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Question of the Day: What’s the Oldest Gun You Own?

Doug Turnbull Restored Parker Lifter Gun From 1869 (courtesy

“A superb Parker side-by-side ‘Lifter Gun’ manufactured in the heart of Gun Valley in 1869 has been restored to new condition to serve as the 2016 SHOT Show Auction ‘Western Heritage’ shotgun available for viewing and bidding on,” the pre-SHOT Show presser proclaims. [Full text after the jump.] Huh. I reckon there are non-functional historical pieces that should stay that way. But I totally get the thrill of firing a historical piece. It’s visceral ballistic time travel. What’s the oldest gun you own? If it’s functional, how does it make you feel to fire it? . . .

USA – ( A superb Parker side-by-side “Lifter Gun” manufactured in the heart of Gun Valley in 1869 has been restored to new condition to serve as the 2016 SHOT Show Auction “Western Heritage” shotgun and is currently available for viewing and bidding on

The special “Western Heritage” shotgun combines the history of a Parker Brothers shotgun from 1879 with the renowned artisanship and “history recreation” of Turnbull Manufacturing. Turnbull has taken this historic “Lifter Gun” and brought it back to the condition in which it would have left Parker’s Hamden, Connecticut factory in 1879.

The 12-gauge side-by-side features 29 ½” barrels and Turnbull’s signature color-case hardening. Original plans called for Turnbull to create a conventional short-barreled “coach gun” in keeping with the 2016 SHOT Show Auction “Western Heritage” theme. Doug Turnbull contacted well-known classic arms dealer John Puglisi in search of the perfect coach gun and Puglisi suggested Doug should consider this rock solid “Lifter Gun”.

“John was not keen about reducing the barrel length on this classic Parker and when I saw how original and tight it was, I had to agree with him”, Turnbull explained. “Then I thought, heck, there’s no law saying you couldn’t have a Coach Gun with 29 ½” barrels.”

The fine Parker Lifter Double Barrel is a 12 gauge with original 29 ½” – inch Damascus barrels. Butt and forearm are original and have been refinished to Turnbull’s high standards. The original butt stock has nice grain and remains tight to the frame. Steel butt plate also refinished to Turnbull standards.

The action is as solid as a vault and the side locks are perfect with strong springs and fine firing pins. All markings on the action, barrel address and water tables are perfectly clear. Checkering is original and sharp on forearm and on the classic round knob pistol grip. Original hammers are in excellent condition. The lifter and pin are tight and the lifter engagement is smooth.

Complementing the Parker is an exquisite hand-tooled shotgun slip by Karla Van Horne of Purdy Gear Custom Leather Goods. Many fans and collectors of fine hand tooled holsters and accessories are familiar with the collector-quality of Ms. Van Horne’s work at Purdy Gear and the reputation she has developed during more than 40-years practicing her craft.

Click here to view the SHOT Show Auction Parker

The auction will close on the final afternoon of the SHOT Show, Friday, January 22, 2016. SHOT Show auction items will be on display at the booth #15147 at the SHOT Show.

The SHOT Show auction is administered for the National Shooting Sports Foundation by the Hunting Heritage Trust.

151 thoughts on “Question of the Day: What’s the Oldest Gun You Own?”

  1. The oldest one I’ve got is my Colt 1917 revolver. I looked up the manufacture date, and believe it was 1917.

    Less than 100 years. Pretty new.

    • Similar. Colt Army Special made in 1922, once used by a Chicago Police officer and his name is engraved on it (was a friend of my grandfather)

    • 2 1890’s Iver Johnson 32s with top break open and 5 shot with safety triggers , pearl grips and working condition . Nice conceal carry pistols , use old style black powder cartridges . Fun to shoot 120 year old pistols .

  2. A Sauer & Sohn H38 in 32 acp.
    2nd series complete with markings. Pre WWll police gun as I understand them.

    • There were at least 3 police lots bought during the nazi regime. Some of these were sent on to SS officers and other nazi insiders.

  3. Either my mosin nagant or my nagant revolver. I don’t remember which is older. Both not really worth much but fun to shoot.

    • Same. I have one of each from the 1940’s and a Lee Enfield also made in the 40’s. There’s a Japanese Arisaka wall hanger, too, and I’m not actually sure when that one was made. It came back as a trophy from WWII and may be the oldest firearm I have, although it really isn’t functional. Oh and there’s an early 40’s .38 spc S&W M&P Victory Model revolver (marked U.S. Navy on topstrap) as well, actually. Hmm… fully possible my oldest four firearms were built within a year of each other in the early-mid 1940’s haha

    • 1938 Izzy 91/30. My S&W mod 10 was a cop gun and made in the 60’s. My circle 10 Mak was made in the 80’s. Everything else I currently own was bought within the last 20 years new.

      • 1927 Mosin for me.

        Also have a 1935 Winchester model 68, and a Ruger Single Six from the late fifties.

        • My single six was bought new just in time for the ammo shortages. I bet it has less than 200 rounds thru it.

  4. Early 1917 Remington Mosin-Nagant. And yes, it fires just fine. The adjustable ramp site is marked in Arshins. There is a Finnish arsenal marking which indicates it was most likely captured during the Winter War (1939-1940).

  5. I have 2 guns that tie for the oldest, an M38 Carcano and a 91/30 Mosin Nagant rifle. Both made in 1938. I also have several other WWII vintage rifles but those two are slightly older than the rest.

    • Ya another Carcano owner! They are pretty fun to shoot if you can find the ammo. I scored some 1938 vintage rounds and it’s an exercise in patience. A few delayed ignitions in that bunch.

      • Another Carcano owner. Mine is a ’32. I reload for it, but used to find Privi at Cabela’s pretty regularly.

      • The tomb was yet occupied. I pulled the gun out of the desiccated warrior king’s hand and then knocked the crud of ages off it by hitting it on a piece of stone. It was hella dramatic.

  6. ’43 Mosin. It’s tons of fun to shoot, and knowing the history of the model makes it a wonderful historical experience as well.

  7. A Winchester Model 1906, which was made in 1911. It’s easily my favorite and best-shooting rifle, although my M1 Garand comes close. Next oldest would be a ’34 Mosin 91/30, and a late/last-ditch Korean Arisaka.

  8. Savage 1907 1909 vintage by the SN. Has the metal grips. Total heap and basket case, love it anyways.

    • Out of curiosity, does your VZ have waffenamt markings on it? The Germans stamped VERY few examples with them, often just picking batches up in the Czech factories and issuing them out. The ones marked G24 T are an entirely different matter.

  9. 1960’s high standard k121
    It was my grandfather’s and uncles before it was mine 🙂

  10. LC Smith Damascus SxS from the 1890s. Belonged to my great grandfather. Still in good condition, will likely never be shot again.

    • Original Springfield 1866 trapdoor musket in 50-70. The second conversion of the 1863 rifled musket.

      The same one U.S. soldiers were issued prior to the Wagon Box Fight of 1867 when the Indians assumed they still carried muzzleloaders.

      Big Chief provoked a volley from the bluecoats & then ordered a charge; only instead of enjoying a long interval as the enemy slowly reloaded their frontfeeders, his braves faced a steady withering fire from the breechloaders that had them dropping like tenpins.

      Instead of saying “Holy cr@p, white eyes got some new stuff; let’s get out of here!” the Chief tried “I got more braves than white eyes got cartridges!”. That didn’t work, either.

  11. Winchester 16 gauge shotgun Model 1912. Manufactured in 1913. Not much 16 gauge on the shelves these days.

    • Unfortunately I’ve found that out. Just picked up a 870 made in 1954 with the corncob forend chambered in 16. It’s in mint condition. Found it at a yard sale in Central AL. Gave $150.

    • Ive got a 50’s JC Higgins 16ga bolt action that was passed down though the years. I wish 16ga was more popular as it’s an excellent all rounder.

      • I used to have one of those too, if you’re talking about the bolt action, tube fed 16 gauge one. Sears actually issued a recall on them a while back because there ain’t much holding the bolt in place and those locking lugs are flimsy

        • I had a 16 gauge 11-48 sportsman. I liked it just fine but sold it for a 12 gauge just for ammunition availability reasons.

        • My father has always told me the story of a man he knew that had his face permanently scarred when the lugs failed on a bolt shotgun whenever we see one at a gun show. Makes one a bit wary of what condition their firearms are in.

  12. Enfield rifle manufactured in 1906. Mark 1 w/ 3 asterisks. Bore shines like new, functions about as good as an SMLE ever did. But mainly hangs on the wall and looks friggin sweet!

  13. My oldest is a DWM Luger P08. Looks like it was made sometime in the early 30s. It’s probalby also my most valuable gun.

    • Yes! Finally a Luger reference! It isn’t mine, but I did have the great pleasure to spend a week cleaning and restoring a friend’s 1907 DWM Luger. I photo documented the entire procedure and loaded it to Facebook, pity I can’t link it while typing on my phone.

  14. Schmidt Rubin sporterized Model 1889, non .308 conversion and I am not confident the ammo it came with will work (modern 7.5 will destroy it so I have to reload by hand).

  15. I just picked up a S&W double action break open in .38 S&W from somewhere in 1880-1890. It was nickel but most of the finish is gone and the bore has some pitting but aside from some minor end rattle the thing is mechanically tight. I haven’t shot it yet but it looks like it will be fun.

  16. Marlin No. 29 that belonged to my great-great-aunt. Based on that model’s dates of manufacture and its serial number, I’d guess it was made in 1912, maybe 1913.

    Fun, accurate little .22.

  17. Old single shot 12 made by the Crescent Arms Co. It’s got a 36″ barrel. Best I can figure it was made sometime in the late 1800’s. Still shoots just fine. Not worth very much monetarily but it’s eat up in sentimental value. The story I’ve been told all my life is that it was pretty old when my great grandfather won it from an Indian in a card game.

    • I had an old Crescent arms .410 in my youth. I only used two and a half inch shells in it. It got so worn that it would, upon firing, break itself open and eject the empty. I called it my semi auto shotgun.

      Dad and my uncle found out what was happening and took a hammer and anvil to it. I was pretty pissed till they replaced it with a Sears single shot 16 ga.

      That was a real gun.

  18. a 1955 K31 in 7.5×55 swiss, and an unknown Savage 120A 22lr single shot that doesn’t have a serial number due to age.

  19. a CZ-82 from 1984. only two years younger than me!

    my grandfather had a pistol from ww2 i believe but my uncle sold it we think. very disappointing.

  20. Got my great-grandaddy’s Burnside carbine he carried in North/South unpleasantness. Cast myown .54 cal. minieballs. I don’t shoot it anymore as its a family heirloom for my grandkids, but it sure was fun shooting it.

  21. Colt 1860 Army cap and ball revolver. Would have to check serial number again, but believe it was made in either 1862 or ’63.

  22. Got each of my boys a Little Scout from the J. Stevens Arms and Tool Co. Patent date is 1909. They dropped the …and Tool Co. in 1916. Made sometime in between. Sweet little rolling block single shot 22’s.

    • I have my Dads Stevens, its a 22/410 over under. Since it was given to him on his 10th and he was born in 1928 I’d say it’s from 1938. It’s in nice shape and has a wooden stock instead of the brittle plastic later ones came with.

  23. The oldest I own is my grandfather’s Ivor Johnson Model 1900 .22. According to my research into its serial number it was made in either late 1900 or early 1901.

  24. I have a single barrel 12 ga breach loading shotgun from the late 1870’s that was my great-great-grandfather’s. It had the stock sawn down on pull length for a kid, and then a crudely carved spacer nailed on for when the kid grew. The front of the stock was shortened, the barrel shortened, has a home made firing pin that pierces the primers, all lovingly done with minimal skills by my ancestors who had no money to keep the gun useful and in working condition. It is a gruesomely ugly thing, but I’ll never part with it. Because of the firing pin piercing the primers, I have never fired it. It was my grand-father’s go-to gun for hunting as he seldom missed with it. He still used black powder shells and knick-named the gun “Ol’ Fusee” after the railroad flares he used at work because with the 20″ barrel, it spewed smoke and fire for a couple feet out the muzzle when shot. It was probably last fired in 1952. When I got old enough, I would take it down from it’s resting place on the wall of my mom’s house and clean and oil it once a year. She may be ugly, but she ain’t rusty.

    • Take an emery board or needle file if you have one and massage the point of that pin back a little bit. Then it will stop piecing primers.

  25. Springfield Model 1873. Serial number indicates late 1875 manufacture date. Arsenal refurbished and well maintained. It’s a literal blast to shoot.

  26. 1931 Remington single shot .22 LR rifle. My first gun given to me at the age of 9 by a family friend in Wisconsin, then restored by my Dad and I.

  27. I have a Colt 1908 Vest Pocket Hammerless in .25 auto, I believe that it was manufactured in 1918 and bought by my great grandfather brand new, and it is a fun little pistol to shoot. I’ve even carried it on occasion as a back up (for nostalgia purposes). I even have the original box it came in.

  28. A sporterized muzzle loader from 1860, with a crown stamp on the side plate.
    My grandfather’s grandfather brought it over from Ireland with him.
    No idea the last time it was fired.

  29. A 1903 Mannlicher-Schönauer carbine chambered in 6.5x54MS. No complete database of serial numbers exists and I haven’t taken the stock off yet to look for any other dates, codes, or proofs. Based upon her low S/N and other factors I’d guess she was born between 1903 and 1915.

  30. Oldest by design? A Pietta-made Colt 1860 .44 cap and ball revolver clone, bought at Cabela’s a few years ago. Experiencing the loading/firing/cleaning of a cap and ball blackpowder revolver makes me greatly appreciate smokeless powder metallic cartridge ammunition.

    Actual oldest? A 1928-made Colt Police Positive Special in .38 Special with a 4″ barrel.

    I do have two Mosin Nagants which are older designs but were both made in the 40s. And an Ishapore 2A1 rifle that’s patterned after an Enfield No1 Mk3 but it was made in the 1960s. And a 1950s made M1 Garand. And an Ithaca M37 that was made in 1969. And a S&W model 10 that was made in the 70s. And a new 1911.

    I seem to have a lot of firearms that have designs that originated far before the actual manufacture date of the ones I own. I don’t mind. It’s a great way to have “new” old guns.

    • Same here, no oldies, just Colt clones. 1851, 1861, 1862 Navy (all in their original .36 cal with steel frames), and two 1873s. I need to add an 1860 and an 1862 Police. And I am building a kit Kentucky long rifle (percussion, .50 cal).
      But I also have an 1840 pattern “Heavy” saber made in the early 1850s. It is quite functional and in excellent condition.

  31. Not really sure, most likely 1840s or older, a .69 smoothbore muzzleloader somebody later upgraded from flintlock to persussion lock, shortened it and played a bit with the stock to turn it into a hunting shotgun.

    It was a cheap workhorse, nothing to auction off for a hefty sum now, but I like it.

  32. A Marlin 336 manufactured in (I think) 2010, probably one of the very last to leave the original Marlin factory before the Freedom Group cocked everything up.

  33. Walther PPK, with the Walther family stamp, in .32AUTO. Serial number places date of manufacture sometime in 1934.

  34. Since I traded my ’43 Mosin M38, that honor would fall on a 1967 Marlin Model 10 single shot .22 rifle that I got as a kid.

  35. A 1905 production Winchester model 1903 pump action .22lr. It belonged to my Great, Great grandfather. And yes it will fire.

  36. I have my grandfather’s Belgian-made Browning Auto5. Since records were lost in the war, there’s no way to know for sure but my half-assed guesstimation of where its serial number falls in the range of lost info, I place it in the 1916 to 1917 range. This would also fit because my GF would have been in his teens around then… assuming he bought it new, of course.

    I also have a Winchester Model 37 single shot 12 gauge which I was told is from the late ’30s due to its lack of serial number. Take that for what its worth.

    Then, of course, is my much maligned bullpup Mosin Nagant dated 1939. And just to annoy those who hated it so much…

  37. Remington side by side 16 gauge. Made in 1902. My gunsmith told me that if it was 18 months older it would be Damascus twist.

  38. The oldest one that I have shot is Martini-Henry Mark II from 1874. I have a percussion shotgun from the 1850’s that I am going to use in the next muzzle loading shotgun match. My wife uses a Belgium trade musket for shotgun matches. I can’t say how old it is but it was converted from a flintlock.

  39. My oldest gun was the first I ever bought, a Steyr Model 95 carbine. I was even more excited to find out it has an antique (pre 1898) receiver. Paid my $150 and walked out the door. It started life as a long rifle and was later chopped down and converted to 8x56R. The Austrians forgot to replace the tall ladder sight, so the minimum zero is 300 meters. Ammo isn’t cheap and it kicks hard enough to knock the breath out of me, so it usually sits in the cabinet.

  40. C96 Broomhandle Mauser, dates to between 1930-1933. Been well taken care before it became mine, but it’s not a “safe queen”. Shoots great and is a blast at the range.

  41. My grandfather’s 1903 Colt pocket auto- .32ACP.
    Made in 1921. I shoot it a couple times a year.

  42. We have an old muzzle loading rabbit eared side by side in 17 gauge. ( as marked on the cut down barrel ) That we think dates to the 1850’s. Refinished it as we didn’t care about collectors value and it was a rusty piece of junk. It sits beside the stone fireplace.

    We also have a S&W .32 long hand ejector first model. The serial number on it places it around 1901 to 1902. Actually pulled it out and shot it last week, super pleasant to shoot!

  43. Grandpa’s deer rifle, a Winchester 1910, made in 1910. I don’t shoot it (though I’m sure it’s mechanically fine), since nobody makes .401 WSL cartridges anymore, and the two boxes Grandpa left behind were stored in less-than-ideal conditions and have some corrosion on them. Someday I’ll buy a set of dies and some brass and make a few rounds just to see how she shoots.

  44. A late 1800s Fusil Gras Mle 1874, manufactured in 1876 I believe. Matching numbers, clean as a whistle. If only 11mm gras ammo wasn’t so pricey…

  45. Swiss Schmidt Rubin Mod 1889 – manufactured in 1897.

    Comes with what New Yorker’s would call a HIGH CAPACITY MAGAZINE! – 12 Rounds!

  46. Colt Woodsman .22lr made in 1922. Provenance from Colt indicates it was purchased in Connecticut, probably by my uncle, who lived there. It would have been given to my father in the late ’50s or early ’60s, most likely. I remember shooting it as a kid in the mid ’60s.

    I will occasionally pull it out and shoot it in remembrance of my father and uncle.

  47. Winchester Model 1894 – first year production serial number that my father gave me after I got married

  48. Savage 1899H 30-30 from 1910. Still takes the first deer every year then I switch to my MSRs just to test my ability with them on a live target. How I wish that savage could tell me some stories from the good ol’ days.

  49. a mosin stamped 1893. new is a Remington model 11 made in 1907. the Remington is my main hunting and skeet shotgun. still see’s 100’s of rounds every year.

  50. Either my 1913 Erfurt p08, or my c96 Mauser. The Mauser is a little harder to date, but based on the serial number and features, it was made sometime between 1912 and 1914.

  51. KY long rifle that belonged to my great great grandfather. Originally it was a flintlock that he converted to cap and ball. 36 caliber. His name is engraved on the patch box in the stock and there are silver inlay diamonds along the length of the stock. Very slinder design, about 73″ in thength. No manufacturer name is anywhere on the rifle, but experts have said the gunworks and barrel most likely came out of Pennsylvania. He died in 1811. The rifle hung in the wall of the old homestead farmhouse built in 1845 until it was sold in 1995. I brought it with me to FL. Nobody has any idea who the last one to use it is or when it was last fired. My grandfather who died in 2003 said he never had fired it and never remembered his father who died in 1918 shooting it either. It appears to be in very good condition and I wouldn’t be to concerned pulling the trigger but have never done so.

      • Often thought about how many squirrels and rabbits put in the pot that gun is responsible for.
        I also have my grandfather’s Belgian made humpback Browing 5 shot 12 gauge. That gun has seen 10’s of thousands rounds in its life. My Grandfather, Uncle, Father, and myself used it for rabbit, dove, quail, grouse, and skeet. The finish was about gone and it had some cracks in the stock. My dad sent it back to Browing for refurbish and it came back just beautiful. Never worried about collector value becuse its for shootin, not selling. That shotgun will run any load you feed it.

  52. I picked up a Remington model 11 in 12 gauge just over a year ago. Browning A5 clone. Paid about $175 for it… in good shape with normal wear and it shoots great. I called Remington up with the serial number and found out it was made in 1914. It’s really nice for a 102 year old shotgun!

  53. 1951 Remington 870. Long, full choke barrel. Nice glossy stock with a metal buttplate (ouch).
    Inherited it from my Grandpa… shoots like a champ.

  54. My father’s late 1930’s LC Smith bird gun. 16 ga. w/ modified and improved barrels. Ever a modest man, It was his prized possession and, at the time of its purchase, represented a significant investment for someone who lifted himself out of poverty during the Great Depression.

  55. 1895 Chilean Mauser made in Berlin in that year. It is chambered in 7×57 and every time I look at it I can’t believe something so well made and just plain pretty was intended to issue to an infantryman, good old days for sure. I wish I had the bayonet for it.

  56. 1888 Commission Rifle produced in 1891 in Spandau. The only turk markings are on the ladder sight. it is “S” stamped. It has a complete bolt but the chamber is actually too short. I just received a finish reamer. I plan on shooting lead handloads.

  57. *Saw article title, skipped all to comments looking for Dyspeptic Gunsmith to drop knowledge.*

    I’m a bit disappointed.

  58. 1916 8mm Gewehr 98 German Mauser. It is fully functional and shoots better than I do. Just touching is like touching history shooting it is like living history.

    I also own a few WW2 guns a 98k, mosin nagant and Smith Corona 1903 all built between 1942 and 1944.

    I need to add an M1 Garand.

    • I also have a GEW 98 8mm Mauser, manufactured 1917 in Danzig. Like yours, it still shoots and operates perfectly nearly 100 years later. The quality is just outstanding. Perhaps almost as impressive, I’ve been shooting it with 1940s vintage surplus ammo, and that works just fine as well.

  59. Winchester Model 1890, Takedown Model, Made in 1917. Cresent butt, Octagon Barrel, Shoots great. My father- in- law gave it to my wife when she was a kid. He paid $5.00 for it used

  60. Smith and Wesson Model 1 second issue revolver. I estimate it would probably have been made around 1860. It’s fires black powder .22 shorts. It probably hasn’t been fired since my great grandfather owned it for that reason. It is not strong enough to fire modern .22 shorts and I would rather keep the thing in one piece. I’ve heard you can use .22 CBs or BBs. It isn’t in perfect condition, but it’s a neat little tip up revolver.

    • I have a S&W No 1 also. You’re correct concerning not shooting it with .22 shorts. I have seen the results from someone who tried to do it. It didn’t work. I have however used .22 BB caps successfully. But, they are expensive. RWS is the only source I have found for them. The kicker is that the revolver actually shot to point of aim at 20 feet. What quality!

  61. 1929 Lefever ( Ithaca) nitro special. 12ga SxS. 30″ barells. Action still tight and emminently shootable. I shot my first 25 straight in trap with that gun. Definitely not a trap gun. Don’t ask how….or why. Just my day.

  62. I have a Marlin Model 1895 lever action in .38/55. I think it is probably early 1900’s, working with Marlin now to determine the exact vintage. I shot this rifle back in the late 50’s and early 60’s. It was awesome! I rescued it about 20 years ago from my mothers house after years of neglect and it is not operational presently. Thinking of making a project out of it. .38/55 is a great cartridge and it would be a good deer gun.

  63. August 1939 M1 Garand. So old, most of my shooting friends think I must be mistaken.

    Just got it from CMP a couple weeks ago. It would also be my Weapons of War submission, as I suspect it was issued for WWII and rebarrelled in 1950, in time for Korea. But, the wood looks and feels brand new, so it doesn’t look it’s age.

    Still, she’s pretty and she’s mine.

  64. Thirty years ago I inherited an 1897 model Winchester 12 gauge with 30″ barrel and FULL choke.

    It has been used for dove, quail, duck, pheasant and I limited out on Spring turkey again with it this year.

    I love this gun. It will never be sold. I expect my future grandchildren to give it to their grandchildren.

  65. My oldest is a humble old Damascus 10ga made by WM Moore & Co. Not William Moore & Co, a knock off. The proof marks date it at being post 1850’s and a lawsuit from William Moore & Co to WM Moore & Co regarding cessation of trademark violation date it to pre 1860’s

    It is also the first gun I’ve ever bought.

    Have to load my own shells but she’s a lovely old girl at the range.

  66. I own a Swiss Vetterli made in 1868 (I’m pretty sure- it’s not marked, but has some distinguishing features). It was built as a rimfire. I converted it to center fire, and had Bob Hayley in Seymour, Texas make me some ammo. I couldn’t hit a thing with it, but I absolutely loved shooting it. I’ve only shot it once- some of the case heads came out swelled, so I’m thinking that it has a headspace issue. It was my 50th birthday present to myself…

    • I own an 1866 referred to above. As far as I can research, many of these are in excellent condition for their age because they were quickly replaced by the M1873 in 45-70 & wound up in state militia armories until bought up by Bannerman’s who offered the 1866 musket & ammo for sale as late as 1941.

  67. Mosin-Nagant. Re-arsenaled ’44 Izzy I bought 4 years ago for $130. After ammo, Uncle Sam’s cut and all the other fixins I was out the door for $200. First centerfire rifle I ever bought. After a little tuning it’s a decent shooter though nothing special. Never leaving the collection though.

  68. I’m only 24 so its old to because its as old as my grandpa, and that is my 1958 Mossberg 190. Not really rare or anything but its a unique concept that isn’t really done anymore. I always get those what is that thing when I take it out most people expect a 308 or .06 but its 16 gauge and fun as hell to shoot.

  69. I have a Winchester 1894 Take-Down half octagon half round barrel. According to the letter from The Cody Firearms Museum it left the factory on September of 1895.

  70. A Webley MkI in .455 Webley because it is one of the few handguns I can carry in the woods in Soviet Canuckistan due to being considered an “antique”.

  71. ’70 three screw super blackhawk, .44mag, 7 1/ 2″.
    magnaported, with transfer bar conversion. wish i still had the white box, but they sent them back in yellow boxes. my first firearm.

  72. Winchester Model 53 in .44-40 made in the 1920’s. It was my mother’s deer rifle. The bore is perfect but the bluing has worn off the receiver. I shoot it several times a year. I had a gunsmith go through it last year and he told me I could run high pressure hand loads through it with no problem.

  73. A Stevens Arms Springfield 53A from between 1930-35. It’s a single shot .22 bolt action where you’re fingernail is the extractor. It’s shoots just a hair to the left – you can’t adjust the irons for windage, but incredibly accurate.

    My grandfather got it for my grandmother, though he used it to put a lot of squirrels in the pot. It went from them to my mother and my mom has passed it on to my son. He and I made a project of cleaning it up and getting it in shooting shape again. We have decided whether to refinish the stock or not.

  74. A Swiss K31. I don’t remember the year off hand but when I looked up the serial number it was before WW2 I think.

  75. Nepalese manufactured P1853 Enfield rifle-musket, .577 caliber (Type II Enfield, with barrel band retaining springs). I have heard these were made on machinery supplied by the British to their Gurkha allies. Still shootable, although one band spring, all the wood screws, and the nipple needed replacement.

    2nd oldest would be a Smith & Wesson Model 2 “old army”, .32 long rimfire, manufactured around the end of the Civil War. Good bore, but not a lot of collector value as the gun was reblued at some point in its history, and the cylinder serial number does not match the frame serial number. Fun to shoot with reloadable rimfire cases, though!

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