[h/t everydaynodaysoff]


  1. Let’s see… horrible grip (he’s completely losing it after every shoot), poor safety in terms of gun handling (pointing a run randomly around a parking lot, finger on the trigger), and a general crazy-vigilante vibe to the whole thing.

    I’m going to go with “no”, but only because he’s selling Chevrolets.

  2. He’s got a Desert Eagle. A foolish weapon chosen by people who like over-compensating with power and agressive styling but don’t care about reliability. I’m surprised he’s not peddling Dodges.

    • This story was on TTAG last month. Funny it’s the same guy.

      Also, he bears enough of a resemblance to Michael Nyqvist, from The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, that I spent half the video trying to figure out if it was him, and what he was doing selling cars.

  3. Why is this kind of trash even allowed to be put up? I blasted the moron with a really bad “…training…” film, and now we have this jerk giving the anti’s more propaganda. I really believe that this crap needs to be screened. If he wants to be a moron, there is nothing we can do about that. But don’t give him more air play than he already gets.

  4. If he had a car I wanted to buy and like the price, sure.

    As far as the commercial, seen better. Typical of car dealers.

    • yes…very cringe worthy indeed..

      To answer the question, not just no, but hell no. That guy came off as a total idiot.

      To try to capitalize off of his 5 seconds of fame is sad and on par for what most sleazy car salesman would do.

  5. Buy a car? maybe if the deal was right. Share space on a shooting range with him? No way!

  6. Well, all car dealership commercials are dreadful. This seems about par for the course.

    No, I would never buy a car from him– or any other professional dealer. I only buy from private sellers.

  7. I don’t think that muzzle is flipping around enough when he shoots. Maybe he should wiggle it and wave it around more.

  8. When you let your friends know you own guns, that is how they think of you. Some nitwit waving around a random handgun. Food for thought.

  9. When you let your friends know you own guns, that is how they think of you: Looking for trouble, waving around a random handgun. Food for thought.

  10. I’m more of a Cal Worthington guy myself, and I can tell you that I knew Cal Worthington (and his dog spot), and this guy is no Cal Worthington.

    I hope someone breaks into MY neighbor’s house so that I can be a hero like this guy too.

  11. For the first video. N I would not buy a car from that guy. He is obviously trying to make a ploy to get the firearm community and doing a bad job of it. For the trunk monky, that was hilarious video. If I wasn’t a motorcycle guy, and lived in the area, I would buy a car from them. 🙂

  12. Am I buying a car from that guy… not on my watch.

    He seems to be going for a somewhat goofy tone for the commercial but it just comes across as really creepy.

  13. I think this spot is actually pretty funny. He obviously “gets” the humor that surrounds his whole persona. I think the point of the commercial is not to critique the handling of his gun but to bring attention to his dealership. Which, it’s pretty hard to say he hasn’t succeeded on some level. 13,000 views, a second news story covering his marketing campaign in less than two months…he might have the wrong weapon but he sure is marketing himself and his dealership the right way.

    Jeez, people…can NO ONE find something positive to say anymore? This is actually a pretty funny spot! Watch it again and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

  14. I like it enough, but the Desert Eagle was a bad choice for him, especially if he knew he was going to show himself shooting it. But still, it was funny, and if I was down there, sure I would buy a car from him if I was looking

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