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Question of the Day: Is the Browning 1911-22 An Abomination?

I love 1911s. I would never have one as a carry gun; the trigger’s too light and the safety’s too safe. But nothing looks, feels and shoots like a proper 1911. At the risk of incurring the wrath of the politically correct amongst us (both of them), the John Moses Browning-designed 1911 is a man’s gun. Well, it is when it’s chambered as JMB meant it to be: in .45. Anything less is, at best, odd. At worst, an abomination. And so I have to ask: is the new Browning 1911-22 an non-ironic irony? In other words, why dear God why? Oh right. Marketing. Money. Ammo cost. Carry on. But before you do, please tell me if my misgivings are misguided. What’s your take on this .22 caliber .45?

85 thoughts on “Question of the Day: Is the Browning 1911-22 An Abomination?”

  1. The range I go to makes you use their ammo and charges almost $30 a box for .45ACP. That gets expensive quick. If I was looking for something that I could shoot cheaply and had the same ergos as my 1911, I would go with this. I think it makes sense in that situation. However, if this was the only 1911 you owned, then you would be seriously misguided.

      • Well they let you shoot for free as long as you buy their ammo. It’s worth it. There is never a wait because it’s in the boonies. My only other real choice is the NRA range and every time I go there the wait is around 2.5 hours.

    • Sorry to get off topic (yes, its an abomination) but this would make a good post or question of the day – “What kind of range do you shoot at regularly?” Ryan’s situation is so foreign to me I can’t imagine it. Is this typical? I know it is partially (mostly?) dependent on where you live but holy cow, having to pay for ammo and/or waiting hours for a lane sounds incredible. Just wondering…

      • Mine seems to be too, sadly. I had high hopes and expectations due to the reviews I had read and the price I paid for it. I heard it eats anything, but so far I can’t find an ammo it likes. Granted I have only shot cheap ammo through it since good stuff is hard to find right now, but that was part of the reason I chose the 1911-22 compact over other less expensive options. Mine is bad enough I am considering sending it back to Browning so they can see what’s wrong with it. Maybe I got a lemon.

  2. I have a Chiappa 1911-22 and I’m not too happy with it. Jams like crazy, not too accurate, with a rear sight that is so adjustable it adjusts itself right out of its groove during extended firing.
    I love the ergonimics, sight axis and overall feel of 1911 pistols.
    It’s no sacrilige to chamber this fine weapon in other calibers.

    • I’ve got a Chiappa 1911-22 and I love it. I’ve put over 1000 rounds through it and it gets better and better. The trigger pull has evened out, it’ll never be great, but it’s better. Having tested different brands of ammo, I’ve discoverd that mine loves CCI 36 grain MiniMags. I just got back from running 300 rounds and had no problems at all. I keep the gun very clean, well oiled, and have no complaints at all with this gun.

    • I bought the Browning 1911-22 last year. I have probably run about 3000 rounds through it so far with probably less than 10 jams or missfires. in all, i am very pleased with it except for the sights. Very hard to aim with. but it feels amazing, and shoots pretty good with a little practice.

  3. I love the 1911 style above all others, and that includes the glocks. All of my 1911’s are 45’s, but I just ordered the custom shop Kimber rimfire super in 22 cal. It looks just like a 45 and is dead on accurate(I tried a friends cuz I don’t own any 22’s) and reliable. I would never shoot anyone with it because I would have to emtpy the mag, but it’s fun and inexpensive to fire (the gun itself is very expensive as are all my custom shop Kimbers) but you get what you pay for. I liked it so much that I’m now looking at the walther gsp target, and I thought the Kimber was expensive.

    • Kimber’s are way over-priced, not that good, and I wouldn’t own one. Shot quite a few and none impressed. This is from a lot of different shooters as well. Just not worth the money.

  4. I’d say “not abomination.”

    There is nothing like a good .22 semi-auto pistol. And one that looks like a 1911? What’s not to love?

    And, as for less-than-.45 pistolas in the 1911 pattern, I’d almost agree with you, except for the .38 Super.

    I do not own a .38 Super. I have shot a few. And I will, eventually, own one.

    Just because, and for no other reason.

  5. Take a platform that’s past its prime, mate it with an inexpensive round that’s good for squirrels and targets, and what do you have? A pistol that’s just not for me.

  6. Looks OK but its acceptance will depends largely on fit, form and function. .45 ammo is expensive now so there’s a demand for this type of gun that didn’t exist ten (or even five) years ago. I don’t see anything wrong with this style 1911, spiritually or otherwise.

    As Aaron notes above, the Chiappa version of this pistol is less than desirable. ATI imports the GSG 1911-22 which garners mostly positive reviews and user feedback. I inspected one of these at my LGS with the intention of making a purchase and did not care for it one bit. But that’s just me, I am in the minority opinion-wise on that particular gun.

    I bought a 9mm 1911 to get my JMB fix on the cheap ammo-wise.

  7. A 22 conversion of any weapon system is a great training tool because you can shoot all day and spend a fraction of the money. I don’t know many people who can afford to shoot all they want. With 22s they can. The training must be limited to drills that don’t require recoil control, such as use of cover, shooting while moving, moving targets, etc.

    Training that does require recoil control, such as multiple targets, multiple shots, etc., must be done with full power rounds to be effective. Combining the two makes the most cost efficient way to train.

  8. If you carry a 1911, it only makes sense to train with one. It doesn’t do your muscle memory any favors if you carry a 1911, rarely shoot it, and do all your plinking with a Bearcat.
    If this functions reliably, then I say it’s a fantastic idea. You’ll be accustomed to the ergonomics and battery of arms for the platform, so when push comes to shove, operation of your carry gun will come naturally.

  9. This isn’t new. They have been making .22rf conversions for the 1911 since almost day one. Take any standard govt model, change out barrel, spring, and mag, and you pretty much got it. I’ve seen conversion kits range from several hundred to much higher. I’d love to have one, but at that cost I’d almost rather buy a whole nother pistol.

  10. Rimfire training on your primary gun can be useful.

    The .22 conversion kits can be problematic, in terms of reliability and compatibility with the many different flavors of 1911s (and other full-size pistols). They can also cost hundreds of dollars. Gun Tests (June 2010) reviewed a Ciener kit ($250) for Browning HP and 1911 conversion kits from Advantage Arms ($350) and Tactical Solutions ($460). While this Ceiner kit worked well, there have been quality issues on other products and Ciener customer service apparently has some issues. Advantage Arms kit worked on one 1911 and not on another. The Tactical Solutions kit worked but was nearly double the price of the Ciener.

    If the MSRP on the Browning 1911-22 is $600, it will sell for maybe $100 less than that (or more). After comparing that price with the cost of some of these conversion kits, I would go with the whole gun that was made to shoot .22, and have the warranty coverage that goes with it.

  11. I look forward to this little gun for the intended purposes it was built. Being much lighter and dimensionally smaller than the traditional 1911, a goal is to compete with the ever popular walther P22 which is downsized from it’s big brother as well. The 1911-22 is a viable option for those that favor metallic alloys over plastic fantastic. It has a classic traditional design which IMHO makes it a class act in the world of small 22 handguns. Obviously the price will not compete with the walther, but neither does the walther compete with charm, character and flattery. One draw back is see so far is that it doesnt come ready too suppress.

    • I just bought the Browning 1911 22LR last week.
      It has a purpose, quaility is good, geat feel and heft.
      Now I’m waiting for the aftermarket wood grips, replacement barrels which will accept a suppresser and the extended 20 rd mags.
      Add a top hot load 22LR HP and we will see what this little hand gun can become.


  12. Mr. Farago,
    Lets look at the big picture. What better way to honor the 100 year service of one of the greatest handgun designs and create a renewed interest in shooting sports at a introductory level than then this commemorative 1911-22. You say this is marketing….no, this is MARKETING. Marketing is not a four letter word. Marketing creates interest, desire, demand, sales, ownership and shooting sports enthusiasts. Shooters of full size .45’s are much smaller in numbers than .22 plinkers. Gun owners face battles everyday to protect our right to freely own firearms. As gun owners we should all be culturing shooting sports and developing more shooting sportsman. The 1911-22 is a perfect weapon to introduce new individuals and families to shooting sports. As much as I respect the weapon, a 1911-45 would not be. As individuals we can all do a little bit to promote our sport. But, let the big guys do a lot…and let them do it through marketing. They are not just marketing their gun, they are marketing the future of shooting sports.

  13. Try picking up an Ace for $500.00. Try finding a Kimber .22 1911 for $500.00. For that matter look at what a beat up worn out Llama .22 1911 clone is drawing in todays market. If you’re a 1911 fan, better order two of the compacts and one full size at these prices, duh.

  14. It’s a great little plinker built on the best platform in handgun history. What’s to complain about?

    • I agree, if you have to have an excuse to purchase one it’s “honey you will love it and the kids can learn to shoot with it” worked for me on the list today. Long live the 1911.

  15. The 1911 Government as John Browning designed it “was meant to be” a large handgun to handle the .45 ACP.

    I think if John Browning had been asked to design a .22 modeled after his 1911 Government .45 ACP, the very first thing he would have done is downsize it. The 1911 Government is way too bulky for a gun designed around the popular .22 LR cartridge.

    For a hint about his thoughts on scale and the .22, look at his SA-22 rifle; still one of the lightest and sleekest rifles built for the .22 rimfire.

    Browning Firearms is one of the few companies that “got it right” on the 100th anniversary of the 1911. It produced a logical evolution of the famed pistol, putting it into the hands of many more shooters, rather than grind out yet another replica of the gun that doesn’t need replicating; John Browning got it right the first time.

  16. Mr. Farago,

    You wrote … “And so I have to ask: is the new Browning 1911-22 an non-ironic irony?” What’s with this – slow day at your writer’s keyboard? Talk about a non-meaningful meaningless question! What the heck kind of a wishy washy, non-committal approach to the topic is that and ‘what the Harry’ does that mean anyway? You should be heralding the announcement with trumpets!

    Not only am I a competitive Bullseye shooter (or one who tries to be) who’s shot a 1911-A1 for years, and my ‘go to’ carry gun is a .45 ACP compact based on a 1911 frame – a most familiar way to fill my hand if and when I have to. For my taste, I think that the scaled-down 1911-22 by Browning is perfect for plinking enjoyment and just plain ol’ practice. Not only will it feel and handle quite similarly to most everything else I shoot, enabling me to know just where everything is and all, but it is made by one of the finest, and most reliable, in terms of quality and service, gun companies in existence. Not only is this gun made to commemorate the most popular, and still very relevant, autoloader design ever put forth, but has there ever been a greater gun designer than John Browning? No one man has ever contributed more of his design talent, not to mention his life as a businessman, to the support of our military men and women in the defense of our nation and the world’s freedom. Just that alone will make it an honor for me to own one.

    If you want to drift away from the emotional attachment I have to the 1911-A1 and to both Browning the man and the company, let’s look at the potential financial and collectibility aspects of the matter. Consider, if you will, other pre-announced limited production runs by Browning … the B-78 Single Shot, the B-92 Lever Action Rifle, the Browning B-SS Sporter double-barrel … just to mention a few, and there are quite a few others. Think about back when you had a chance to buy one of those for a song and then look at the $$$’s you have to lay out now to get one in reasonable condition, either in unfired or used condition. Browning has a formidable, and a rather happy track record, in terms of collectibility and investment in their limited edition firearms. I’ll stick with that every time, even if you don’t like my sappier arguments.

    In fact, I think I may just have talked myself into getting two of these when they hit the authorized dealers next month …

  17. I like the idea of a diminutive 1911. As a matter of fact I wrote to Browning and asked them if they planned to make the 1911-22 in .17HM2. It seems all the other manufacturers have given up on the .17HM2 as a neat cartridge for a semi auto. Browning says they are too busy keeping up with the 1911-22. Another thing, I think 80% is too big for the gun. It should be made at about 65%.

  18. No one who has shot the Browning 1911-22 would ask this question. The little pistol is, in a word, fantastic.

    At the recent Professional Outdoor Media Assoc annual conference in Ogden, Utah, I was fortunate enough to handle and shoot the 1911-22. I am in the process of ordering one. Might get two. Or three.

    Not to disappoint some of the posters here, but this is not a cheap training aid for those who use 1911s a lot and want to save money on ammo. The pistol is, for one thing, scaled down to 85% size, which makes it feel different to begin with. Plus the safety is the old tiny button type, instead of an easy-to-hit shelf.

    I carry a 1911, but would not expect to train with the .22 and leave the .45s in the safe. What this is is a great little .22 pistol that’s lots of fun, and happens to look and handle just like my favorite .45s, only smaller.

    There is nothing about this gun not to like. Period.

  19. Here is a thought, at age 10 a father has his son learning to shoot with a Browning 1911-22. At age 14 his son is handling his fathers full size 1911 .38 super with no problems. By the time his son is 17-18 he is handling a .45 with no problems. Same platform, size and caliber change with maturity and experience. Seems like a win, win to me.

  20. I finally got to speak to a Browning Customer Service Representative, just yesterday (August 18th, 2011), to reset my expectation level as to when these Model 1911-22 pistols will be released/distributed to the authorized dealers for general sale to the public. Up until now, my expectations were set by the dealership, with whom I’ve had my name first on the list to be called when the 1911-22 pistols begin to flow. The answer I received from Browning is that they will begin to ship and will be hitting the authorized dealers’ inventories beginning September 1st, 2011.

    Unfortunately, I can’t remember the exact number that the Rep stated as the number of these on back order, but I was left with the impression that it was in the ‘tens of thousands’. I am really pumped to get my hands on one of these puppies for close scrutiny and purchase.

  21. I think many of you people who feel its an abomination ought to learn to check your egos in at the door. I bet though you same folks just live to pump yourselves up with male enhancement pills everyday of your lives.

  22. I almost agree… Except that this little pistol will introduce my son to the 1911 and familiarize him with all of it’s controls, safeties, etc…, before he’s old enough, or large enough, for the real thing. A scaled down gun for a scaled down guy, if you will. Heresy? Maybe, but with the 1911-22 Browning is in effect insuring that the next generation will have the opportunity to handle a 1911 while they are still young and impressionable (as opposed to old and under the wrong impression), and in so doing, they might even prolong the life of Mr. Brownings creation another 100 years. For that I think they deserve a big thumbs up!

  23. I hardly think the Browning 1911-22, is an “abomination”, or anything like that. All it is, is a modern day (made by Browning itself), Colt Ace, that many people don’t know about. It’s a great little gun, and worth every penny in my opinion, and anyone who would call it an “abomination” or similar just doesn’t understand. After all, the Colt Ace was designed in .22, to assist police/military types, in handling the 1911, before picking up the .45 caliber one.

  24. “the John Moses Browning-designed 1911 is a man’s gun.”

    To the man who uses the .44 magnum as his handgun, the 1911 is a boy’s gun.

    • “To the man who uses the .44 magnum as his handgun, the 1911 is a boy’s gun.”

      The man who uses a .44 Magnum as his handgun has “small equipment.”

  25. Got a call last Friday afternoon, 10/28/11, from the dealer whose list my name was on to be called when the 1911-22 pistols began to flow. He told me he’d gotten the very first one in his store. Now that was welcome news indeed, so right after dinner I picked the little gem up from his gun shop before he closed at 8 p.m. that same evening.The Browning 1911-22 certainly is a pretty little thing … and I do mean little in comparison to a full-size 1911-11 A1, of course. It is solidly made, well-balanced, and handles well for its smaller dimensions. Like a baby, all of its ‘little fingers and toes are there’. At just over 80% of its big brother’s size, it tips the scales at 16 ounces and points perfectly … surprisingly accurate at 25 yards with its fixed sights I might add.Today, having shot slightly less than 100 rounds of CCI Standard Velocity .22LR ammo through the pistol, right out of the box, I’m happy to inform all that it functioned perfectly. If there’s any downside at all that I’ve noticed so far, it’s the fact that one has to really seem to focus on applying the sufficient amount of pressure on the grip safety to squeeze the trigger. I have rather small hands for a man, so I believe that will become a non-issue with my getting use to the smaller grip. For smaller hands like that of a lady perhaps, or a youngster, the size and design couldn’t be more ideal. The grip safety newness, plus the heavy trigger of about a 5.5 to 6 pound pull (par for present day manufactured guns in our modern-day, litigious society) had me checking the safety several times when the pistol seemed slow to fire on the trigger squeeze.

    I anticipate a lot of plinking pleasure in my future.

  26. As one who is waiting for the supply to hit the stores, just a comment.

    JMB’s (John Moses Browning) original autoloader pistol design was built around a .38, not the .45. JMB was happy to cater to the Army’s request for the pistol to be in .45 caliber. His design on the .45 acp to be used in his pistol design is also brilliant. I have never seen any attribution where JMB intended the 1911 to be solely 45 caliber. Otherwise, why would he have then worked on the High Power in 9mm (which should have been in .45 also in my personal opinion, perhaps a new .45 super design by JMB even)?

  27. I would rather go up against a .45 ego triping punk that thinks it is a one shot killer. than an old grandma with a .22 that can shoot a fly. Proper placement and multiple hits are more important than size when we are talking about pistols. At least that is what I have found in my research. Go for center mass and put as many shots on target as you can. So no I do not think having a .22 is insulting to the 1911. I think it is a gun that I would buy and put in my collections to pass down to my kids, more as a collectors item. I also dont think I would even shoot it to keep the value up. From what I understand this is the first 1911 that Browning has actually made, plus it is the state gun, and so on.

  28. I was out shopping for a new .22 pistol today.. checking out the Walther P22 and the Sig Sauer Mosquito, when the salesman says “Oh, and if you like 1911’s you need to see this..” then turns and pulls out the 1911/22. I was very impressed at the level of detail in this little pistol, with every part an exact miniature of it’s full-sized namesake. Although being made of aluminum I would have to question it’s long term durability with more than occasional use. The sights are also true to the original.. standard blade type (not my favorite when it comes to precision shooting), and probably impossible to upgrade.
    IMHO, a cute little conversation piece that a hard-core 1911 fan will definately buy, but will be relegated to the safe only to be pulled out when it’s time to impress your friends.. and hardly worth the $600 price tag.

  29. Mark,

    To speak to the issue of the durability of aluminum alloy …

    For what it may be worth, I’ve discovered that the alloy used in the manufacture of the 1911-22 is known as 7075-T6.

    T6 temper 7075 has an ultimate tensile strength of 74,000-78,000 psi. Alloys such as 7075 are often used in transport applications, including marine, automotive and aviation applications, due to their high strength-to-density ratio. Its strength and light weight are also desirable in other fields. Rock climbing equipment, bicycle components, and hang glider airframes are commonly made from 7075 aluminum alloy. Hobby grade RC models commonly use 7075 for chassis plates. One interesting use for 7075 is in the manufacture of M16 rifles for the American military. Additionally, owing to its strength, high density, thermal properties and its polishability 7075 is widely used in mold tool manufacture as well.

    Early on, this was one of my concerns as well. It is no longer.

    In addition, and not knowing how much the pricing of this gun varies by geographical area, I can tell you that there are multiple shops in my area that are selling the 1911-22 for $500-$510. That’s what I paid for mine. Still maybe a tad costlier than some others, but to me the workmanship, reliability, quality and uniqueness are well worth the price … not to mention it’s a bundle of fun to shoot.

    Also, the cost of spare magazines is quite a bit less than those of the competitive models, by the way.

  30. $600 for a make believe 911 filled with non-metal parts good for a few years and then what. Check your older cars now with no replacement parts availible in rubber or nylon , same thing will follow the totally overpriced 911-22.

  31. I just took my new Browning 1911 .22 out for a test run, and it functioned flawlessly. I used 50 rds of cheap bulk ammunition from wal-mart and it never missed a lick. This is the same ammunition that just 2 weeks ago i had tried to use in my Browning Buckmark and my old Ruger Mk 1. Neither of them would shoot more than a few times without a jam. To call this gun an abomination is just ludacris in my opinion. Is the Colt mustang an abomination?…..of course not. It is just simply another variation of the classic 1911, that is unique in its own right. Which is exactly what the Browning 1911 is. I believe if anyone who might think this gun is an abomination would just go to there local dealer and handle one they might soon have a change of opinion. It is very lightweight and at 80% the size of a standard 1911 it fits nicely in the hands. I love mine so far and im sure i will for years to come.

  32. I can hardly wait to get the 1911-22..I have the Remington 1911-45 that came out last year and I really like it..

  33. I saw my 1 st one today for 539.00. My son will buy it tomorrow. I think it is a great gun and a ” fun size” for some and just right for kids & ladies. My wife got me a Ceiner 22 top end years ago. I liked it so well I ordered a 1911 bottom end for it. I take it with every time I go to the range. It has over 10k rounds thru it and still is a favorite. The Browning would have been my sons 1st pistol if it had been around back then. What better starter pistol could you want? Browning 1911-22, 1911 9mm and then a 1911 45. Perfection.

  34. I’ve only briefly just handled a 1911-22, but I was impressed with the fit, finish and authenticity to the original. I own a plain-vanilla Fed Ord 1911 .45 and have always been impressed with its unique ergonomics, accuracy and surprising portability. It’s not the best made copy of the original, but when I found I could shoot 2″ groups with Silvertip factory loads, I hung on to it.

    I’ve no reason to believe that the new 1911-22 would be anything but a winner because it’s based on such a winning design. I’ve been through several popular .22 autoloaders (a pair of Ruger Mark IIs, a big Buckmark, the Walther p-22, Berettas and others) and discarded them for various reasons – loosening parts, difficult cleaning, jams (most frequent problem) or just for the fact that they were too damn bulky for a cartridge that barely weighs a couple grams.
    The predominance of popular approval evident in the posts above, from people who’ve actually shot the 1911-22, makes sense to me. The 1911 design is time-proven, and it’s about time we have a one-pound wonder you can easily carry and shoot the hell out of.

    Well-researched comments like Pappy Smith’s regarding the 7075 alloy are valuable for adding perspective and depth to a topic that can often tailspin into jar-headed sniping about someone’s personal preferences. Handgunning is a very personal thing that easily exposes physical and psychological issues in putting bullets on target: one person’s wonder pistol is often another’s nightmare ordnance. But this little 1911-22 looks like what a lot of folks have been waiting for. I plan on getting one soon and will probably recommend it for a friend who’s looking for a first handgun.

  35. Matt,

    The next time I shoot my 1911-22, which will be this coming Monday night, I will surpass 600 rounds. The pistol has cycled flawlessly so, needless to say, I am quite pleased. I have cleaned the pistol 3 times even though the gun does not seem to get that dirty … been shooting CCI Standard Velocity ammo.

    Next it will go to my pistolsmith to have the creep taken out of the trigger and to have him tune the trigger to a pull weight of 2-1/2 pounds. Those are the only two issues, both evident right out of the box, that I’d like to correct.

    By the way, did anyone else catch the nice write-up on the 1911-22 in the latest issue of the American Rifleman. This and everything else I’ve read on the pistol, written by people who’ve actually handled and had a chance to examine it, seems quite complimentary. Looks like a real winner.

  36. Being a beginning .22 target shooter, and a lady with a small hand, the Browning 1911-22 would seem to be perfect. I am learning with a Ruger 22/45 Mark III – which I like as to accuracy but boy howdy is it a pain to clean. I’m going to look at the new Browning baby and see if that’s easier. With gals, it isn’t about ego, its about comfort… 🙂

  37. Cat,

    I am familiar with the Ruger auto-loader. I used to have a Ruger Mark II (a stainless 5-1/2″ bull barrel that now belongs to my daughter) and that “little dangly strut” under the bolt that had to fit into the groove in the backstrap spring on re-assembly can indeed be a pain. Stick with it and you’ll get the knack … it will become easier.

    Believe me, the Browning 1911-22 is infinitely easier to clean than any other rim-fire auto-loader in my experience. It lives in “piece-of-cake” territory in terms of cleaning.

    My philosophy is that I refuse to go through pain for my pleasure. Not sure it’s a “gal vs. guy” thing at all.

  38. I bought one yesterday!!! I picked it up and could not put it down. Shot it today and it shoots better then it feels!! Browning this gun will be a icon!!!Pick one up you will buy it!!

  39. From the second I picked this gun up I knew I had to have it. Trust me, its a little pricey for a .22 cal. but its shoots and performs amazingly well. I collect only 1911’s at this point in time. I fired 500 rounds of federal ammo through it the first week without one single jam or missfire. Mine is the full size Browning 1911 .22 and it is very accurate and reliable. I wouldn’t think twice about purchasing another if they ever offer one in different finishes.

  40. I have one, too. It is exceptionally nice. Diminutive, yes, but yet substantial. The 1911-22 Browning will be a classic among the rimfire pistols.

  41. I just bought one of these guns this past week. It is a great gun and functions perfectly. Very lightweight. The only complaint I have is there needs to be better sights on the gun. My front sight looks like it was super glued to the slide and the sights, in general, are difficult to see. That being said, would I buy it again knowing what I know now? Absolutely!!! It is a fun, good looking little gun great for plinking.

  42. Anyone of you new owners have big hands? Cannot find one in a store close to me up in BC Canada to try the feel and fit, but with large hands that almost swallow a 1911 .45, I’m a bit worried about throwing down the cash, to find out it’s too small for my meat hooks.

    • I have average size hands and the 85% gun felt as though I was holding an Airsoft 1911 replica. It may be a bit crowded for sausage fingers. I found this out the hard way after I ordered it. Now I gotta sell it…

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  44. This gun is sweet! Took mine to the range yesterday and it ate all kinds of ammo. Never a misfire ! It is very light and yes the sight are hard to see and it has a little hammer bite if you are not careful… Hey but this is just like the original GI 1911 big brother. It comes apart w/o tools and looks like it big brother internally. This gun will be a classic. It is a blast to shoot. I saw they make a shorter version as well. I am thinking it would be great for a woman. I know they don’t recommend 22 as defense but something is better than nothing. Bullet placement is everything and you would be able to rap out multiple shots quickly with this. I wouldn’t want to be hit by a 22LR in the sternum or on the head several times. Of course I wouldn’t try to shoot thru a car windshield or something but it is better than pepper spray.

  45. when if ever will Browning have spare parts for their 1911-22 model ??? So far you cannot order spare parts… BUT if you spend money to ship it to them + return shipping to you they will repair add cost of repaired parts + the total shipping. not a wise investment —– case in point broken plastic guide rod and bent slide spring these two items are very easily replaced…. you work with these parts every time you clean this pistol… Best bet would be to get the GSG 1911-22 or sig model they are actual models that are same size and operation as the true 1911-45 acp… my two cents

    • I’ve not had anything malfunction as yet – certainly no broken parts, but I wish I could find an extra mag or two. That little beauty just keeps ticking without so much as a hiccup.

  46. I have been looking for one of these little Brownings for a while. Found one and I love it. It’s a lot of fun to shoot and is more accurate than I ever imagined. Just one question. It seems the original pistols came with Brown plastic grips however, mine came with Wood Diamond Check grips. Does anyone know if the plastic grips are available?

    • Ron,

      The thought of having a nicely done pair of walnut grips on my 1911-22 is exciting. I’m not crazy about the fact that the originals that came with my pistol are plastic, even though they look like real wood at first glance. Although I would keep the originals that came with the pistol, I think I’d jump at the chance to get a classy looking set of replacements – bone, antler, ivory, or maybe even zebra wood done up in a nice scale pattern.

      I’ll suggest to you what I plan to do – call Browning and ask whether they know of anyone offering replacement grips. Certainly, anyone doing so would have put their pitch into Browning with some type of incentive to spread the word.

      I have been successful in purchasing extra magazine(s), but that’s about it … they’ve been available at dealers for some months now.

      Good luck!

  47. I bought this pistol Q3’12, and love it! Experienced about 5% F2F/F2E for the first 200 rounds, but have put 1800+ rounds through it since with no failures.

    It’s fun (and cheap) to take to the range, and very accurate.

    I trained my wife on it, and she’s so comfortable with its size, weight and recoil that she chose it – with CCI Velocitor HPs – for her PD weapon.

  48. No abomination if your a ten year old boy. My son’s birthday is coming up soon (next week!!) and he want’s a 1911 like his dad. This little (size and caliber wise) gun would be perfect for him!!!!

  49. I have owned several semi auto 22’s. colt woodsman, high standard etc, which all had flaws with cycling rounds, we all prayed for a 22 semi auto that would eat through anything you fed it and browning gave us the 1911 22. for those of you who want to suppress, buy the compact version and order a seperate a-1 barrell.

  50. Don’t be ridiculous. Not an abomination at all. This pistol is a great little gun. Quality firearm that performed flawlessly at the range with 250 rounds of various makes (Federal and Colt). This crushes all other 1911-22s on the market. This is not some cheaply-made pot metal pistol in an unwieldly full-size 1911 format. And, the grips are wood, not plastic. The 85% scale and quality construction make for an easy to shoot, very reliable, fun pistol. There’s no law that says a 1911 must be chambered in 45 ACP. If you want a high quality 1911 that is easy for anyone to shoot and uses cheap ammo, this is your pistol.

  51. I got the chance to hold the Browning 1911 .22 today. It looks like an accurate, downsized 1911. Feels light and fits my hand perfectly ( I do have small hands) If you have very large hands/fingers, it’s not going to fit. Not sure of the construction but a magnet did stick to it all over. I loved it! On the other hand the new Walther PPK/s .22 is an total loser. I had one of the original PPK .22’s years ago and it was fantastic. The new PPK/s has the toughest DA trigger pull I’ve ever experienced. I tugged on it and couldn’t even get the the hammer to raise by a mm. To it’s discredit, the slide appears to be zinc. I wouldn’t touch one. It is $150 cheaper than the Browning but remember, you get what you pay for.

  52. In response to Greg Carver’s comment that the 1911-22 looks like an accurate 1911, looks can be deceiving. This is not a terribly accurate pistol due to its sights. I guess one needs to recognize that the 1911 was designed as a close combat pistol, not a target pistol, but, still, the sights are truly awful. The front sight is completely black, and the rear blades are so narrow that it is very difficult for the eye to put the front sight within those blades (which are also completely black), which makes acquiring your target/aiming point very difficult. I painted my front sight white, which has improved this issue, but it’s still a difficult pistol to shoot accurately. Browning really needs to re-think the width of the blades given the pistol’s 85% size. Other than that complaint, which, to me, is a significant one, I love this pistol and have a lot of fun shooting it.

  53. The M-1911 is not an antique. for 100+ years this firearm has held first place in the hearts of millions of Americans. Yes, it can be difficult to master carrying and shooting it. If folks think it’s out lived it’s time. Why is the USMC and many armed forces dumping 9 mms and going back to .45 acp in an upgraded M-1911 pistol. The first handgun I fired at 10 yrs. old was my dads M-1911. I loved that 1911 then, and I still have it. It has never failed me. I’ve bought a new Browning 1911-22-A1. I looked at every .22 lr revolver and pistol on line and in gun stores all over Northern California. There are less expensive and good quality firearms available. The Browning grabbed my heart.

  54. I think this gin is perfect for my 6 year old daughter. I love that she is learning on a 1911 like I did. She needs to work her way up to a 45.

  55. Whatever your opinion may be of kids being involved in the shooting sports, I personally think it is a good idea to ensure kids are taught to be responsible with firearms and how to properly use them. My children (9 yo & 14 yo) both have been well trained on the use of various firearms, including handguns. I would love to teach them how to safely and responsibly handle my 1911, but .45acp is too much recoil. I am trilled that the 1911-22 was created. It allows me to teach them using a handgun which is properly sized, and with substantially less recoil. The nearly identical mechanics and ergonomics, but in a smaller package, ensures that when they grow up they’ll already have the knowledge needed to handle the full sized version. And another thing, recoil of .45 acp is too much for many women. There’s no shame in using one chambered for a lighter, but effective caliber, such as 9mm. Mr. Browning intended .45 for the battlefield soldier. His design is equally good for many calibers. I don’t consider it an abomination to have the 1911-22 since it is a fantastic training tool.

  56. The 1911 is a .22 caliber that was fitted for a .45. Not the other way around. John Browning designed it when he worked for colt as a .22. The government wanted a heavier round and went to Colt/Browning and they redesigned it for a .45 caliber. So in essence a .22 browning 1911 is as pure as it gets.

    • Now ain’t that something?

      Up ’til now I’ve always thought the original Model 1911 was designed by Browning as a .45 autoloader. Rumor has always held that the U.S. Government found that the old .38 revolver cartridge was so pitifully anemic against the frenzied Moro insurrectionists in the Philippines, that they could sometimes make it to one of our troops and give him a good one or two whacks with their bolos before dropping after before being shot 2 or even 3 times in the body. At that time, the Government realized it needed a new and more powerful cartridge. Obama (or his grandpappy) must have been running things back then as well, if they thought the .22 was more potent than the .38 caliber. Lack of planning skills and outright stupidity in that family must be hereditary, eh?

      Colt put the Browning 1911 design into production and had samples ready for the military review board by 1906. John Moses had designed 2 models – one with hammer and one without, like the Model 1910. The hammer model was finally chosen and, although the board made a few minor changes during its 4 years of study, John’s model and the standard Government Model 1911 are identical in all important details. The final military trials were held on March 3, 1911, and the rest is history.

      Now I could be mistaken and would love to be shown the error of my ways … but that’s how I remember the history of the Model 1911. Not too many other gun designs going strong after more than 103 years.

  57. Love all my 1911’s in 45 but gotta love it in a 22 as well. 1911, cheaper ammo (when you can find it), what’s not to like.

    I have a Chiappa – Yuck
    I have a GSG – Good
    Borwning – Will see, a bit expensive for a 22 pistol. Will most likely wait and see if prices go down.

  58. Silly Bobby.
    Ive been seriously shooting 1911’s since 1980. Originally in .45 ACP but in competition the 38 Super and 9mm win out for various reasons, and the double stack 2011 is a handy little piece with up to 29 rounds in the big stick.
    But I see they don’t qualify in your book because they are ‘odd’.
    Somethin (or somebody) is odd here, but maybe not the gun or caliber in question.
    ~ John

  59. I’m an M 1911 advocate I love the M 1911 I love my little M 1911 22 Browning it is so much fun to shoot Everyone knows the 45 19 11 is the man’s gun but if you haven’t shot a little 1911 22 Browning try it you’ll buy I love it it is so much fun

  60. The little 1911 22 is 1 of the reasons why I love guns they’re a lot of fun to shoot Did you try one I’ll bet you go and buy 1 for the money you can’t beat the little Browning 1911 22 is just for fun man that’s why we shoot guns to have fun hope




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