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Question of the Day: Got Ammo?

Academy ammo guy (courtesy The Truth About Guns)

The Big D and I were cruising around town, looking for 10mm ammo for an STI double-stack 1911 (part of Jon Wayne Taylor’s quest for the perfect truck gun). We rocked up to an Austin Academy Sports and headed for the firearms department. It was the department of no 10mm. And only two boxes of .22 per customer. When I asked the salesman (above) what’s up with the .22 blues he said one word: “plastics.” Wait. Wrong movie. “Hoarding.” . . .

Apparently, customers buy as much .22 as they can wherever they can. And even when they can’t. Some are so desperate for .22 they’ll go out to the parking lot, change their shirt and come back in for a second go. “One guy had a neck tattoo,” our salesman said, shaking his head. So it wasn’t hard to ID him as a would-be repeat customer.

But tell us: how’s the ammo situation in your neck of the woods? Price, caliber and availability back to normal?

101 thoughts on “Question of the Day: Got Ammo?”

  1. The only thing not normal around here is 22lr. And gun powders. But other than that it’s normal.

    • Last week, Scheels in Springfield, IL was selling .22 in boxes of 100, 300, and 5000, no limit on anything. A salesman told me they had plenty more in back. The only catch – the cheapest was about 9.8 cents per round with tax (9.5% in this hell hole haven for tax and spend politicians). Never seen 5000 round boxes of .22 for sale before. Doubt I could have carried that out the door without a dollie (wheeled variety).

      • 5000 round = 10 bricks. That’s a case. Call it a cinder block, if you want. ~40 lb. About the size of a shoe box. No dolly or hand truck needed.

  2. Everything but 22lr is pretty well back to normal where i live. Even the local wal mart’s ammo cabinet is pretty well stocked up.

    Same goes for reloading components. Other than powder i can find most everything locally. Online I have been able ot get any powder i need

    And honestly anything i cant find local (22lr) i have been able to find online.

  3. I’m reminded of the opening scene from “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, World”.

    There’s enough for you, and there’s enough for you, and there’s enough for you… and you, you old bag, you can drop dead! ; P

    Weird ups and downs, green-tip 5.56 back by the pallet (contracted shipments to the Mexico hoard complete???).
    No subsonics, can users here are load-your-own.
    Found a local source for Aguila mini-shells for cheap.
    Ammo fat in the OK [until just before you finish reading this post].
    Peace – out.

    God Bless America.

  4. .22lr is still very rare, and I’m afraid it will be that way for years to come. I’m glad I had a good stash of it before the shortage. I’ve still got quite a bit of it. When it comes back into stock, everybody is going to want to horde it. That will keep things short for a long time. It’s really sad considering how many .22 firearms I have, and how much I love to shoot them.

    Regarding the “ideal truck gun”. I thought “ideal vehicle guns” were generally long guns – rifles or shotguns depending on preferences and budgets.

    • “When it comes back into stock, everybody is going to want to horde it.”

      That’s pretty much the problem, ain’t it? Not in stock, because it just got re-horded / jacked / deep-sixed.

  5. An STI truck gun in 10mm? Your friend’s got some expensive tastes. Mine’s a Norinco GI 45, although I do drive a ’91 Mazda B2200. As for ammo, in my neck of the woods only the real oddball stuff is hard to find, like 7.63 Mauser. It’s generally selection that’s a problem for things like 10mm.

  6. Meh…

    Academy and Wallyworld are hit or miss on north side. The new Bass Pro in Round Rock seems to have plenty of .22 as does the Cabelas in Waco. Prices are standard for current times.

    • Yeah, every time I’ve been to a Cabela’s in the last six months or so, they’ve had some .22 on the shelf. Usually bulk packs, and at Cabela’s prices (i.e. a little high, but not exorbitant). I’ve got plenty of .22, but if I need more, it’s not that hard to find around here.

  7. The only ammo I’ve had extreme trouble finding is Aguila Sniper SubSonic and CCI Velocitor. I’ve been looking all over New England and the internet for the past 18 months and I can’t find any. Was having trouble finding CCI Stingers, but it seems CCI completed a huge production run not long ago and Stingers have become available.

    In New Hampshire, CCI Quiet and a few other brands are available at a six (6) box limit at one store. NBD, after buying there, can go to another store or go back to the same store next day to grab more.

    As for other, more common .22, I’ve not had much trouble finding it. Remington .22 seems to be plentiful in north and west RI while CCI Mini Mags are readily available on the eastern part of the state. CCI standard velocity is sometimes available at Walmart and Dick’s and .22 shorts are always available at Dick’s.

    It pays to have a pump/bolt/lever gun with a tube magazine as they shoot any .22 short, long, or long rifle without issue.

  8. Here in the occupied territory of MD I have not seen any shortage of anything lately.
    Dick’s has bricks of .22, sales on bulk 5.56, .45, 9mm, and .40.

  9. I find what I need online. Search long enough and you can find decent prices. Even a deal, now and then.

  10. local restriction (cook county, il.) of 500 .22lr per day at big box fish hunt store. with purchase of charger takedown I left with four bricks.
    when the buckets appear for $75 they later pop up online for $200.
    greedy shmucks.
    all other calibers are well stocked.

    • Try Indiana. I live in Cook co. and have NEVER bought ammo here- everything jacked up in price-if you’re anywhere near the border it’s worth a trip-Wal-mart in Hammond,Cabelas/Hammond and Blythes in Griffith-no attitude either. They also sell guns in the Dyer/Scheraville Wal-mart…tons of 22 at Cabelas and Blythes(my favorite gun store). Check 1st… tsbho.

      • cabela’s own, not written in stone. he rang me up at the gun counter and told me to get another box at the exit registers. good tip.

  11. Here in SW Ohio, .22 LR is around 8.5 cents each, limited to a brick per customer per day. .45 Colt, (not Long Colt, it never was Long Colt, and never will be Long Colt) nonexistent except for cowboy action loads. Anything else is pretty common. Prices vary from retailer to retailer, so shop around.

  12. Folks need to go online. Plenty. I can’t recall last time buying bulk outside of online. Partner up and splitting, free shipping. My favorite 10mm is nowhere in a store, it’s all online. Plenty too. Gas costs to and fro, ill pass.

    • Yes good deals can be had from online vendors but this whole “someone has to sign for the package” bs kills me. The delivery drivers always come while I’m at work. Stupid law and yet again it does nothing to keep people safe.

      • Drivers drop mine and run even pistols coming back from mag. Paid CDetc… $4.25 for a signature. It’s the drivers.

        • Don’t know where you live but all online ammo was delivered by UPS is left on front porch by door and has been that way for years. If I’m home at time of delivery I know by the sound of our Golden Retriever’s “stranger danger, stranger danger” bark, there is a package left on the porch, no signature required

      • My city has an ordinance that requires a thumbprint to purchase ammo. So no online sales for me. If I lived less than 1/4 mile away it would be okay. I can order powder/projectiles/primers/casings and they’ll deliver to my door all in the same box. Stupid ordinance pushed by ignorant local politicos. Been having a rough time finding 8X56R Mannlicher for my Steyr. Sure would like to feed it more often.

        • If it is only 1/4 mile, why not have UPS deliver to a UPS dropoff point (like a UPS store) that is outside the confines of hatred, and just pick it up there?

  13. Totally good here. .22 tends to last a few days now.
    10 mm? Plenty.
    Powder is finally up to par for most. Unique goes fast though. BLC(2), 4895, Reloader 15 & 19, H110, plentiful.

    • Madness. Getting H110 around here has been quite the hunt. It took me months and 5 different stores to get 12lbs of the stuff. But the care and feeding of the .458SOCOMs demand it. And I have enough Unique to swim in.

  14. Just about everything is available here except for some of the cheaper .22 bricks like Remington golden bullet, but the last time I looked academy had stacks of Aquila 50 round boxes still with the 2 box a day limit (supposedly if you get there at the right time you can get bricks and it happened to me once but I don’t plan for it). No .22’s in Walmart ever though, I’m beginning to think they stopped carrying it. Mostly, I reload .223 and just shoot that instead these days since it’s close enough to being as cheap as the Aquila at academy and actually cheaper than the prices the LGS is charging for cci stingers.

  15. Why are there purchasing limits in a free market? Oh right, because people throw a tantrum when they can’t get what they want at the price they want. Seem like no matter what, folks will either bitch and moan about higher prices or purchase limits. But if you don’t want higher prices, then you have to accept purchase limits.

    I love how people want it both ways: super low price and unlimited supply. Gee, that’s nice, except that is a wee bit difficult to achieve when demand is still high and supply is somewhat limited. Simple free market solution: raise prices. Let the market set prices based on supply and demand and there won’t have to be any limits imposed. People will pay more, but they won’t be hoarding anything. There will be enough to go around.

    • You can see proof of that principle in action today. Places like Wal-Mart and Academy that have lower prices sell out of .22 within a few hours of stocking it, even with purchase limits. Places with a little higher prices like Cabela’s, Bass Pro, and local gun shops have less of a problem keeping it on the shelf. They still sell it pretty briskly, but nobody is coming in and sweeping the shelf clean to hoard it at 8 cents a round.

    • It is the retailers in the “free market” who are setting the limits.

      And if you were a retailer, you would understand why. Price your .22LR at 20 cents a round, people will get P.O.ed, call you a gouger and not come back. But, if you price it at 10 cents a round with a limit, and they’ll drop by every stinkin’ week, walk past all your other tempting merchandise, all the way to the back of your store where the ammo is, on the chance you might have some. And the more times they come into your store, the greater chance they’ll buy something other than .22LR.

      It’s pretty much the same reason grocery stores sell 2% milk at a loss and put it all the way in the back of the store.

      • Retailers are setting up quantity purchase limits because they don’t want to deal with unreasonable customers who don’t know how the market works. If what you said was true, why not limit every imaginable purchase of goods (guns, boxes of ammo, loafs of bread, gallons of gasoline) to a qty of 1, so that the store can generate more frequent traffic? See, it doesn’t work that way.

        The retailers want to look like they’re giving everyone a chance to purchase ammo, so that customers don’t go irate and claim to be ‘ripped off’ if the retailer did what normal market conditions call for: raised prices. People are used to a certain price of 22 LR for example. Due to market conditions, that price could double or triple, etc. But when Joe Schmo comes in and sees much higher prices than before, he goes ape sh!t, because he doesn’t understand why the price went up. He then vows never to shop at that store again and he’ll tell all his friends too. This is not worth the headache to most retailers, that’s why they go along with keeping low prices but also setting up purchase restrictions. But that’s not how a free market works.

        Milk prices are pretty much set by the government, thanks to ridiculous rules and calculations. Again, not how a free market should work. Planned economies don’t work. I don’t know why the regulators think that they can guess the price of milk by sitting behind a desk all day and keying some numbers into a worksheet.

        • Ya, but like obama-scotus care, low price/high demand, run out of ammo and you get the Hillary death board.

  16. Yes, online is the only way to go. BUT, What the hell is up with almost non-existent 22LR subsonic and when you do find it, it’s 12 to 15 cents a round?!?!
    As for finding the copper plated 22LR in subsonic, forget about it.

  17. The last time I checked, there was plenty of .22LR on the shelf, right next to the powdered unicorn horn and fairy dust.

  18. 22 LR is hard t find , 5.56 green tips are sometimes scarce , sometimes 30.06 is out and 22 magnum is never available locally . I think the 22 WMR problem is related to the resurgence in popularity of this little rocket by preppers and the new firearms in this caliber by Magnum Research and Kel Tec . I love this caliber for it’s accuracy in anything from 30 to 45 grainers , Dead on the money and with the newest ammo you can take anything from a squirrel to a doe with accurate shooting . The semi autos definitely prefer the heavier grains and you cannot limp wrist the PMR , you need to push into your shot for proper ejection and feeding but once your used to it it’s a great pistol . I haven’t really noticed much of a problem getting anything if your willing to pay , this is a free market system still and isn’t that one of the things we defend with firepower . I have also run into an occasional shortage of some powders . There are several web sights that will keep you up to date to the minute of ammo availability and they are generally accurate if the seller post the sale in a timely manner . I buy almost all my stuff via internet now . I try to keep 2000 rounds of everything I shoot on hand and about 5 pounds of powder and enough reloading supplies to load about 1000 rounds of 30.06 . Thanks for asking .

  19. I was at the Academy on I35N last night, they were completely out of any kind of HP 9mm as well. I was rather disappointed.

  20. .22 is hard to find, and places around here don’t seem to stock much variety of 10mm. Ditto 357 sig, but I’d chalk that up more to them being kinda niche rounds than anything else

    9mm, 45, 5.56, 38, most common rifle calibers etc are all OK.

  21. No .22LR at Wal-Mart
    No .22LR at Wal-Mart (other one)
    No .22LR at Turner’s (unless you purchase a .22 gun, then they will “find” you an overpriced box of 50, limit 1)
    Buying online if you don’t mind paying .38 Special prices for .22LR no problem, limit 2
    Come to think of it, no .38 spc at Wal-Mart either and never more than 2-3 variety at Turner’s.
    (So-Ca inland empire area)

  22. You can never have “too much” ammo.

    I’ve got at least over 10k rounds, but it’s not enough. Not enough! I could go through hundreds in one range session. I’ve got my wheel weights, my powder coating system, and ~3000 rounds of once fired 9mm brass. I’m soon going to go on an ammo reloading spree making me some more ammo.

    I don’t need any 22LR – because I refuse to fire it. The prices for 22LR are reaching non-economic levels and I have switched to 9mm. Reloadable brass – cast bullets – super cheap.

  23. Pretty much everything ammowise is back in stock at my local in the PRK. Higher end rifle primers are solely the preserve of online dealers-F210M, BR2. With the cost of hazmat fees and what not, it’d be a wash if the brick and mortar stores had ’em.

  24. Don’t buy much factory ammo. I can say that reloading components are about as available as they have been since newtown. Primers, Powder, brass, and bullets. Sometimes I have to look around, but I have been able to find what I need.

  25. If you’re looking for 10mm target Mo consider the guys at Parabellum Researcher (PBR). They have a full power fmj that comes in below .50/rd. And I love it.

  26. Ammo supplies are fine up here in northern Canada…though I can’t find 6.5x50mm to save my life. Benefits of owning a Type 38 Arisaka I suppose.

  27. For the first time in a couple of years I was able to buy .22LR by the brick, picked up 1000 rounds of Gemtech Subsonic on Saturday. Otherwise a two box limit is standard here in SW Idaho.

  28. I mostly handload. That being said, most of the powders I use have been sold out for a long time. I might have to buy factory ammo for a few calibers. I haven’t really checked ammo prices a lot but they seem to be fairly normal.

  29. I haven’t seen .22lr on the shelves in a long time. Everything else is there. I never thought I would see the day when it was cheaper to shoot my .45 than my.22 (I guess it’s technically not cheaper since if there were .22s on the shelf they would be cheaper per round than .45, but since .22 is basically unattainable I consider .45 to be cheaper).

  30. Most calibers seem to be in stock at close to normal prices. Of course .22 LR and .22 WMR are virtually non-existent. I check all the local stores often and I have only found a bulk box (325 count in this particular example) once in the last three years. I saw individual boxes of .22 LR once in the last three years as well.

    Small gun shops are selling 50 round boxes of .22 LR for about 8 cents per round. The larger chain stores are selling 325 to 550 round bulk boxes of .22 LR for about 4.5 cents per round.

    While I am seeing an okay selection of .223 and 5.56 x 45, I am not seeing any bulk packs.

    Oddly, I could not find any .243 Winchester anywhere last Fall. I am seeing generic-ish Winchester brand in stores again.

  31. Here in CT .22lr is slowly coming back but still purchase limits everywhere, and only other thing I’ve noticed is shortages of .380

  32. 22LR will never be disrespected ever again that’s for sure. Before 2013, I would actually get smirks and scoffs at the range when asked what caliber I’d be shooting.

    • *Now*, if you shoot 22lr at the range people stare at you like, “Whut R U krazy? 22lr is gold, Jerry! It’s GOLD!!!”

  33. .22 hard to find in Eastern NC and 9mm in 124 or 147 gr. The perfect truck gun is an easy question – KelTec sub 2000 9mm.

  34. .22lr in very short supply across Southern Michigan due to hoarding with connivance of big box store clerks. Prices exceed 10 cpr when you find it. Centerfire rifle an pistol ammunition supplies adequate to good with some softening in pricing. Shotgun ammunition was never a problem.

    Gunpowder supplies adequate in SW Michigan, inadequate in SE Michigan. Faster burning pistol powders seem to be the major issue with commercial reloaders competing against hobby loaders. Prices running $ 25 – $30 a pound for routine grades.

  35. The last time I checked, the local Great Wall Mart Superstore had one 250rd. box of UMC 9mm FMJ, three 50rd. boxes of Remington 9mm HP, a 50rd. box of Winchester. 45 ACP, and that was it. The sales clerk said that the last time they’d gotten any .22LR it was a couple of months ago when they got three (3) 500rd. cartons of CCI Mini-mags that they sold by the 100rd. box, three box limit, and were sold out in two hours. My daughter lives in Springfield, MO and tells me that the Academy Sports store there has ammo but it’s hit-or-miss if they have what she wants when she visits.

    Sooo… I just place three orders for Winchester 9mm with Academy online — one for me, one for my ex-wife, and one for my daughter — with delivery promised within three to five business days. The price is close enough to what Great Wall Mart would charge if they had it and any difference is made up by the convenience of not needing to spend the gas to go find out it’s not in stock.

  36. Here in north east OK, it’s pretty easy to find every thing under the sun except 22 LR (and that’s not even scarce, you just don’t see the quantities you did before the big ammo rush). I was at Sports World in Tulsa, OK (a great establishment for shooting enthusiasts if any one else in this neck of the woods) and they had a fair amount of 10mm, .357 Sig, and the likes.

  37. Branch Co. in MI is standard w/ one exception. .22 is gone the day it hits the shelf at Walmart but available at places that charge a cent or two more per round. The oddity is 9mm FMJ seems to sell out quickly.

  38. Actually , all the real good stuff in the more common calibers , the double taps , the Hornady self defense stuff and the armor tips are usually a little hard to locate here in WV but can usually be had via the web . It is just market economics . FMJ is usually what you find on shelves and this is what most people practice with anyway .I just stock up , keep it dry and keep it handy .

  39. Things have been pretty plentiful around here. Some places have a 3 box limit on .22LR but other than that, the only tough find is .300 AAC Blackout, and that’s a given.

  40. .22lr is probably the most popular caliber and since I give that & .380 for family X-mas gifts buy though out the year.

    • You give ammo at Christmas? Would you be interested in being my secret Santa this year?

  41. I buy most of my reloading supplies locally, but I buy most of my commercial ammo online. I haven’t had any trouble getting what I need.

  42. .22LR is hard to find in Phoenix. BTW, some of us bulk buyers do not really hoard it! 🙂 My wife and I really do shoot as much as 500 rounds of .22LR a week….when we can find it. Lately, we have been shooting far more 5.56mm and 9mm than before because we can actually find it.

  43. Nearest Cabelas has had most every thing for at least last 12 months. Generally including.22LR. Small boxes and target on the shelf. Bricks behind the counter. BUT when bricks reappeared prices started “normal” since last time I a spike. And yes I buy a brick whenever I stop in/in the area which is about twice a month.
    1/13 $27
    11/14 $20
    2/14 $28.90
    4/15 $25.64 (525rd)
    5/15 $24.69
    6/15 $34.00

  44. Around here in N. Alabama, .22lr is showing up in pawn shops. People are cleaning out the Walmart when a shipment comes in. They then wheel right down the street and sell it at the swap-meet corner for 3X the original price.
    I work nights at said Walmart, and when it gets put on the shelf in the morning, there are three extended families who are waiting to snarch up every last box.

  45. we had boxes of 22lr in walmart just last september. on wednesday. I get paid on friday.

    we had 22 ammo in walmart last month. 22 short, 22lr snakeshot, and 22wmr

  46. I’ve stumbled on the odd bulk box at Turners and the LGS. the LGS is consistently at 10c/rd for everything, even CCI. They get a shipment about every other week. I leave them for others to find as I’m hours from BLM where I can shoot and the closest indoor range is 45 minutes from me, so I don’t shoot as much as I should or want. Last trip to Crossroads of the West I saw a couple of lunatics asking upwards of 30/rd for 533 Boxes of Winchester. I stopped, looked at one of them, asked him if he’s serious, when he nodded hopefully I laughed loudly and walked off. I have my 22lr bank, I’m good.

  47. Most everything except .22 is available in the OKC area. Prices are decent -Academy is probably the best big box store for prices in this area. .22 is still very rare unless you go on line. I can buy .22 for a dime a round off the net all day and if I see it for 9 cents I consider that to be a good deal and order a brick or two as long as it’s a decent brand. Primers, brass and bullets are easy to find, and some pistol powder is starting to trickle back into the market again.

  48. What I don’t understand is what do all the hoarders think they will do with 100,000 rounds of .22 when supply catches up with them? I’m guessing less than 1% of current production is being shot. Federal Cartridge is producing many many times more rimfire ammo than ever before, and they are terrified about the bubble popping because what are they supposed to do with their three shifts of employees when it happens?

    • What will they do with all that .22 when the bubble bursts? Put it in a gun and shoot it, I would imagine.

      • I suppose there is someone among the thousands of hoarders who is actually a shooter. But most of them seem to think their .22 acquisition is some kind of retirement plan. I just don’t think buy high, sell low will work out very well for them.

  49. I no longer buy ammo from Academy. Try Gander Mountain. They had shelves of .22Cal last week and were getting more in. The folks behind the gun counter are friendly, knowledgeable and are happy to answer your question. They have a great stock of ammo with a price that’s normally hard to beat.

    • …..Gander Mountain? Friendly, knowledgeable, and happy to answer questions?

      What planet do you live on?


  50. Dropped in at Dick’s Sporting Goods today after a visit at Petsmart and they had .22LR Federal 325 round bulk for $21.19 including taxes. They have had a lot recently including 500 rd bricks.

  51. In Ohio its pretty normal. Almost every time I go to Cabelas, Vance’s and even the small local gun shop there is either Remington, Federal automach, or CCI standard on the shelves. At what I would call the new normal prices, 20.99 for fedearal automach, 7.99 for 100 of CCI and 24.99 for 500 of Remington. Right now I don’t even buy it cause I have no use for it. As for powders its been OK as well. In the last month again I’ve walked in to most shops and have found a variety of pistol powder on the shelves, whether it is power pistol, unique, tite group, or clays and a good selection of rifle powders. Anything from CFE 223, BLC2, and H4350.

  52. It’s all available if you are willing to pay the current market prices , I think what we are talking about is price The real good stuff is scarce but you can buy dirty cheap 22 LR on line anytime for 40 cents a bullet . I’ll sell some of mine for .45 cents each , I’ll even individually wrap em for you . America the beautiful , buy cheap , sell high .

  53. In Northeast Wisconsin , all is pretty good except for the rimfire calibers. 17 HMR comes and goes but the price is decent. 22 lr and 22 Magnum are like finding hens teeth. I have seen 22lr on the shelf at Scheels but it was for 10 bucks per hundred.

  54. First off finally an article that’s gun related. Second .22lr is still impossible which is why I’ve given up on the round

  55. no powder (varget or winchester 231) in Phoenix, aZ for 3 years now!!
    bar rock must be buying it all up!

    • So this thread is interesting because its’ clear that some components are regional. Varget, for instance, has been easy to find around Austin, Texas. But I was hard pressed for a while to find any IMR3031. (My 6.8SPCS love it.)

  56. Locally, the manager of a Cal Ranch store posted that an employee(former) had intercepted a new shipment of .22LR before it hit the shelves. The employee called his buddies and sold the .22LR at the employee discount(against store policy) and then all of the buddies turned around and starting selling it on the local Buy/Sell/Trade page for guns and such.

    The manager was warning folks not to pay inflated prices and that supplies were fine, save for this example.

  57. I’m ready to call it: .22 is a pointless round these days. It made perfect sense 3 years ago but the panic did so much damage that I doubt it will ever really recover. It’s simply not worth what you get in size. You might as well use 9mm, 5.56, 12 ga, or 7.62 soviet for cheap plinking.

  58. CT

    22lr and powders, especially magnum pistol, remain unicorns.

    Everything else seems to have cleared up for the most part.

    Strangely though new production 8mm Mauser sells out pretty darn quick from Cabelas.

  59. Called Turner’s this morning .like every Tuesday. None today. Last week only 50 round boxes and you only get one box. Federal 525 rounds on backorder with MidSouth since June 2014. SoCal Guns has it periodically but its expensive – $0.12 per round. I can reload 223 for $0.18/round.

  60. As citizens loose faith in paper money, they put their money into the best black market currency going….. .22 LR.

  61. Dunno why you guys have this shortage in the US and we don’t in Oz, I just bought a 5000 block of 22LR and could have bought 10 of them if I wanted. The stuff is everywhere.

  62. Personally not worried about the 22LR, I’ve got all I can squirrel away and need for the rest of my breathing life. What am I going to do with it?! Certainly not the defensive ammo that the 45acp is. That said, I just did “pull the trigger” on a 1000 count pack of 45acp @ 32 cents/rd online. Cheapest I’ve seen in years. Stocking up now for the coming revolution… try to get ammo then. Peace out, rubes!

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