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Question of the Day: What’s the Smallest Gun You’ll Carry?

As LaserLyte’s Aaron Moore pronounces in this promo, the best gun is the one you have with you. Good advice. He goes on to demo his company’s Mighty Mouse laser grip on a diminutive NAA .22 magnum revolver, a gun you could stow just about anywhere. Moving not very far to the right on the size scale, we find the Smith & Wesson Escort, a tiny semi-auto Smith made back when Sammy Davis, Jr. was still on the pop charts. While slightly larger than the NAA, it’s still small and streamlined enough to tuck into, well, a body cavity. Just ask Ashley Casteneda who was arrested in Waco yesterday with a fully loaded, Model 61 stuffed into one of her orifices . . .

As reported in squirm-inducing detail,

…while being transported to the McLennan County Jail, she reportedly told an officer she had a Smith and Wesson .22-caliber semiautomatic handgun lodged inside her vagina.

Officers stopped and called for a female officer, who retrieved the gun. The handgun had a round chambered and a full magazine of bullets, Swanton said.

“It was a safety concern for the victim who had a loaded firearm inside her body,” (Sgt. W. Patrick) Swanton said. “Depending on a number of factors, that gun could have gone off by body movements or compression of the trigger.

While we’d probably recommend toting that particular pistol in a pocket holster (in, you know, your pocket), Ms. Castaneda ably demonstrated that it’s certainly compact enough to keep it handy just about all the time.

But is that enough gun? Would you pack something that starts with a 2? How about a 3? What’s the smallest gun you’ll carry?

137 thoughts on “Question of the Day: What’s the Smallest Gun You’ll Carry?”

    • Had one and traded it for a Seecamp .32 (6+1 Corbons). I carry in plain sight in a Sneaky Pete leather holster.

      • I have one, but never carry it. When I absolutely have to go tiny, I go to my P32. It’s thinner and lighter than the Seecamp, and shoots much, much better. The only advantage of the Seecamp is its tiny length and height.

  1. I have a Beretta Bobcat in .22lr that I’ll throw in a pocket from time to time.
    Not my first choice though.

  2. I have carried a AMT backup in .22LR, because it is pretty small, but holds 8 rounds. It’s never been my first choice, but sometimes I need small.

  3. I think a .22 WMR. I’ve been looking at the Ruger .22 LCR’s with the idea of a summer pocket gun in mind.

    • This +1000. Absolute dead reliability, disappears in a pocket, accurate enough at engagement distances. With Hoge grips and 7 round mag, it’s an ideal hidden carry gun. A Levis watch pocket makes a perfect holster.

    • Ruger LCP- with .380acp hollowpoints my EDC. Absolutely reliable, never a FTF or FTE in the two years I’ve had it. It disappears in my front pocket (LCP pocket holster), comfortable and easy to retrieve, 6+1 capacity. Only issue I have is the lack of any real sights. Point and shoot simplicity.

    • When all things are taken into consideration, caliber, build quality, size, recoil, speed of getting off shots you can not beat a M61-3.. With am M61 the ammo is dirt cheap, With a 32 the ammo is significantly most expensive. Remember the reason you are carrying this is so you can get off as many shots as fast as possible and as accurately as possible.

  4. I think I’m going to pass on the internal carry fad.

    Although there is this watch I have from this guy who was in the Hanoi Hilton…

  5. Some of you folks may sneer at the NAA mini magnum, but at close, in your face range, believe me, you do not want to get shot with one! If the bullet doesn’t stop you, or the second, or the third, then the flashburn will scare the crap out of you, and probably burn all the hair you have left, off your head!
    I carry one 24/7, and heavier artillery when I go to town.

    • And if the bullets and the flash burns don’t scare ’em off, the noise is bound to work. Those things are LOUD. Yeah, the NAA revolvers aren’t 100-yard guns, but when you need tiny with a capital T, they’re the best thing going. And like you said, up close, they’re going to be more effective than a pocketknife or pepper spray. My NAA isn’t my first choice, but it is almost always in my pocket…

      • Good for you! I hope you carry it in a holster, while it’s in your pocket. Also, be advised the hammer can slip out of the safety notches cut in the cylinder. I check mine every morning.

        • Maybe not the gun you would want in your skinny jeans pocket when you’re doing construction work but actually I find it is very safe and packs a big pop and with some of the newer defense ammo the ballistics are comparable to a 380 even in this tiny barrel . At 10 feet , I certainly wouldn’t want to be shot by someone using this little tiger . Using that laser grip and a little practice I think the range could be extended out quite a bit . I bought one for my wife a few years back and the laser grip may bring it back out of the pistol safe for a new go around . I own an old Iver Johnson 32 hammerless revolver that I would like to shoot , probably dates to the 1890’s and I don’t think it’s recommended to use smokeless powder in it but it’s certainly small enough to comfortably carry in a pants pocket and that hammerless design was really cool for the 1800’s . I would also have no problem carrying a Ruger SR 22 LR for personal defense with some of the newer HV defense loads available today , I own a couple of these and they do shoot straight as a line .

        • That Iver Johnson is a cool old gun. I wish someone made a modern, new top-break revolver. There’s just something about those old designs that appeals to me. Automatic ejection of the cartridges seems like a cool feature, too.

          Iver Johnson was way ahead of their time with some of those designs. Transfer-bar safety in 1895? Absolutely. Ever wonder where Gaston Glock got the idea for his trigger “safety”? Have a look at a second model Safety Automatic Hammerless from around 1900.

        • I have to call BS on anything coming out of a NAA mini revolver being ballistically equivalent to a .380 (which is still wimpy). Even a .22 mag is probably less than 1000fps out of the short barrel. A 30-40 grain at 900fps is less than a 90 grain at 900fps.

        • Actually Art , the ballistics results come from several independent test and Hornady ammo did their own testing , Guns and Gear , American Rifleman , Guns and Ammo and several others , including myself have done a lot of experiments with the 22 WMR and I have noted that the 45 grain Hornady CD ammo creates as deep and broad a wound cavity as a 9mm FMJ round . FYI , Google Guns and Ammo tv 22 WMR . This little bullet has come a long way baby .

        • Mark S. – I’m not disputing the .22 magnum round. It is a great round! Fired from a rifle, I am sure it outperforms .380 out of a small pistol. I think a .22 mag rifle would make a great defensive firearm. Fired from a pistol with a 6″ish barrel, it still might not be too bad (the Kel-Tec PMR pistol might be a reasonable defensive gun). Fired out of a tiny 1.125″ barrel, you lose way too much of your velocity.

          .22 mag may do 2000 fps out of a rifle (good for defense), but you will be lucky to get 1000 fps with the micro revolver. That may be good enough. It may do the job. Still, it is substantially less potent than even the weak .380 (which is a 90ish grain round at around 900 fps).

          Barrel length makes all the difference in the world. A .357 round fired out of a rifle hits almost like a 30-30 or 7.62X39. Out of a snub nosed revolver, it hits more like a 9 mm+P. Many people read a velocity listed online, or on the box, and then think they will get similar velocities with their short barreled handguns. You just won’t.

    • I’m ok with .22lr in a deep concealment or backup gun. My problem with the NAA products is lack of a trigger guard or apparently even a safety. I can only assume they’re modern enough to include a transfer bar, but still, I’m not seeing something there that I could carry safely.

      Were I an assassin an using that specifically on a mission, I could work around those drawbacks. As a regular guy going about his legitimate daily business, I can’t.

      In a semi-auto, I’d be interested in a subcompact .22lr, but I haven’t run across a reliable one that I like yet.

      • All NAA mini revolvers feature safety notches between each round in the cylinder, which allows a decocked hammer to rest on the cylinder without touching a live round. Not a transfer bar, but not bad. They’re built solid and you can’t beat the lifetime warranty.

        • Sounds like a sound alternative to transfer bar. I’ve read more about it today on their website and it’s interesting. They’re single action only, so the lack of a trigger guard is essentially moot. Still, single action only tends to diminish its usefulness as a defensive gun, as I doubt I’d be able to manipulate the hammer in an emergency. I don’t know. Pluses and minuses and trade-offs are part of life. Definitely a nice looking piece of engineering, no matter what.

        • Their size and weight is really hard to beat. We’re talking 4 oz here for a .22 LR short barrel model, and the size has to be seen to be believed. It should never be the first choice for concealed carry, but for those occasional times when nothing else really fits, it’s better than nothing (and they’re cheap enough to have “just in case”, or for the sake of having a fun little toy to show off).

      • Enough to make you bleed a whole lot , and if you get shot with one , the surgeon will probably have a hard time fixing all those holes that that little 40 grainer makes bouncing around inside you . You don’t want to always judge a book by it’s cover .

      • Obviously, it depends on the ammo, but most .22WMR ammo from the shorter-barreled minis seems to be in the 900-1000 fps range. I haven’t seen many over 1000 fps, but several ammo brands get within 20 fps or so of that mark.

        • I believe Hornady tested their 45 grain CD ammo in this very revolver and their results posted something like 115 foot pounds of energy at about 1200 fps with 95 % grain retention at about 10 feet to target and I think 15 inches of penetration . That seems to me to be very impressive for 45 grain in 2.5 inch bbl . When you combine the statistical behavior of the standard 40 grain ammo to fragment bone and bounce erratically internally causing multiple small bleeders , if one were to alternate every other chamber in the five shot cylinder in this manner I think this could be an effective first and only CCW . Not the preferred among most of us , but effective non the less .

    • Great little gun, especially for a couple of bills. The trigger is really nice too, superior to the Ruger LCP. Best bang for the buck!

    • I carry that TCP daily in a back pocket wallet holster, as my 1st choice G26 is a bit chunky for slacks around the office.

      It has some snap to it and it’s a little finicky about ammo, partucularly with hollow points. Still, find what runs well in it, keep it well lubed (always important, but especially so for a lint-filled pocket pistol), and it should serve you well.

  6. I go back and forth between my 9mm Shield and 642 .38 depending on clothing and plans, but sometimes I carry my CZ82. That’s 12+1 rounds of 9×18 in a “cold war relic” that I have as much confidence in as my single stack or snubbie. Fun to shoot, too!

    • I also love my CZ82, but it is way bigger and heavier than a 642. It is more in the Glock19 size category.

  7. Been reviewing lots of true pocket models. I keep coming back to the Beretta 32 Tomcat. The flip up barrel is a strong positive for an old fart. (72). New 32 cal. ammo offers very good close-up defense ability. Usual carry is my S&W Shield 9 with an Apex trigger. Burt in ‘hot’ Texas… a small pocket is often used.

  8. I only have a Five Seven with a six inch barrel, so that kinda sets the limit for now. I find it plenty concealable and carry it every day. Been thinking about a pajama gun though – maybe a Glock 42 or an LCR.

    • Pajama gun! Well, that’s a new one on me. Sounds like it might be a good idea, except when a guy sticks his full size 1911 in his “jami holster” and make his bottoms fall to the floor!

  9. S&W “J” Frame would be the smallest handgun that I would trust to work right all the time, and be in a chambering that I trusted.

  10. Used to be the little Keltec 32 but ever since the Sig P290 came out, I up gunned. Fits in front or back pocket of jeans.

    • Enjoyed my Bersa Thunder 380 while I had it. Hard to EDC because of the weight of a steel frame and slide. I prefer my LCP now.

  11. The LCP is a great little pocket gun if you upgrade to the Galloway trigger and get +1 extensions. Out of the box, the LCP trigger kind of sucks.

    • I hear you on the LCP trigger. Had one, got rid of it. Once, while shooting with a friend, and I had just purchased a new Taurus TCP in 380, we shot each others guns then swapped back, and shot. Both agreed the TCP had a much better trigger.

  12. I carried a .32 ACP Ortgies around during the winter in the pocket of my peacock for shits and giggles. Was 7+1 I believe.

      • He’d be a lot of trouble if he needed his gun in a hurry, and his peacock ran off with it.
        Lesson: If your gonna let your peacock carry your gun, keep him on a leash.

        • Yep… I’d trade that Peacock in for a Peacoat post-heist… Much less noisy as well, peacocks aren’t very tactical you know……:)

  13. From the article on Ms. Castaneda: “It was a safety concern for the victim who had a loaded firearm inside her body.”

    Apparently anybody involved with a gun is a victim now.

    • The Sig 938 is my favorite for carry, especially if you like the exposed hammer. Small, compact, not much bigger than a lot of 380’s

      • Love the 938, especially after replacing the stock hammer spring with a Galloway Precision spring. Smallest I would go sizewise would probably be a Bond Arms Brown Bear in .45 Colt, but practicality of having ham hands, I’d stick with the 938.

  14. Although there are certainly effective small caliber guns, like the .22 Mag and the .380, I am happy with a pocket sized 9mm. If they were available on the California roster, I’d probably pop for a pocket .45. But then there was a very sweet used .32 Federal Magnum at the shop (five rounds) that would also be an excellent pocket carry pistol. Although its been more than a few years since I last tried, I could never hit the broad side of a barn with a lightweight/airweight .357.

  15. The smallest gun I carry is a S&W 642. The smallest gun I’d like to carry is an AR-15, but sometimes a man needs to be stealthy.

  16. I have an SR22 that I will carry. A firearm is still a weapon and any weapon is better than no weapon.
    Being on the receiving end of a .22 throwing lead at you would still cause most to rethink malintent.
    We all know very well that a .22 is deadly and not a toy.

  17. My business casual carry/backup gun is a Kahr p380. I just bought a crimson trace laser for it (30% off!) and hope that won’t add to its footprint too much.

    I prefer to carry 9mm whenever possible, but have nothing against those who have to carry a .22 because of recoil sensitivity.

  18. I haven’t found anything smaller than my XDs in 9mm that I can shoot with acceptable accuracy. For me it’s grip size for control. I do have a S&W bodyguard (the revolver) in 38Spl that I can use but I had to replace the grips due to the +p ammo causing issues with my grip and follow up shots.

    I know very small firearms are meant for almost contact shots but what happens if the aggressor moves back a bit or has a distance weapon.

    Concealment is a concern, but from my day to day observations you could carry a SMG in a shoulder holster and people wouldn’t look up from their phone long enough to notice.

  19. NAA ,22mag revolver/swing-out cylinder. Not very often, but when you really, really have to pack small, that’s it.

    As a side note on the S&W Escort/Model 61 (.22LR), I managed to find one in the box with the zippered “pistol rug”, and it is NICKEL-plated with funky gold-colored plastic grip panels. I believe it has the distinction of being the tackiest firearm S&W ever produced. It would be a perfect choice for in-body carry.

  20. As the question isn’t what would one carries concealed then it seems that the first question ought to be “What are you carrying it for?” ie; to be “comfortable” with that your going to carry it would seem that you may have given some thought to the possible threats you may encounter.
    If I should find myself in an urban enviroment I’d be COMFORTABLE with a reliable .22LR or .22 Mag if that was my only choices.
    I’d PREFER a 9mm or a .40SW. Even a hi-capacity .45ACP would be a top five choice, the other two being 10mm and .357Sig. As any of these calibers provide a much greater “comfort” level than a caliber that starts with .2x or .3x.
    At the other extreme would be something like . . . fly fishing in Alaska in Browney country. Any thing that starts with a .2x or a .3x is inadiquit for this enviroment on a number of levels. This includes, from my expierance and POV, the .357 Magnum. In this enviroment with these types of possible threats COMFORTABLE begins with a .4x.
    A .45ACP might be considered but it would not be my first choice.
    COMFORTABLE, for me, would be nothing less than a .45 Long Colt. My PREFERED comfortable carry would be more along the lines of a .41 or .44 Magnum perhaps even a .454 Causell.
    Point is, I think you have to ask the right questions in the right order to get to the right answer about what the most “COMFORTABLE” carry is that one feels will serve them best.
    NOTE: should you ever find yourself facing a Southeast Alaskan Brown Bear with a fly rod and a .20 or .30 something fire TOWARDS but not AT said Mr. Bear. If you hit him you will just piss him off and he won’t like that, or you, at all. 95% of the time the sound will scare them away. If not, I hope your fishing partner has one of those larger .4XX something’s and is close by!
    “Comfortable” is determined by the evaluated level of threat one may encounter not by how easy it is to carry. “Comfortable” is, as importantly, a matter of ones competency and ability with the firearm they are caring!

    • I would say that comfort sometimes has to give way to carrying something adequate for possible threats, such as the brown bear you mentioned.
      Not much point in toting around a 500 Ruger, while your mowing your yard, but neither would you feel well heeled with a 22 in the hood!

  21. Kahr and Glock both make pocketable 9mm guns. If one of those won’t work, you don’t need a smaller gun. You need bigger pockets.

  22. I open carry my FN 5.7, or conceal carry an M&P 9c. I alternate SS198 green tips with the SS197 rounds. 9mm I use 115gr XTP.

  23. I first started carrying with an top break Iver Johnson .32 short colt. As soon as I could afford it, I graduated to a 9mm. Not long after that I was packing a Ruger Blackhawk .41 magnum with a 4 5/8 inch barrel, when things got serious I switched to a Super Blackhawk .44 magnum with a 10 inch barrel. Now that I am old and decrepit I am starting to think that my Magnum Research BFR 45-70 with a 10 inch barrel is a little on the heavy side. But I do have a lot of confidence in those 500 grain spire points at 1200 fps.

    • 45-70! Man, that’s some serious firepower! What kind of “serious” situations are you expecting that you would need 500 grains at 1200 fps?
      I’m kinda getting old and decrepit too, not sure I could still handle the 35 Remington in a Contender I used to shoot. That thing used to sting like hell, when I loaded it a little on the hot side.

      • Gunr,

        Those are the light loads, kind of like a 45-70 special. The heavy loads clock at 1,750fps in my H&R model 1871 with a 32 inch barrel. Every time I send five of those down range I end up crying like a little girl. Of course, some people just have to take things too far. A gun store owner, down the road, talked his way into a blank cylinder for his Magnum Research BFR and had it chambered for .458 Winchester magnum. Now, that would just be silly for a carry gun.

        • “Every time I send 5 of those downrange, I end up crying like a little girl”
          If you hit someone with those loads, they would be crying a lot more!

  24. I carry a Taurus TCP in a IWB holster. I’m not comfortable using my pocket holster because of the access. My 22 magnum revolver is much louder than the 380 and that is enough to sway my opinion as to what is better.

    • I agree completely, I never carry my TCP in my pocket for the same reason. Picture this: Your driving in the city, and come to a red light, and all of a sudden a dude sticks a gun in the window and tells you get the f–k out of your car! What are you going to say? Hold on a moment buddy (while your stretching your body out strait) I got something in my pocket you may like!

      • Which is exactly why weapon/holster is wedged between seat and console for quick/easy access while behind the wheel here in the Houston area. Never in the pocket.

      • If you already have a gun trained on you, it doesn’t really matter where yours is, and you’d be foolish to try to draw it: regardless of how fast you are, pulling the trigger is even faster. Not worth the risk, especially since the most likely scenario at that point is being robbed, which is far better than being shot. So you might as well comply with any demands, and wait for a more opportune moment (or the end of the encounter, whichever comes first).

  25. When out deer hunting I will carry my Sig Mosquito 22lr for shooting small game.

    Normal out and about though smallest is my LCR .38 but at the same time, I can’t carry at work – so I guess the smallest I do carry is nothing.

  26. Kel-Tec P32. I also have an NAA .22 WMR, but honestly, it’s just not enough smaller than the Kel-Tec to be worth it, so I rarely carry it anymore.

    • The biggest problem with the “newly found” .9MM is, the spare rounds you carry get lost in your pocket lint.

  27. I’m no caliber snob, nobody wants to get shot in the first place and 22lr will penetrate deep enough, so in that regard it’s more than enough to handle most situations. Of course what in my opinion disqualifies it is its reliability, or rather, lack thereof.

  28. I used to carry a Nano but I never liked the trigger so recently ditched it for XD mod 2 in 9mm. I am much more accurate with the larger subcompact.

  29. .22 WMR with a 1 1/8″ barrel doesn’t have much energy (about 60-80 ft.-lbs), although I agree it’s much better than nothing. The .22LR is even less (obviously) in a super short barrel. And no, I wouldn’t want to get shot by either. I don’t really like the SAO trigger of the NAA in a defensive situation. I don’t like that there’s no trigger guard. At these low velocities can the bullet reliably expand after hitting the target (i.e. a defensive hollow point)? I don’t like that you likely can’t hit anything reliably beyond probably 5-7 yards (never shot one and I am speculating on the usable distance as I was fairly bad the first time I shot an LCR .38 spc +p, although that was at 12 yards).

    I wish there was a semi-auto .22 WMR with about a 3.5″ barrel, and slightly smaller in all dimensions than my Springfield XDs-9, with a capacity of 8-9 rounds. That would be a decent BUG IMO. At least the energy would be in the 120-145 ft-lbs range and accuracy and round count would be improved.

    TCP/LCP also both feel too small to me, although the TCP feels less like a toy than the LCP.

    I’m comfortable with my Springfield XDs 9mm as my small gun. Not comfortable enough yet with a sub 3″ barrel or snub nose at respectable distances.

    • After writing this comment I was curious, so I googled .22 WMR semi-auto and found that, it seems due to the combination of the length and diameter of the cartridge, it isn’t desirable for loading in a semi-auto. Also, probably the more important reason – there are other cartridges that are similar in costs and more effective and reliable, further reducing demand for a compact .22 WMR semi-auto pistol.

      Kel Tec has the PMR-30 but it appears to be a cheaply made and larger gun than most would consider compact or sub-compact. Definitely not for pocket carry.

      That said, I affirm my original thought that I’ll stick to my 9mm XDs in a leather belt holster. Printing is not illegal here so I never worry if it prints a little bit under a summer t-shirt while in my holster (although I prefer not to print if I can reasonably help it).

      • Yes, semi-auto .22WMRs are just not capable of being a reliable carry gun. I own an AMT Automag II .22 WMR and it’s just a range toy, although when it works it’s a tack driver and tremendous fun. It’s very finicky about ammo: too hot, not hot enough, lightweight bullets, pretty much any significant deviation from Winchester Super-X .22 Magnum, and it starts having issues.

        I wouldn’t trust a Kel-Tec PMR-30 or CMR-30 for anything but range fun or varmints.

        I’ve got several fine .22 WMR revolvers, though, and a Remington 597 rifle in .22 WMR and the semi-auto action in that has been very reliable: probably due to the more predictable pressures of the long barrel.

  30. Taurus TCP-had one -worked great. Loaded with Pow’rball at claimed 1200fps and ran great. I wouldn’t go smaller. I always carry a Pepper Blaster and it is thicker and only slightly smaller-weighs about half. AND have never been made in 4 years…as far as cooter colt I did all that on a few FB gun groups(he he)…

  31. My primary carry piece in the city is Kel-Tec P-32. Which is as light as handguns get before you get into NAA Mini territory (yes, I did a lot of research before buying it, and weight & size were one of the main reasons).

    I do wish NAA made an ultralight .22 revolver (with a scandium frame & titanium cylinder, like the high-end S&W J frames) just for the fun of it. Wonder how low they can push the weight. Also wonder what the recoil would be like out of such a gun. I mean, you can kinda feel it even with a Mini.

  32. I think that Ms. Castaneda has invented an almost foolproof rape prevention kit. She should distribute it to all the coeds at the University of Virginia. Then maybe she can get Hillary to teach the UVA girls how to lie successfully, and et voila!

  33. Ruger LCR .38 spl. HP rounds
    Recoil is stout but if you practice with it, you get used to it.
    It was purchased the year it came out, Has been EDC since then.

    • I’ve got the KLCR and recoil isn’t “stout” in anything short of .357 magnum. I can shoot .38 +P all day in that (it is a few ounces heavier than the regular LCR, though).

      .357 magnum is not pleasant in it at all, though.

  34. I have an FN Baby Browning .25ACP loaded with Fiocchi JHP. Also a S&W 642 with Speer +P JHP. In the summertime here, they’re the only two I own that can be completely concealed.

    I don’t have much sympathy for meth-heads, but “within 1,000 feet of a school” at 11 o’clock at night?? I don’t think that the law’s intended purpose is being addressed here. What if she slowed down til she was more than 1,000 feet and then stopped?

    • STDs can probably be tested in the usual ways, but a judicious application of Hoppe’s No. 9 between concealments ought to prevent any problems of that variety. Needless to say, inadequate lubrication should forever be a thing of the past.

  35. I used to carry a Beretta Nano. Summer I would carry a Beretta Bobcat 22lr. The Nano was too heavy, the Bobcat was not reliable. I got a Glock 42 .380 acp. In my sticky holster I can pocket it or carry it IWB. Its small and light enough to truly conceal and big enough to shoot well. Best $400 I every spent. Don’t leave home without it.

  36. .22 Magnum NAA mini revolver is the smallest I’d go. After that, the second smallest would be a .32 S&W Long snub.

    I skip the .25 ACP because it’s worthless to me. Inaccurate, weaker than hyper velocity .22 LR, and harder to find.

  37. I’ve owned a NAA mini .22. Currently own lots of small guns, including a Seecamp .32 and a P32.

    Hands down, the P32 is the best in the micro category. Shoots quite well for a micro. It’s lighter and thinner than a Seecamp and outshoots it, although the Seecamp is smaller in outline. If you need super light and super thin, get a P32 in an Uncle George holster.

    But usually I go up to a Colt Mustang Pocketlite or a Sig P938.

  38. For a long time I front pocket carried an LCP in a Recluse pocket holster. Then I switched to an NAA 22M revolver with the short barrel and the folding grip. I recently switched a Taurus TCP. The TCP is my favorite of the three so far. Very occasionally I front pocket carry a snub nosed 38 revolver.

  39. I’m an admitted fan of mouse guns: one of my personal favorites is my trusty Beretta 950 Jetfire in .25 auto.
    Don’t knock it to hard, it’s never jammed, disappears into a pocket and i can toss a soda can in front of me and roll it across the field with all seven shots – never missing once. If any .25 was ever deserving respect, I’ll put the Beretta up against the Colt Vest Pocket or Baby Browning any day.

  40. As an Australian I’d be unspeakably thrilled if I could carry a 22lr…

    Just the other day a woman was murdered in the next town over by a 22lr pistol, illegally owned by a fellow with a history of drugs & violence, of course. That tells me a 22 is better than an empty hand…

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