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Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: At Least Hillary’s a Good Shot


“Do you think Hillary Clinton could beat Trump at a firing range? Clinton actually meets the basic political standard for marksmanship, which involves being in possession of one anecdote about having gone hunting and shot a bird. Hers goes back to her days in Arkansas when she was with a group of friends who didn’t believe she knew how to handle a gun, then watched as she downed a duck on the first try. The dead-fowl tradition is sort of silly, but it does hark back to the good old days when people thought about shooting in terms of sport and scaring off burglars.” – Gail Collins in The Republican Gun-Free Zone at []


35 thoughts on “<span style="color:#0489B1">Blue Force Gear </span style="color:#0489B1"> Quote of the Day: At Least Hillary’s a Good Shot”

  1. “In the real world very few people — including police officers — are skilled enough to aim accurately during a scary emergency.”

    “Scary emergency.”

    Sigh. It’s ok, sweetie, the monster’s not going to eat you.

  2. If I recall correctly, she even said that she was shooting a rifle. If she hit a duck with a single bullet she must be a good shot. Or, she is so uninformed that she had no idea she was shooting a shotgun, not a rifle.

      • Whu-whu-what?

        She *LIED* about being shot at?

        A woman would *never* lie about being shot at!

        Why, that’s a violation of the sacred women’s code of honor!

        Oooops! I forgot, she’s not a woman, she’s a lawyer…

    • And we all know, Clintons never lie.

      BTW, I refuse to call her “Hillary” likes she’s some old friend. She’s “Clinton.” Period.

  3. “Hers goes back to her days in Arkansas when she was with a group of friends who didn’t believe she knew how to handle a gun, then watched as she downed a duck on the first try.”

    Yep, just like Kim Jung Un.

  4. So… Is the beginning of a pathetic attempt to paint Hillary more pro gun than The Donald? Just when you thought you’ve seen it all…

  5. A link to a Gail Collins Op Ed in the morning is pretty cruel. Well I read it and now can’t stop thinking “No! No, no, not 6! I said 7. Nobody’s comin’ up with 6. Who works out in 6 minutes? You won’t even get your heart goin, not even a mouse on a wheel. “

  6. If Hillary! said it, and it is the least bit unlikely as well as politically advantageous, it’s a pretty sure bet it didn’t happen. I don’t think even the Gail Collinses of the world believe her any more, they just pass on the fictions to help their golden girl with the low-info voters.

  7. She’s just not as accurate as she once was. These days, all she can manage is to shoot her mouth off…

  8. This is how I get to start my weekend? Looking at (not one, but) two posts in a row with images of the Hildebeast? I just ate breakfast, fer cryin’ out loud!

    Thankfully I have my Michele Fiore calendar hanging next to my reloading bench, where I will be the rest of the day.

  9. Repeat often. Blah yaddie da.

    Note her wedding ring, wear one and everyone will pretend your married. All pretense faded when the Clintons pimped Chelsea to stand between them holding hands after the Monica affair.

  10. After she’s nominated,she’ll back off on kissing up to her “base” (ultra-liberal ninnies) as much and bear toward the center.
    She will simply say whatever she thinks appeals to her audience.

  11. That’s wishful thinking. She will still have to campaign for her second term.

    By then, even our pellet guns will be registered, unless they look military, in which case they will be confiscated. Google “Australian Gun Control” to see what see has planned.

  12. I quote Jon Stewart with regard to pictures of Hillary Clinton:

    That look is where boner’s go to die.

  13. The first time I shot a gun it was a .410 and I broke a clay on my first try.

  14. Hillary would definitely win. She’d murder the Donald and win by default. Shoot smarter, not harder, I guess.

  15. Does anyone have that link to buy the drums of brain bleach? The hilldabeast makes me need lots of it.

  16. Well, there had better be 6 of those old Black Talons n that revolver or I’m going to have to assume that it’s empty. 🙂

  17. Meh, I don’t know. I have expressed my displeasure with Mr.Trump several times in the comments section but the fact remains, he actually owns firearms and his son is a professional shooter. You would think some of it would have rubbed off or at the very least he could get coached up right before hand by a pro.

  18. If by “downed a duck,” you mean “turned it to stone with her Medussa-like stare,” I believe it. Otherwise anything and everything she says is considered complete bullshit until proven otherwise.

  19. Hey TTAG, want an idea for a fundraiser? Print that image on heavy paper and sell in packs of 50. Best “bad guy” target I’ve ever seen.

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