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Question of the Day: What’s the Worst Holster You Ever Owned?

I reckon a handgun owner without a drawer full of discarded holsters isn’t trying hard enough. Actually, my abandoned holsters live in a shoebox. Just sitting there. Unloved. Uncomfortable. Unnecessary. Most of them are IWB, which stands for I Wanna Be sedated. I’m happy to see you but there’s no way I can put a gun inside my pants without feeling poked, prodded, used and abused. Wait, that doesn’t sound right. Some guy over at is asking for advice about ankle holsters. Here’s an idea: duct tape a gun to the space between your shoulder blades first. Try a few quick draws. See how that works out for you. And while we’re at it, Don Johnson has a lot to answer for (like making me end a sentence with a preposition). Anyway, what’s the worst rig upon which you’ve ever pissed away your money?

16 thoughts on “Question of the Day: What’s the Worst Holster You Ever Owned?”

  1. Just so happens to be a Bianchi shoulder holster. I know. Miami vice. Yes. I even have a picture of me posing for a picture from back in the day. SAAAD isn’t it?

  2. You can keep all of your abandoned holsters in a shoe box? Those are either some REALLY BIG shoes or you are still not trying hard enough. I am filling my second legal filing box… Maybe I am trying too hard?

    The worst? Galco ankle holster. Or maybe the “Smartcarry” cod-piece. then there was the bellyband thing…. I need help

  3. Don Hume JIT slide for my snubby. It’s a straight drop, which I hate and retention is as non existent as Congressman Lee’s shirt.

  4. I am not trying hard enough. I don’t particularly like most of my holsters that much but I haven’t tried too replace them.

  5. I never owned a shoulder holster (tried a Miami rig, hated it), ankle holster (Ralph don’t bend over for nobody) or crotch holster (egregious violation of Rule #1). Most of my castoffs weren’t bad, they just weren’t good enough.

  6. You’ve only got a shoebox full of unloved holsters? Like Terry says, you’ve got some work to do. Mine won’t fit in a storage tub the size of a Coleman cooler; any more and it will be like the Goodwill store of gunleather. And cordura nylon.

    The worst quality holster? Anything made of nylon with a metal belt clip and a front pocket for an extra magazine. Fortunately they’re not much more expensive than bulk russet potatoes at the grocery store, so the unhappy buyer won’t be out much money.

    The biggest waste of money? A Bianchi pancake holster for an L-frame revolver, which gripped the gun so tightly I almost de-pantsed myself during holstering, and gave myself an Atomic Wedgie every time I tried to draw. It was beautifully made, and sized just perfect for a K-frame. So why advertise it for an L-frame?

    (Anybody want a used Bianchi K-frame pancake holster for the low, low price of zero dollars?)

  7. Patrick: the Bianchi is made for a 4″ J-frame, but its yours if you want it. RF can give you my email address.

    • Chris: Thanks for the offer! I’ll give it a shot – most of the K-frame stuff I have is crap -can’t hurt to try… If it doesn’t work I’ll try and unload it on eBay and send you the proceeds. Email on the way to RF.

  8. Fobus. Won’t let go of the gun. Attempting to draw gun results in hand injury, hip skin damage and depression.

    The JIT was a bad idea. As was the High Noon tuckable holster.

  9. I researched fairly heavily before I decided to try the Cross Breed IWB Super Tuck holster. I carry a full size Springfield 1911 with it every day. It is very comfortable with an under shirt and is ok without an under shirt and give full concealment just with a shirt, I can’t stand wearing even a light jacket just to hot. I would recommend if you are only going to wear a single outside shirt covering the holster and not an under shirt also that you go without the combat cut it will be more comfortable. That is my only complaint about the holster. I can work a full day with it and not mind. Other than working a full day without it and feeling light. My other two carry holsters are for when I am hunting and they are a both tactical thigh rigs for my 1911 and XD.
    Good Luck

  10. I have purchased exactly two holsters – a no-name nylon jobbie that currently holds my pellet pistol, and a fanny pack that still comes in handy out in the woods. Once I saw the cost of custom leather, I decided to invest in my other hobby – leather working. So far I’ve got several good, comfortable working holsters (IWB, OWB, cowboy action), and only one reject: the first holster for my 44 that I screwed up on. The two I use for CCW are so comfortable I sometimes forget I’m wearing them!

    Of course, they take so long to design and make, I could never justify making them for someone else, and they’re not the prettiest things in the world, but I’ve got a drawer full of custom leather that is almost all usable!

    Here’s my first two:

  11. The one the USCG gave me to hold my 1911 club when I was NCOOD… Of course it didn’t really matter. I wasn’t issued ammunition for it.

  12. I have a drawer full, but sometimes the most comfortable holster is none at all. I just stuff it in my waistband and go; wither strong-side or cross-carry. Works well with my 1911 and Glock 23.

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