourced Texas CCW sign databases.

    I like the PA model better. No mandatory CCW training, no fingerprinting, the LTCF issued by many sheriffs on the spot, the LTCF is $20/5years. Signs don’t carry the force of law, and there’s no 51% like law. While it’s not something I would do, in PA you can OC in bar while slamming down shots and it’s not violating any law. The only thing that would better is constitutional carry (which we sort of have for OC, a gun in a vehicle is considered CC even if in plain sight in the car and that requires a LTCF)

    • Pa. loses some points for the background checks for all handgun sales and the odd carve-out requiring a license for open carry in “cities of the first class” (as the Pa. code sarcastically calls Philadelphia,) but darn if it isn’t one of the most under appreciated concealed carry-friendly states in the union.

      Especially now that I’m in Michigan, and occasionally say things like, “Gosh, I wonder if that restaurant gets 49.999% of its revenues from alcohol sales, or if it’s over the line at 50.001%?” to myself.

  7. It is all up to US, WE the PotG. No one else.

    Trump’s election to President demonstrates what we can do at the ballot box when we are motivated enough to get up off our duffs and vote. We won ONE; and it was the BIG ONE. Short of Charlton Heston reincarnated, Trump might be the best candidate for gun rights who could have gotten elected. He will appoint Scalia’s replacement and likely a couple more justices.

    Now, what we must do is write our respective Representatives and Senators and insist that they get-with-the-program. They are just 2 years away from re-election in the House and 1/3 of them in the Senate. If they want us to support them (or at least not oppose them) then they have to vote our way (or find a reason not to be present to vote) when gun legislation comes up for a vote.

    We have to convince the Republican leadership that we will punish them in the next election if they do not move our gun rights legislation through the legislative process.

    This is no time to be complacent. This opportunity is a once-in-a-century phenomena. We won’t get everything we want; and it won’t happen instantly. What we need to do is figure out which legislation will be most important for penetrating the States and Congressional Districts that are highly populated; i.e., where there are few hunters or target shooters.

    Right-to-Carry strikes me as the most important; particularly for those of our fellow citizens who are most vulnerable to crime or terrorism. Inner-city residents need to appreciate that they need not depend entirely on the police arriving in minutes. Women, the elderly, students and others need to appreciate that they don’t need to rely on rape whistles or call boxes.

    We don’t need to take-the-bait that “everyone” should carry; that’s not at all necessary. All that IS required is for criminals and terrorists to recognize that 1 of 8 or 1 of 4 people they target is apt to be carrying. If the target doesn’t get them, someone else will.

  8. Notice CO honors your permit, and vice versa. This massive liberal bastion with permitless open carry, campus carry for almost a decade now, and no restrictions whatsoever except for mag cap laws that NOBODY enforces or has been arrested for. Yeap, we’re sinking, and look just like California.

    Granted, I do understand that with the influx of CA liberals migrating here, it’s possible to become CA, but we are not there yet.

    • Uh, and universal background checks… Haha, happened to live in CO at the time and bought a nice FNAR from a guy the night before the law went into affect…

      • Of course. But my main point was Colorado is not as shitty, nor is Texas the garden of Eden for guns. I sold a G19 to some Navy Col for $750 that year.

      • No one pays attention to the BGC law either when it comes to private sales.

        Even the cops and the FBI guy on my block ignore that law.

        The laws have all been reduced to nothing but words on paper by Irish Democracy because no one gives a fuck and LEO’s don’t even try to enforce them.

        • Unlike most European citizens, Americans are historically famous for ignoring immoral or just stupid laws. It’s part of what makes us better than anyone on planet earth.

      • This douchebag was already doing stupid shit when he got charged with this. I’m betting that those mags were probably already owned, and the burden or proof being on the state, they couldn’t make it stick if they really wanted to.

        Point ultimately is that it hasn’t happened solely on that law being broken, because nobody cares, and if someone does care, the people who are deliberately breaking it are doing so easily and carefully as to not be arrested in the first place. Magpul places lot codes on Pmags for date of manufacture, and there’s nothing anywhere that says those “serial numbers” can’t be removed by a quick sandpaper scratch.

  9. I feel the answer to this question is contained in the following text:

    Lifted from a website: Staying in numbers reduces the threats from predators. I live in a city near a bunch of rude people and no one likes each other and we live this is because its better than being eaten by mountain lions in the middle of the night because you’re some hermit living alone in the middle of nowhere”

    Ignoring the shitty grammar etc, I think you get the point. Some folks make a bag of rusty hammers look like MENSA material. Those folks congregate in cities.

  10. I think neither. I think the divide will continue. Good for those who live in places like Texas, bad for those in CA.

    The real ugly stuff comes from the places still somewhat ‘purple’ until one side gives up on them.

  11. Donald Trump is hated because he really does believe in freedom. He obviously does not articulate it very well. But he has for me at least demonstrated proof of his support for freedom.

    What about those tech billionaires who backed gun control in Washington State and Colorado. They certainly do like their armed private security.
    I hope everyone is enjoying the wonderful machines and software they provide for consumers at a “reasonable price”.

    How about those pot head billionaires? They got rich from legal Marijuana intoxication. Do they support gun rights???
    If they do will they spend the same amount of money the facist communist billionaire Bloomberg spends to take our rights away???

    I have no faith in pot heads, billionaires or not.

    • Not sure if you were aware of this Chris T, but in case you weren’t I thought this TTAG article from October 2015 might interest you.

      “Housekeeping: The TTAG Team Creates Marijuana Website” The people who bring you The Truth About Guns have launched a new website dedicated to marijuana news: It’s not a blog. It’s a news aggregator – with a difference. The software contains a proprietary algorithm (thank you, Nick) that automatically personalizes the content you see based on your reading preferences. (Provided you sign in with a Facebook account. If not, the site remains anonymous.) Click on the leaf to see a blurb, then decide whether or not you want to eat some more chocolate chip cookies. I mean, read the full story. Better yet,’s

      But don’t bother trying to pull up this original post, , it has since been “wiped” from the TTAG website.

  12. Robert and the dozen or so TTAG habitual commenters obsessed with abolishing ANY government regulation that could possibly inhibit them from doing anything they feel like doing whenever they feel like doing it, predictably, can’t see the forest for the trees.

    Whether a few hard heads representing a mere fringe of armed America want to admit it or not, all Liberty loving Americans prevailed big time on November 8 if you consider what didn’t happen.

    Hillary didn’t win. Liberal activist SCOTUS Justices didn’t take control of the high court for decades and didn’t set about dismantling the 2nd amendment through reinterpretation. Anti-gun liberals didn’t gain control of the House or Senate and there will be no sweeping anti-gun legislation banning or punitively restricting firearms, magazines, or ammunition.

    All Liberty lovers should and will cheer on and support any pro 2nd amendment effort or gain such as national reciprocity, firearms tax stamp reform, or any other pro firearms legislation we would like to see advanced. But it is disingenuous to ignore the reality that lawfully armed Americans have already prevailed and achieved a major victory just by holding the line at the polls in 2016.

    We should all take time to appreciate and enjoy our collective sigh of relief and celebrate that THE OTHER SIDE DID NOT PREVAIL, they suffered an epic loss.

  13. I believe that conservatives are going to lose within 8 years and never recover.

    (1) Demographics that love Communism Progressivism are reproducing MUCH faster than demographics that support conservatism.
    (2) Big Money ultimately wins … and people who love Progressivism are hitting the 100 million dollar and 1 billion dollar mark on their balance sheets far faster than people who love conservatism.
    (3) Progressives utterly and totally dominate and control legacy media, television, and movies. They will disseminate propaganda at a rate and with an effectiveness that Joseph Goebels could never have imagined was even remotely possible.
    (4) Progressives utterly and totally dominate and control academia and have no qualms exploiting their full potential to indoctrinate the masses.

    Unless people who love liberty and conservative principles start having a lot of children, start making Big Money, and neutralize to a fair extent the propaganda or indoctrination of academia, they are screwed.

    • Even if your much flawed doomsday prediction of conservative decline is 100% accurate (it aint), the fact that Trump’s one to three likely SCOTUS nominations will deny judicial activist liberals a majority on the high court for at least the next two or three decades throws a big wrench in any plan ambitious progressives might have for achieving radical leftist nirvana in the U.S. eight years from now.

  14. The side with the will to fight and the guns will win. That’s us, the red voters. Limp-wristed libs and snowflakes will lose.

    I have a Trump bumper sticker on my car. In Minnesota. You know why? Because I’m not afraid of any screechy liberal.

  15. Congress has several bills under consideration that will mandate National Reciprocity.

    S. 498 – Introduced by U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas), this legislation would respect the rights of individuals who possess concealed carry permits from their home state, or who are not prohibited from carrying concealed in their home state, to exercise those rights in any other state that does not prohibit concealed carry. This bill currently has 32 cosponsors. Please contact your U.S. Senators at (202) 224-3121, and ask them to cosponsor and support S. 498.

    H.R. 923 – Introduced by U.S. Representative Marlin Stutzman (R-Ind.), this legislation is the House companion bill to S. 498. The legislation would also respect the rights of individuals who possess concealed carry permits from their home state, or who are not prohibited from carrying concealed in their home state, to exercise those rights in any other state that does not prohibit concealed carry. This bill currently has 36 cosponsors. Please contact your U.S. Representative at (202) 224-3121 and ask him or her to cosponsor and support H.R. 923.

    H.R. 986 – Introduced by U.S. Representative Richard Hudson (R-N.C.), this bill would allow any person with a valid carry permit or license issued by a state to carry a concealed firearm in any other state that does not prohibit concealed carry. This bill would also provide legal protection for law-abiding concealed carry permit holders against states that violate the intent of this bill. This bill currently has 183 cosponsors. Please contact your U.S. Representative at (202) 224-3121 and ask him or her to cosponsor and support H.R. 986.

    H.R. 402 – Introduced by U.S. Representative Rich Nugent (R-Fla.), this bill would allow any person with a valid carry permit or license issued by a state to carry a concealed firearm in any other state that does not prohibit concealed carry. The bill currently has 93 cosponsors. Please contact your U.S. Representative at (202) 224-3121 and ask him or her to cosponsor and support H.R. 402.

    These bills will require each State to recognize the constitutional right to bear arms for self-defense. Such does not tread on state’s rights. It just enforces the basic Constitution and the civil rights amendments.

    When this bills pass, the gun free school zone law also must be amended so that any valid license meets the exception contained in Title 18 § 922 (q) regarding school locations. Also lawful elf-defense must be allowed within a school zone.

    • And if any of those or similar pieces of legislation actually become law during Trump’s first four years, that will be great, but such legislation won’t be a top priority or generate enough of a sense of urgency for most conservative members of Congress to expend a lot of time, energy, and political capital fighting the Democrats over the issue, there’s just too many other major issues to resolve that will require all of the GOP’s efforts to achieve, BUT, it would be wonderful if national reciprocity comes to fruition, and it will be hilariously entertaining to see liberal politicians in Democrat strongholds like San Francisco, Chicago, and New York squeal like a pig stuck under a gate at the prospect of being helpless to prevent the lawful carrying of handguns by visitors to their jurisdiction.

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