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    • Yes. In military circumstances , M 1919 Browning Cal 30, and M60 7.62. They have military applications but none for civilian use. I’d not like to see like federal, state,or local police have access to bipod/ tripod mounted MGs. They already have Smg ( depending on jurisdiction) and ARs, as needed. Personally, to me, nothing beats a good bolt or lever rifle or carbine. I’ve known civilians who are mesmerized by full autos. I steer clear of the paramilitary wannabes..

  1. it’s fun to have a Class 2 Manufacturer as a friend. Leads to all sorts of interesting shooting. From his suppressed barrel select fire 10/22 to belt fed Brownings at night with tracers. The wallpaper on my laptop is of the Mrs shooting a belt fed Vickers (Cloth Belt no less) taken from just off line in front of the gun. He had modified that gun to cycle on blanks and had a couple belts left over when we showed up at his place to use the private range for some practice. He asked if we wanted to fire them off so he wouldn’t have to unload the belts by hand. Let me think…… While she was shooting with our friend feeding the belt, I walked around in front and took pictures.
    Happiness is a belt fed gun!

  2. Very entertaining. But it would’ve been a little more fun if there had been a bunch of stuff downrange for him to confetti-ize during that minute-forty-five.

  3. On Parris Island in the summer of 1970 I fired an M-60, I think it was. I think the M-16s we trained with had the capacity to switch from semi- to fully-auto, but I can’t rememeber it too well. We fired other things, too, all great fun.

  4. I’ve fired a sub-gun (no, that’s not a Mandarin main course), but that’s nothing like shooting 8 belts from an M-60. I’m surprised that the barrel didn’t turn to taffy.

    • Exactly my thought. I was watching that barrel to see when it would start to glow. Pretty impressive that it seemed to hold up just fine.

  5. the only live fire full auto i’ve ever fired was a M3 Grease Gun. It took a few seconds to get used to it, but then you could basically write your name with it if you wanted to. Every other full auto was with blanks.

    This video is a shining example of why we need to get rid of the Hughes Amendment.

  6. M60 in basic (familiarization), and again in 2003 (qualification) as part of the trainup for OIF 1.

    PKM (familiarization) at Aberdeen Proving Grounds while I was stationed at Bragg.

  7. Thompson subgun at the Gun Store in Vegas (1995)
    MP5 at an Orlando rental range (1998)
    Between two visits to Knob Creek (2008, 2009): AK-47, RPD, M-60, BAR, M-16, AR-180, FN-FAL, M-14, MP40.

  8. MG-3( Knock off of the MG42…Stationed with the Germans, cyclic rate aprox 700 RPM, my favorite true LMG…user friendly/accurate) M2, M60, M240, SAW, MK19, GPMG( Brits).
    Rifles and Sub Guns: M-16-A1-A2-M-4, MP 5( nice!) UZI( with the Germans), G-3,
    AK’s(47-74), M-14

  9. M-16 and a 30mm autocannon (many, many years ago) BTW, due to the mount, the 30mm was easier to control than a full-auto M-16… I shot a lot of sky with the M-16.

    • Right you are, Bob H. The one time I fired a burst in full auto from my M-16, I probably knocked down an airliner or two.

  10. M16A1- A2 & M4, M60, M249, M240B and the M2
    British SA80 A2 and LSW and the L7A2 GPMG

  11. M-16A2 Enhanced (export version, does full auto, unlike US -A2). M-4A1, FN Minimi, G-3A3, HK-11, MG-3, FN P90. All during compulsory military service.

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