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35 thoughts on “Question of the Day: Would You Want a Gun Dealer Next Door?”

  1. Yes. That would be awesomely convenient. If they had an underground range or some other safe option for a residential area it would be even better!

  2. As long as someone doesn’t infringe upon my person or property, I really don’t care how they use their property or how they make their living.

  3. As long as they gave me a job. That would be the most convenient commute ever. Otherwise, it would be too dangerous to my wallet.

  4. I’d be stoked to have a gun store nearby, as long as they kept the noise level under control and took good care of their property. And I would want the owners and employees to open carry within the shop. They tend to do that anyways in SoCal.

  5. No more than I want living next to me a great strip club, favorite BBQ restaurant, brew-pub, good bookstore, or a casual lady-friend etc. After a short-period of time the too easy access to those fun places will be a problem.

  6. I’d rather not live next to ANY retail establishment because of the traffic and noise and lack of privacy, but if i had to I’d rather live next to a gun store than a Starbucks or 7-11.

  7. Mother with shopping bags and baby carriage says hi to all-American guy waxing his Vette, check. Cherubic Causasian children play obliviously in front yard, check. Street thug straight out of an 80’s crime drama hops out of the back of a rapist van and swaggers in to the underground gun shop/meth lab/dogfighting ring, check. Man, the last time I saw such great propaganda the Reichstag was burning!

  8. Ooh! Nice attention to detail, creepy music, creepy van, shady customers.

    But seriously, yes. That would be awesome. Take a leisurely stroll over to the neighborhood gun dealer and come home with some goods.

    Seriously hard on the cash flow I’d imagine.

  9. Of course I would, but you are probably asking this in the wrong place if you wanted any other answer than that.

  10. Okay, so in California the State Law requires that all gun sales, even between private parties, must be conducted through a licensed Gun Dealer (FFL Holder) with all paperwork, background checks and waiting periods observed.
    So, this video is just advocating discrimination against people engaged in a legal small business. No, it does not sound like a “good idea” to me.

  11. I guess that neighborhood store is where they sell the fully automatic machine guns to 12 year olds without any care or concern.

  12. Actually, the guy around the block has an FFL, but like the ominous-sounding video above he doesn’t have a storefront or anything. I really don’t have a problem with that. I really don’t know why anybody would, aside from paranoia.

  13. I bet the guy in the van would rather have an auto repair shop closer to his home so he can get his driver door handle fixed. Climbing out the back doors all the time must be a real PITA.

  14. I wonder if these guys are associated with the Falcon Pointe HOA in Pflugerville, Texas?

    In Pflugerville [in Texas], Andrew Clements has become the target of persecution from the board of the Falcon Pointe subdivision because of his politically incorrect career choice. No, he’s not skinning animals in the front yard or building his own nuclear reactor. He’s running an Internet business where no customers come to his house and nothing he does is visible to his neighbors. Yet he has been threatened by his Homeowners Association and prohibited from earning a living as he chooses, despite the fact that there were no rules prohibiting home businesses in the neighborhood at the time he bought his home.

    Clements’ great transgression is that his business of choice — his method of earning a living in these lean times — is to sell firearms to hunters and law enforcement. It’s a perfectly legal business. He has the right permits from the federal government. He has broken no state or federal laws and his business is protected by both the Second and Fourth Amendments to the Constitution. But none of that seems to protect him from the Falcon Point HOA which has passed a rule specifically prohibiting residents from buying and selling firearms in the neighborhood, a rule written specifically to target just one homehowner, Andrew Clements.

    Because law-abiding citizens conducting legal transactions in their homes should be outlawed.

    (Disclaimer: I was a home-based FFL from 1990 – 1996, selling mainly to friends and co-workers, before I was “Clintoned” out of the business).

  15. I’d be more than happy to have a Gun broker/dealer/sales (what ever) living next to me… Especially if I could get good rates on ammo and gun parts…Plus that would put someone else that’s nearby that has the same hobby as I do to talk with… Besides, firearm sales are up and the FBI said that overall violent crime to persons and property is down 3.8% nation wide. Maybe we just need more gun stores in neighborhoods to help educate people the truth about guns not this crap that some activists and poorly educated people vomit out on tv, radio, and publications…

  16. I would love to have a licensed dealer next door, though my pocket book would probably hate it. The business would probably get sick of me really quick but it would be a lot of fun having it there. It would be even better if they had a range too.

  17. I’m all for preventing violence against guns! Oh wait, you say that’s not what they meant?

    Yes, just think of all the awful things your neighbors could be doing right next door in the privacy of their own homes. They could be getting their f… oh, they didn’t mean that either?

    I’m sorry, I’m gonna have to scratch my head for a while before I figure out what danger is presented in this commercial. Maybe these people are against small businesses and jobs?

  18. Henry Bowman says:
    “As long as someone doesn’t infringe upon my person or property, I” really don’t care how they use their property or how they make their living.”


  19. Nope. My retirement fund has taken some hits as of late, and a retail firearm establishment within walking distance of my wallet is not the stuff of fiscal prosperity. Bad enough there’s a gun store in driving distance of me with an online webpage of their entire inventory.

  20. Oh yea!! Work there part time for guns and ammo, occasional parts. No extra gas or food needed, just walk next door to the house, fix a sandwich and go back to the shop!!!
    What could go wrong??

  21. Actually, there is a gun store walking distance from where I live, but I never go there because their prices suck. I end up going to a couple different shops. One’s in a little strip mall and it’s where I’ve purchased most of my guns. The other is attached to the range I’m a member of, and they’re great place for AR stuff.

  22. I know I’m late to the game and I’m not spam, I promise. Getting the FFL would be a concern being a “permitted use” and in an appropriate zone. All that aside, it would depend on the neighborhood. In a “mixed use” environment I would not be opposed. In a “suburban residential” I wouldn’t be in favor of any retail establishment, though I wouldn’t necessarily be opposed to a “FFL guy” living next door provided the first criteria is met.

    All that aside, if they offered a “good neighbor” discount they’d definately be welcome. Having a range attached is a completely different story, though again it would depend on the setting, zoning, etc.

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