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Quote of the Day: Ding Dong Edition


“The NRA very rarely — if ever — agreed with Rep. McCarthy on firearm policy issues. Nonetheless, we sincerely wish her all the best in her retirement.” – NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam in Carolyn McCarthy, public face of the gun control movement, is leaving Congress [at]

56 thoughts on “Quote of the Day: Ding Dong Edition”

    • Exactly. Ms. McCarthy and her ilk voted for law enforcement officers to ruin/end my life for the “crime” of having effective tools to protect my family. Why would I wish her well?

  1. Goodbye. I’m sure no one will miss you!

    Using one’s own personal tragedy to destroy and remove other’s Rights is the greatest tragedy of them all.

  2. According to Hillary, we should try to empathize with our enemies. Sorry, but Rep. McCarthy was a one-trick pony who had no respect for our rights. Good riddance!

    • They’re my ‘enemies’ for a reason. I cannot empathize with a rapist, thus I cannot empathize with criminal politicians. I don’t agree with their evil, and I will not condone nor entertain it, period.

  3. ….Aaaand the party begins in 3,2,1…
    This is a woman who learned exactly the wrong lesson from her personal tragedy.
    As Mark Twain said, ” We should learn just what there is to learn from an experience-and no more! A cat that sits on a hot stove lid will never sit on a hot lid again. But then, she will not sit on a COLD one either!”

  4. Let me guess, she is a typical Democrat who tried to redefine the 2nd Amendment.. Sorry, but I willnot wish her well in any future endeavor. The only legal way to change the meaning of the 2nd Amendment is with another amendment, period. In my view, she is a criminal, a domestic enemy, and the only thing I wish for her is a lengthy prison sentence. (Wow, it feels good to get that out. 🙂 Too bad this lady will never read our posts.)

    • If you aren’t familiar with her, it’s really pretty great. Google “shoulder thing that goes up”. I’m fairly certain she has a single digit IQ.

  5. F her.

    At least she has the distinction of being an incompetent liar. To stand out among your peers in politics is quite an achievement.

    Her working life is over and soon her temporal life will come to an end. I still have my shoulder thing that goes up.

    On a lighter note, her group sent me a big bumper sticker with the motto ‘fight crime, stop the NRA’ …

    Sent to a Mr Molan Labe, Los Angeles CA

  6. C’mon, guys. She was a victim.

    That’s an accomplishment and it gives her insight and credibility the rest of us don’t have.

    (/sarc (in case you missed it))

  7. The article fails to mention that “gun violence” is down by about half since McCarthy took office, but not because of anything she did. Not sure why the article calls her an expert, since she was the embodiment of the clueless congressthings who don’t understand the bills they push. I know legislators don’t have time to read every bill, but when bills on their signature issue are on the floor, one would think that they’d make a token effort to understand the features they’re trying to ban.

  8. IMHO, her Congressional career is the best example of why there should be term limits. Term after term she used her personal tragedy in repeated attempts to destroy the Second Amendment. She consistently demonstrated arrogance and elitism by telling Americans millions of law abiding gun owners could not be trusted with firearms because of the actions of criminals.
    I suspect that she will use the millions of dollars she scammed from taxpayers to continue her disarmament agenda.

  9. Hopefully she chooses a quiet retirement, rather than continually working behind the scenes like Bloomberg or Morgan.

    • There are so many interesting aspects to Colin Ferguson and the LIRR shooting. So much of modern gun control is claimed to be a response to the event and so many people forget that Rudy Giuliani was partly the architect for much of the Clinton/Reno gun control push.

  10. As a former Long Islander and gun owner at the time this all occurred to her family.
    For which I can understand completely her feelings.

    Good Freaking Riddance and enjoy your unearned retirement at my expense.

  11. She lost her husband and son to Colin Ferguson, the LIRR shooter who targeted only white riders.
    Rather than address the real issues here, the widespread belief that racism was the reason for any Black failing in life, as a proper liberal she blamed the inanimate object.

  12. I wonder how many people have died or been injured because they were unable to defend themselves due to legislation and a culure war that made it difficult or impossible to own a self defense firearm. She and her ilk are directly responsible for that and she gets no sympathy or empathy from me just because her response to her own personal tragedy was to become a useful idiot for Chuck Schumer and his fellow anti civil rights criminals. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

  13. “The NRA very rarely if ever agreed with Rep. McCarthy on firearm policy issues. Nonetheless, we sincerely wish her all the best in her retirement. NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam…

    That is why I could never be a lawyer. You get paid to say stupid stuff and do immoral things.

    • That’s why I loved being a lawyer. I used to be well paid for doing things inside the courtroom that would have gotten me arrested if I did them outside the courtroom. 🙂

  14. Sounds amazingly parallel to Rhonda Fields. Except that she shows no sign of quitting and has actually done some damage.

  15. “PIERS MORGAN: I have an interview coming up with two young women who wrote a piece in which they said they wanted the rights of the AR-15 weapon at home because they feared they would be attacked and they wanted a gun that would guarantee they would murder or would kill their attacker. How do you respond to that particular argument, which is they believe under their second amendment right they should be allowed an AR-15?

    CAROLYN MCCARTHY: I will tell you, if you talk to professionals, hunters and certainly sportsmen, they’ll tell you that’s probably not the kind of gun to use. A rifle is more accurate. It’s certainly easier for a woman to be able to do that.”

  16. What the NRA was saying is “we hope that Ms. McCarthy beats cancer.” Frankly, I do too. I despise that woman, but wishing her death by cancer is seriously bad karma.

    • I don’t want her dead, I just wish she and her ilk would go away, or at the very least, leave their fellow Americans alone.

      • Yeah, me too. Unfortunately, McCarthy and her ilk never go away. Frank Lautenberg was wheeled onto the Senate floor so he could vote for all of Obama’s anti-2A legislation after Newtown. Then he died. Which was a blessing, because if he had died before the vote, he would have stunk up the Senate even more than he did when he was alive.

    • +100

      I hate cancer so much I was wishing for that bastard Hugo Chavez to beat it. I’d rather he’d been hanged or shot anyway.

    • I certainly don’t wish her death, but I could endorse a life living in a cardboard box, under a bridge eating out of dumpsters.

  17. Oh Man, Please give us readers some advance warning when we page down the articles and see that hideous face on our monitors. I almost spewed my coffee all over the keyboard in disgust. Yes, glad that it is retiring from the seat of power she held somehow. I agree that we do not wish anything bad on her in the suffering she is going through. I know the Big Guy in The Sky will deal with her in due time properly. Pleas watch your step; elevator going down.

  18. What if her husband had died of a medical mistake? What if a poorly maintained tree branch bonked him on the head? What if he died from SMOKING!!!! Would she have taken on the tobacco industry?
    Why doesn’t the national nanny and hypocrite Bloombag take on big tobacco?

    With all sincerity, good riddance. It’s just too bad she couldn’t take that Feinstein busy-body with her.

  19. It’s lloonngg past the time to be civil to these scum bag antis. Far as I’m concerned the exit of this person should be treated the same way as the death of Osama Bin Laden. If not as loudly celebrated.

    Now if we were talking about Feinstein…

  20. Don’t go away mad. Just go away already!
    Please feel free to let the door hit you on the way out!
    Good riddance to bad rubbish!
    Get out!
    Bu bye!

  21. Has anyone heard if and when Sen. Frankenstein is calling it quits? I need to practice my jig and order a cake.

  22. Someone should send her a barrel shroud as a retirement gift.

    And IMO, the fact that she has cancer is karma. Not as a magical force but she deserves it. Don’t think so? If she were made dictator of the USA tomorrow, you know all gun owners would be getting rounded up. So yes, she deserves to die because if she had her way, she would destroy the lives of others.

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