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Question of the Day: Did President Trump Inspire The Kansas “Hate Crime” Killing? If So, Does It Matter?

The New York Times brings us up-to-speed on the Kansas shooting many commentators are blaming on President Trump’s immigration policies.

“The Jameson guys,” as some on the staff at Austins Bar and Grill knew the pair, were on the patio on Wednesday evening. It was hardly unusual: Srinivas Kuchibhotla and Alok Madasani, two immigrants from India, often enjoyed an after-work whiskey at the bar they had adopted as a hangout.

Adam W. Purinton was also there, tossing ethnic slurs at the two men and suggesting they did not belong in the United States, other customers said. Patrons complained, and Mr. Purinton was thrown out.

But a short time later, he came back in a rage and fired on the two men, the authorities said. Mr. Kuchibhotla was killed, and Mr. Madasani was wounded, along with a 24-year-old man who had tried to apprehend the gunman, who fled.

Clearly, the shooter targeted his victims based on their skin color, ethnicity and/or national origin. But until and unless Mr. Purinton states that President Trump’s immigration policies inspired his homicidal attack, why assume a link?

Even if Mr. Purinton mistranslated “Make America Great Again” as “Kill Immigrants,” is it possible that Mr. Purinton was a racist/ethnocentrist/dirtbag before Donald Trump ran for office?

Suggesting a direct and mission critical connection between the President and Mr. Purinton’s “hate crime” (is there such a thing as a “love crime”?) is a temptation to libel the President that the press — including the NYT — couldn’t resist.

In Washington, the White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, rejected any link between Mr. Trump’s policy agenda and the shooting, which many Indians believed might have been inspired by the president’s harsh tone on immigration.

Because “many Indians” have connected those so-far-illusory dots, it’s OK for the press to repeat the insinuation ad nauseum. Apparently.

What’s your take? Does the President bear any responsibility for racists “energized” by his immigration policies? As long as the CIC doesn’t advocate violence, does it even matter?

66 thoughts on “Question of the Day: Did President Trump Inspire The Kansas “Hate Crime” Killing? If So, Does It Matter?”

  1. Yeah… Whenever the NYT publishes more of their fake news, I generally assume the opposite is true. The reality is that Tump is hardly anti-immigrant, being an avid Trump supporter AND an immigrant, I would know. Tump is anti-ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT. There’s a HUGE difference. It’s not even an anti-muslim thing as most Indians hate Islam far more than most Americans. (Don’t forget their wonderful neighbor to the north-west.

    • Did Trump inspire the Kansas killing?

      The answer is no.
      First off, they were Indians, from India. Whom are not from the 7 countries banned for immigration.
      Second, they were documented immigrants.
      Third, even if Trump wasn’t president, Purinton may have shot them.
      Fourth, hello Liberal news media, all things that happen in the united state’s isn’t all Trump’s fault – hilarious nonsense.
      Fifth, Purinton was a massive alcoholic who was normally wasted by morning, and those close to him mentioned his mental degradation as a result of it.
      Sixth, Purinton was totally wasted when he shot them.

  2. No. The dirtbag who did the shooting is totally responsible for it.

    Nobody can _make_ anyone feel or believe anything. Those are _responses_ determined only by the individual. Nobody else has any actual control over it.

    Next question.

    • “Nobody can make anyone feel or believe anything. Those are responses determined only by the individual. Nobody else has any actual control over it.”

      Hmmmm. Then how do you explain the existence of progressives? Those people who believe in things which make no logical sense.

      • They CHOOSE to believe things that make no sense. The same words that little snowflakes choose to blame for their fainting spells will simply leave me laughing. No mere words can “insult” me unless I choose to be insulted. That doesn’t mean that people don’t say and do insulting and demeaning things! But they can only actually control your REACTION if you allow it to do so. Otherwise, they are just words unless actual aggression is involved too.

        And using government to do that aggression, “banning” this and that, and enforcing it with the power of law… that’s where the rubber meets the road. Blaming other people for your hurt feelings makes as much sense as those who want to “ban” guns because they feel uncomfortable, or actually are (falsely) fearful of those who carry them.

        • Oh, give me a break. Upbringing, training and social expectation have just as much effect on a individual than your free will. While there are people who are “good” or “evil” enough to overcome outside influences, the vast majority of people will be heavily swayed by the world around them.

          • Not the same thing at all. People can certainly influence others, but those others ultimately choose how they “feel.” Can someone else eat for you? Sleep for you? Of course not.

  3. Trump “making” this guy shoot immigrants is a logic on par with someone shooting a president because Jodie Foster told him to.

  4. Standard lefty agitprop. They do this every time…conjure up imagined/wished-for connections between racism/hate crimes and whoever today’s object of lefty hate is…Trump in this case. They never allow this connection to go the other way. Trump has done nothing or said anything to encourage such murderous behavior. But, the way this game is played by the left, the more he does to decry such a connection, the more they will claim it’s proof of his culpability…as they have recently been doing in regard to his alleged (a clearly ridiculous example, BTW) antisemitism.

    • Couldn’t agree with you more. Any excuse will do for those lefties, let’s take a sad situations and blame it on (insert name here) instead of placing responsibility on the actual person.

    • Yeah, Trump did inspire this by making hatred and bigotry publically acceptable. He didn’t order it or do it himself, but he is responsible for making it okay to hate people for seeming “foreign”. I am a Muslim. People have insulted and accosted me more in the past 5 months during and after the election than had happened to me in all the previous years I had lived here as a Muslim.When I went to vote on election day, there were guys standing outside the poling place with MAGA and Trump gear and banners holding Armalites and Glocks. I got told to think twice “before trying anything.” I was asked “Are you sure you REALLY belong here?”. At the mosque, the people are genuinely afraid. The people he targeted in his only immigration act so far were all legal immigrants. Most of the people he targeted were in-country at the time, but we have now all faced the prospects of losing friends by them perhaps being on the wrong side of the border when the ban goes up again. Others from the mosque report getting the stink eye from people, as well as slurs and insults, and one has had a black eye. I’d say at least have have confided at some point they’ve either directly or indirectly told to “get out of my country”, even the ones who are American, American-born and raised. Being part of this minority, I have to tell you that the hate is real, that we’re not just coincidentally being targeted or attacked. I even have numbers to prove it.

      • You forgot to link ‘The Nation’ and ‘Workers World’…geez…you guys are slipping.

        Anyway, that *very* dramatic tale you tell sounds like every lefty hoax story I’ve heard for the last year….but keep speaking truth to power!

      • Well when you push anti white policies for the last 60 years you are going to get to the point people no longer care about being called names and start to advance their own interests.

      • No, Trump didn’t inspire this because he didn’t make hatred or bigotry acceptable. He would never have even encouraged it, much less ordered it, and he never made it okay to hate people for appearing “foreign.” You are a liar, is what you are. Either show us proof that you’ve been accosted or shove off. I rightly doubt there was anyone outside your polling station armed, either. That’s highly illegal all across the country, and all across the board. Again, either show us proof or shove off. Not all of the people he targeted in his only immigration EO were legal immigrants, either; and in the plain text of the order, legal U.S. residents are specifically exempted from detention. (What personally pisses me off is that he hasn’t intervened in its gross misapplication, but that’s neither here nor there.) Unless and until you show us actual police reports of Muslims being assaulted, which you don’t because there aren’t any as it just isn’t happening, don’t post knowing lies about people getting black eyes. Being one who actually watches what is really going on, I can tell you that you don’t have the numbers to prove it, either.

        That’s not to say that they don’t happen, per say. But, so far, the overwhelming and vast majority have, in fact, been hoaxes. So, forgive me if I’m suspicious of any claims of bigotry.

        • And if President or Candidate Trump said “It’s NOT okay to hate” then the media reports this as “Trump’s words inspired much hatred.”

          The connection is being made by the media. And they’re hoping “oh pleeze oh pleeze” that someone falls for this as they can then publish their hopes and prayers as an actual incident, “proving” the “connection.”

          Local law enforcement/government often backs this up, the same local folks who are so careful to avoid any connection between someone shouting “Allahu Akbar!” and Islam or terrorism.

          ===|==============/ Keith DeHavelle

  5. “is there such a thing as a “love crime”?

    Apparently rioting, throwing bricks through windows, smashing ATMs, beating Trump voters and burning limousines is a “love crime”, because “love trumps hate”, dontchaknow?

  6. The man who committed the crime is to blame. Beyond that, unless racism becomes a new classification of criminal offense (dear lord don’t make that a real thing now, if any liberal mush brains read this), it doesn’t matter. Trial, and judgment awaits.

    You can always credit Oh!Bama with the rise of ISIS or Ices, and his fantastic campaign of bombing weddings. A crack strategy given so many of these types spend all their life endlessly getting married again and again; so surely they’ll get bombed eventually. These types keep slaves for their own compunctions, often under-age, so wedding bombings, though really cool looking on a screen, didn’t stop ICES or ISIS from pushing into open border countries on political asylum waivers, and Trump didn’t bus them in by the bushel as Oh!Bama did. Not covered by lame stream media at all. Would be a revelation if it was. THAT. IS. TO. BLAME. for silly drunken fools and their racism. Misplaced anger due to media grandstanding, blaming people with a certain look, when by looks, it’s difficult to tell one group from another, mostly. Media fear porn is to blame along with ignorance.

  7. An argument could be made that this hate crime is solely the responsibility of the leftist judges of the Ninth Circuit. After Donald Trump won the election, the only verified hate crimes committed that had anything to do with the election were hate crimes by black Americans against white Americans.

    Anti-immigrant/Muslim extremist didn’t need to worry because, as the far left media would have us believe, Trump was a new Hitler who was going to get rid of all the immigrants and put all Muslims on a registry.

    Once it became clear that Trump wouldn’t even be able to prevent more questionable immigrants into the country, these extremist knew one thing; they had to take matters into their own hands because the government could no longer fulfill its responsibilities.

    So goes the argument.

    I do personally believe the fake news elements in the media have done more to divide this country than any politician has. That includes both Trump and Obama. The whole BLM movement was started based on lies perpetrated by broadcast media. Broadcast media was either making up or not investigating, but broadcasting, clearly fake stories about George W. Bush. They suppressed voter turnout in Florida (and everywhere west of EST) by calling the election before polls closed in Florida. Then they went on and on about how Bush didn’t win the popular vote.

    The media is so prejudiced that they cannot be fairly called journalists or reporters anymore, They can only be called propagandists. A media organization that lies to the people to support a specific political agenda is the enemy of the people. And let’s be clear, the 1A no more protects the press’s right to lie than the 2A protects my right to nuclear arms. The 1A does not override anyone’s 9A rights against libel and slander.

    • And let’s be clear, the 1A no more protects the press’s right to lie than the 2A protects my right to murder someone. There, fixed it for you. There are arguments that can be made for private ownership of nuclear weapons. Not much in the way of slander.

      • The 1A does, to some degree, protect the media’s right to lie, or at least, there are arguments that can be made for that proposition.

    • Yeah, Trump did inspire this by making hatred and bigotry publically acceptable. He didn’t order it or do it himself, but he is responsible for making it okay to hate people for seeming “foreign”. I am a Muslim. People have insulted and accosted me more in the past 5 months during and after the election than had happened to me in all the previous years I had lived here as a Muslim.When I went to vote on election day, there were guys standing outside the poling place with MAGA and Trump gear and banners holding Armalites and Glocks. I got told to think twice “before trying anything.” I was asked “Are you sure you REALLY belong here?”. At the mosque, the people are genuinely afraid. The people he targeted in his only immigration act so far were all legal immigrants. Most of the people he targeted were in-country at the time, but we have now all faced the prospects of losing friends by them perhaps being on the wrong side of the border when the ban goes up again. Others from the mosque report getting the stink eye from people, as well as slurs and insults, and one has had a black eye. I’d say at least have have confided at some point they’ve either directly or indirectly told to “get out of my country”, even the ones who are American, American-born and raised. Being part of this minority, I have to tell you that the hate is real, that we’re not just coincidentally being targeted or attacked. I even have numbers to prove it.

      “Enemy of the people?” Do you know who you sound like? Pick any dictator from the past 100 years.

      • A propagandist claiming to be an independent journalist is the enemy of the people. They’re the reason that I don’t believe an internet report from some guy that hate crimes are happening. They made big deals of specific reports that hate crimes against Muslims are happening. All of those specific reports turned out to be false.

        If what you say is true, I hope you live in a 2A friendly state, arm yourselves, and shoot the bastards who are violently attacking you.

        The people who are just saying racist shit, well, that’s the First Amendment, and just like the fake news people, there’s not a whole lot we can do besides shunning them.

        Plenty of people on the left are being hateful and rude to people on the right. There has been violence. Including murder. Often based on race. Two post election incidents in Chicago were videoed and posted to the internet. The Dallas shooter wanted to kill police, especially white police.

        The media ginned up a lot, maybe most, of this division through fake news. The media, by irresponsible or malicious reporting, has caused this division and violence. That is why they are the enemy of the people.

      • No, Trump didn’t inspire this because he didn’t make hatred or bigotry acceptable. He would never have even encouraged it, much less ordered it, and he never made it okay to hate people for appearing “foreign.” You are a liar, is what you are. Either show us proof that you’ve been accosted or shove off. I rightly doubt there was anyone outside your polling station armed, either. That’s highly illegal all across the country, and all across the board. Again, either show us proof or shove off. Not all of the people he targeted in his only immigration EO were legal immigrants, either; and in the plain text of the order, legal U.S. residents are specifically exempted from detention. (What personally pisses me off is that he hasn’t intervened in its gross misapplication, but that’s neither here nor there.) Unless and until you show us actual police reports of Muslims being assaulted, which you don’t because there aren’t any as it just isn’t happening, don’t post knowing lies about people getting black eyes. Being one who actually watches what is really going on, I can tell you that you don’t have the numbers to prove it, either.

        That’s not to say that they don’t happen, per say. But, so far, the overwhelming and vast majority have, in fact, been hoaxes. So, forgive me if I’m suspicious of any claims of bigotry.

        You would be a dictator yourself long before any of us, anyway.

  8. Was Trump also behind the guy who stepped in and took a bullet by trying to defend the two victims? Or does Obama get credit for him while Trump gets to keep the bad guy?

  9. On that basis, Obama is responsible for all the ambush killings of cops.

    Actually, that culpability would be a lot easier to prove.

    • I disagree Should Have Been a Defensive Gun Use should be reserved for situations in which people were prevented from carrying and were harmed because of it. These guys were just trying to enjoy a drink after work, and some deranged prick decided to kill them because he thought they were Muslim. If anything, Purinton has claimed the title of Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Year.

      • My definition is broader than yours. I feel it should qualify whenever an armed good guy would have had a reasonable chance to stop the bad guy regardless of the reason he was unarmed.

        Your definition does apply in this case. According to HandgunLaw, you can carry in Kansas bars but cannot carry while drinking. It’s doubtful that anyone in the place, with the possible exception of the bartender, hadn’t already had one.

        Somebody should tell Purinton there is a place reserved for him in hell right beside Omar Mateen.

  10. Actually, lots of Indians supported Trump big time. That may have been because folks from India study and work hard and rarely make use of gummint “benefits”.

    • East Indians tend to be Hindu, Christian, Sikh, or Buddhist. They have a very tolerant, peaceful culture and have meshed very well in the United States. They work hard and have a good worth ethic, generally speaking. I suspect that only a tiny percentage are Muslim.

      It’s very tragic that these people were shot by that imbecile.

      • Actually, there are more Muslims in India than there are in Pakistan. My neighbor, who is a Muslim from India, told me that for him, he was Indian first and Muslim second. For many Muslims who left India, it was a tough journey. So, those folks must have had considerable religious motivation.

    • Could also be because India has been in conflict with Muslims spreading influence within India’s borders.

  11. Really? We’re going to play the quotation marks game? On this site? A site where everyone is quick to scream every time the Left is reluctant to label a crime committed by Islamic jihadists as an act of terrorism…

    Come on, we’re better than that. Either crime is crime, or special crimes have special terms. We can’t have it both ways. This was every bit a hate crime that San Bernardino was a terrorist attack.

    Now as for blaming Trump, racist dirtbags have been doing racist things since long before his inauguration. Throughout the entirety of recorded history, in fact. As usual, the liberal media is doing what it does.

    And by the way, Farago, I knew a guy who stabbed his ex to death because he didn’t think he could stand to live without her. I guess you could call that a love crime.

    • Except that hate crimes are inherently bullshit with no constitutional basis and terrorism is a clearly defined concept… Little bit of a difference there.

      • “Except that hate crimes are inherently bullshit”. No they are not. While I agree with the fact that murder and assault is murder is bad for society. When you add in racism, prejudice, discrimination and hate to the mix, the effect on society can be elevated to another level of destructiveness

        • Terrorism is also a thought crime. Otherwise you could just charge someone with 2,000 counts of murder.

          And I’m not saying we shouldn’t just do that; but both terrorism and hate crimes are based upon intent and motive rather than just action.

      • Don’t we already prosecute crimes based on the level of thought associated with them? Pre-meditation is important in determining the degree of murder, and thus the sentencing.

        I absolutely believe that killing someone because of their religion, the color of their skin, or sexual orientation should carry a harsher penalty than killing someone because they cut you off in traffic.

  12. This had nothing to do with Trump, or his policies. If Clinton was in office instead, this wouldn’t even be news. That trash publication is trying to stir crap up, and they know they slip further and further into irrelevance.

    • It would still be news, it would just be spun differently. Instead of “the bad guys are taking their cues from the president” it would be “the bad guys are responding against the president because they’re threatened”

  13. Yeah, Trump did inspire this by making hatred and bigotry publically acceptable. He didn’t order it or do it himself, but he is responsible for making it okay to hate people for seeming “foreign”. I am a Muslim. People have insulted and accosted me more in the past 5 months during and after the election than had happened to me in all the previous years I had lived here as a Muslim.When I went to vote on election day, there were guys standing outside the poling place with MAGA and Trump gear and banners holding Armalites and Glocks. I got told to think twice “before trying anything.” I was asked “Are you sure you REALLY belong here?”. At the mosque, the people are genuinely afraid. The people he targeted in his only immigration act so far were all legal immigrants. Most of the people he targeted were in-country at the time, but we have now all faced the prospects of losing friends by them perhaps being on the wrong side of the border when the ban goes up again. Others from the mosque report getting the stink eye from people, as well as slurs and insults, and one has had a black eye. I’d say at least have have confided at some point they’ve either directly or indirectly told to “get out of my country”, even the ones who are American, American-born and raised. Being part of this minority, I have to tell you that the hate is real, that we’re not just coincidentally being targeted or attacked.

    • No, Trump did not inspire this, nor did he make hatred and bigotry publically acceptable. You clearly have him confused for DemoKKKrats. He never would have ordered it himself, not even encouraged it, so he’s not responsible for making it okay to hate people. Again, you’ve got him confused for most any run-of-the-mill DemoKKKrat pol. You are a liar, is what you are. Unless and until you have actual proof that people have accosted you for being a Muslim, which you don’t, shove off. I also sincerely doubt that anyone was armed outside of your polling station, either. Only a handful of places would even allow it. Unless and until you have actual police reports from the people you alleged were accosted at your mosque, especially since you claim someone got a black eye, shove off. Oh, and not all of the people targeted in Drupf’s immigration EO were legal immigrants. Hell, in the plain text of the order, legal U.S. residents were specifically exampted from detention and interrogation. (What personally pisses me off, though, is his filure to intervene in its gross misapplication. But, that’s neither here nor there.) Being part of the majority who actually looks at what’s really going on in this country, what you’re describing just isn’t happening.

      The overwhelming and vast majority, if not the entirety, of all of these alleged hate crimes by Drumpf supporters against anyone else have, in fact, been hoaxes. If anything, there have only been verified hate crimes perpetrated against Drumpf supporters by DemoKKKrats and their sympathizers.

    • Cool story bro, especially since this is the third time you posted it in this thread verbatim.

      Seriously the lefties need to fire whoever is writing the code for their web bots.

    • You choose to be an enemy of western culture and ideals and are sad people don’t like you? I’d liken you to a communist in the 1950s complaining they don’t feel accepted. Like communism, the west and islam are fundamentally incompatible, there is no room for both in a county.

      That said, who the hell hates Indians?? I’m pretty sure this hick would have started violence with anyone not ‘murican on that night.

  14. Let me provide some background on this place as I used to go there frequently. It’s smack in the middle of the burbs of Kansas City. Technically it is a bar, but they do a lot of restaurant business and it’s very common to see families there with children before 8pm. It’s located about 2 minutes from Garmin headquarters and the surrounding area is solidly middle class. Average home prices would probably fall between 175 and 300k in the immediate area. There are a bunch of regulars though that sit up at the bar and drink all day. This guy was probably one of those although I don’t remember him specifically.

  15. I think people from India make better citizens than those “cut from the same cloth” as this racist bastard. In fact, I’d happily trade all the white supremacists in this country for a few industrious Asians and Jews.

  16. It’s completely telling that the MSM jumps to make a Trump connection with a racist motivated shooter, but never ever mentioned that the good samariton who got shot chasing the shooter out was a Trump supporter.

  17. That dude in the picture…… He just caught glimpse of himself in the mirror. And recognized he looked so much like a stereotypical cartoon badguy lunatic, that he just had to go do something bad and loonie to stay in character.

  18. Umm… if it was Donny (for whom, in full disclosure, I did not vote) it was indirect. I would rather lay the blame at the feet of the newsmedia going on and on about the start of the white spring and how the election was won just because of white supremacy/misogyny/anti-semitism.

    You know better, you know that you know better, and yet your rhetoric helps to convince assholes like this guy that he’s part of some xenophobic grand cultural movement.

    • No, Drumpf didn’t inspire him, or anyone else of his ilk. No, it wouldn’t matter, either.

      The responsibility for this lies solely and exclusively at the feet of the killer, and no one else alive, and nothing and no one could ever move it any place else. End of.

  19. I want to know what slurs he was yelling, if he at least got the people he was slurring right or made an assumption of brown = muslim or mexican etc

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