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“Nearly one in every three Americans owns a gun, according to a study published in The Journal Injury Prevention by researchers Bindu Kalesan, Marcos Villarreal, and Katherine Keyes of Columbia University, and Sandro Galea of Boston University.” That’s how came up with the gun ownership map above back in July 2015.

Thanks to American gun owners’ justifiably paranoid nature [sic], it’s impossible to know the map’s accuracy. If it is true-to-life, if the gun sales surge in the intervening two years hasn’t boosted percentages (especially in Alabama and New Mexico), there are only six states where the majority of the population owns guns: Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Arkansas, Alaska and West Virginia.

Those states are hardly what you’d call large population centers. We know — well, surmise — that gun ownership rates have been increasing across the country, thanks to once-rampant Obama-phobia and gun rights restoration for concealed and open carry. Will America’s most populous states ever be “turned” for gun ownership? Will America one day be a country where most of its inhabitants own guns?

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  1. “…there are only three states where the majority of the population owns guns: Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Arkansas, Alaska and West Virginia.”

    Three states?

  2. “Will Gun Owners Always Be A Persecuted Minority?”

    Why not? We would even be a persecuted majority.”

    I remember a quote, from somewhere, “Excellence is as rare as it is difficult”.

    Excellence, competence, good, valuable, all are rare; all a permanent minority. So it has been, from the beginning. America was all those things, always different and unique, a complete minority on the world stage.

    Why wouldn’t gun owners, minority or not, be persecuted?

    • “Why wouldn’t gun owners, minority or not, be persecuted?”

      At the point where the gun owners stood up and told their persecutors to back the f off. Persecution is another word for tyranny and the point of the Second Amendment was to protect against tyranny.

      • We agree on the purpose of the second amendment. Didn’t/doesn’t stop the persecution. To quote from a famous TV show, persecution, “It is what it is.” Ignore it, and fight on.

    • Just curious; throughout the entire human history around this planet of ours, have “persecuted minorities” typically been the ones with – or without – the guns?

      • You are convinced that a determined assault on your second amendment protected RTKBA is designed to elevate gun owners to a position of unassailability?

        You are convinced that being attacked for minding your own business, conducting yourself lawfully, isn’t an attack on you, personally?

        What term would you prefer for the recipient (s) of an unprovoked legal assault? Let me provide some candidates: “honored citizen”, “heralded gun owner”, “prized individual”, “hero of the state”, “revered publican”, “pride of the people”.

        Feelz, much?

  3. Something seems off…does Hawaii (where the 2nd amendment is just about effectively dead) really have a 45.1% gun ownership rate?

    • Dang near half the state’s population lives in and around the Omaha metro area. In my experience, city folks own fewer (legal) guns that rural folks, all other things being equal.

  4. In have been surveyed twice. Both times I said there were no guns in our household. I was not under oath and I felt comfortable mucking up my portion of their data. I do enjoy IPSC; IDPA; Trap; Skeet; Safety on the streets; big, medium, and small game hunting; oh and ducks, geese and phesants. 😉 BTW, I have never personally known a firearm that misbehaved. Have you?

    • Great move, I do the same thing if I get a survey call, I blow as much smoke up their ass as I can while keeping it believable. I like throwing questions back at the surveyor’s pulls them off their square. A little probing and bullseye, another lib exposed at the other end of the line. People like me are way I have no value for surveys or statistics.

      • Most survey interviewers are low-paid, part time gig workers who are following a script on their computer screen. Doesn’t mean the survey writers aren’t partisan, but the poor schmo trying to get you to participate is likely just trying to earn a few extra bucks. They are often paid based on the number of people they get to cooperate for the full list of questions and it doesn’t matter what you answer as long as you answer from the menu of responses they give you.

        Now, if the whole survey operation is a partisan front, then that’s a different matter. Those do exist.

        • Well, to make up for you guys lying, when I get asked, I say that my neighbors and everyone on the block has guns.

          So it balances out.

    • “I have never personally known a firearm that misbehaved. Have you?”

      Yes, but it was a semi-automatic rimfire. I can only get about 90-95% reliability out of it.

    • That actually wouldn’t surprise me. Were it not for a sparse population and Santa Fe/Taos areas being heavily Democrat the state would be deep red.

      Outside the Santa Fe area Northern NM is lightly populated but blue because of people who vote Democrat because their daddy and his daddy did. Those people tend to be country folk and ranchers who own firearms but vote D kinda like West Virginia.

      That area stays blue because NM is an old boys club where, in the Northern areas the price of admission is a D next to your name, which needs to be the right name.

      • That probably because all the Mexicans there illegally don’t have guns and slot of the douch bags moving from California don’t either. Y’all are being killed by invaders.

      • Better armed or more armed? I can arm most of my family (mom and siblings who live in town) with MSR’s and a handgun. That’s only about half of my guns.

        Most of these surveys are household’s with at least a gun.

  5. New Hampshire 14%. Yeah, right. I grew up in NH, I promise you, that’s an artifact of NH residents not answering a question from somebody “from away”as they say, in NH.

    • I live in NH and I agree that their methods are way off. Does anyone find it believable that the rate is 1/3 of HI? Are researchers incapable of sanity checking their work?

  6. The Dumbocrats have an agenda, in EVERY country prior to some Dictator taking over, the populous was first disarmed. Yes it CAN happen here, in the land of the free. IF gun owners would get off the butts & vote this would not be a problem, as in NY, Cuomo would not have been elected & G-D forbid re-elected again.

      • I looked at historic voter turn out in Texas shortly before the election. I can’t remember if the denominator was the voting age population or the population. What I do remember is that the number of votes cast was always below 50%. It was around 25% in midterm elections. If all gun owners voted in all elections for 2A, this map is right, and voter turnout is similar in all states, then the we would be sitting pretty. I know that’s a lot of if.

    • While it is true that we could possibly be disarmed it would only happen after the fight had gone door to door and the casualties had mounted into the 100’s of thousands and I still personally believe that not all the guns could be confiscated. After the gov’t goons showed up a few times the Molotov’s would be raining down on them and most likely they would find a less dangerous occupation to pursue. Those that didn’t would be culled from the gene pool fairly quickly.

    • We did get off our butts and vote and vote in 2016. And we won, Big League. The question is, can we keep it up the next few cycles?

  7. Arkansas has 57.9%, the highest in the continental US. And they told Coolidge shutting down the strike would kill the Republican party in the state.

    I’ll refer to these numbers as minimums if I ever use this data.

  8. More like ““Maybe one in every three Americans will admit to owning a gun” Fixed that for you. You’re welcome.

    When you see Idaho and Wyoming coming it at 5x% ownership it’s hard to not wet oneself from laughing so hard. You live there and don’t own a gun, then you are in a tiny minority LOL.

    In Wyoming the better question is not if they own a gun, but how many guns do they own. Questions unlikely to get an honest answer if they don’t know you. Oddly Wyoming, for having so many guns and lax laws, has a relatively low firearm murder rate.

    Kentucky at 43% is another gut buster LOL. I live in Kentucky and know the people here well. Most Kentuckians are not going to tell a stranger if they own a gun or not. Most will say “no” while smiling and looking at the small arsenal in their gun safe. 43% would be low for even Lexington or Louisville. Outside of those cities I’d say around 60-65% of households have at least one firearm. Some parts of the state I would not be surprised if it approached 75-80% ownership.

    Vermont at 28%, New Hampshire at 14% you gotta be kidding me. Those two states alone discredit the data.

    Nebraskan’s are clearly bigger liars than Kentuckians when polled on this topic. LOL

  9. Minorities in this country are classified as victims and therefore entitled to rights,protections and subsidies.

    So where’s our free shit?

  10. I ask you; do you just not have editors here? Toddlers couldn’t get counting wrong, but apparently Robert Farago can. Okay, Robbie. We have Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Arkansas, Alaska, and West Virginia. How many states do we have?

  11. Persecuting gun owners just proves that Proggies are the kind of idiots who throw rocks at hornet nests and feed the bears in National Parks.

  12. I have no idea where any of their data came from, I go only by what I personally observe. Fact every swinging-dick I have ever talked with in my home state; “The Great Lakes State” Michigan; hunts and shoots any and every form of legal tool for said purpose. As well as many of my cohort have their (CPL) a (CCW) in Michigan is a criminal charge carrying a concealed weapon, can be any weapon hear in the peninsula state. However to obtain your (CPL) is rather hassle free and affordable. I do not feel as a minority hear in the mid Mich, central Mich area. I never go down state to “little Bagdad” Detroit. If I do you bet I will have both my SR1911 commander as well as my Rock Island 22TCM double stack 1911 pumping out one of the highest velocities you can get from a handgun, it’s a palm size AR15 being the round is a shortened 223 the length of a 9mm. Just love it but I’ve never been a crowd follower so I guess if I were a minority it really would not seem any different for me. I will stay an amosexual till the day I return to the dust. Hopefully fired from a cannon for my burial at sea, or against the side of a mountain, make me no difference I’m done with pod from that point. Yah’! fired from a cannon for my burial , now that’s my new goal.

  13. Yes, gun owners will always be a persecuted minority as long as there is a Democrat in office. Any office.

    • I think you mean Communist in office, but the difference between the two is almost indistinguishable today.

  14. by researchers Bindu Kalesan, Marcos Villarreal, and Katherine Keyes of Columbia University, and Sandro Galea of Boston University.”

    Trust no research conducted by anyone here on a student visa. Deport, Deport, Deport

  15. Gun owners have always been a persecuted minority. It’s just that to those of us to be blessed to live in the most liberal-created (Original meaning of ‘Individual Rights; not the bastardized version Progressives like to use) country in the world; we forget we are the only beacon of light avoiding the blackhole void of firearm rights in this small blue planet of ours. Globalization has always been about standardizing the lowest-common denominator (in the name of ‘Unity’), which proves to be difficult with the blinding beam of standards coming from the USA. Never forget that even though we have had our fair share of flaws and failures in our short span as a country, they are like nicks and bruises compared to the bloody history of oppressive feudal rule of most countries in this world. They may be kinder to their plebs these days; in the end, though, they still see them as just that, not individuals.

  16. In California, the increase in gun sales came from the Central Valley counties. Outside the Central Valley, gun owners are a quickly diminishing number. Even in populated red areas, going to the gun range you see the same people (mostly older blue collar white males) who are regulars and often are glad to show their new toys. The days you see new faces are new.
    At least in California, the gun owning minority is getting smaller and smaller and survival of gun rights relies on not pissing off the vast majority of non-gun owning voters (that applies for Republicans also)

    • The north state, excluding Humbolt Co is still heavy gun. (North State does not include the SF Bay Area or Sacramento.
      It hasn’t just been the Central Valley.

      Remember, part of the gun control agenda is to show that guns are not as popular as the 2A supporters want the masses to understand and believe. With fewer gun owners, they think they can establish that losing the 2A would only impact a small number of people, so no big deal.

      I believe that California is in for a rude awakening when the gun owners take part in civil disobedience by refusing to go along with all the illegal gun controls the progressives have imposed. Whether in individual states or across the nation, they will never succeed at locking up all who refuse to comply, and they will never get all the guns taken away.

      Such is the case Australia has found. The UK has experienced a rising tide of criminals getting access to handguns. Law enforcement in the UK has increasingly gone to firearms. Here in the USA, the laws instituted in NY, CT, MA, etc, have still not met with total compliance and it’s been several years since those laws took effect. Same thing in LA (high capacity magazines) and the SF Bay area. And that’s the law abiding people.

  17. Yes. Too many gun rights folks are sounding like Pro Life fringe nuts. That is not where we want to be in the minds of the populus about gun ownership.

  18. “Will America one day be a country where most of its inhabitants own guns?”


    I think we will stay at a pretty solid 1/3rd though.

  19. As usual, the numbers are questionable.

    “We used data from a survey by YouGov (http:// among individuals aged
    >18 years in USA in 2013. YouGov is a nonpartisan
    research firm that recruits its panel online
    through a polling website …” to select their respondents.

    The ‘methodology’ page/appendix seems unavailable unless one buys the paper from BMJ.

    I suspect it was a telephone survey. We already know the issues with those; a number of commenters above discuss their responses to such surveys.

  20. Will Gun Owners Always Be A Persecuted Minority?

    Why are you accepting their presumption of gun owners being the minority position?

      • Think about it, how are you going to answer the question of do you own firearms when it comes from someone you don’t know? So how can you be sure we are the minority? Isn’t the math supposed to have us at an average of more than one gun per person nationwide?

        How about this…. a silent majority.

        And persecuted.

        And this…. Firearm owners can’t be anywhere near as violent as we are accused of or they wouldn’t be persecuting us as aggressively as they do.

        • “Isn’t the math supposed to have us at an average of more than one gun per person nationwide?”

          On this blog, the accepted number of guns in private hands is estimated to be 300million+. If we knew that everyone of those guns represented a single person, we would be the absolute majority. However, we have also seen estimates of 3-6 guns average per owner. Thus the general conclusion is there are 100million gun owners. That is 1/3 the US population. 33% is not a majority of 100%. We are in an effective minority if we hide the fact that gun owners own guns (not saying anyone MUST admit to anyone they have one or more guns). The minority position (real or not) is used to justify the lack of “need”, lack of justification for resisting gun controls.

          Since we do not have any means to know the true number of guns and owners in the country, we are left in a minority position as perceived by the public, which is “reality”.

        • “Since we do not have any means to know the true number of guns and owners in the country,…”

          I’m convinced one of the biggest ‘secret’ group of gun owners are the Progressive Left themselves.

          They will *never* admit to it to their little buddies, and they will justify it to themselves that ‘they’ are responsible enough to own them, but those RACIST ‘tea baggers’ hicks are not…

        • ‘On this blog, the accepted number of guns in private hands is estimated to be 300million+. If we knew that everyone of those guns represented a single person, we would be the absolute majority. However, we have also seen estimates of 3-6 guns average per owner. Thus the general conclusion is there are 100million gun owners.’

          BJS says 380-425 million guns. And the estimates of 3-6 per owner come solely from extrapolating from using the known likely 50% undercount resulting in 33% who will tell a stranger in a face to face interview, were your name is recorded on a filed form (and that is exactly the method GSS with that “33%”) that they have a gun in the home, despite all modern firearms training emphasizing you must tell no one a gun is the home.

          GSS which has that 33% says DC has a 2,000 gun owners (0.24%) when the DC MPD says 7,000. US gun ownership is likely to be 58-63% according to peer reviewed studies that look at indirect questions that are considered more accurate,

        • “However, we have also seen estimates of 3-6 guns average per owner. Thus the general conclusion is there are 100million gun owners. That is 1/3 the US population. 33% is not a majority of 100%. ”

          You are 100% wrong. the “3-6″ guns per owner” SOLEY comes from the initial claim of 1/3 of the population. It does not exist outside of that number. There is no polling, surveying or FBI data that supports 3-6 per owner as a per se statement, it is a hypothesis based ONLY on the claimed 1/3 (115 million).

          The 1/3 on the population is base soley on self reported to GSS (general social survey) census like surveying that involves face to face interviews and has zero anonymity since the form your answers are recorded on have your exact address. We know from literary scores of peer reviewed studies looking back at GSS for decades that this method of surveying results in profound, up to 75% under-counts on questions that respondeants feel are confidential. And for most gun owners, gun ownrhisp is incresingly confidential

  21. This reminds me of every claim of “higher rates of gun ownership means higher murder rates11!1!!” from gun-grabbing mongrels and lunatics. Using this survey data, and actual homicide statistics, we can see that no such connection exists. In fact, there’s not even a bare correlation.

    Florida is not included because it does not appear in Table 20 of the FBI’s UCR Data Tables.
    Alabama is not included due to limited homicide and supplemental weapons data.

    Alaska: 12 total for 1.63 per 100K || Ownership rate: 61.7%
    Arizona: 184 total for 2.78 per 100K || Ownership rate: 32.3%
    Arkansas: 110 total for 3.72 per 100K || Ownership rate: 57.9%
    California: 1,224 total for 3.19 per 100K || Ownership rate: 20.1%
    Colorado: 88 total for 1.67 per 100K || Ownership rate: 34.3%
    Connecticut: 60 total for 1.67 per 100K || Ownership rate: 16.6%
    Delaware: 33 total for 3.56 per 100K || Ownership rate: 5.2%
    D.C.: 81 total for 12.53 per 100K || Ownership rate: 25.9%
    Georgia: 411 total for 4.11 per 100K || Ownership rate: 31.6%
    Hawai’i: 6 total for 0.43 per 100K || Ownership rate: 45.1%
    Idaho: 15 total for 0.93 per 100K || Ownership rate: 56.9%
    Illinois: 364 total for 2.83 per 100K || Ownership rate: 26.2%
    Indiana: 238 total for 3.62 per 100K || Ownership rate: 33.8%
    Iowa: 18 total for 0.58 per 100K || Ownership rate: 33.8%
    Kansas: 78 total for 2.7 per 100K || Ownership rate: 32.2%
    Kentucky: 111 total for 2.53 per 100K || Ownership rate: 42.4%
    Louisiana: 356 total for 7.7 per 100K || Ownership rate: 44.5%
    Maine: 12 total for 0.9 per 100K || Ownership rate: 22.6%
    Maryland: 268 total for 4.52 per 100K || Ownership rate: 20.7%
    Massachusetts: 78 total for 1.17 per 100K || Ownership rate: 22.6%
    Michigan: 440 total for 4.44 per 100K || Ownership rate: 28.8%
    Minnesota: 60 total for 1.11 per 100K || Ownership rate: 36.7%
    Mississippi: 110 total for 3.68 per 100K || Ownership rate: 42.8%
    Missouri: 273 total for 4.52 per 100K || Ownership rate: 27.1%
    Montana: 9 total for 0.89 per 100K || Ownership rate: 52.3%
    Nebraska: 39 total for 2.09 per 100K || Ownership rate: 19.8%
    Nevada: 87 total for 3.12 per 100K || Ownership rate: 37.5%
    New Hampshire: 5 total for 0.38 per 100K || Ownership rate: 14.4%
    New Jersey: 291 total for 3.27 per 100K || Ownership rate: 11.3%
    New Mexico: 59 total for 2.83 per 100K || Ownership rate: 49.9%
    New York: 362 total for 1.84 per 100K || Ownership rate: 10.3%
    North Carolina: 315 total for 3.2 per 100K || Ownership rate: 28.7%
    North Dakota: 4 total for 0.55 per 100K || Ownership rate: 47.9%
    Ohio: 309 total for 2.67 per 100K || Ownership rate: 19.6%
    Oklahoma: 127 total for 3.3 per 100K || Ownership rate: 31.2%
    Oregon: 43 total for 1.09 per 100K || Ownership rate: 26.6%
    Pennsylvania: 440 total for 3.44 100K || Ownership rate: 27.1%
    Rhode Island: 18 total for 1.71 per 100K || Ownership rate: 14.4%
    South Carolina: 224 total for 4.69 per 100K || Ownership rate: 44.4%
    South Dakota: 3 total for 0.36 per 100K || Ownership rate: 35.0%
    Tennessee: 223 total for 3.43 per 100K || Ownership rate: 39.4%
    Texas: 760 total for 2.87 per 100K || Ownership rate: 35.7%
    Utah: 31 total for 1.07 per 100K || Ownership rate: 31.9%
    Vermont: 5 total for 0.8 per 100K || Ownership rate: 28.8%
    Virginia: 225 total for 2.72 per 100K || Ownership rate: 29.3%
    Washington: 86 total for 1.23 per 100K || Ownership rate: 27.7%
    West Virginia: 30 total for 1.62 per 100K || Ownership rate: 54.2%
    Wisconsin: 103 total for 1.80 per 100K || Ownership rate: 34.7%
    Wyoming: 9 total for 1.54 per 100K || Ownership rate: 53.8%

    Most dangerous states, homicides committed with firearms

    Top 10

    1. Washington, D.C. – 12.53 per 100K || Ownership rate: 25.9%
    2. Louisiana – 7.7 per 100K || Ownership rate: 44.5%
    3. South Carolina – 4.69 per 100K || Ownership rate: 44.4%
    4. Maryland – 4.52 per 100K || Ownership rate: 20.7%
    5. Missouri – 4.52 per 100K || Ownership rate: 27.1%
    6. Michigan – 4.44 per 100K || Ownership rate: 28.8%
    7. Georgia – 4.11 per 100K || Ownership rate: 31.6%
    8. Arkansas – 3.72 per 100K || Ownership rate: 57.9%
    9. Mississippi – 3.68 per 100K || Ownership rate: 42.8%
    10. Indiana – 3.62 per 100K || Ownership rate: 33.8%

    avg. 5.35 per 100K @ 35.75%

    11. Delaware: 3.56 per 100K || Ownership rate: 5.2%
    12. Pennsylvania: 3.44 100K || Ownership rate: 27.1%
    13. Tennessee: 3.43 per 100K || Ownership rate: 39.4%
    14. Oklahoma: 3.3 per 100K || Ownership rate: 31.2%
    15. New Jersey: 3.27 per 100K || Ownership rate: 11.3%
    16. North Carolina: 3.2 per 100K || Ownership rate: 28.7%
    17. California: 3.19 per 100K || Ownership rate: 20.1%
    18. Nevada: 3.12 per 100K || Ownership rate: 37.5%
    19. Texas: 2.87 per 100K || Ownership rate: 35.7%
    20. Illinois: 2.83 per 100K || Ownership rate: 26.2%
    21. New Mexico: 2.83 per 100K || Ownership rate: 49.9%
    22. Arizona: 2.78 per 100K || Ownership rate: 32.3%
    23. Virginia: 2.72 per 100K || Ownership rate: 29.3%
    24. Kansas: 2.7 per 100K || Ownership rate: 32.2%

    avg. 3.09 per 100K @ 29.01%

    Bottom 25

    25. Ohio: 2.67 per 100K || Ownership rate: 19.6%
    26. Kentucky: 2.53 per 100K || Ownership rate: 42.4%
    27. Nebraska: 2.09 per 100K || Ownership rate: 19.8%
    28. New York: 1.84 per 100K || Ownership rate: 10.3%
    29. Wisconsin: 1.80 per 100K || Ownership rate: 34.7%
    30. Rhode Island: 1.71 per 100K || Ownership rate: 14.4%
    31. Connecticut: 1.67 per 100K || Ownership rate: 16.6%
    32. Colorado: 1.67 per 100K || Ownership rate: 34.3%
    33. Alaska: 1.63 per 100K || Ownership rate: 61.7%
    34. West Virginia: 1.62 per 100K || Ownership rate: 54.2%
    35. Wyoming: 1.54 per 100K || Ownership rate: 53.8%
    36. Washington: 1.23 per 100K || Ownership rate: 27.7%
    37. Massachusetts: 1.17 per 100K || Ownership rate: 22.6%
    38. Minnesota: 1.11 per 100K || Ownership rate: 36.7%
    39. Oregon: 1.09 per 100K || Ownership rate: 26.6%

    avg. 1.69 per 100K @ 31.69%

    Bottom 10

    40. Utah – 1.07 per 100K || Ownership rate: 31.9%
    41. Idaho – 0.93 per 100K || Ownership rate: 56.9%
    42. Maine – 0.9 per 100K || Ownership rate: 22.6%
    43. Montana – 0.89 per 100K || Ownership rate: 52.3%
    44. Vermont – 0.8 per 100K || Ownership rate: 28.8%
    45. Iowa – 0.58 per 100K || Ownership rate: 33.8%
    46. North Dakota – 0.55 per 100K || Ownership rate: 47.9%
    47. Hawai’i – 0.43 per 100K || Ownership rate: 45.1%
    48. New Hampshire – 0.38 per 100K || Ownership rate: 14.4%
    49. South Dakota – 0.36 per 100K || Ownership rate: 35.0%

    avg. 0.69 per 100K @ 36.89%

    National average: 2.54 per 100K @ 32.8%

    And, now, for a graphical representation of the above data. Almost ZERO correlation between gun ownership and homicide rates.

    Note: r^2 = -0.0096

  22. A proper republican form of government (specifically in combination with a written constitution) makes it almost impossible for a minority as large as gun owners to be persecuted. We only got to this place by straying from that model.

      • The actual social science looking at undercounts of the type this 1/3 is based on show undercounts run about 50% on confidentiality based questions.

        2/3 of Americans sya a home is safer if it has a gun than ti does not. this is considered by the peer reviewed social science to be the more accurate proportion of Americans who own firearms

  23. These numbers are as reliable as sushi sitting in a car in July for three days. In the past few years Maine has defeated a number of gun control and hunting referendums, most recently UBC. In addition we passed constitutional carry and a number of other pro-gun legislation. Yet, they say only 22%. That might be true in the northern Mass portion of our state. Which makes sense since most surveys that are done, including referendum signature gathering, are typically limited to that same area.

  24. “Nearly one in every three Americans owns a gun”

    Wait a minute….. I thought the mantra was that only 3% of Americans owned all the guns. Which is it??

    Sounds like the stupid 4th Circuit Circus’ argument that we can’t be “allowed” to own “weapons of war”, but we also can’t own non-weapons of war because they aren’t “weapons of war” either (Miller).

    Stupid blowhards.

  25. It is hard to believe that there are that many Americans who will still talk to pollsters. and are these the same pollsters who predicted a massive Hillary Clinton victory in November 2016?

    I do not, of course, own any guns. At all. All of the 56% in Idaho who claimed to won guns were lying to the pollsters. We are all helpless, disarmed victims here. And our state Legislature is not really 84% Republican, and all of our state elected officials are really Democrats. Honest.

  26. I sometimes wonder what it would have been like if the cast of Seinfeld had gone to a gun range. There would have been a serious incident to get them there, like maybe one of them getting mugged. I can imagine Seinfeld deciding he didn’t like the looks of any gun offered for trial, George finding that some parts of guns hurt when misused, like pinching his fingers when inserting a mag, and Eileen would have been a mess of nerves just being in the presence of guns. They would have talked and complained for hours without a shot being fired, and they would realize that being mugged wasn’t such a bad thing after all, provided the mugger was either convincingly nasty, or decently polite. Imagine their collective relief to be told that this was a Police range, and they weren’t entitled to have a gun under NYC law anyway. That is how NewYork got to be how it is.

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