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Question of the Day: What’s GLOCK’s New Gun?

Glock G42 teaser ad

By now you’ve probably seen this teaser ad floating through the nether regions of ballistic cyberspace. It may or may not be genuine. Either way, there’s likely to be more traffic at GLOCK’s SHOT Show booth than a Wally World Black Friday sale. Speculation as to exactly what the gun will be is all over the board, but seems to center on one of three variants: 1) a slim, single stack 9mm 2) something in .22 LR, or 3) a late-to-the-party .380 entry. I’ll take door number one, Monty. Whether the G42 is for real or some Photoshop jockey’s idea of a good time, Gaston’s group has to come out with a new gun some day, right? If and when, what will it be?

74 thoughts on “Question of the Day: What’s GLOCK’s New Gun?”

  1. Well, so long as it’s not that (photoshopped) ‘Glock 1911’ pic that’s been floating around the intarwebz for a couple of years now…

  2. Most speculation that I have seen is that the g42 will be a micro .380. The other rumor is that there is a 41 that will be a longside 45

    • That sounds like the strongest rumor and the most likely is the 41 a long barrel .45 and the 42 a .380, ive heard itll b a double stack. I have heard Glock will begin to open a plant here in GA so that they can manufacture and begin selling the .380. I guess we will see in a little over a month.

  3. I’ll also take door number one. Heck, I’ll take two of door number one. Although door number two would be pretty sweet as well.

    • There are already rimfire conversion kits available, too. I would doubt they would introduce a whole new gun to compete.

  4. I doubt it will be a 22lr model – the rimfire’s inherent lack of reliability doesn’t mesh well with Glock’s marketing strategy of “perfection”

    A single stack 9mm or .380 would be nice. I’d go for a glock in .380 in a heartbeat.

  5. It’s Glock. They’re Austrians. We’ll take whatever they give us and we’d damn well better it, because, well, it’s Glock. Period.

    • I am not holding my breath. Glock’s single stack 45 ACP was probably the worst guns they ever produced.

  6. My guess is a single-stack 9mm pocket pistol. They don’t make a .22LR or a .380 ANYTHING, and I don’t see them starting now.

      • Glock does make a .380. As I understand it, it’s not imported for sale to the general public in the U.S. because of some crap about it not having a sporting purpose.

        Could they get around that by maybe importing the parts and finishing the production in the U.S.? That’s a question for lawyers I guess.

        • Glock shouldn’t be selling anything to Law enforcement that they don’t sell to the public including the G18.

        • @Blue
          True that.
          If the public can’t have it neither should they, it defies the original intent of the 2A.
          No select fire autos for the general public, no select fire autos for law enforcement on any level on American soil period.
          Lawmakers should not be permitted to make laws that only apply to the citizens and not to themselves.
          All men are created equal and none are above the law.

          It matters not who scribbles what,
          the Constitution is the supreme law of the land.

  7. I’d dearly love for it to be the first Glock carbine but I think it’ll just be a 380 they’ve had trouble importing.

  8. Whatever it is, it’s too late for me. The market has plenty of single stack 9mms and sub-compact .380s already. The last thing sub-compacts need is glock ergos.

  9. If it is a pocket pistol with similar ergos to the S&W Bodyguard .380 (but a better trigger), I might consider buying my first Glock.

  10. I’d love for a glock carbine. I love, love, love the hi-point carbines. And I keep a .40 hi-point in my toolbox(I’m not throwing a $400+ gun in my truck/boat to slide around in a metal toolbox and scratch up, sorry) maybe they could improve on kel-teks sub2000.

    • I’d be happy if Glock could make an improved Sub 2000 and Ruger an improved SU16. Most keltec guns suffer from great innovation coupled with poor execution.

      • Exactly. Oh and the PMR30. its nice and I want one BAD. But cheapest I’ve found yet was $850 plus tax. I bought a north american arms 22 mag revolver for $210 instead.

  11. I vote for a longslide .45. Or a “high capacity” .22/.22mag like the PMR 30.

    Hell, a 5.7 would be sweet too.

  12. A pocket 9mm would be great but I’m hesitant of a Glock with no external safety in the pocket. I love the sig p238, but could be compelled to change.

    • Use a pocket holster. And don’t play with it or stick keys or other long narrow objects in that pocket.

    • If you’re going to pocket carry don’t do so with a round in the chamber if the barrel is pointed in the general direction of you manhood.
      Think of those that have shot themselves in the leg drawing from side carry.
      You could go from a rooster to a hen in one shoot.

  13. What ever it is, it will be plastic, and probably look identical to every other model. Now if they make some kind of change to its design, such as any, then I may take a look. How about .380 compact that isn’t two and a half inches thick on the grip with a metal slide, better trigger, and less boxy shape.

  14. I’m going to guess a single stack 9mm. We’ll see. If I can get a deal on one, then I may put it in my safe with the other Glocks. If not, a pistol cal carbine would be awesome, especially if it maintained magazine compatibility. I’d consider a .380, but I don’t have much confidence in that cartridge.

    • Single stack 9 as well. The only reason I haven’t bought a glock is that the 9’s are to chunky in my hands. Oddly enough the Glock 21 in .45 fits me best of the current Glocks. I just can’t justify adding another caliber to my safe right now. It’s hard enough to feed my stable as is.

  15. I agree, single stack 9 mm seems the most likely. But one wonders if they’ll go all out and take on the competition in the pocket single stack .45 market (XDs, e.g.), but for such a conservative company, I think that is less likely. If it’s a .380, it’s a mistake. .380s were great when there were no subcompact 9s, but now that the market is flooded with micro 9s, to go with the .380 would be playing to a dying market.

    • I disagree. If you want to pocket-carry something, none of the current 9mm micros are really that great. Even the Kahr PM/CM is just a hair too big for that role. .380 is where it’s at for pockets.

      I would buy a Glock .380 pocket rocket….but I’d much prefer a single stack 9mm. We’ll see.

  16. Glock is late to the game with small variants like the M&P Shield and XDS already on the market (and doing very well).

    But it will still SELL if it is door #1.

  17. If they do come out with a sub 3 inch 9mm.
    It too might become my 1st Glock,
    I did my best shooting ever 1st time out of a box with the then new G23.
    But it was so butt ugly and plastic. I bought a Hi-Power in 40 S&W instead.
    Now 25 years later give or take.
    I might just own a plastic gun???

  18. Honestly I don’t think it will be any of the above. I think they will come out with a 30 s in a gen 4 and maybe add a. 45 longslide to go with the G34 and G35 for competition shooters. The G26 already fits the bill for a sub compact 9mm and is probably one of if not the most popular carry guns in the states overall. A single stack 9mm would only make people complain about the lack of capacity and the initial excitement (mine included) would die down quickly when I really think about how much I would rather just carry my 26. Glock tends to stick with what has proven profitable and doesn’t jump on designs that stray too far from that. They don’t need to. I think the add is a fake but will gladly eat my words if I’m wrong.

    • I’m not so sure. I carry a G26 IWB, but because as a double stack 10 rd. it’s a little chunky, I also carry a Taurus TCP .380 in a wallet holster for slacks. If Glock had a single stack, preferably in double action with a heavier trigger weight, I would have considered it.

  19. Love my Glock 19. Also love the Glock 30 the local distributor says I’ll have to wait a year for. I’d be happier if Glock would just catch up with it’s customers orders than announce a Glock Carbine that converts to a 1911. Wonder what the wait on that would be……………?

  20. Glock already sells two models in .380: the G25 compact w/15 rounds and the G28 subcompact w/10 rounds. I don’t know about elsewhere in the world, but in the U.S. they’re only available to law enforcement. I’ve never even seen a used one for sale anywhere. I suppose it’s possible they’d come out with a microcompact (to inventicate a word) in .380; but a just as large splash could be made with no new tooling by unleashing the existing .380’s to the civilian market.

    So what’s their new product? Who knows? I doubt a .22LR, too, as kits are already out there. I’m going to guess either a subcompact in .32 caliber, the lowest caliber eligible for qualifying for a concealed carry license in most, if not all, states. Or possibly some proprietary, but similar, small caliber, sort of like what they attempted with the .45 GAP.

  21. The only way I see Glock making a micro-.380 pistol is if they make it in the US. Otherwise, the Glock safety system (or lack of same), coupled with small size in a .380 means that it won’t make enough points for the ATF importation system.

  22. All guns should be Glocks, all Glocks 9mm, all 9mm Glocks the model #19…………… that being said I’m going with a .380 and single stack 9 & 40.

  23. My ideal G40 would be a G27/26 slide on top of a G23/19 frame, basically a snub G23. Most likely it will be a ultra slim 9mm to compete with the PF9/LCP crowd.

    • I’d buy a slim short single stack 9 for for pocket carry.
      Especially if it came with wallet style pocket holster.

  24. Glock will branch out and be like Daewoo. They’ll make a Glock Microwave, Glock Sedan, Glock Sofa, Glock Glock Glock….

  25. My EDC is a G36. Bought it five years ago in the (finally realized) hope that WI would get CC. It’s been flawless, conceals easily, fits my big old cheese-maker hands perfectly and it’s a .45. Whatever they have in the pipe my anticipation is , Meh.

  26. Its gonna be a .380 ACP (9mm kurz) pocket pistol. Some fellows here in austria have already seen it or talked to people from glock in deutsch-wagram about it. Allegedly it will be avaliable in austria directly after Shot Show in january, but I doubt it.

    The other gun, which is less known about is a .45ACP tactical model (I suppose like G34/35).

    Oh yes and the C-Model will be reintroduced for Gen4 Pistols.

    I dont know what you will get when in the US but for austria, and among austrian gun forums and enthusiasts. Its pretty rock-solid. 😉


  27. The big hint is that it’s small, smaller than a baby Glock 26 or 27.
    That limits the options to 9mm or less which could only be a single stack 9mm or smaller caliber such as the .380 in singe stack.
    I highly doubt it would be a .22 caliber being .22 ammo has been difficult to come by for almost a year now. There wouldn’t be much of a market for a new gun if the ammo wasn’t readily available and it wasn’t practical for self defense or use as a backup.
    If it’s smaller than a Glock 26 that leaves few options.

    • The Glock 28 has a 10 round magazine standard and can take the 15 rd magazine of the Glock 25. As far as I know, the Glock 25 is the largest capacity .380 out there.

      The G25 has ~ 4″ barrel and the G28 ~ 3.4″.

  28. Dunno if its already been said but the G41 is a 5.3″ .45, the 42 specs are still fully unknown, we just know its under 10rds, so probably a single stack 9 or 380.
    All this confirmed by a couple Glock dealers who have their SKUs and some info in their order systems. Seems only a few Glock dealers have it in their system

  29. The highest number is currently 39, so the gun they are teasing us with being the G42, we should see three new guns. One of them being a single stack 9mm is almost guaranteed, the question is what will the other two be. For the other two, there are three possibilities; a pocket .380, a single stack .40 to go along with the 9mm, or long slide competition .45. We are just going to have to wait and find out.

  30. I’ve heard rumors in the gunshop of a .45 acp similar to the tactical/practical g34/g35…..would buy two!! I’m also a big fan of the glock 19. Maybe a single stack version of that would convince to switch my edc from the 19?

  31. G42 is a .380 single stack, 13 oz. pistol. Six plus one round, I think. It’s very small, about the size of a Beretta Nano? I hope they chamber it in 9mm as well.

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